Glasgow Coma Scale

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Patient Name
Rater Name
Date Assessed

Eye Opening (E) Score

None 1 Even to supra-orbital pressure
To Pain 2 Pain stimulus is applied to chest and or limbs
To Speech 3 "Nonspecific response to speech or shouting, does not imply
that patient obeys command to open eyes"
Spontaneous 4 Eyes are open but this does not imply intact awareness

Motor Responses (M)

No Response 1 Flaccid
Extension 2 "Adduction, internal rotation of shoulder, and pronation of
the forearm."
Abnormal Flexion 3 "Abnormal flexion, adduction of the shoulder."
Withdraw 4 Normal flexor response; withdraws from pain stimulus with
abduction of the shoulder.
Localizes Pain 5 Pain stimulus applied to supra-ocular region or
fingertip causes limb to move so as to attempt to remove it.
Obeys Commands 6 Follows simple commands.

Verbal Response (V)

No Response 1 Self Explanatory
Incomprehensible 2 Moaning and groaning but no recognizable words.
Inappropriate 3 Intelligible speech but no sustained or coherent
Confused 4 "Patient responds to questions in a conversational manner,
but the responses indicate varying degrees of disorientation and confusion."
Oriented 5 "Normal orientation to time, place, and person."


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