Ketterer 2011

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Insulin sensitivity of the human brain

Caroline Ketterer a , Otto Tschritter a , Hubert Preissl b,c , Martin Heni a , Hans-Ulrich Häring a ,
Andreas Fritsche a, *
a Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetology, Angiology, Nephrology and Clinical Chemistry, Eberhard Karls
University Tübingen, Member of the German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD), Tübingen, Germany
b MEG-Center, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
c Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, USA


Keywords: The brain is an insulin sensitive organ and insulin signaling is important to regulate feeding
Brain behavior, body weight, and cognitive processes. Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues is a
Diabetes mellitus hallmark in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), yet the finding of insulin
Insulin resistance resistance in the brain is relatively novel. Studies in humans revealed that environmen-
tal factors like obesity, age, and the genetic background have an impact on central insulin
sensitivity. According to the physiological effects of insulin in the brain, disturbances of
this signaling chain lead to an impairment of cognitive functions and a deterioration of
eating behavior with a potential role in the pathogenesis of obesity and T2DM. First at-
tempts to treat insulin resistance not only in peripheral tissues but also in the CNS have
therefore come on its way: Cerebral insulin resistance can at least partially be overcome
by intranasal treatment with insulin or by commercial insulins that exhibit specific ef-
fects in the brain due to their pharmacokinetic properties. Despite the advances towards
a better understanding of insulin function in the human brain in the last years, achieving
a more profound knowledge of mechanisms behind central insulin function and identi-
fying further strategies to overcome insulin resistance must be a main goal of future re-
© 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction CNS, the hormone does not affect central glucose transport
and metabolism. However, in animal models central insulin
In contrast to earlier concepts, where the brain was thought action seems to mediate glucose metabolism in the periph-
to be an insulin insensitive organ, it is now widely accepted ery, e.g. by inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis [1]. While
that insulin action plays an important role in the central this role of insulin could have only been shown in the ani-
nervous system (CNS). Insulin receptors are expressed in mal model so far, other functions of insulin in the brain were
many areas of the brain with high concentrations in the found in humans as well.
hypothalamus, the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. Insulin serves as a feed-back signal from the periphery
Circulating insulin crosses the blood–brain barrier via an ac- to reduce appetite and is therefore involved in body weight
tive receptor-mediated transport system. Interestingly, in the regulation and eating behavior. Together with other pep-
tides like ghrelin or cholecystokinin, insulin is part of the
complex neuropeptidergic signaling network in the hypotha-
* Correspondence to: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Fritsche, Internal
lamus that regulates anabolic and catabolic balance [2]. In
Medicine IV, Medical Clinic Tübingen, Otfried-Müller-Str. 10, 72076
Tübingen, Germany. Tel.: +49 7071 2980590; fax: +49 7071 295974.
contrast to these other peptides, insulin action was addi-
E-mail address: tionally demonstrated in further brain regions besides the
(A. Fritsche). hypothalamus [3].

0168-8227/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease exhibit impaired in- stimulation (food and non food pictures) we could show, that
sulin signaling within the brain. When administering insulin food pictures increase the BOLD response compared to non-
selectively in the brains of these patients via a transnasal ap- food pictures in brain regions which are involved in food
proach, memory function was found to improve significantly. processing like the insular or the orbitofrontal cortex [9]. In
Improved memory function could also be shown in healthy another fMRI study, measurements with a comparable stim-
subjects, pointing towards effects of the hormone insulin in ulation design were performed before and after treatment
cognitive functions under physiological circumstances [4,5]. with intranasal insulin. Since peripheral insulin levels and
During the last years, intensive research on the role of in- glucose levels remain unaffected and stable when admin-
sulin in the CNS has been performed. However, most of the istering insulin intranasally, this approach allows assessing
studies have been accomplished in animal models; the role selective insulin effects in the brain. When sniffing insulin,
and mechanisms behind insulin action in the human CNS the BOLD response was significantly reduced in the presence
still raises numerous questions and is far from being eluci- of food pictures compared to placebo spray in the fusiform
dated. gyrus, cortical frontal and temporal areas, and hippocampus;
this suppressing effect of insulin was not detected when
watching non food pictures [10]. The identified brain areas
2. What are the effects of insulin in the are known to be involved in object recognition, appetite reg-
human brain? ulation, food craving and decision making.
Chronical effects of intranasal insulin were investigated
The assessment of insulin action in the human brain is chal- in a study, where insulin was administered over a period of
lenging. Available methods include electroencepahlography eight weeks. In normal-weight men, this intranasal adminis-
(EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), and functional mag- tration of the hormone lead to catabolic effects like reduced
netic resonance imaging (fMRI). Using positron emission to- body fat and waist circumference [3]. The underlying mecha-
mography (PET), it was possible to determine insulin-evoked nism was not investigated in this study. However, an altered
glucose metabolism, thus making this technique also suit- neuronal processing of food-related stimuli in the presence
able for investigations of insulin action in the human brain of acute elevations of insulin, as shown in our fMRI study,
[6]. However, by assessing glucose uptake the PET technique might be part of the mechanism that terminates food intake
mainly measures metabolic processes, rather than neuronal and thus be involved in weight regulation.
MEG allows detecting magnetic fields generated by the
electrical activity of cortical neurons. Thus, with its high 3. Is there insulin resistance in the brain?
spatial and temporal resolution, it is suitable for nonin-
vasive measurements of neuronal activity in the human The intensively studied phenomenon of insulin resistance
cerebral cortex. Using this technique we could show that in peripheral tissues is tightly linked with overweight and
stimulated as well as spontaneous cortical activity in- a hallmark in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
creases with insulin infusion compared to saline during a (T2DM). With the compelling evidence of insulin action in
hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp [7]. Beta and theta ac- the CNS, the question arises if disturbances of insulin effects
tivity were predominantly affected, showing an increase un- in the brain – similar to those seen in peripheral tissues
der the hyperinsulinemic condition. Theta activity is mainly – exist. Using MEG measurements, we compared the spon-
related to activity in the hippocampus and associated with taneous cortical activity in normal weight vs. overweight
memory performance and thus thought to be a signature subjects during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp [7].
of memory consolidation. Moreover, reduced theta activity We found that overweight subjects had no increase in the
has also been found to be associated with a loss of locomo- beta and theta band of spontaneous cortical activity dur-
tor activity and voluntary movements in rodents [8]. Hence, ing hyperinsulinemia. We furthermore found that the effects
our findings underline the role of cerebral insulin action in of insulin on cortical activity are negatively related to the
regulation of memory processes and furthermore support amount of body fat and the degree of peripheral insulin re-
the presumption of an effect of insulin action on locomotor sistance. These findings strongly point towards a cerebral
activity also in humans. insulin resistance in overweight humans. Cerebral insulin
The second frequency band affected by insulin, beta ac- resistance could be the result of various mechanisms at
tivity, is associated with increased cortical processing activ- different levels. Acute elevations of plasma insulin levels
ity. Combined with the fact that in patients with Alzheimer’s have been found to correlate with cerebro-spinal-fluid (CSF)
disease insulin therapy improved memory performance, and insulin concentrations in healthy, normal weight humans.
that in elderly individuals with T2DM cognitive function is However, in overweight humans, the ratio of CSF to plasma
impaired, our findings support the view of insulin signaling insulin seems altered – elevated plasma insulin levels due to
in the brain being of importance in cognitive function in peripheral insulin resistance are not accompanied by similar
humans. elevations in cerebral insulin levels. An impaired blood–brain
The technique of fMRI has a relatively higher spatial res- barrier could, at least in part, be responsible for reduced in-
olution compared to MEG and is able to measure metabolic sulin effects in the brain. Accordingly, in overweight man,
changes associated with neuronal activity with the blood eight weeks of intranasal insulin treatment (bypassing the
oxygen level dependent (BOLD) effect even in deep brain blood–brain barrier) lead to an improvement of declarative
structures. Using the fMRI technique combined with visual and memory functions [3]. Yet, in contrast to the effects on

body weight in normal-weight man, no reduction of body fat fects were independent of BMI, visceral fat mass and liver
occurred in overweight subjects. Therefore, disturbances of fat, thus, pointing toward NEFAS being directly linked to
insulin action, other than an altered blood–brain barrier only, cerebral insulin resistance [11].
might exist. Insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues decreases with
age. Yet, this correlation is likely to be due to body composi-
tion changes and weight gain rather than aging itself. Insulin
4. Influences on insulin signaling in the brain signaling in the brain has been shown to be involved in
(see Fig. 1) cognitive processes. Since cognitive functions decrease with
age it is therefore plausible to investigate whether there are
There are several known influences on peripheral insulin insulin effects in the brain that correlate with age but are
sensitivity including a wide range of obesity related and/or independent of BMI. We found a correlation of aging and
environmental, as well as genetic factors. Do these factors beta activity independent of body weight. In contrast, the
that influence peripheral insulin sensitivity also possess an effect of insulin on theta activity was negatively correlated
impact on cerebral insulin effects? with BMI, but not with age. These findings strongly suggest
Similar to peripheral tissues, we could establish that in- an age related decrease in beta activity, whereas peripheral
sulin effects in the CNS negatively correlate with BMI. In sensitivity and theta activity mainly depends on alterations
order to identify potential markers for cerebral insulin re- associated with obesity.
sistance, we investigated metabolic factors that are pro- It is more and more accepted that not only environmental
duced by adipose tissue, dependent of the degree of obesity. factors but also genetics play an important role in the patho-
Adiponectin, leptin, and inflammation markers which are genesis of T2DM and Obesity. The downstream insulin sig-
known to mediate peripheral insulin resistance did not show naling molecule IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate 1) is ubiq-
a correlation with insulin effects on cerebral theta activity uitously expressed in the human brain and considered as
independent of BMI or body fat in our MEG measurements. one of the genes associated with an increased risk of T2DM.
However, we found an association of saturated nonesterified With MEG measurements we were able show that during
fatty acids (NEFAS) with cerebral insulin effects. These ef- hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp insulin effects on the

Fig. 1 – Insulin signalling in the brain and its effects on neuronal function can be assessed by fMRI and MEG. This helped to
identify several factors that influence insulin action in the brain (= “cerebral insulin sensitivity”) including body weight,
age, free fatty acids and genetic factors (see left). Insulin action in the brain is thought to result in regulation of food intake,
energy expenditure and physical activity. Disturbances of insulin effects in the brain (= “the insulin resistant brain”) may
contribute to the development of obesity and T2DM.

human brain differed between carriers of polymorphisms brain functions was accompanied by a relative decrease in
in IRS-1 with insulin effects being absent in carriers of the food consumption [16]. As mentioned above, we could show
972Arg (risk) allele. It therefore seems that some of the in- in a previous study that the response to human insulin in the
sulin effects in the brain are most likely due to disturbances brain is absent in overweight subjects [7]. Intriguingly, when
in the insulin signaling cascade rather than being explained performing the clamp experiment with insulin detemir, the
by an impairment of the blood–brain barrier only. insulin effect on cerebral beta activity during MEG was com-
In genome-wide association studies, FTO has been iden- parable to the effect of human insulin in lean subjects [17].
tified as an obesity risk gene. Variants in the FTO gene are Since in the study peripheral effects were even lower, brain
suspected to cause a deterioration of body weight regulation specific effects of insulin detemir can be assumed. These
early in life, though the mechanisms behind this impact on stronger effects of insulin detemir in the brain, overcoming
body weight are not clear. FTO is expressed in several human cerebral insulin resistance, might therefore account for its
tissues, including the brain, with high expression in the hy- positive effects on weight gain during insulin therapy.
pothalamus. In our MEG studies, the response to insulin in
the brain was reduced in carriers of the risk allele of the FTO
gene, pointing towards a cerebral insulin resistance in these 6. Conclusion
subjects. We were able to show that increased body weight
in carriers of the risk allele of FTO gene is a consequence of After intensive research for the last couple of years, it is
increased food intake, rather than impaired energy expen- now commonly accepted that there are insulin effects in
diture [12]. Thus, a cerebral insulin resistance in carriers of the brain. Since the possibilities to asses insulin function
the risk allele with a resulting potential impact on eating in the human brain are limited, a lot of the data on cere-
behavior, might be involved in the effects of these variants bral insulin signaling derive from animal studies. By using
on body weight [13]. EEG, MEG, PET and fMRI, however, many of the findings of
studies in animal models could be confirmed in humans.
Cerebral insulin signaling is important for body weight reg-
5. Can cerebral insulin resistance be ulation, eating behavior and involved in cognitive processes
overcome? and memory function. While it has no effect on cerebral
glucose fluxes, cerebral insulin action might have an impact
Given the numerous effects of insulin in the CNS and the po- on peripheral glucose homeostasis. The finding of a cerebral
tentially extensive impact on health if physiological insulin insulin resistance in humans, with its potential implications
signaling in the brain is disturbed, it is crucial to develop for the pathogenesis of public health problems like obe-
strategies to overcome insulin resistance in the brain. Some sity and T2DM renders a special importance to understand
therapeutical approaches already exist. Insulin sensitizers mechanisms behind insulin effects in the human brain, and
like the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma to identify strategies to overcome central insulin resistance.
agonist rosiglitazone, for example, might exert its enhancing Many more studies in humans will need to be accomplished
effects on insulin sensitivity not only in the periphery but in order to answer these open questions; however, the ques-
also in the CNS. Accordingly, an improved memory function tion whether insulin signaling in the human brain is of great
in patients with Alzheimer’s disease was observed under importance, has clearly found its answer.
treatment with rosiglitazone [14]. In order to bypass the
blood–brain barrier, intranasal administration of insulin has
also been shown to influence at least some of the cerebral Acknowledgement
functions affected by insulin signaling: it helped to improve
cognitive functions, but was ineffective in reducing body This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
weight in obese subjects. Insulin analogs have been designed meinschaft (KFO 114Fr1561/3-3), and by the “Competence
to mimic physiological insulin secretion patterns in the ther- Network for Adiposity” (FKZ: 01G10837 and 01G10849) and
apy of diabetes mellitus. These insulins might be able to the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD e.V.), both
achieve positive effects on insulin signaling in the brain, as funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
they can be designed not only to reach the brain in larger Research (BMBF).
amounts, but also to specifically target insulin receptors in
the brain. For example, intranasal administration of the
rapid acting analog insulin aspart, resulted in stronger ef- Conflict of interest
fects on memory improvement than regular human insulin.
Insulin is commonly known to contribute to weight gain The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest
during therapy. However, when treating patients with in- concerning this paper.
sulin detemir, a long-acting insulin analog, they gain signifi-
cantly less, or even lose weight, compared to those that were
treated with NPH insulin [15]. Recently, Hallschmidt et al. references
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