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Faith and worship door (A) Faiths (1) Belief in destiny Learning outcomes After reading this book,

students will be able to: Know the meaning of Angir. Only I can understand that the rejection of the
murid and Qadaw Qadr is an example of the teachings of the spring of Islam. Understand the
concept, importance and types of criticism. Not knowing the relationship between speech and
speech. Beliefs in building character can quench the effects of depression. Or they can become
prayer organizers by speaking faithfully. By making the spirit of fate bound to me, I can rely on Allah
Almighty and be content with His pleasure and distribution. gram Write By removing Allah's
prohibitions found in destiny, one can know that man is responsible for his own actions and
decisions. don't The literal meaning of destiny is "to set and determine". Whatever happens in the
world is according to the will of Allah Ta'ala and His knowledge is temporal. Performed according to
Believing in the same thing is called belief in destiny. Belief in predestination is one of the basic
beliefs of Islam and denying it is tantamount to denying the basic teachings of Islam. Belief in destiny
is an important part of faith. The Holy Prophet Khalid Al-Mulla Allah Ala Ala Al-Alan said: And you
believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers and the Last Day and you believe in
His destiny, good and evil, but Bill (695) Translation: Faith is that you believe in Allah, in His angels, in
His On His Books, on His Messengers, on the Last Day and the good Believe in bad destiny. Allah
Ta'ala first created the pen and then wrote down the destiny of everything that will come until the
Day of Judgment. Nabi Kareem Al-Ila-Ila-Ila-Alan said, "Allah the Almighty made the speech of the
universe simple and written fifty (50) thousand years before the reality of the earth." G. Muslim:
2015 Ali Al-Tahweelil Types of Destiny 1 Destiny Obscured Destiny Suspended Destiny Obscure refers
to the destiny that is the final decision of Allah Almighty which is written on the safe tablet by the
order of Allah Almighty and it is not changed.
Destiny is changed by a person's good deeds and prayers. The Almighty says: Yamhuwa Allah ma
yashaa wa yushbit wa aindah ana Kitub (Shur al-Zalaam: 39). In the same way, the Holy Prophet Hafiz
al-Sharq says: Only supplication can avert judgment. (Jami’ Tarandi (2139)) Translation: Dua averts
destiny. It is said in the blessed hadith that by being kind and benevolent to one's relatives,
sustenance and longevity increase. (Sahih Muslim: 2557) There is a clear difference between
planning and fate. Adopting external means to achieve the goal is a strategy and all the actions that
take place in the world belong to Allah To be subject to desire is destiny. Along with believing in fate,
we should also adopt strategy in our affairs and actions. We are obliged to take a plan from Allah
Ta'ala. We should make a plan and leave the matter to Allah Ta'ala. As the saying of Rabbani:
Translation: So soon you will remember (the things) that I am saying to you and I refer my matter to
Allah. (Surah Al-Qafir: 44)! We should organize good deeds and supplications to improve our affairs
and get out of difficulties and then hope for improvement from Allah Almighty. Due to the ignorance
of these teachings about destiny, some people fall into doubts about destiny. A group in history
denied fate and called man absolutely independent and believed that the end of actions and matters
is in the complete control of man and divine destiny has no interference in it, these people are called
Qadriya. On the other hand, the other group declared that man is completely forced, according to
them, man cannot do anything by himself. The way of moderation in this discussion of fate and
planning is that Allah has made every human being free to try and take planning. of man He has no
choice but to take measures in the light of wisdom and experience to accomplish the affairs of this
world, but the success of the plan depends on the permission and wisdom of Allah Almighty. Man is
obliged to plan, but his trust should be on Allah rather than his own plan. Belief in destiny does not
mean that man is powerless in all matters of life and he has no authority over good or evil. Allah
Ta'ala lived in the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah Man has been given freedom of action and
intention. Every person is independent in his actions, he performs good or bad actions according to
his will. Belief in predestination builds human personality, man's trust in Allah Almighty is
strengthened, man makes his own efforts avoiding pride and pride and leaves the result to Allah
Almighty. Belief in destiny is actually a great weapon for the believer so that he does not suffer any
kind of hopelessness and despair, even in the most difficult situations, he does not lose patience and
patience because he believes that what is in this world Something is happening, God Almighty
According to the decision of

hereafter. It is the best source.

Choose the correct answer. -1 "" Destiny literally means: (1) His beauty to decide (1) Gurugana (11)
types of destiny are: (1) (c) Multiplies (b) Closing (1) one (c) How many thousand years before Taman
was written on the word? (b) was (1) Four Allah created the heavens and the earth (in) Forty (1) (b)
Forty-five (1) Childhood (c) Fifty (iv) Allah first created: To the soil (b) To the pen (c) to light (1) To the
tree (7) Can defy fate. (1) Give short answers. (b) Reputation (c) called (1) Front -2 (1) (ii) Basics of the
last symptoms Explain the meaning of destiny.
(11) Write any two effects of faith and fate on character building. Write a blessed hadith about fate.
(iv) What is the difference between fate and destiny? (1) Write the types of destiny. And distinguish
them. Answer in detail. (1) Write a detailed note on the belief in predestination?

Believe in hereafter.

(2) Belief in the Hereafter Learning outcomes After reading this cell, students will be able to: To know
the meaning and significance of "Akhirat". To understand the concept and importance of belief in the
Hereafter. Hauz Kausar can learn about the power of Rasool Kareem and wealth and location of
Mahmood. Be able to understand the stages of calculation of balances and actions. I understand that
the denial of the belief in the hereafter is against the basic spirit of the religion of Islam. By
understanding the concept of reward and punishment and heaven and hell, you can strengthen your
faith in it. Belief in understanding the spirit of the hereafter and being able to live your life
accordingly. Be able to examine the psychological, social, individual and collective effects of belief in
the Hereafter in character building. The literal meaning of "Akhirat" is something that comes after.
The term refers to the life after death which will not end. Belief in the Hereafter is one of the basic
beliefs of faith. The time has come, the Almighty has said: And in the Hereafter, they are righteous
(Surah Al-Baqarah). They believe in Zen and the hereafter. The grave is the first destination of the
Hereafter. The angels in the grave question the person, who are called Mankar Nakir. When the Day
of Judgment is established, all human beings will be brought back to life by the command of Allah
Ta'ala, then they will never die. The success of this eternal life will be based on the deeds done in this
world. It is as if this world is a temporary abode, where we are sent to prepare for the hereafter.
Whoever among us does good deeds in this world and lives according to the commandments of Allah
Almighty will be rewarded with many rewards on the Day of Judgment. One of these rewards is
watered with a cistern by the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, during
the terrible heat and thirst of the Day of Judgment. is the name of the reservoir of Paradise, which
will be given to the Holy Prophet and his ummah, and the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) will be
watered from it. The good news has been given to the lucky ones who are irrigated from the Kausar
tank that those who drink water from this tank will be lucky. the prophet Akram used to announce to
his companions that they would be irrigated by the water of Kausar and the believers. In the same
way, in the Hereafter, Allah has promised the Holy Prophet to give him the place of praise.
Is. All human beings will gather in Mahshar, this stage will be a source of great hardship and trouble
for all. Ahlul Mahshar will turn to Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Isa (peace
be upon him) for intercession in the face of adversity. When a request is made to the Prophet (peace
be upon him), he will say that I am the right person for this position, then the intercession will be
granted to you. The reckoning will begin with your intercession. This honor of interceding given to
the Prophet will be adopted. On the recommendation of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him),
Allah will start the reckoning, for which there will be an appointment. Allah says: (1) in) (1) (4) (1) ‫َو َن ُآ‬
)1( 2- ‫ المَو ازيَن اْلُقسَت ليوِم اْلِقّيَمِة َفاَل توزُلُم نفٌس شيــــــــــــــــــــــــــِة‬On the Day of Resurrection, a bridge will be
erected over Hell, which is called "Jasr Jahnm" in the blessed hadith, meaning "the bridge of Hell".
Every human being passes over the first path. People will cross this bridge according to their deeds.
The person who was hasty in doing good deeds in this world will pass this bridge immediately, and
the person who delays doing good deeds in this world, his evil deeds will be more and if Allah does
not forgive those evil deeds, then he Crossing this bridge will fall into hell. Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) will be given the honor of being the first to cross this bridge. Belief in the Hereafter has the
following effects on a person's life. They are: Belief in the Hereafter creates passion for good and
hatred for evil. Belief in the hereafter creates a sense of responsibility in man. A person who has faith
in the Hereafter takes care of his duties and the rights of others. (1) Due to belief in this faith, praise
and morals are born in a person and his character is built. Belief in the hereafter, the desire to meet
Allah creates the spirit of worship in man. The hereafter is true, Allah has given us the life of this
world so that we can improve our life in the hereafter, so we should prepare for the hereafter
through good deeds in this world so that we can be successful in this world and the hereafter. .

. Choose the correct answer

. -1 (1) Hereafter refers to: (1) Subsequent (b) Ending (c) Recurring (1) Pre-mortem (1) The name of
the reservoir of the giants is: (B) Mahmoud % (0) (c) Firdaus (1) Naeem
(iii) The honor of intercession given to you in the state of the Holy Prophet is called: (c) Lawa al-Hamd
E and K (1) eternal miracle (b) Kausar (1) Maqam Mahmud (iv) On the Day of Judgement, deeds will
be weighed: Who will be (1) (b) Bridge (c) scales (1) Tent Ali is: The flag (۷) A person who believes in
the Hereafter lives: (1) With responsibility (b) With passion (c) With inquisitiveness (1) With
fascination Give a short answer. -2 Bridge What is meant by belief in the hereafter? (i) Re pass Write
a translation of a blessed verse about the belief in the Hereafter (11) would do (11) Narrate a blessed
hadith about the belief in the Hereafter. (iv) What do you know about Hauz Kausar? (7) Lesson What
is the lesson for us in the hereafter? Belief in the hereafter will mean 2 sentences Answer in detail. -3
(1) Explain the belief in the hereafter and what to do on its night in the

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