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(b) Islamic Brotherhood and Alliance

Learning outcomes

After reading this lesson, students will be able to:

To know the meaning of Islamic brotherhood and kindness.

To understand the need and importance of Islamic brotherhood and alliance. To be aware of the
need and importance of unity for the elimination of sectarianism in modern times. To be aware of
the need and importance of an alliance to solve the problems of the Muslim Ummah.

To evaluate the effectiveness of unity to solve the problems of the Muslim Ummah.

In the light of the global Islamic brotherhood, we can express unity for the solution of the problems
of the Muslim Ummah, for example, Kashmir, Palestine, etc.

At present, it can generate passion to play its role for unity at every level.

Ali of brotherhood belongs to brotherhood. All the Muslims of the world are related to the Islamic
brotherhood, which is based on goodwill. It is built. It means to be one. Unity means that a nation
is united on the basis of faith and ideology. All Muslims are one nation based on belief and ideology
that the unity of Muslims is based on Islamic beliefs and ideas. Value Islamia is an Ummah and all its
members are brothers to each other. Allah says.

‫( ِإَّنَم ا اْلْمْم ْم ُنوَن إْخ َو ٌة‬Surah Hujarat: 10)

"Indeed, all believers are brothers.

At the same time, Allah Almighty has forbidden Muslims from fighting among themselves.

And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not quarrel, so you will become many, and you will be
reduced and your wind will be scattered. He strongly emphasized the unity of the Islamic nation, aap
ap lon al-ala, he referred to the Islamic brotherhood and alliance.

He said: All Muslims are like one body in mutual love and compassion. "'s turn: 566)

In another hadith Mubarak said:

The Muslims are the brothers of the Muslims (Hawari: 2442)

Translation: A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. )

The importance of Islamic brotherhood and alliance is clear from the teachings of Quran and Hadith.
The unity of the Islamic nation is the burden of all the problems of the Muslim nation

is guaranteed. The unity of Muslims creates feelings of sympathy and benevolence among Muslims,
which gives rise to feelings of cooperation among Muslims and helps to solve the problems of the
Muslim Ummah. If we want to deal with and solve the problems faced by Muslims today, then the
secret lies in the unity of the Muslim Ummah and the elimination of sectarianism.
Is. That is why Allah Almighty has advised the Muslims to agree and unite and to avoid sectarianism.

Allah says:

And hold fast to the rope of God, and do not divide.

(Surah Al-Imran: 103)

Translation: And all of you together hold fast to the rulership of Allah and do not divide

In modern times

Kashmir, Palestine and wherever Muslims are facing problems and difficulties, all these problems
and difficulties

He fought with great courage

can go. Islam has brought us together as Muslims in every field of life. Our progress and prosperity
depend on our unity. We should be united among ourselves and not support such slogans that
divide the Utha Valley. Let us all Muslims love each other and end sectarianism, factionalism and
bigotry together. In it lies our survival and security.


Choose the correct answer:


The Islamic Brotherhood refers to:

(A)Islamic brotherhood
(b) Islamic system
(C)Islamic discipline
(D)Islamic government

(11) All believers are declared in the Qur'an and Hadith:

(A) kind
(b) Brother
(D)well wisher

(1) All the believers are declared in the blessed hadith:

(A)Like a body
(b) Like a tree
(c) Like a mountain
(D)Like a rock

Muslims are said to be united on the basis of belief and ideology

A: Unity
(b) Justice and fairness
(C) tolerance
(7) To eliminate sectarianism, Muslims must adopt:
(A)) To thrift
(C ) Patience and
(D) To the alliance

(1) What is meant by the Islamic Brotherhood?

Write a translation of a verse on the importance of alliance.
Write a blessed hadith on the importance of Islamic brotherhood
.) What role should we play to solve the problems of the Muslim Ummah?

What example of mutual unity of Muslims is given in Hadith Mubarak?

Give a detailed answer. 1) Write a detailed essay on Islamic Brotherhood and National Unity in the
light of Quran and Hadith

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