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(3) Battle to the death Learning outcomes After reading this lesson, students will be able to: Learn

about the background and causes of battle deaths. To understand about the events and miracles of
Maraka Mota. Hazrat Jafar Tayyar, Hazrat Abdullah Min Rawahha and Hazrat Zayd bin Harith Bani Al-
Mu'taali were able to learn about the bravery and martyrdom of the declaration. Hazrat Khalid Bin
Waleed Budi could be aware of the title Saifullah, character and military strategy on the occasion of
the death of Imam Ta'ala Anhu. Be able to evaluate the results and effects of combat deaths. To
examine the military and political advantages gained by the Muslims due to the battle. It happened
at the place of death in eight (8) Hijri. The reason for this was that the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, or he sent Hazrat Harith bin Umayr, may God be pleased with him, to the king
of Bhari with his blessed letter. He killed them without caring. When this tragic news reached Nabi
Karim Khan Al-Iyun Ali in Medina, he sent an army to Muta to suppress this rebellious ruler. Nabi
Akram Khan Alina Ya Allah made Hazrat Zayd bin Haritha the commander of this army and also
emphasized that if Zayd Ravi had taken him out, he should be martyred, then Jafar bin Abi Talib Ravi
was the commander of the army. If they are also martyred, then Abdullah bin Rawaha will also
become the commander of the army of Allah Almighty. Hazrat Zayd bin Haritha, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, left for Mota with an army of three thousand. The Muslims reached the land of
Syria and camped at Mota. On the other hand, Caesar Rome also reached the area of Balqa with a
huge army consisting of one hundred thousand soldiers, where the Arab Christian tribes also joined
the Romans with an army of one hundred thousand. It was a time of great trial for the Muslims, but
the passionate speech of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Rawaha Runi Alma Ta'ala Anhu breathed a new spirit
into the Muslims and their morale was so high that despite being small in number, they fought
against the Romans. Fear and danger jumped into the battlefield. Hazrat Zayd bin Haritha continued
to lead the Muslims by holding the flag of the Islamic Accord and fought with the enemies of Islam
with great enthusiasm. He was martyred while doing Jihad. After the martyrdom of Hazrat Zayd bin
Haritha, Hazrat Jafar bin Abi Talib took the oath of Islam and started showing the essence of his
fighting skills. In the battlefield, one of your hands was suddenly cut off by the enemy's attack, you
also held the weapon in your other hand and were martyred while defending yourself against Islam.
In this battle, you also inflicted about ninety (90) atrocities on the body of Allah Ta'ala Anhu. After
Allah Ta'ala Anhu, the Islamic flag was taken over by Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha Radi Allahu Alai
Anhu according to the order of the Holy Prophet Hail al-Bayt Ali Umid. Ravi-i-Ali recited poems to
raise the morale of the Muslims and at the same time used to attack the enemies. You are the
martyrdom of Ravi An Taala Anhu Later, the Muslims unanimously made Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
Rawi Alan their Amir. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed was also very skilled in his war strategy and had the
qualities of a great general. In this battle, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Ravi believes that he fought with
such courage that nine (9) swords were broken by his wife's hand. It was he who, under his military
command, changed the formation and the eyes of the Mujahideen twice, and placed the
Mujahideen fighting on the left side and moved those on the left side to the right, thus fighting
forward. Forwarded money to those who brought it and those who brought it back. This strategy of
Allah Ta'ala Anhu was very useful and gradually the morale of the Roman army began to decline. The
army started to form behind and Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed took the Islamic army safely to the foot of
a mountain. On the one hand, the Muslims were fighting against the Romans at the place of Mu'ta,
and they were fighting them with young men, on the other hand, in Madinah, the Prophet and his
Companions were also telling their knowledge and the circumstances of the battle of Mu'ta. were On
the authority of Hazrat Anas bin Malik, Ali Anhu says that before the news of victory came, Nabi
Karim Khan Ami had informed him through the revelation of Allah. Aap Khand Ali aaa said: Yazid took
hold of Cham, and he was martyred, then he was taken by Jafar, he was also martyred, then Ibn
Rawaha held him and he too was martyred. Narrating that they have been drunk, the eyes of Khalid
Lui Ali became tearful, now the flag has been caught by one of the swords of Allah, even though
Allah has exalted the Muslims with victory and victory. (Masih Bukhari: 4262) Twelve (12) Muslims
were martyred in this battle. When Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed, may God bless him and grant him
peace, arrived safely in Madinah with the Islamic army, he did not A grand reception was given. The
Battle of Muta greatly enhanced the prestige of the Muslims. Muslims with a very small number
would fearlessly jump into the battlefield against an enemy many times bigger than themselves, and
fighting the enemy bravely for seven days was a testimony of victory and victory. In this battle, Hazrat
Khalid bin Waleed's real Indian bravery and military skills were expressed. After this battle, Hazrat
Khalid bin Waleed Ali al-Muttaali Anhu got the title Saifullah, which means Sword of Allah. On the
martyrdom of Hazrat Jafar bin Abi Talib in this war, the Prophet encouraged his family and said, "I
saw Jafar flying in heaven after his martyrdom." After that he was called Jafar Tayar. This was because
the Muslims were the first power that defeated the Romans The most important thing in the results
of the Battle of Muta is that the Romans were terrified and cowed, and thus the military power of
Islam settled in Syria and the surrounding areas.

Find the correct answer. (1) (1) In eight Hijri In the Seven Ahri (c) I was born (B) The water is cloudy
(1) (11) In the month of battle, Muslims were the first salar! Hazrat Khaled bin Waleed, may God
Almighty know (B) (1) Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawah, in the name of God Almighty Hazrat Zayd bin Hara,
may God Almighty bless him () (pbuh) Hazrat and command of the plane after Allah Almighty Allah
(1) Eid is the act of Allah? Obedience to Allah (1) Allah's gift (c) (b) Allah Ki Reza (1) Sword of Allah
The swords returned from the hands of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (۱) : 4 if (1) Eight (1) (c) (B) SAT
There was a number of Islamic thinkers in the Battle of Mulat. (۱) (1) Three thousand (b) Put a panga
(1) (c) ten thousand Brar powder (1) I. The cause of death in the battle "B. Karim Khan Al-Email
appointed which three companions of the Prophet and Alaihi Anhum as commanders of the army in
the battle of death? (ii) What was the strategy adopted by Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed and Ali Ilah Al Ali
Anhu in the Battle of Muta? (iii) (iv) Which miracle of Kareem ilaha ila ila Islam was revealed in
relation to the help of the battle? Mill (۷) Write a friendly letter to Malala. Answer in detail. Write the
incidents of bravery and martyrdom of the commanders of the Islamic army in the Battle of Mota. (1)

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