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Instruction for setting up Webdriverio

1.Navigate to the link and download Nodejs in your machine. Then set it up.
Link :
2. Navigate to the link and download VS Code
Link :
After clicking on download,
 Accept the agree to terms
 Give the location, where it does want to save
 In ‘Select Additional tasks’, check ‘Create Desktop icon’
 Click on Next and install sequentially

3. Open VS Code, Install ‘Prettier Code Formatter’ & ‘Material Icon Theme’, ‘Javascript(ES 6 )
Code Snippets’.
4. Goto >settings.json in VS Code and paste the
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
For brack-pair coloring.
5. Create a new folder in say Desktop location.
6.Open the folder via VS Code.
7. In terminal, enter ‘npm init’- Package.json setup
8. WDIO Setup - In the terminal enter npm init wdio .(‘dot’ is necessary)
9. In the question enter
 On my local machine
 Mocha
 Babel
 Test spec location
 ‘Yes’, I want some example auto-generated files
 ‘No’
 Spec
 Wait-for
 Service is Chromedriver
 Give the base url
 Yes for the npm install

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