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a Staff Requisition . ‘in applicable box Division [ checkersltie E capa | Freshnark ‘cans ead Oe Hition METS Natal Noro OFSIN Gane) ‘OK Fur Properties Usa W cape country Angola tae Ghana nia Tasaina | Nacogaaesr H Mauris Hozaniigue Nigeria RSA ET Sv ae “Tangaria ‘Uganda Zambia Zinbaowe Job typo (FukTime{—[—] [Vawtime —T] [Fed Term To] iad Tem tnend I Reason [ Disalsval masa ‘atari ave Matemiy eave ovended Death sath ‘CCMA/ArBivaion pandin. CCMAIAraion pending Resignalk ssignaton ‘SiguAnnual Leave Sio/Amnal Leave Tea ‘airing Dismissal Probation exiend “Transfer | ranster Death zB raining prod extend Rerement | etremert signaton Refurb nol completed ‘Absconde! Seconded Training No recrutment one Naw Pos ‘ew Poston Transfer Gancidale nol found Vacant = Retirement No rained candidate | ‘Abssonded Refurbishment ‘Division / HO Dept *. [Perea ttfixos)_[- J [ peer] Branch Neme SC Sen Folate Erte Branch No ose ‘Depariment Fok & * postion SOE) (Ferzonto be replaced [BpPosne. [ZOUsBSS ~—] tess _ needed on Fro ® Gx] - Reason why tis poelion cannot be absorbed within fxieling structure Motivation for new position Lor rg * PRODUCTIVITY HEADCOUNT [Tadao Target Faas t Customers per FTE, ems por FTE: aby in lv ‘Salaries % sales Requested by Checked by Recommended b} Authorised by Pro iuctivity Manager Date Authorisation No Staff Requisition ~ Vin applicable bax — Division Dist. inte E cape | Freshimark ‘Gauteng Head Office MEDI 0 here Natal Noten OFSIN Cape Og Fu ‘OK Fisch | —] Properties Use Wi Cape country i Bata @ Saat Chane Tr Tasoiie Madagacbar Haine Naw Mozembique | Nema Nigeria Swern “Tersaria Uganda Zambia Zmbabne Job Type os T] (te) rete I fetemeend I Reason [Dibmieal Danaea Mateniyieare ery ave eed iat Dai CoMAArbiraton pends iniraion ponding 7 = sigeaen SiegAnnual Loave idAonul Leave “Ten ining. Diamiseal ion extend fer ~ ner Death ing period eend meh = irement Resigns urs ot competed © -sconded_ rainic 'N@ recruitment done: ‘New Poshion Sabet Te] Tanta ‘Gencidete not found Ratrereat Taine candi re | “‘Absconded ofuriahrest Dison HO Dapt (Perea tied) % Branch None Retna p ‘Branch Ne CaADSS a Sepa Font pa ‘ Position Casher [Person tobe: SAP PosNo, [DOCOMDS 1 | (este A_toeet ich kore cel Mewheny Mewy cr Reason : Reasonnty ih | [wnclucier| Enel Only at Coane tsorbee within xing suc [Open posinon Motivation for new positon PRODUCTIVITY [aang ae Aaa Customers per FTE Ses This position items pee FTE 144 Pemenenis | 3p Sales per FTE ee Faedtemen | 2 &. Sales porheeddout TOTAL T vai Saree Requested by col wee colalsa ‘TBranch/De sarthent Manager Date Checked by (at WS. 12. 2022 | ‘Regional ' ersonnel Manager Date Recommend By Divisional “ersonnel Manager Date | ‘Authorised by ‘Prod. tivity Manager ‘Date Authorisation No L3, Pore - Stat Reason Dee Staff Requisition _ i Vin applicable box Diviion "| Chectortiyg TT Dit. Sane TF Gap Fresimare Sauiong Feed Offs Filer MED! Sto MihianaTs Natal Nerhert OFSIN Cape ‘OK Fur ‘OR neh Proper USeve W Cape country Bate [Thana ira esate Masogascar als Maurtor Mozambique | Namibia a wa Seeing —|- — [es oa ie es ‘ote (iets) acti) Cte Ts (fiedtemexend li Reason [Dizisaal smssar aby ones aerniy eave aterded —|— Death om ‘COMMAritaton porn CCMAbiaton pending Resignation signa SiadAnnval Leave ‘Sleanfusl Leave raining sing Probation extend Transter ons |"Tanng ped extend ———— Ratremeat 7 eorent Refurb not competed ‘Abaconced * seonded Tr No receutment dona ‘New Posilon 1 Poston Tran Cantatore found Vacant Retrbment No rained canals Absc Fefubishent Division 7 HO Dept AACN Cafe, Period (fixed) Je | ‘Branch Name ISihes LOPS, Branch No. Ose Department 2 4 Posi oR Wer Z * [Person to’be replaced ] [SAP Phe ne. fOety que easier ce RS Reason wiy tis t Poston camot be absorbed witin fing structure L®atg ave iS eo FR ate Motivation for ‘new positon Prooucniviry ating vaua Customers per FTE 926 = Ol This position toms por FTE S390 [= age Pormdnents ‘Sales por FTE Wu] 324 1's Fixed] Seles per headcount at Tow Salaries % sates 19h washes BMcseCame- os fiz! a4 Branct ment Manager Date Checked by et OSA ORS Regional rscanel Manager Date Reconepeneaaey et | = Divisional Pers: nnel Manager Date Authorised by rarager Date - ‘Authorisation No Personnel - Staff Requiston Doo-05

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