Terminology Final

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ABDUCTION- is meant the taking away of a woman from her house or the place where
she may be for the purpose of carrying her to another place with intent to marry or to
corrupt her.
2. ABERRATIO ICTUS- mistake in the blow

4. Abuse General term for physical or mental mistreatment.

5. ACCESSORY BEFORE THE FACT A person who solicits or knowingly assists another person in
the commission of a crime, often the only person not actually present at the time of the
criminal act.

6. ACCESSORY TO A CRIME A person involved in a crime, prior to or subsequent to its

commission, but not present during its commission.

7. ACCIDENT- any happening beyond control of persons, consequences of which are not

9. ACCOMPLICE A person who in some way knowingly plays a role in the perpetration of a

10. ACCUMULATED SPECULATIVELY A material is accumulated speculatively if it is accumulated

before being recycled.

11. ACCUMULATION AREA As related to hazardous waste, an area located at or near the point
of manufacture or other activity where the generation of hazardous waste initially occurs
and the accumulation is done in accordance with the requirements of section 372.2(a)(8)(i)
of this Title. (6-1A NYCRR § 370.2(2»

12. Accused –

13. Achromatic Lens

14. ACID DEPOSITION The wet or dry deposition from the atmosphere of chemical compounds,
usually in the form of rain or snow, having the potential to form an aqueous compound with
a Ph level lower than the level considered normal under natural conditions or lower than

15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONSENT (See EPA Acknowledgement of Consent). ACQUITTAL A

judgment of a court, based either on the verdict of a jury or a judicial officer; that the
defendant is not guilty of the offense(s) for which slhe has been tried. Conviction and
dismissal are other possible adjudications (criminal). A not guilty verdict must be accepted
by the court in its judgment, and thus must result in an acquittal.


18. ACQUITTAL- a jury verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty or the finding of a judge
that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction.

19. ACQUITTAL- a jury verdict that a criminal defendant is not guilty or the finding of a
judge that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction.
20. ACT- any bodily movement tending to produce some effect in the external world.

21. ACT- any bodily movement tending to produce some effect in the external world.
22. ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS A biological sewage treatment process in which a mixture of
sewage and activated sludge is agitated and aerated. It is intended to include the modified
forms of this process and also the so-called package plants which make use of such
modifications. (6~2A NYCRR § 650.1)

23. ACTIVE AGGRESSIVE CRIMINAL - Those who commit crime in an impulsive manner usually
due to the aggressive behavior of the offender.

24. ACTIVE CONCEALMENT, acting in a manner that is intended to conceal the truth.

25. ACTIVE INGREDIENT (a) In the case of a pesticide other than a plant regulator, defoliant or
desiccant, an ingredient which will prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate insects, fungi,
rodents, weeds, or other pests; (b) In the case of a plant regulator, an ingredient which,
through physiological action, will accelerate or. ret lrd the rate of maturation or otherwise
alter the behavior of ornamental or crop plants or their produce; (c) In the case of a
defoliant, an ingredient which will cause leaves or foliage to drop from a plant; (d) In the
case of a desiccant, an ingredient whi~h will artificially accelerate the drying of plant tissue.
(ECL § 33-0101(1» 2 1

26. ACTIVE LIFE (1.) In reference to a hazardous waste management facility, the active life of a
facility means the period of time starting from the initial receipt of hazardous waste at the
facility until the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation receives
certification of final closure. (6-1A NYCRR § 370.2(4)); (II.) In reference to a solid waste
management facility, that period of time during which solid waste is or will be routinely and
regularly received. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(3))

27. ACTIVE PORTION That portion of a solid waste management facility where treatment,
storage, or disposal operations are being or have been conducted and which is not an
inactive or closed portion. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(4))

28. Actual Fraud: A concealment or false representation through a statement or conduct that
injures another who relies on it in acting.

29. ACTUARIAL - This role involves usage of statistics in order to inform a case

30. actus reus

31. ACTUS REUS - Sometimes called the external element of a crime.

32. ACUTE CRIMINAL - Refers to a person who violates criminal law because of the impulse of
the moment, fit of passion or anger or spell of extreme jealousy.
33. ACUTE HAZARDOUS WASTE See Waste, Acute Hazardous.

34. Ada juke - Mother of criminals.


36. ADJUDICATION (CRIMINAL) The judicial decision terminating a criminal proceeding by a

judgment of conviction or acquittal, or a dismissal of the case.

37. adjunct

38. administrative law

39. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Body of law created by administrative agencies in the form of rules,
regulations, orders and decisions. An example of administrative law is the New York Codes,
Rules and Regulations.

40. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE (AU) The hearing officer duly designated by the commissioner
as his/her representative for the purpose of conducting a hearing and making a report based
on the record. (6-1A NYCRR § 375.2(b))

41. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING A hearing that takes place outside of a court of law but
within the agency of authority, and presided over by an administrative law judge in a court
of law.

42. ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDY A legal remedy that is sought by placing ones grievance before
the administrating agency, prior to the case being taken into court.


44. ADMISSION – an acknowledgment of facts

45. ADMISSION – an acknowledgment of facts

46. Admission – Any statement of fact made by a party which is against his interest or
unfavorable to the conclusion for which he contends or inconsistent with the facts alleged
by him. OR an acknowledgment of facts

47. adolphe quetelet

48. ADULTERY- adultery is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse
with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her, knowing her
to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void.

49. ADULTERY- adultery is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual
intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her,
knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void.
50. ADVISORY - A psychologist may advise police about how to proceed with the investigation.

52. AFIS – Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is a biometric identification (ID)
methodology that uses digital imaging technology to obtain, store, and analyze fingerprint

53. AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT - A social movement that arose during the 18th century on that
built upon ideas like empiricism, rationality, free will, humanism and natural law.

54. AGENT Any director, officer or. employee of a corporation, or any other person who is
authorized to act in behalf of the corporation. (See also high managerial agent) (Penal Law,
Sect. 20.20)

55. Aggravated Assault: Criminal assault accompanied by circumstances that make it more
severe, such as the use of a deadly weapon, the intent to commit another crime, or the
intent to cause serious bodily harm.

56. AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those which, if attendant in the commission of the
crime, serve to increase the penalty without, however, exceeding the maximum of the
penalty provided by law for the offense.

57. AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those which, if attendant in the commission

of the crime, serve to increase the penalty without, however, exceeding the maximum of
the penalty provided by law for the offense.
58. AGGREGATE WEIGHT Courts have held that aggregate weight would mean that a prosecutor
could consider as one crime a series of disposals of small amounts of hazardous wastes
which were conducted pursuant to a single common intent and one general plan and then
use this accumulated weight in order to reach felony weight requirements, People v. Roth,
121 A.D. 2d 576, 503 N.Y.S.2d 627, (Suffolk Co. 1986), appeal denied, 68 N.Y.2d 773, 506
N.Y.S.2d 1057 (1986). 3

59. aggressive behavior

60. AGREEMENT STATE Under Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 195~, and through
agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, any state that assumes responsibility
for regulating and licensing the possession, use and disposal of certain radioactive materials
including low level radioactive waste resulting from such use.

61. AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY Any plant or part thereof, or animal, or animal product,
produced by a person (including farmers, ranchers, vineyardists, plant propagators,
Christmas tree growers, aquaculturists, floriculturists, orchardists, foresters or other
comparable persons) primarily for the sale, consumption, propagation or other use by man
or animals. (ECL § 33-0101(5))

62. agronomy

63. AIR CLEANING INSTALLATION Any method, process or equipment which removes, reduces or
renders le5s noxious air contaminants discharged into the atmosphere. (ECl § 19-0301(6)) .

64. AIR CONTAMINANT An air contaminant is defined as "a dust, fume, gas, mist, odor, smoke,
pollen, noise or any combination thereof." This definition is extremely broad and can cover
anything from smokestack emissions to rock concerts. Incineration of wastes is also dealt
with in this section. The residue from improper burning of hazardous wastes and medical
waste can also result in air contaminants. (ECL § 19-0107)

65. AIR CONTAMINATION SOURCE Any source from which there is emitted into the atmosphere
any air contaminant, regardless of who the person is who owns or operates the building,
premises or other property on which such source is located or the facility, equipment or
other property by which the emission is caused or from which the emission comes. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, this term includes all types of commercial and
industrial plants and stations, shops and stores; buildings and other structures of all types,
including single and multiple family residences, apartment houses, office buildings, public
buildings, hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals, churches, and other institutional buildings;
automobiles, trucks, tractors, buses and other motor vehicles (hereinafter called "motor
vehicles"); garages; vending and service locations and stations; railroad locomotives; ships,
boats and other waterborne craft; aircraft; portable fuel-burning equipment; incinerators of
all types, indoor and outdoor; and refuse dumps and piles. (ECl § 19-0301(5))

66. AIR CONTAMINATION The presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more air
contaminants which contribute or which are likely to contribute to a condition of air
pollution. (ECL § 19-0301(4)) .

67. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ACT EeL Article 19; The intent of this article is to safeguard the air
resources of the state from pollution by : (1) controlling or abating air pollution which shall
exist when this article shall be enacted; and (2) preventing new air pollution under a
program which shall be consistent ''with the provisions of this article including, but not
limited to: (a) conducting studies or causing studies to be conducted and research with
respect to air pollution control, abatement or prevention; (b) determine by means of field
studies and sampling the degree of air pollution in New York State; (c) provide advisory
technical consultation services to local communities, etc. (EeL § 19-0105)

68. AIR POLLUTION EMERGENCY A combination of circumstances which requires immediate

action to reduce the quantity of contaminants in the atmosphere due to the danger to the
public health and welfare, injury to agricultural crops and livestock, damage to and
deterioration of prop

69. AIR POLLUTION The presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants in
quantities, of characteristics, and of a duration which are, or may be, injurious to human,
plant, or animal life or to property or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable
enjoyment of life and property. (6-1A NYCRR § 200.1) 4

70. albert k. cohen


72. ALI TEST - Excuses a defendant who, because of a mental disease or defect, lacks substantial
capacity to appreciate the criminality (wrongfulness) of his conduct or to conform his
conduct to the requirements of law (Model Penal Code Sec. 4.01)..
73. alibi

74. Alienist – This term is applied to a specialist in the study of mental disorders.

75. ALLEGIANCE- is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience which the individuals owe to
the government under which they live or to their sovereign, in return for the protection they

76. ALLEGIANCE- is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience which the individuals
owe to the government under which they live or to their sovereign, in return for the
protection they receive.
77. alter ego

78. ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES- aggravating or mitigating according to the nature and effect
of the crime and other conditions attending its commission.

79. ALTERNATIVE CIRCUMSTANCES- aggravating or mitigating according to the nature

and effect of the crime and other conditions attending its commission.
80. Amateur Intermittent Offender – These types of robbers view themselves as lifetime robbers
and commits infrequent robbery offenses, often recklessly.

81. american dream

82. AMNESTY - Refers to an act of justice by which the supreme power in a state restores those
who may have been guilty of any offense against it to the position of innocent persons.

83. Anastigmat Lens – correcting astigmatism

84. ancient greek

85. Animus Lucrandi – means intent to gain, in Robbery.

86. anomie

87. ANTECEDENT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing before the commission of the crime [i.e.
hatred, bad moral character of the offender, previous plan, conspiracy, etc.]

88. ANTECEDENT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing before the commission of the crime
[i.e. hatred, bad moral character of the offender, previous plan, conspiracy, etc.]
89. anthropological

90. ANTHROPOLOGICAL APPROACH - Focused on the studying the physical characteristics of

offenders in the attempt to discover physical differences between criminals and non-

91. anthropologist

92. anthropology

93. ANTHROPOLOGY - Science devoted to the study of man-kind

94. Anthropology – Science devoted to the study of mankind and its development in
relation to its physical, mental, and cultural history.

95. Anti-Halation Backing - is the one designed to hold back the light and prevents halation.

96. antiscience

97. anti-social behaviour

98. Apochromatic Lens – correcting both astigmatism and chromatic aberration


100. APPEAL A request by either the defense or the prosecution that a case be removed
from a lower court to a higher court in order for a completed trial to be reviewed by the
higher court. When a judgment is appealed, the court in which it is first given cannot be a
party to the review process. Appeals may be either on the record or de novo. In the latter
instance, matters of fact as well as law may be reviewed.

101. APPEAL- a request to a higher (appellate) court for that court to review and change
the decision of a lower court

102. APPEAL- a request to a higher (appellate) court for that court to review and
change the decision of a lower court
103. Appeal:A request to a higher (appellate) court for that court to review and change
the decision of a lower court.

104. APPEARANCE The act of coming into a court and submitting to the authority of that

105. Appellant - one who filed an appeal.

106. APPLICATION The Department of Environmental Conservation's standard forms for

applying for a permit under Part 373 of this Title, including any additions, revisions or
modifications to the forms. "Application" also includes the information required by the
department under Part 373. (6-1A NYCRR § 370.2(10»

107. APPLICATION, COMPLETE An application for a permit which is in an approved form

and is determined by the Department of Environmental Conservation to be complete for the
purpose of commencing review of the application but which may need to be supplemented
during the course of review as matters contained in the application in order to enable the
Department of Environmental Conservation to make the findings and determinations
required by law.· A complete application shall include such draft impact statement as may be
required pursuant to Article 8 of Chapter 70 of the ECL. (ECL § 70- 0105(2»

108. APPLIED CRIMINOLOGY - The art of creating the typologies classifications,

predictions and specially profiles of criminal offenders, there personalities and behavior

109. applied mathematics

110. APPROVED DESIGN CAPACITY As approved by the Department of Environmental
Conservation, the average daily tonnage to be 'received at the solid waste management
facility during the quarter in which the most waste is anticipated to be received. For solid
waste incinerators or refuse-derived fuel processing facilities, approved design capacity
means the rated through put capacity of the unit or units for treatment of solid waste as
approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation. (~-lA NYCRR § 360-1.2(8»

111. APPROVED DESIGN VOLUME As approved by the Department of Environmental

Conservation, "the maximum in-place volume of solid waste, including cover material, to be
received at the solid waste management facility during its active life." (6-1A NYCRR § 360-

112. archaeology

113. archeology

114. ARGRUMENTATIVE QUESTION – a type of leading question which reflects the

examiners interpretation of the facts.

115. ARGRUMENTATIVE QUESTION – a type of leading question which reflects

the examiners interpretation of the facts.
116. Armed Robbery – This involves the use of weapons such as firearm, a knife or other
dangerous weapons.


118. ARRAIGNMENT - The initial step in a criminal prosecution whereby the

defendant is brought before the court to hear the charges and to enter a plea.
119. ARRAIGNMENT – The initial step in a criminal prosecution whereby the defendant is
brought before the court to hear the charges and to enter a plea.

120. ARRAIGNMENT The appearance of a person before the court in order that the court
may be informed of the accusation(s) against him/her and the person may enter a plea. The
meaning of arraignment varies widely among jurisdictions. An arraignment may extend over
several appearances and in some cases may include a reading of the formal charges, advising
the defendant of his/her rights, appointing counsel, entering a plea and other actions. 8

121. Arrest – The legal taking of a person into a custody in order that he may be bound to
answer for the commission of an offense.

122. ARREST- A restraint on person, depriving one of his own will and liberty, binding him
to become obedient to the will of the law OR The taking of a person in custody in order that
he may be bound to answer for the commission of an offense.

123. ARREST- A restraint on person, depriving one of his own will and liberty,
binding him to become obedient to the will of the law
124. ARREST Taking a person into custody. by actual or physical restraint by authority of
law, for the purpose of charging him/her with a criminal offense terminating with the
recording of a specific offense. An arrest does not include those events commonly described
as "field interviews," "field interrogations," or "temporary detentions" in any location,
whether or not the officer considers the person under arrest during some part of the

125. ARREST- The taking of a person in custody in order that he may be bound to
answer for the commission of an offense.
126. Arrest Warrant – An order in writing issued in the name of the Philippines
commanding or directing a peace officer to arrest the

127. ARSENIC Is an element used in the manufacture of various chemicals, and can cause
brain and nervous system damage, as well as cancer of the lungs and skin. ASH, COMBINED
The mixture of bottom ash and fly ash. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(25))

128. ARSON - the act or crime of willfully, wrongfully, and unjustifiably setting property
on fire OR setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose

129. Arson:Malicious burning to destroy property.

130. Artificial Light = otherwise known as man-made light e.g. fluorescent bulb,
incandescent bulb and photoflood lamp.

131. ASA (American Standards Association) - this is expressed in arithmetic value system.
The bigger the number the more sensitive the film is.

132. ASH RESIDUE All the solid residue and any entrained liquids resulting from the
combustion of solid waste in combination with fossil fuel at a solid waste incinerator,
including bottom ash, boiler ash, fly ash, and the solid residue of any air pollution device
used at a solid waste incinerator. (6-1A NYCRR §.360-1.2) ASSIGNED COUNSEL (see Counsel,

133. assassin

134. assassinate

135. assassination

136. ASSASSINATION - killing a famous person or public figure.

137. ASSAULT - attacking someone physically. OR a threat or use of force on another that
causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive
contact; the act of putting another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an
immediate battery by means of an act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a

138. ASSAULT- a threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a
reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact; the act of putting
another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an immediate battery by means of an
act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a battery.
139. Assault and Battery: Assault in conjunction with actual battery.

140. Assault With A Deadly Weapon: An aggravated assault in which the defendant,
controlling a deadly weapon, threatens the victim with death or serious bodily injury.
141. Assault With Intent: Any of several assaults that are carried out with an additional
criminal purpose in mind, such as assault with intent to murder, assault with intent to rob,
assault with intent to rape, and assault with intent to inflict great bodily injury.

142. Assault:The threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a
reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact; the act of putting
another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an immediate battery by means of an
act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a battery.

143. associate professor

144. ASSUMPTION OF RISK Is an affirmative defense when charged with negligence,

under th~ theory that the plaintiff was aware of the possible injurious nature of the situation
but proceeded with the activities anyway, voluntarily accepting the risks involved.

145. ASTHENIC TYPE - This person is skinny, with ribs easily counted and slender body
type. This type usually commits crime known as petty theft and fraud.

146. Astigmatism - is a form of lens defects in which the horizontal and vertical axis are
not equally magnified. Inability of the lens to focus both horizontal and vertical lines

147. astrophysics

148. atavism

149. ATAVISTIC – this criminals are those considered as born criminals.

150. ATHLETIC TYPE - This person has broad shoulders, powerful legs and muscular body
type. This type usually commits violent crimes.

151. atmology

152. ATOM The smallest part of an element that contains all the chemical properties of
that element and which cannot be divided or broken up by chemical means. An atom
consists of a central core (nucleus) which is made up of protons and neutrons, and electrons
which orbit the nucleus.

153. ATTEMPT. An act that is more than the planning of a crime, and due to its nature, is
a substantial element of finally committing the crime. An attempt is a separate and distinct
offense in and of itself. –

154. Attempted Assault: An attempt to commit an assault.

155. ATTEMPTED FELONY- when the offender commences the commission of a felony
directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution which should produce
the felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance.

156. ATTEMPTED FELONY- when the offender commences the commission of a

felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of execution which should
produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous
157. ATTORNEY aka LAWYER aka COUNSEL A person trained in law, admitted to practice
before the bar of a given jurisdiction, and authorized to advise, represent, and act for other
persons in legal proceedings. An attorney may represent private individuals, corporations, or
the government.

158. August Aichorn - “Latent delinquency “

159. August Comte - Father of sociology

160. AUTHORIZATION The possession, where required, of a valid license, permit or

certificate issued by an agency of the State of New York or the federal government or an
order issued by the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation or the
administrator of the federal Environmental Protection Agency under applicable statutes,
rules or regulations regarding the possession or -release of hazardous substances or
otherwise engaging in conduct which is exempt under applicable statutes, rules, or
regulations from the requirement of possessing such a license, permit certificate or order.
(ECL § 40-0105) 9

161. AUTHORIZATION, FINAL Approval by the federal Environmental Protection Agency of

a State program which has met the requirements of section 3006(b) of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act and the applicable requirements of 40 CFR part 271, subpart
A (see section 370.1[e] of this Part). (6-1A NYCRR § 370.2(65» .

162. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE As it refers to a solid waste management facility, is

the individual responsible for the overall operation of a solid waste management facility or
an operational unit of a facility, such as the plant manager, superintenden~, or individual of
equivalent responsibility who has authority and knowledge to make and implement
decisions regarding operating conditions at the facility. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(14); 6-1A
NYCRR § 370.2(14»)


or disposal facility, authorized.

164. AUTO-PHOBIA - (Mono-phobia) A morbid fear of one’s or of being alone

165. Auto-phobia – (monophobia) A morbid fear of one's self or of being alone.

166. Autopsy – known as a post-mortem examination, necropsy, autopsia

167. Avenge

168. bachelor

169. BACKFILL Any material placed around waste containers and/or casks after they have
been deposited in a disposal containment area in order to increase the long-term stability of
the site. Backfill often consists of sand or grout but may consist of other such materials as
170. BAIL - OIs the security required by the court and given by the accused to ensure that
the accused appears before the proper court at the scheduled time and place to answer the
charges brought against him or her OR The security given for the release of a person in
custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before
any court as required under the conditions of law.

171. BAIL - The security given for the release of a person in custody of the law,
furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as required
under the conditions of law.
172. bandit

173. BANISHMENT - This was imposed by God to evil rebels lead by lucifer by throwing
them out of the heaven. It is the first penalty ever imposed.

174. Bank Fraud: The criminal offense of knowingly executing, or attempting to execute, a
scheme or artifice to defraud a financial institution, or to obtain property owned by or under
the control of a financial institution, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses,
representation, or promises.

175. Bankruptcy Fraud: The act of filing a false bankruptcy claim.

176. barratry

177. Base - Support the emulsion

178. Baseline – a method of locating object, particularly useful in in large, irregularly

shaped outdoor areas.

179. BASELINE PARAMETERS The list of standard chemical species or other samples listed
in the Water Quality Analysis Table in section 360-2.11(c)(6) of this part. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-
1.2(15» BEDROCK Cemented or consolidated earth materials exposed on the earth's surface
or underlying unconsolidated earth materials, including decomposed and weathered rock
and saprolite. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(16); 6-1A NYCRR, § 370.2(15»

180. BATTERY- the application of force to another, resulting in harmful or offensive


181. BATTERY- the application of force to another, resulting in harmful or offensive

182. Battery:The application of force to another, resulting in harmful or offensive contact.

183. beat rap

184. BEHAVIOR SYSTEM IN CRIME - Progress in the explanation of disease is being made
personally by the studies of specific diseases.

185. Behavior Systems In Crime – Progress in the explanation of disease is

being made personally by the studies of specific diseases. Similarly it is desirable
to concentrate research work in criminology on specific crimes and on specific
sociological units within the broad area of crime and within the legal definition of
specific types of crime such as kidnapping and robbery.

186. BEHAVIORAL OUTCOME - This phase describes the victim’s adjustment to the
victimization experience.

187. behavioural science


189. bench warrant

190. BENEFICIAL USE PETITION The generator or potential user of a byproduct or waste
may petition the Department of Environmental Conservation in writing for a determination
of beneficial use. The beneficial use petition describes the proposed method of application
or use of the byproduct waste; provides chemical and physical characterizations of the
byproduct or waste and of each intended finished product; demonstrates that there is a
known or potential market for the intended use of the byproduct or waste; and
demonstrates that the intended use will not adversely affect the public health and safety,
and the environment. Requests for beneficial use of ash residue from solid waste
incinerators must comply with the requirements of section 360-5(h) of this Part. (6-1A
NYCRR § 360-1.2(3» 10 j

191. BENEFICIAL USE' PRODUCT Materials that the Department of Environmental

Conservation has determined are being beneficially used, including the following: (a)
materials that are incorporated into a manufacturing process to produce a marketable
product; (b) compost that meets the criteria for Class I public distribution and agricultural
usage identified in Subpart 360-5 of this Part; (c) wood chips used for mulch, landscaping, or
erosion control purposes; (d) ash generated from the combustion of coal if the ash has been
tested for toxicity pursuant to a testing protocol approved by the Department of
Environmental Conservation and certified to be nontoxic and used as follows: (i) coal
combustion bottom ash used as a traction agent on roadways, parking lots, and other driving
surf8:ces; (ii) coal combustion bottom ash and fly ash used as a cement substitute or
aggregate in cement or concrete products, or (iii) coal combustion bottom ash or fly ash
used in situations where the ash is contained and leachate will not be generated, such as
structural fill within building foundations. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(3))

192. BEST AVAILABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY An emission limitation or equipment

standard based on the maximum degree of reduction which the Department of
Environmental Conservation determines is achievable on a case-by-case basis taking into
account energy, economic, environmental and health impacts, and other costs related to the
source. (ECL § 19-0903(3))

193. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Methods, measures or practices determined to be

the most practical and effective in preventing or reducing the impact of pollutants generated
by non point sources to a level compatible with water quality standards pursuant to section
17-0301 of the ECL (Title 4). Best management practices can be applied before, during or
after pollution producing activities to reduce or eliminate the introduction of pollutants into
receiving waters. (ECL § 17-1403(1))

194. BETA PARTICLE An electron or positron emitted at high velocity from the nucleus of
an atom which is undergoing radioactive decay. A beta particle can travel a short distance in
air but has low penetration ability (a thin sheet of metal or plastic can block penetration).
However, large amounts of beta radiation can cause skin burns, and beta emitters can cause
damage if taken into the body.

195. BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT A term used to describe the burden placed on the
prosecution, a burden that must be overcome to find the defendant guilty. A level of proof
that must be met.

196. Bienes Muebles – in Robbery, means personal property belonging to another.

197. BIENNIAL REPORTING A requirement of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Subtitle C. Generators who transport hazardous waste otT-site must submit a biennial report
to the Regional Administrator by March 1 of each even-numbered year. The report details
the generator's activities during the previous calendar year including: (1) the federal EPA
identification number and name of each transporter used throughout the year; (2) EPA
identification number, name, and address of each off-site treatment, storage, or disposal
facility to which waste was sent during the year; (3) Quantities and nature of the hazardous
11 waste generated. Hazardo,us and Solid Waste Amendments expanded the scope of the
biennial report to include a description of: (1) Efforts taken to reduce the volume and
toxicity of the wastes generated and (2) Changes in volume or toxicity that were actually
achieved, as compared with those achieved in previous years. Generators who treat, store
or dispose of their hazardous waste on-site also must submit a biennial report that contains
a description of the type and quantity of hazardous waste the facility handled during the
year, and the method(s) of treatment, storage, and/or disposal used.

198. BIGAMY- any person who shall contract a second or subsequent marriage before the
former marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the former marriage has been legally
dissolved, or before the absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by means of a
judgment rendered in the proper proceedings OR marrying someone when you are already
married to another person.

199. BIGAMY- any person who shall contract a second or subsequent marriage before
the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the former marriage has been
legally dissolved, or before the absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by
means of a judgment rendered in the proper proceedings.
200. BILIBID PRISON - Served as national penitentiary up to November 1943, when
transferred to Muntinlupa to exchange of property between the government of the city of
manila and the bureau of prison.

201. BIOACCUMULATIVE Substances that -tend to accumulate, permanently without the

possibility of dissipation, in living organisms through the food chain and/or from exposure, in
higher concentrations than in their surrounding environment. Examples of substances that
have bioaccumulative properties include DDT and other pesticides, and heavy metals such as
lead and mercury. The bioaccumulation process can eventually lead to physical degeneration
or death of the organism and/or its offspring.

202. biochemistry

203. BIODEGRADABLE Substances that are capable of being broken down by the action of
living things.

204. bioethicist

205. bioethics

206. biological

207. BIOLOGICAL APPROACH - The evaluation of genetics in explaining criminal behavior,

under this approach, heredity is the main factor that pushes people to commit crimes.
(Positivist Theory)

208. BIOLOGICAL CRIMINOLOGY - Some genetic theories believed that chromosome

aberrations may be the cause of crimes.

209. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING The determination of the effects on aquatic life,

including accumulation of pollutants in tissue, in receiving waters due to the discharge of
pollutants by techniques and procedures, including sampling of organisms representative of
appropriate levels of the food chain appropriate to the volume and the physical, chemical
and biological characteristics of the effluent, and at appropriate frequencies and locations.
(6-2A NYCRR § 750.2)

210. BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION PROCESS A process by which microorganisms in the search

for food break down complex organic materials into simple, more stable substances. It is
intended to include treatment units such as trickling filters, sand filters, oxidation or
stabilization ponds and any device performing the same function. Such units are secondary
treatment units. (6-2A NYCRR § 650.1)

211. BIOLOGICALS Preparations, made from living organisms and their products, including
vaccines, cultures, etc., intended for use in diagnosing, immunizing or treating humans or
animals or in research pertaining thereto. (6-1A NYCRR § 364.9)

212. biology

213. biomathematics

214. biometeorology

215. BIOMETRY - A measuring or calculating of probable duration of human life.

216. Biometry – A measuring or calculating of the probable duration of human

life; The attempt to correlate the frequency of crime between parents and
children of brothers or sisters.
217. bionanoscience

218. biophysics

219. BIOREMEDIATION A method of hazardous waste removal and cleanup through the
intentional placement of bacteria and other microbial forms of life like fungi which feed on
these wastes, at the site.

220. BIO-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR - A person’s biological heritage plus his environment and
social heritage influence his social activity.

221. Bio-social Behavior – A persons biological heritage plus his environment

and social heritage influence his social activity. It is through the reciprocal actions
of his biological and social heritages that a persons personality is developed.

222. biosocial criminology

223. biostatistics

224. BIRD HAZARD An increase in the likelihood of bird/aircraft collisions that may cause
damage to aircraft or injury to its occupants. This is attributable to the solid waste
management facility attracting birds. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(17» 12 BLOOD PRODUCTS
Means any product derived from human blood, including but not limited to blood plasma,
platelets, red or white blood corpuscles, and other derived licensed products,such as
interferon. (6-1A NYCRR § 364.9(2».

225. Black and White Film = usually represented by a prefix or a suffix “Pan” or “Ortho”
and generally used in black and white photography. Examples are Ortholith film, Tri X-Pan
and Pan X-plus.

226. BLACKMAIL - threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid.

227. blendon

228. blood libel

229. Blue – Sensitive film - sensitive to U.V. light and Blue Color.

230. BLUE COLLAR CRIME - Any crime committed by an individual from lower social class
OR are those committed by ordinary professional to maintain their livelihood.

231. blue-collar crime

232. BODILY INJURY to the body, sickness or disease, induding death resulting from any
of these. (6-1A NYCRR § 370.2(16» BODY FLUIDS Liquid emanating or derived from humans
and limited to blood cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal and pericardial fluids, and
semen and vaginal secretions. (6-1A NYCRR § 364.9(2)).
233. BOILER An enclosed device using controlled flame combustion and having the
following characteristics:

234. BOMBING - detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or

235. Boric acid - serves as neutralizer

236. botany

237. BOTTOM ASH The ash residue remaining after combustion of solid waste or solid
wa~te in combination with fossil fuel in a solid waste incinerator that is discharged through
and from the grates, combustor, or stoker. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2(18» BRC (below
regulatory concern) As related to radioactive waste disposal, radiation exposures that are
considered too small to not require regulation as a radiation hazard as determined by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

238. brandeis

239. BRANDING - The offender was scarred with a hot iron on the flesh part of the hand
or on the check.

240. break law

241. BRIBERY - giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or
behavior.OR The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official

242. BRIBERY- The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for
official action.
243. Bribery:The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official

244. BRIEF Is a written argument submitted by a party to an action. The brief is a

summary of all the legal arguments and facts of the case the party wishes the court to
review in making its final determination. .

245. BRIGANDAGE- is a crime committed by more than three armed persons who
form a band of robbers for the purpose of committing robbery in the highway or
kidnapping persons for the purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom, or for any other
purpose to be attained by means of force and violence.
246. Bright Sunlight - object in an open space casts a deep and uniform shadow and the
object appears glossy.

247. BROKEN HOME - The modification of home conditions by death, divorce or


248. Broken Home – The modification of home conditions by death, divorce or

desertion has generally been believed to be an important reason for delinquency
of the children.
249. Buff papers = prepare for tone prints

250. BUFFER ZONE All that area outside and surrounding the underground gas storage
reservoir, no part of which shall be more than thirty-five hundred linear feet from the
boundary thereof. (ECL § 23-0101(1))

251. bump off

252. BURDEN OF EVIDENCE – the duty of a party of going forward with evidence.

253. BURDEN OF EVIDENCE – the duty of a party of going forward with evidence.
254. BURDEN OF PROOF – the duty of the affirmative to prove that which it alleges.
255. BURDEN OF PROOF Is the test that must be met by the prosecutor in order to show
the validity of the case at bar. BUSINESS REGISTRATION The requirement of each person or
business providing services of commercial application of pesticides, either entirely or as part
of the business, to register with the Department of Environmental Conservation. (ECL § 33-

256. BURDEN OF PROOF- the duty of a party to present evidence on the facts in issue
necessary to establish his claim or defense by the amount of evidence required by law.OR
the duty of the affirmative to prove that which it alleges.

257. BURDEN OF PROOF– the duty of a party to present evidence on the facts in
issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by the amount of evidence required by
258. burglar

259. burglary

260. BURGLARY - breaking into a house in order to steal something.

261. burke

262. Burning-In = refers to additional exposure on a desired portion of the negative used
for purposes of making a balance exposure.

263. butchery

264. BYPRODUCT A byproduct is a material that is not one of the primary products of a
production process and is not solely or separately produced by the production process.
Examples include a co-product that is produced for the general public's use and is ordinarily
used in the same form as produced by the process. (6-1A NYCRR § 370.2(c)(2)) C & D SITE
Construction and demolition debris site. (See Construction and Demolition Debris for more

265. Cadaverum - a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of a thorough

examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any
disease or injury.
266. CADMIUM An element used heavily in the battery making industry, which has been
shown to cause kidney damage if ingested over long periods of time.

267. Camera - a light tight box designed to block unwanted or unnecessary light from
reaching the sensitized material.

268. CAP OR COVER The covering, usually layered and composed of geological materials
such as clay, sand, and gravel, which is placed over the disposal unit of a facility so that
weathering is avoided by encouraging good drainage and preventing erosion prevention.

269. CARBON TETRACHLORIDE A liquid used primarily in dry cleaning and in processes
involving de-greasing. Can cause liver and kidney damage as well as cancer.

270. CARCINOGEN A subst,ance or agent producing or inciting cancer. 14 CASE LAW The
body of prior decisions relating to a particular topic, relevant 10 determining how the courts
have decided similar cases concerning the same issues.

271. CARPETA-It refers to the institutional record of an inmate which consists of his
mittimus, commitment order, the prosecutor’s information and the decision of the trial
court, including the appellate court.

272. case joint

273. case law


275. catecholamine

276. CATHODIC PROTECTION Corrosion protection for a metal tank or pipe caused by a
continuous electrical current flowing from one or more electrodes or a sacrificial anode to
the protected structure. (6-1A NYCRR § 360-1.2)

277. cause death

278. CAUSE OF ACTION The reason or cause a party has for suing another, so that relief
may be granted. CAUSE OF ACTION, BAD FAITH A suit brought because the other party
exhibited an unreasonable and reckless disregard for the rights of the one suing. CCH An
abbreviation for "computerized criminal history." A computerized criminal history record of
information concerning an identified offender or alleged offender contained in an
automated file. A computerized criminal history does not include fingerprints, but entry of
information into the automated file is contingent upon fingerprint verification of identity.

279. cause of death

280. CAUSE The preceding event that made the event in question occur. There are
several types of "causes" such as a Direct cause which is the main event that set into motion
a series of other uninterrupted events leading to the event in question. There is also the
Immediate cause which is an event that occurred just prior to and caused the event in
question and the Intervening cause which is an event that occurs after the direct cause, and
the event in question, and causes further damage to be done. In law, one is liable for those
events that were directly caused by his or her negligence.

281. CAUSE, ACCIDENTAL Is a cause that could not have been foreseen or prevented.
CAUSE, DIRECT Is the immediate cause of the injury.

282. CEASE AND DESIST ORDER An injunction or order from the court requiring a party to
stop the activity and refrain from continuing the activity.

283. CENTRAL COLLECTION POINT Means a location where a generator consolidates

regulated medical waste brought together from original generation points prior to its
transport off-site or its treatment on-site (e.g., incineration). (6-1A NYCRR § 364.9(2».
CERCLA See Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. CFR
The Code of Federal Regulations, a document containing all finalized federal regulations.

284. Cesare Beccaria – In his book “An Essay Of Crimes And Punishment”
London 1767, advocated and applied the doctrine of penology that is to make
punishment less arbitrary and severe than it had been; That all persons who
violated a specific law should receive identical punishment regardless of age,
sanity, wealth, position or circumstances.

285. Cesare Lombroso – A medical doctor who made extensive research in

physical characteristics of criminals, political crimes and revolutions and
relationships between the criminal and anthropology.

286. chance medley

287. chaperone

288. CHARACTER EVIDENCE – evidence of a person’s moral standing or personality traits

in a community based on reputation or opinion.

289. CHARACTER EVIDENCE – evidence of a person’s moral standing or

personality traits in a community based on reputation or opinion.
290. CHARIVARI-the term charivari includes a medley of discordant voices, a mock
serenade of discordant noises made on kettles, tins horns, etc.., designed to annoy and

291. CHARIVARI-the term charivari includes a medley of discordant voices, a mock

serenade of discordant noises made on kettles, tins horns, etc.., designed to annoy and
292. charles darwin

293. Charles Goring – An English statistician who studies the case histories of
2000 convicts. He found that heredity is more influential as a determiner of
criminal behavior than environment.
294. chemerinsky

295. chemical engineering

296. Chemical Process - is the process necessary for reducing silver halides into a form so
as a latent image and a positive image be made resulting to what we called Photograph. OR
The process of making the latent image visible and permanent.

297. CHILD ABUSE - treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way.

298. Child Abuse: An intentional or neglectful physical or emotional injury imposed on a

child, including sexual molestation.

299. Child Exploitation: The hiring, employment, persuasion, inducement, or coercion of

child to perform in obscene exhibitions and incident shows, whether live, on video or film, or
to pose or act as a model in obscene or pornographic materials, or to sell or distribute said

300. Child Molestation: Any indecent or sexual activity on, involving, or surrounding a
child, usually under the age of 14.

301. Child Pornography: Any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct by an
individual under the age of 18 or lascivious exhibition of the pubic area of such an individual.
Courts have held that such material may be banned even if it is not legally obscene and does
not involve nudity.

302. Child Procurement: The act of arranging or instigating a meeting with a child for the
purpose of having sexual relations.

303. choose victim

304. Chromatic Aberration - Inability of the lens to focus light of varying wavelength. The
lens refracts rays of short wavelength more strongly than those of longer wavelength and
therefore bringing blue rays to a shorter focus than the red.

305. CHRONIC CRIMINAL - Person who acted in consonance with deliberate thinking.

306. cide

307. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE - the proof of fact or facts from which, taken
either singly or collectively, the existence of a particular fact in dispute may be inferred as
necessary or probable consequence.
308. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE – the proof of fact or facts from which, taken either
singly or collectively, the existence of a particular fact in dispute may be inferred as
necessary or probable consequence.

309. Civil Fraud: An intentional-but not willful-evasion of taxes.

310. civil law

311. claremont
312. classical liberalism

313. classical school

314. climatology

315. Close-up View - Is the taking of individual photograph of the evidence at the scene
of the crime. It is design to show the details of the crime.

316. coauthor

317. cognitive neuroscience

318. cognitive neuroscientist

319. cognitive psychology

320. cognitive science

321. COHABIT- the term cohabit means to dwell together, in the manner of husband and
wife, for some period of time, as distinguished from occasional, transient interviews for
unlawful intercourse.

322. COHABIT- the term cohabit means to dwell together, in the manner of husband
and wife, for some period of time, as distinguished from occasional, transient interviews
for unlawful intercourse.
323. Colajani – A criminologist, describes the direct and indirect deficiency of
the means to satisfy the numerous necessities of man is sufficient stimulus for
him to adopt honest or criminal methods in the struggle that ensues. “To this
man delinquency is strongly influenced by socio economic”.

324. cole

325. COLLATER MATTERS – matters other than the fact in issue and which are offered as a
basis for inference as to the existence or non-existence of the facts in issue.

326. COLLATER MATTERS – matters other than the fact in issue and which are
offered as a basis for inference as to the existence or non-existence of the facts in issue.
327. collateral

328. college

329. Colored Film - can be divided into two: The Negative type and the reversal type of
colored film. The former is usually having names ending in color while the word chrome
represents the latter.

330. Coma - (Also known as lateral aberration) = Inability of the lens to focus light that
travels straight or lateral, thus making it blurred while the light reaching the lens oblique is
the one the is transmitted sharp.

331. common law

332. comparative

333. comparative literature

334. COMPETENT EVIDENCE – not excluded by law.

335. COMPETENT EVIDENCE – not excluded by law.

336. COMPLAINT – A complaint is a sworn written statement charging a person with an

337. COMPLAINT – A complaint is a sworn written statement charging a person with

an offense
338. COMPLEX CRIMES- when a single act constitutes two or more grave or less, grave
felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means for committing the other, the penalty for
the most serious crime shall be imposed.

339. COMPLEX CRIMES- when a single act constitutes two or more grave or less,
grave felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means for committing the other, the
penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed.
340. COMPOUND QUESTION -a question which calls for a single answer to more than one

341. COMPOUND QUESTION –a question which calls for a single answer to more
than one question.
342. concentric ring model

343. CONCENTRIC ZONE THEORY - Crime is a product of transitional neighborhood that

manifest social disorganization and value conflict.

344. CONCLUSIONARY QUESTION – a question which asks for an opinion which the
witness is not qualified or permitted to answer.

345. CONCLUSIONARY QUESTION – a question which asks for an opinion which

the witness is not qualified or permitted to answer.
346. CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE – incontrovertible evidence

347. CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE – incontrovertible evidence

348. CONCLUSIVE PRESUMPTIONS [jure et de jure] – based on rules of substantive law
which cannot be overcome by evidence to the contrary.

349. CONCLUSIVE PRESUMPTIONS [jure et de jure] – based on rules of

substantive law which cannot be overcome by evidence to the contrary.
350. CONCOMITANT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing during the commission of the crime
[i.e. opportunity, presence of the accused at the scene of the crime, etc.]

351. CONCOMITANT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing during the commission of

the crime [i.e. opportunity, presence of the accused at the scene of the crime, etc.]
352. CONCUBINAGE- any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal dwelling, or,
shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a woman who is not his
wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other place.
353. CONCUBINAGE- any husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal
dwelling, or, shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances, with a
woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other place.
354. concurrence


356. conduct trial

357. CONFESSION – an acknowledgement of guilt.

358. Confession – An express acknowledgment by the accused in a criminal prosecution
of the truth of his guilt as to the offense charged, while admission refers to statements of
fact not directly constituting an acknowledgment of guilt. OR Direct acknowledgement of
guilt.OR an acknowledgement of guilt.

359. conflagration

360. conflict theory

361. CONFORMITY - It involves the acceptance of the cultural goals and means of
attaining those goals.

362. conspiracy

363. CONSPIRACY- conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an agreement
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it.

364. CONSPIRACY- conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an

agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it.
365. Constructive Fraud: Unintentional deception or misrepresentation that causes injury
to another.

366. CONSUMMATED FELONY- a felony is consummated when all the elements necessary
for its execution and accomplishment are present.

367. CONSUMMATED FELONY- a felony is consummated when all the elements

necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present.

369. CONTINUED CRIME- a continued crime is a single crime, consisting of a series of acts
but all arising from one criminal resolution.

370. CONTINUED CRIME- a continued crime is a single crime, consisting of a series

of acts but all arising from one criminal resolution.
371. CONTINUING CRIME - Those committed in several places.

372. contract killer

373. control group

374. CONVENTIONAL LEVEL - This stage reach at the end of middle childhood.
375. Converging Lens - Characterized by the fact that it is thicker at the center and
thinner at the side which is capable of bending the light together and forms the image

376. convict


378. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT - It was retained as a punishment for a lot longer that
either identified with a corporation or other business entity.

379. corporate crime

380. corpus delicti

381. Corpus Delicti – Latin for the “body of the crime”.

382. Corpuscular theory (Newton) - this later opposed the wave theory stating that light
has its effect by the motion of very small particles such as electrons.

383. CORRESPONDENCE- is communication by means of letters, or it may refer to the

letters which pass between those who have friendly or business relations.

384. CORRESPONDENCE- is communication by means of letters, or it may refer to

the letters which pass between those who have friendly or business relations.
385. CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE – additional evidence of a different kind and character
tending to prove the same point as that of previously offered evidence.

386. CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE – additional evidence of a different kind and

character tending to prove the same point as that of previously offered evidence.
387. CORRUPTION - behaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power.

388. COUNT

389. COUNTERFEITING- the forging, copying, or imitating of something (usually money)

without a right to do so and with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding.

390. COUNTERFEITING- the forging, copying, or imitating of something (usually

money) without a right to do so and with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding.
391. Counterfeiting:The forging, copying, or imitating of something (usually money)
without a right to do so and with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding.

392. coursework

393. COURTESY - Refers to politeness of the words being used in communication.

394. Cream - preferred for pictorial effect, portraits, landscape or when warmth effect is

395. Credit Card Fraud: Examples of Credit Card Fraud include: Illegal counterfeiting of
credit cards, the use of lost or stolen credit cards, and obtaining credit cards fraudulently
through the mail.
396. Cretinism – A disease associated with pre-natal thyroid deficiency and
subsequent thyroid inactivity, marked by physical deformities, arrested
development, goiter and various forms of mental retardation including imbecility.

397. CRIME – doing something illegal that can be punished by law. OR crime is defined as
an act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it. OR the
duty of the affirmative to prove that which it alleges.

398. CRIME BY IMITATION - Those committed the pattern of which is merely duplication
of what was done by others.

399. CRIME BY PASSION - Those committed because of fit of passion, anger, jealousy and

400. CRIME CONTROL - Is the primary concern of the police, as the saying goes control
before the act escalates into a serious proportion.

401. CRIME- crime is defined as an act committed or omitted in violation of public

law forbidding or commanding it.
402. Crime Index – Any record of crimes such as crimes known to the police,
arrest, conviction or commitments to prisons.

403. CRIME OF THE UNDER WORLD - Those committed by members of the lower or under
privileged class of society.

404. CRIME OF THE UPPER WORLD - Those committed by the member of upper strata of
the society.

405. crime prevention

406. CRIME PREVENTION - It is the basic police function or technique of determining the
desire of the people to commit crime.

407. Crime Prevention - with the use of video camera (hidden camera) and other
advanced photographic equipment crimes are being detected more easily and even to the
extent of preventing them from initially occurring.

408. crime prevention through environmental design

409. crime rate

410. Crime Scene – A venue or place where the alleged crime/incident/event has been
committed. OR The geographical area where the crime was committed.

411. Crime Scene Sketch - A simple diagram that creates a mental pictures of the scene
to those who are not present.
412. Crime Statistics – A reported instance of a crime recorded in a systematic

413. CRIME VICTIM - It is generally refers to any person, group, or entity who has suffered
injury or loss due to illegal activity.

414. Crimes Against Children:Child Enticement: Attempting to entice, lure, tempt, or

persuade any child to enter, leave, or stay in any building, vehicle, or place if such act is done
with the use of force or with the intent to commit rape, indecent assault, battery,
dissemination of material harmful to children, unnatural and lascivious acts, indecent
exposure, or other sexual offenses.

415. Criminal – A person who is convicted by final judgment. OR who is found guilty by
final judgment

416. criminal act

417. criminal anthropology

418. CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR - It refers to a behavior which is criminal in nature; a behavior

which violates a law.

419. Criminal demography - criminality and population.

420. Criminal epidiomology - study of the relationship between environment and


421. CRIMINAL ETIOLOGY - Analysis of the causes of crime. OR study of the cause or the
origin of crime.

422. Criminal Fraud: The willful evasion of taxes accomplished by filing a fraudulent tax

423. Criminal Homicide: Homicide prohibited and punishable by law, such as murder or

424. Criminal Investigation – The collection of facts in order to accomplish the three-fold
aims – to identify the guilty party, to locate the guilty party and to provide evidence of his
(suspect) guilt.

425. Criminal Investigator – A well-trained, disciplined and experienced professional in

the field of criminal investigation. Criminal ecology - study of criminality in relation to the
spatial distribution in a community.

426. CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE - The authority to hear and decide a particular

offense and impose punishment for it.
427. CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE – The authority to hear and decide a particular offense
and impose punishment for it.
428. CRIMINAL JUSTICE -Refers to the system used by the government to maintain social
control, prevents crime, enforce law, and administer justice.


430. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM - It is the various agencies of justice especially the police,
courts, and correction.

431. criminal law

432. criminal law

433. CRIMINAL LAW - It is the branch or division of law which defines crime, threats of
their nature and provides for their punishment. OR is that branch or division of law which
defines crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for their punishment.

434. Criminal Law – One that defines crimes treats of their nature and provides for their

435. CRIMINAL LAW- is that branch or division of law which defines crimes, treats
of their nature, and provides for their punishment.
436. criminal negligence

437. Criminal physical anthropology - study of criminality in relation to Physical

constitution of men.

438. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - It is a generic term used to describe the network of

laws and rules which govern the procedural administration of criminal justice.
439. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE – It is a generic term used to describe the network of laws
and rules which govern the procedural administration of criminal justice.

440. Criminal psychiatry - study of human mind in relation to criminality.

441. Criminal Psycho-dynamics – The study of mental processes of criminals in

action, the study of the genesis, development and motivation of human behavior
that conflicts with accepted norms and standards of society; This study
concentrates on the study of individuals as opposed to general studies of mass
populations with respect to their general criminal behavior.

442. CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGIST - Also known as Forensic psychologist, is a mental health

professional who works within the justice system.

443. Criminal psychology - study of human behavior in relation to criminality. OR- The
study of the wills, thoughts, intentions and reactions of criminals and all that partakes in the
criminal behavior.

444. criminal record


446. Criminalist – The officer responsible for recording a crime scene and recognizing and
preserving physical evidence.

447. criminalistics

448. CRIMINALISTICS - Is the application of various sciences top answer questions relating
to examination and comparison of biological evidence. OR It is the study of the criminal
things, or the sum total of the application of all sciences in crime detection.

449. criminality

450. CRIMINALITY - Caused by an organic pathological process.

451. Criminality In The Home – One of the most obvious elements in the
delinquency of some children is the criminalistic behavior of other members of the
child's family.

452. criminalize

453. criminally

454. CRIMINALOID - It is categorized as “Habitual criminal”, who become so by contact

with other criminals, or other “distressing circumstances”.

455. Criminogenic Process – The process which explain human behavior, the
experiences which help determine the nature or a persons as a reacting
mechanism, the factors or experiences in connection thereto impinge differentially
upon different personalities producing conflict which is the aspect of crime.

456. Criminologia - (Italian word) Raffaelle Garofalo 1885

457. criminological

458. Criminological research ---- study if crime correlated to with antecedent variable,
state of the crime trend.

459. Criminologie - (French word) Paul Topinard 1887

460. criminologist

461. CRIMINOLOGIST - Any person who is graduated with the degree of criminology, who
passed the examination for criminologists and is registered as such by the board of
examiners of the professional regulation commission.

462. criminologists
463. CRIMINOLOGY - Is the study of criminal people and encompasses the study of law
making, law breaking and societal reactions to law breaking. OR Written by Max and Engels,
that emphasize the economic determinism

464. Criminology – Scientific study and investigation of crime and criminals as

well as the identification of criminals and detection of crime.

465. CROSS EXAMINATION – the examination by the adverse party of the witness as to
any matter stated in the direct examination, or connected therewith, with sufficient fullness
and freedom from interest or bias, or the reverse, and to elicit all important facts bearing
upon the issue.

466. CROSS EXAMINATION – the examination by the adverse party of the witness
as to any matter stated in the direct examination, or connected therewith, with sufficient
fullness and freedom from interest or bias, or the reverse, and to elicit all important facts
bearing upon the issue.
467. CRUELTY- deliberate intention to prolong physical suffering of the victim.

468. CRUELTY- deliberate intention to prolong physical suffering of the victim.

469. culpable

470. Cultivation: The growing of organic drugs or their precursors, e.g. marijuana, coca,
opium poppies, etc.

471. cultural anthropology

472. Cultural Conflict – A clash between societies because of contrary beliefs or

substantial variance in their respective customs, language, institutions, habits,
learning traditions, etc.

473. CUMULATIVE EVIDENCE – additional evidence of the same kind bearing on the same

474. CUMULATIVE EVIDENCE – additional evidence of the same kind bearing on

the same point.
475. CUMULATIVE QUESTION – a question which has already been asked and answered.

476. CUMULATIVE QUESTION – a question which has already been asked and
477. Curvature of Field - the relation of the images of the different point are incorrect
with respect to one another.

478. cybercrime

479. CYBERCRIME - doing something illegal over the Internet or a computer system.

480. Cybercrime:Crimes committed electronically

481. cyberscience

482. Cybersquatting: The act of reserving a domain name on the Internet, especially a
name that would be associated with a company’s trademark, and then seeking to profit by
selling or licensing the name to the company that has an interest in being identified with it.

483. Cyberstalking: The act of threatening, harassing, or annoying someone through

multiple email messages, as through the Internet, especially with the intent of placing the
recipient in fear that an illegal act or an injury will be inflicted on the recipient or a member
of the recipient’s family or household.

484. Cybertheft: The act of using an online computer service, such as one on the Internet,
to steal someone else’s property or to interfere with someone else’s use and enjoyment of

485. Date Rape: Rape committed by someone known to the victim, especially by the
victim’s social companion.

486. decapitation

487. Decriminalization – To remove or reduce in status the criminal

classification through legislation of certain criminal laws.


489. defense


491. DEFENSE REPRESENTATION - A key element of a fair trial is that of ‘equality of

arms’— that the prosecution and defence are allowed the same facilities to put their case.
An individual defendant will never have the same resources as the State but the State must
provide for adequate representation of offenders, whether in the police station or in court.
The criminal justice system also provides for defendants to be assisted by lawyers, paid out
of public funds.

492. DEFORMITY - is meant physical ugliness, permanent and definite abnormality. It

must be conspicuous ad visible.

493. DEFORMITY- is meant physical ugliness, permanent and definite abnormality. It

must be conspicuous ad visible.
494. dei delitti e delle pene

495. delinquency

496. DELINQUENT - A person who committed an act that is not I conformity with the
norms of society.
497. Delusion – In medical jurisprudence, a false belief about the self caused by
morbidity, present in paranoia and dementia praecox.

498. DEMARCATION - Refers to policies and practices that aim to reduce the numbers of
offenders in prison by providing alternative measures for dealing with them in the
community. Theoretically, the debate about decarceration was at its height in the 1960s and
1970s and included reduction in the use of other institutions, most notably psychiatric
hospitals. With the dramatic increase in the prison population in the 1990s, the term and the
debate has largely fallen into disuse

499. DEMEANOR EVIDENCE - the behavior of a witness on the witness stand during trial
to be considered by the judge on the issue of credibility.

500. DEMEANOR EVIDENCE – the behavior of a witness on the witness stand

during trial to be considered by the judge on the issue of credibility.
501. Dementia praecox – A collective term for mental disorders that begin at or
shortly after puberty and usually lead to general failure of the mental faculties
with the corresponding physiological impairment.

502. democide

503. demography

504. DEMONSTRATIVE EVIDENCE - evidence that has tangible and exemplifying purpose.

505. DEMONSTRATIVE EVIDENCE – evidence that has tangible and exemplifying

506. Depraved-heart murder: A murder resulting from an act so reckless and careless of
the safety of others that it demonstrates the perpetrator’s complete lack of regard for
human life.

507. detective

508. DETENTION - Detention prisoner shall be locked up as many necessary to secure his
safety and prevent his escape.

509. DETERRENCE - The idea that crime can be reduced if people fear the punishment
they may receive if they offend.

510. developmental psychology

511. deviance

512. DEVIANT BEHAVIOR - Behavior that is recognized in violation of norms.

513. dichotomy

514. dietetics
515. differential association

516. DIRECT EVIDENCE - proves the fact in issue without aid of inference or

517. DIRECT EVIDENCE – proves the fact in issue without aid of inference or
518. DIRECT EXAMINATION - the examination in chief of a witness by the party
presenting him on the facts relevant to the issue.

519. DIRECT EXAMINATION– the examination in chief of a witness by the party

presenting him on the facts relevant to the issue.
520. DISCIPLINE - A term used by Michel Foucault to describe a method by which some
people can efficiently control others, and which he claims is at the heart of modern public
institutions such as the prison, school and hospital.

521. DISCRETION - Simply refers to the wise use of one’s judgement, personal experience
and common sense to decide a Particular situation.

522. DISCRIMINATION - The unfavorable treatment based on a person’s color, age,

sexuality, gender or ethnicity.



525. DISPUTABLE PRESUMPTIONS - based on procedural rules and may be overcome by

evidence to the contrary.

526. DISPUTABLE PRESUMPTIONS – based on procedural rules and may be

overcome by evidence to the contrary.
527. Distribution: The act selling or trading drugs.

528. DIVERSION STRATEGY - Describes efforts to minimize young offenders’ involvement

with the formal youth justice system, steering them away from the more punitive sentences
such as custody, and where possible keeping them out of the system entirely.



531. doctoral

532. doctorate

533. doctorial

534. DOCUMENT- is any written statement by which a right is established or an

obligation extinguished. A document is a writing or instrument by which a fact may be
proven and affirned.
535. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE - those consisting of writing or any material containing
letters, words, numbers, figures, symbols or other modes of written expression offered as
proof of its contents.

536. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE – those consisting of writing or any material

containing letters, words, numbers, figures, symbols or other modes of written expression
offered as proof of its contents.
537. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - behaving violently inside the home.

538. Domestic Violence:Violence between members of a household, usually spouses; an

assault or other violent act committed by one member of a household against another.

539. double jeopardy

540. dphil

541. Dr. Cesare Lombroso – Advocated the positivist theory that crime is
essentially a social phenomenon and it can not be treated and checked by the
imposition of punishment.

542. Drug Crimes:The definitions below encompass both drugs and drug paraphernalia.

543. DRUNK DRIVING - driving with too much alcohol in your blood.

544. DUEL - it is a formal or regular combat previously concerted between two parties in
the presence of two or more seconds of lawful age on each side, who make the selection of
arms and fix all the other conditions of the fight.

545. DUEL- it is a formal or regular combat previously concerted between two parties
in the presence of two or more seconds of lawful age on each side, who make the
selection of arms and fix all the other conditions of the fight.
546. duress
547. DWELLING- means any building or structure exclusively devoted for rest and
comfort as distinguished from places devoted to business, offices, etc..,
548. DYING DECLARATION - The declaration of a dying person, made under the
consciousness of an impending death,

549. DYING DECLARATION. - The declaration of a dying person, made under the
consciousness of an impending death,
550. EAR PRINT ANALYSIS - Is used as a means of Forensic identification intended as an
identification tool similar to Fingerprinting.

551. ECLECTIC THEORY APPROACH - This approach views that criminal behavior is at one
instance caused by one or more factors, while in other instances, it is caused by another set
of factors.

552. econometrics
553. ECONOMIC - Relating to economics or the economy. Justified in terms of

554. Economic Approach – The unjust utilization of economic resources

sometimes create resentment among individual which often lead them to
frustration and develop a feeling of hatred and provocative criminal conduct will

555. economics

556. ECTOMORPH - With a lean and delicate body build

557. EDGEWORK - The momentary integration of subcultural practices with experiences

of extreme risk and excitement.

558. edmund husserl

559. Edwin H. Sutherland – An American authority in criminology who in his

book Principles of Criminology considers criminology at present as not a science
but it has hope of becoming a science.

560. edwin sutherland

561. EGO - A person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

562. egyptology

563. ELDER - The blanket label of the elderly can perpetuate a stereotype that the elderly
population constitutes a homogenous group.

564. ELECTRIC THEORY APPROACH - This approach views that criminal behavior is at one
instant caused by in or more factor, while in other instances, it is caused by another set of

565. electrical engineering

566. electrocute


568. elements

569. ELEMENTS - Violent or severe weather

570. Email Interception: The act of reading, storing, or intercepting email intended for
another person without that person’s permission.
571. EMBEZZLEMENT - stealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for,
often over a period of time.

572. Embezzlement:The illegal transfer of money or property that, although possessed

legally by the embezzler, is diverted to the embezzler personally by his or her fraudulent

573. émile durkheim

574. EMPATHY - The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

575. empirical

576. EMPIRICAL RESEARCH - Research based upon the analysis of data rather than
conceptual analysis.

577. ENCUMBRANCE - The term encumbrance includes every right or interest in the land
which exists in favor of third persons.

578. ENCUMBRANCE- the term incumbrance includes every right or interest in the
land which exists in favour of third persons.
579. ENDOMORPHIC - With a soft round body build and a high proportion of fat tissue.


581. enforcement

582. England During The Last Half Of 19th Century – Place and period where
and when the classical school of criminology and of criminal law developed based
on hedonistic psychology.

583. ENGLISH RULE - Such crimes are triable in that country, unless they merely affect
things within the vessel or they refer to the internal management thereof.

584. ENGLISH RULE-such crimes are triable in that country, unless they merely
affect things within the vessel or they refer to the internal management thereof.
585. enigmatology

586. enrico ferri

587. entomology

588. entrapment

589. ENTRAPMENT - A person has planned or is about to commit crime and ways and
means are resorted to by a public officer to trap and catch the criminal; not a defense.

590. ENTRAPMENT- a person has planned or is about to commit crime and ways and
means are resorted to by a public officer to trap and catch the criminal; not a defense.
591. ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY - A form of criminology that focuses on the
complex relationships that exist between crime, space and environment.

592. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH - Is focused on the relationship of the environment and

organisms on it.

593. epidemiologic

594. epidemiology

595. EPISODIC CRIME - Those committed by a series of acts in a lengthy space of time.

596. Episodic Criminal – A non criminal person who commits a crime when
under extreme emotional distress; A person who breaks down and commits a
crime as a single incident during regular course of natural and normal events.

597. EQUITY - Consistency to the Extreme and see it that all offender who commit the
same crime.

598. ernest burgess

599. Erotomania – A morbid propensity to love or make love. Uncontrollable

sexual desire or excessive sexual cravings by member of either sex.

600. ERROR IN PERSONAE - Mistake in the identity of the victim.

601. ERROR IN PERSONAE-mistake in the identity of the victim

602. ERROR OF JUDGEMENT - An error of judgement is one which the court may commit
in the exercise of its jurisdiction.

603. ERROR OF JUDGEMENT - An error of judgment is one, which the court may
commit in the exercise of its jurisdiction.
604. ERROR OF JURISDICTION - An error of jurisdiction renders an order or
judgment void or void able
605. espionage

606. ESPIONAGE - Systematic use of spies to obtain secrets. OR spying, to obtain political
or military information.

607. ESSAY ON CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS - Is a seminal treatise on legal reform and
widely considered one of the founding texts of Classical Criminology.

608. estoppel

609. ESTOPPEL - A rule of evidence where by a person is barred from dying the truth of a
fact that has already been settled.
610. ESTOPPEL AGAINST TENANT - The tenant is not permitted to deny the title of his
landlord at the time of the commencement of the relation of landlord and tenant between

611. ESTOPPEL AGAINST TENANT – the tenant is not permitted to deny the title of
his landlord at the time of the commencement of the relation of landlord and tenant
between them.
612. ESTOPPEL BY DEED - A bar which precludes a party to a deed and his privies from
asserting as against the other and his privies any right or title in derogation of the deed or
denying the truth of any material fact asserted in it.

613. ESTOPPEL BY DEED– a bar which precludes a party to a deed and his privies
from asserting as against the other and his privies any right or title in derogation of the
deed or denying the truth of any material fact asserted in it
614. ESTOPPEL BY RECORD OR JUDGEMENT - The preclusion to deny the truth of matters
set forth in a record, whether judicial or legislative, and also deny.

615. ESTOPPEL BY RECORD OR JUDGEMENT – the preclusion to deny the truth

of matters set forth in a record, whether judicial or legislative, and also deny the facts
adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction
616. ESTOPPEL IN PAIS - Based upon express representation or statements or upon
positive acts or conduct.

617. ESTOPPEL IN PAIS – based upon express representation or statements or upon

positive acts or conduct.
618. ETHNICITY - The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common
national or cultural tradition.

619. ethnography

620. ETHNOGRAPHY - The scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and

621. ethnology

622. ethnomusicology

623. ETIOLOGY - Refers to the causes, set of causes, or matter of causation of a disease or

624. ETIOLOGY OF CRIME - Refers to the division of Criminology which attempts to

provide scientific analysis on the causes of crimes.

625. Euthanasia – It signifies the release from life given a sufferer from an
incurable and painful disease.

626. EVALUATION - The making of judgement about the amount, number, or value of
something; assessment.

628. EVIDENCE - Sanctioned by the rules, for ascertainment in a judicial proceeding, the
truth, respecting a matter of fact.

629. EVIDENCE - sanctioned by the rules, for ascertainment in a judicial proceeding,

the truth, respecting a matter of fact.
630. evolutionary psychology

631. ex post facto

632. EX POST FACTO - Affecting things Past

633. examines

634. EX-CONVICT - In the Community

635. Excusable Homicide: Homicide resulting from a person’s lawful act, committed
without intention to harm another.

636. excuse

637. EXCUSE - A defense of some offensive behavior.

638. execution


640. executioner

641. EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY - It is called clemency because only the president of the
Philippines has power and authority to grant it.

642. EXEMPTING CICUMSTANCES (non-imputability) - are those grounds for

exemption from punishment because there is wanting in the agent of the crime any of the
conditions which make the act voluntary, or negligent.
643. EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES - Are those grounds for exemption from punishment
because there is wanting in the agent of the crime any of the conditions which make the act
voluntary, or negligent.

644. EXPENSES - The cost required for something; the money spent on something.

645. EXPENSIVE - Costing a lot of money

646. EXPERIMENT - A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a

hypothesis or demonstrate a known fact. OR Relating to scientific experiments.

647. EXPERT EVIDENCE - The testimony of one possessing knowledge not usually acquired
by other persons.

648. EXPERT EVIDENCE – the testimony of one possessing knowledge not usually
acquired by other persons.
649. EXPULSION — The penalty of prision correccional shall be imposed upon any
public officer or employee who, not being thereunto authorized by law, shall expel any
person from the Philippine Islands or shall compel such person to change his residence.
650. EXPULSION - The penalty of prison correctional shall be imposed upon any public
officer or employee who, not being thereunto authorized by law, shall expel any person
from the Philippine Islands or shall compel such person to change his residence.

651. EXPUNGED - Deleted or destroyed

652. Expungement:The legal procedure for sealing a record of an arrest and/or criminal
conviction from public view.

653. EXTINCTIVE CRIME - When the end result of a criminal act is destructive.

654. Extortion:Obtaining money or property by threat to a victim’s property or loved

ones, intimidation, or false claim of a right (such as pretending to be an IRS agent).

655. EXTRA JUDICIAL ADMISSION - are those made out of the court or in judicial
proceeding other than the one under consideration.
656. EXTRAJUDICIAL - Not legally authorized.

657. EXTRAJUDICIAL ADMISSION - those are made out of the court or in judicial
proceeding other than the one under consideration.

658. EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS - Is the killing of a person by governmental authorities

without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process.

659. Extrinsic Fraud: Deception that is collateral to the issues being considered in the
case; intentional misrepresentation or deceptive behavior outside the transaction itself,
depriving one party of informed consent or full participation.

660. Extrovert – As opposed to introvert (a person highly adapted to living in

and deriving satisfaction from external world) he is interested in people and
things than ideas, values, and theories. He likes people being around them and
being liked by them.

661. FACTUM PROBANDUM - is the ultimate fact sought to be established.

662. FACTUM PROBANS - is the evidentiary fact by which the ultimate fact is to be

664. Failure To Register:Failure to register as a sex offender.

665. FALSE KEYS- are genuine keys stolen from the owner or any keys other than
those intended by the owner for use in the lock forcibly opened by the offender.
666. Family – It is the first agency to affect the direction which a particular
child will take and that no child is so constituted at birth that it must inevitably
become a delinquent or that it must inevitably be law abiding.

668. Fashions In Crime – Certain types of crimes have disappeared almost

entirely thus the general situation may change and cause the disappearance of

669. felon

670. FELONIES- felonies are acts and omissions punishable by the revised penal code.
671. felony

672. felony


674. Felony Murder: Murder that occurs during the commission of a felony.

675. FENCING- is the act of any person who, with intent to gain for himself or for
another, shall buy, receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose of, or shall buy
and sell, or in any other manner deal in any article, item, object or anything of value
which he knows, or should be known to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of
the crime of robbery or theft.
676. Ferri – A sociologists who theorized that it is the impulse of opportunities
more than innate tendency that determine the crime.

677. fiction/fantasy

678. fiction/horror

679. first degree murder

680. First-degree murder: Murder that is willful, deliberate, or premeditated, or that is

committed during the course of another serious felony (often limited to rape, kidnapping,
robbery, burglary, or arson). All murder perpetrated by poisoning or by lying in wait is
considered first-degree murder.

681. FLIGHT TO ENEMY’S COUNTRY. — The penalty of arresto mayor shall be

inflicted upon any person who, owing allegiance to the Government, attempts to flee or
go to an enemy country when prohibited by competent authority.
682. football hooliganism

683. forensic

684. FORENSIC - Comes from the Latin term forensic, meaning "of or before the forum".
685. FORENSIC ACCOUNTING - It is the study and interpretation of accounting evidence.

686. FORENSIC AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - Is the study and interpretation of accounting


687. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY - Is the application of physical anthropology in a legal

setting, usually for the recovery and identification of skeletonized human remains.

688. FORENSIC ARCHAEOLOGY - Is the application of combination of archaeological

techniques and forensic science, typically in law enforcement

689. FORENSIC ASTRONOMY - Uses methods from astronomy to determine past celestial
constellation for forensic purposes

690. FORENSIC BOTANY - Is the study of plant life in order to gain information regarding
possible crimes

691. FORENSIC CHEMISTRY - Is the study of detection and identification of illicit drugs,
accelerants used in arson cases explosive and gunshot.

692. FORENSIC DACTYLOSCOPY - Is the study of finger prints.

693. FORENSIC DNA ANALYSIS - Takes advantage of the uniqueness of an individual's DNA
to answer forensic question

694. FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION - Answers question about a disputed

document using a variety of scientific processes and methods

695. FORENSIC ENGINEERING - Is the scientific examination and analysis structures and
products relating to their failure or cause of damage

696. FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY - Deals with the examination of insects in, on and around
human remains to assist in determination of time or location of death

697. FORENSIC GEOLOGY - Deals with trace evidence in the form of soils, minerals and

698. FORENSIC GEOMORPHOLOGY - Is the study of the ground surface to look for
potential locations of burried objects

699. FORENSIC GEOPHYSICS - Is the application of geophysical techniques such as radar

for detecting objects hidden underground or underwater

700. FORENSIC INTELLIGENCE - Process starts with the collection of data and ends with
the integration of results within into the analysis of crimes under investigation

701. FORENSIC INTERVIEW - Are conducted using the science of professionally using
expertise to conduct a variety of investigative interviews

702. FORENSIC LIMNOLOGY - Is the analysis of evidence collected from crime scenes in or
around fresh-water sources
703. FORENSIC LINGUISTICS - Deals with issues in the legal system that requires linguistic

704. FORENSIC METEOROLOGY - Is a site-specific analysis of past weather conditions for a

point of loss

705. FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY - Is the study of the uniqueness of dentition better known
as the study of teeth

706. FORENSIC OPTOMETRY - Is the study of glasses and other eyewear relating to crimes
scenes and criminal investigations

707. forensic pathology

708. FORENSIC PATHOLOGY - Is a field in which the principles of medicine and pathology
are applied to determine the cause of death

709. FORENSIC PODIATRY - Is an application of the study of feet, footprint or footwear

and their traces

710. FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY - Is a specialized branch of psychiatry as applied to and based

on scientific criminology

711. FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY - Is the study of the mind of an individual, using forensic

712. FORENSIC SEISMOLOGY - Is the study of techniques to distinguish the seismic signals

713. FORENSIC SEROLOGY - Is the study of body fluids

714. FORENSIC SOCIAL WORK - Is the specialist study of social work theories and their
applications to a clinical, criminal justice or psychiatric setting

715. FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY - Is the study of the effect of drugs and poisons on/in the
human body.

716. FORENSIC VIDEO ANALYSIS - Is the scientific examination, comparison and

evaluation of video in legal matters.

717. forensics

718. FORGERY - illegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat people.

719. Forgery:The act of fraudulently making a false document or altering a real one to be
used as if genuine.

720. foul play

721. fratricide

722. fraud
723. FRAUD - getting money from people by cheating them.

724. Fraud:A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to

induce another to act to his or her detriment.

725. french revolution

726. FRENCH RULE- such crimes are not triable in courts of that country, unless their
commission affects the peace and security of the territory or the safety of the state is
727. FRUSTRATED FELONY- when the offender performs all the acts of execution
which would produce the felony as a consequence but which nevertheless, do not produce
it by reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.
728. fugitive

729. functionalism

730. futian

731. gang

732. Gang – Means of disseminating techniques of delinquencies of training in

delinquency, of protecting its members engage in delinquency and of maintaining
continuity in delinquency.

733. gangster

734. gary becker

735. GENERAL (characteristic of criminal law) – general, in that criminal law is

binding on all persons who live or sojourn in Philippine territory.
736. GENERAL DETERRENCE - a goal of criminal sentencing which seeks to prevent others
from committing crimes similar to the one for which a particular offender is being

737. GENERAL THEORY - one which attempts to explain all (or at least most) forms of
criminal conduct through a single, overarching approach.

738. GENERIC (kind of aggravating circumstances) - those that can generally apply to
all crimes.
739. genetics

740. genocide

741. GENOCIDE - killing on purpose a large number of people, especially from a particular
group or area.

742. geography

743. george herbert mead

744. George L. Wilker – A criminologist who in his book “The Scientific
Adequacy Of Criminological Concept” argued that criminology can not possibly
become a science. Accordingly, general proposition of universal validity are the
essence of science, such proposition can be made only regarding stable and
homogeneous unit but varies from one time to another, therefore, universal
proposition can not be made regarding crime and scientific studies of criminal
behavior are impossible.

745. george stigler

746. geosciences

747. germicide

748. gerontology

749. get knife

750. get revenge

751. glycoscience

752. Government – It is an organized authority that can influence social control

through its branches, particularly in the making of laws.

753. gradate

754. graduate

755. grand jury

756. GRAVE FELONIES- are those to which the law attaches the capital punishment
or penalties which in any of their periods are afflictive.
757. GRAVE THREATS- any person who shall threaten another with the infliction
upon the person, honor, or property of the latter or of his family of any wrong amounting
to a crime.
758. gresham sykes


760. guilt

761. GUILT- guilt is an element of responsibility, for a man cannot be made to answer
for the consequences of a crime unless he is guilty.
762. guilty

764. H. H. Godard – Advocated the theory that feeble-mindedness inherited as
Mendelian unit cause crime for the reason that feeble minded person is unable to
appreciate the consequences of his behavior or appreciate the meaning of the


766. HABITUAL DELINQUENCY- within 10 years from last release or last

conviction of the crime of falsification, robbery, estafa, theft, serious or less serious
physical injuries, the offender is found guilty of any of said crimes a third time or oftener.
767. HABITUAL OFFENDER STATUTES - laws intended to keep repeat criminal offenders
behind bars. These laws sometimes come under the rubric of "three strikes and you're out."

768. Hallucination – An apparent perception without any corresponding external

object, especially in psychiatry, any of the numerous sensations, auditory, visual
or tactile experienced without external stimulus and cause by mental
derangement , intoxication or fever hence, maybe a sign of approaching insanity.

769. hans eysenck

770. hard science

771. Hate Crimes:A hate crime, generally, refers to a crime committed not out of
animosity toward a victim as an individual, but out of hostility toward the group to which the
victim belongs.

772. Health Care Fraud: Any scheme involving the health care industry that is designed
for illegal financial gain, including: Billing for services not rendered, inflating the cost of the
service provided, the deliberate sale of medically unnecessary services, and the payment of
“kickbacks,” or illegal payments designed to guarantee awarding of a contract or the
exclusive right to provide a service.



775. HEARSAY EVIDENCE – oral testimony or documentary evidence which does

not derive its value solely from the credit to be attached to the witness himself.
776. HEDONISTIC CALCULUS OR UTILITARIANISM - the belief, first proposed by Jeremy
Bentham, that behavior holds value to any individual undertaking it according to the amount
of pleasure or pa in that it can be expected to produce for that person.

777. henry mayhew

778. Heredity – It may be a transmission of physical characteristics, mental

traits, tendency to disease etc. from parents to offspring. In genetics, the
tendency manifested by an organism to develop in the likeness of a progenitor
due to the transmission of genes in the reproductive process.

779. Heredity and Environment – Have been believe to share about equally in
determining disposition that is whether a person is cheerful or gloomy, his
temperament and his nervous stability.

780. HEROIN SIGNATURE PROGRAM - a DEA program that identifies the geographic
source area of a heroin sample through the detection of specific chemical characteristics in
the sample peculiar to the source area.

781. heterogeneous

782. HIJACKING - taking control of a plane, train etc by force, often to meet political

783. HIT AND RUN - not stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you.

784. hitman

785. hobo

786. Home – Considered as the cradle of human personality for in it the child
forms the fundamental attitudes and habits that endure through out his life.

787. Home Discipline – it is considered as 4 times as important as poverty in

the home in relation to delinquency; that it fails most frequently because of
indifference and neglect.

788. homicidal

789. homicide

790. HOMICIDE - killing another person unintentionally.

791. Homicide:The killing of one person by another. This is the generic legal term for
killing a person, whether lawfully or unlawfully. Unlawful homicide comprises the two crimes
of murder and manslaughter.

792. HOOLIGANISM - being violent or aggressive on purpose; often used to describe


793. horizontalize

794. hospiticide
795. HOT PURSUIT ARREST – when an offense has just been committed and he has
probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the
person arrested has committed it.
796. howard s. becker

797. humanities

798. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis

799. HYPOTHESIS - 1. [a]n explanation that accounts for a set of facts and that can be
tested by further investigation... , 2. something that is taken to be true for the purpose of
argument or investigation.

800. ian taylor

801. ID - the aspect of the personality from which drives, wishes, urges, and desires
emanate. More formally, the division of the psyche associated with instinctual impulses and
demands for immediate satisfaction of primitive needs.

802. IDENTITY THEFT- using someone else’s personal information for one’s own gain.

803. Identity Theft:Identity Theft primarily involves either “true name” or “account
takeover” fraud. With “true name” someone uses a consumer’s personal information to
open new accounts in his or her name. With “account takeover” someone gains access to a
person’s existing account(s) and makes fraudulent charges. Another form of identity theft
occurs when a criminal provides a victim’s personal information to law enforcement when
the criminal gets arrested. The victim may then have a criminal record or outstanding
warrants attached to their name without even realizing it.

804. IGNOMINY- moral suffering

805. illegal

806. illegality

807. illegitimate

808. ILLEGITIMATE OPPORTUNITY STRUCTURES - subcultural pathways to success which

are disapproved of by the wider society.

809. illicit

810. IMMATERIAL EVIDENCE - is that which is not directed to prove a fact in issue
as determined by the rules of substantive law and of pleadings
811. immunology

812. impact statement

813. IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT - the intentional enactment of practiced behavior

which is intended to convey to others one's desirable personal characteristics and social
814. imprison

815. imprisonment

816. IMPUTABILITY- is the quality by which an act may be ascribed to a person as

its author or owner. It implies that the act committed has been freely and consciously
done and may, therefore, be put down to the doer as his very own.
817. in jail

818. INADMISSABLE EVIDENCE - is that which is irrelevant to the issue or which

is excluded by the rules of evidence.
819. INCAPACITATION - the use of imprisonment or other means to reduce the likelihood
that an offender will be capable of committing future offenses.

820. inchoate
of reclusion temporal shall be imposed upon any public officer or employee, and that of
prision mayor upon any private individual, who, by unlawful or unauthorized acts
provokes or gives occasion for a war involving or liable to involve the Philippine Islands
or exposes Filipino citizens to reprisals on their persons or property.
822. incompetent
823. INCOMPETENT EVIDENCE - is one who excluded by law either on grounds of
its immateriality, irrelevancy, and want of credibility or for any other reason.
824. incriminate

825. Indecent Exposure:An offensive display of one’s own body in public, especially of the

826. INDETERMINATE OFFENSE- one where purpose of offender in the performing

an act is not certain. Its nature in relation to its objective is ambiguous.


829. indology

830. inducement

831. infanticide

832. INFANTICIDE- the killing of any child less than three days of age, whether the
killer is the parent or grandparent, any other relative of the child, or a stranger.
833. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS - specify how likely findings are to be true for other
populations, or in other locales.

834. INFORMATION – is an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense.

835. INFORMED CONSENT - an ethical requirement of social scientific research which
specifies that research subjects will be informed as to the nature of the research about to be
conducted, their anticipated role in it, and the uses to which the data they provide will be

836. infraction
837. INFRASTRUCTURE - The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the
functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems,
water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.

838. INHABITED HOUSE- is any shelter, ship or vessel constituting the dwelling of
one or more persons even though the inhabitants thereof are temporarily.
839. INHERENT (kind of aggravating circumstances) - those that must of necessity
accompany the commission of the crime.
840. inorganic chemistry

841. Inspector to Superintendent – Appointed by the chief of the PNP as

recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the civil service

842. INSTIGATION- public officer or private detective induces an innocent person to

commit a crime and would arrest him upon or after the commission of the crime by him.
843. Insurance Fraud: Fraud committed against an insurer, as when an insured lies on a
policy application or fabricates a claim.

844. INTEGRATED THEORY - an explanatory perspective that merges (or attempts to

merge) concepts drawn from different sources.

845. INTENT- intent is the purpose to use a particular means to effect such result.
846. INTERDICTION - an international drug control policy which aims to stop drugs from
entering the country illegally.

847. INTERNAL VALIDITY - the certainty that experimental interventions did indeed cause
the changes observed in the study group; also the control over confounding factors which
tend to invalidate the results of an experiment.

848. Internet Fraud: Internet fraud generally refers to any type of fraudulent use of a
computer and the Internet, including the use of chat rooms, email, message boards,
discussion groups and web sites, to conduct fraudulent transactions, transmit the proceeds
of fraud to financial institutions, or to steal, destroy or otherwise render unusable (the
proliferation of viruses for example) computer data vital to the operation of a business.

849. INTERSUBJECTIVITY - a scientific principle which requires that independent

observers see the same thing under the same circumstances for observations to be regarded
as valid.

850. Intrinsic Fraud: Deception that pertains to an issue involved in an original action. o
Examples include the use of fabricated evidence, a false return of service, perjured
testimony, and false receipts or other commercial documents.

851. Introvert – An individual with strongly self centered patterns of emotion,

fantasy and thought.
852. Investment Fraud: This form of fraud occurs when an adviser, stockbroker, or
brokerage firm offers investors biased, unfounded, or contradictory investment advice out of
a conflict of interest.

853. Involuntary Manslaughter: Homicide in which there is no intention to kill or do

grievous bodily harm, but that is committed with criminal negligence or during the
commission of a crime not included within the felony-murder rule.

854. IRRELEVANT EVIDENCE - is that which has no tendency in reason to establish

the probability or improbability of a fact issue.
855. Islamic law

856. italian school of criminology

857. jadavpur

858. jahangirnagar

859. jail

860. jailer

861. james q. wilson

862. jeremy bentham

863. jock young

864. JOHN DOE WARRANT - It is one issued to person whom the witnesses cannot
865. John Gaspar Lobater – A Swiss theologian, regarded the lack of beard in
man, the swirly eye or angry eye and weak chin serve as clues to unfavorable
personality or characteristic traits of an individual.

866. Jonathan Edwards family – One family tree that contradicted the theory
that criminality is inherited. A famous preacher in the colonial period, none of his
descendants were found to be criminals.

867. joseph fletcher

868. journalism

869. JUDGE

870. JUDICIAL NOTICE - means no more than that the court will bring to its aid and
consider, without proof of the facts its knowledge of those matters of public concern
which are known by all well informed persons.
871. Jukes Family – Family trees have been used extensively by certain
scholars in the effort to prove that criminality is inherited.

872. JURISDICTION - as the authority to hear and determine a cause.

873. jurisprudence

874. jurisprudence

875. JURY

876. JUST DESERTS - the notion that criminal offenders deserve the punishment they
receive at the hands of the law, and that punishments should be appropriate to the type and
severity of crime committed.

877. justice

878. Justifiable Homicide: The killing of another in self-defense when faced with the
danger of death or serious bodily injury. (same as excusable homicide)

879. justification
880. JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES- are those where the act of a person is said to
be in accordance with law, so that such person is deemed not to have transgressed the law
and is free from both criminal and civil liability.
881. juvenile delinquency

882. kidnapper

883. KIDNAPPING - taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe

884. kill

885. killbot

886. killer

887. killingly

888. killology

889. kinesiology

890. Kleptomania – An uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal.

891. KRIMINALPOLITIK - the political handling of crime, or a criminology-based social

892. LABELING - an interactionist perspective which sees continued crime as a
consequence of limited opportunities for acceptable behavior which follow from the
negative responses of society to those defined as offenders.

893. larceny

894. lascivious

895. latin

896. law

897. law and order

898. law enforcement

899. lawbreaker

900. lawless

901. LEADING QUESTION –It is one where the answer is already supplied by the
examiner into the mouth of the witness.
902. LEARNING THEORY - the general notion that crime is an acquired form of behavior.

903. lecturer

904. LEGALIZATION - (of drugs) eliminates the laws and associated criminal penalties that
prohibit the production, sale, distribution, and possession of a controlled substance.

905. Legomacy – A statemetn that we would have no crime if we had no

criminal laws and that we could eliminate all crime merely by abolishing all
criminal law.

906. LESS GRAVE FELONIES- are those which the law punishes with penalties
which in their maximum period are correctional.
907. less include offense

908. lewd
909. LEWD- lewd is designed as obscene, lustful, indecent, and lecherous. It signifies
the form of immorality which has relation to moral impurity; or that which is carried on a
wanton manner.
910. Lewdness:Gross, wanton, and public indecency that is outlawed by many state
statutes; a sexual act that the actor knows will likely be observed by someone who will be
affronted or alarmed by it.

911. LIBEL - damaging someone’s reputation by writing lies about them.

912. LIBEL- is a defamation committed by means of writing, printing, lithography,

radio, phonograph, painting or theatrical or cinematographic exhibition, or any similar
913. librarianship

914. licentiate

915. LIFE COURSE THEORIES - explanations for criminality that recognize that
criminogenic influences have their greatest impact during the early stages of life, and which
hold that experiences which children have shape them for the rest of their lives.

916. LIGHT FELONIES- are those infractions of law for the commission of which the
penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, is provided.
917. linguistics

918. ll.m

919. llb

920. llm

921. lloyd ohlin

922. logy

923. -logy

924. london labour and the london poor

925. lonnie athens

926. LOOTING - taking things illegally and by force, during a riot, war, etc.

927. lynch

928. LYNCHING - killing someone without legal process, often by hanging, often by an
angry mob.

929. m.i.t.

930. macroeconomics

931. magna cum laude

932. mail fraud

933. Mail Fraud: An act of fraud using the U.S. Postal Service, as in making false
representations through the mail to obtain an economic advantage.

934. majored

935. majoring

936. MALA IN SE - acts which are thought to be wrong in and of themselves.

937. MALA IN SE- wrongful from their nature, those so serious in their effects on
society as to call for the almost unanimous condemnation of its members and defined and
penalized by the Revised Penal Code.
938. MALA PROHIBITA - acts which are wrong only because society says they are.

939. MALA PROHIBITA- wrong merely because prohibited by statute, are violations
of mere rules of convenience designed to secure a more orderly regulation of the affairs
of society. The term mala prohibita refers generally to acts made criminal by special laws.
940. MALFEASANCE- is the performance of some act which ought not to be done.
941. MALICIOUS MISCHIEF- malicious mischief is the wilful damaging of another’s
property for the sake of causing damage due to hate, revenge or other evil motive.
942. man killer

943. mandatory sentence

944. Mania Fanatica – A morbid of insanity characterized by a deep and morbid

sense of religious feeling.

945. manslaughter

946. MANSLAUGHTER - killing someone without malice aforethought.

947. Manslaughter:The unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought.

948. manslaying

949. Manufacturing: Includes the creation of synthetic drugs and the act of isolating drug
compounds from organic sources.

950. Marital Rape: A husband’s sexual intercourse with his wife by force or without her

951. mariticide

952. market reduction approach

953. marxism

954. marxist criminology

955. MARXIST CRIMINOLOGY - See radical criminology.

956. Masochism – A condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives

pleasure from being dominated or cruelly treated.

957. mass murder

958. massacre
959. MATERIAL EVIDENCE – evidence is material when it is directed to prove a
fact in issue as determined by the rules of substantive law and pleadings.
960. mathematics

961. maths

962. Maturation – A process which appears in the life history of persisting

criminals. This process describes the development of criminality with reference
first to the general attitudes toward criminality and second to the techniques used
in criminal behavior.

963. Mayhem:Dismemberment or permanent disfigurement.

964. Mc Naghten Rule – Insanity is used to describe legally harmful behavior

perpetrated under circumstances in which the actor did not know the nature or
quality of his act or did not know right from wrong. This explanation was
formulated in England in 1843.

965. mcgill

966. mechanical engineering

967. Megalomania – A mental disorder in which the subject thinks himself great
or exalted.

968. Melancholia – A mental disorder characterized by excessive brooding and

depression of spirits; Typical of manic depressive psychosis accompanied with
delusions and hallucinations.

969. mens rea

970. META-ANALYSIS - a study of other studies about a particular topic of interest.

971. meteorology

972. microbiology

973. middler

974. mike sutton

975. millersville

976. minimum wage

977. minoring

978. misdeed

979. misdemeanor

980. misdemeanor


982. MISFEASANCE- is the improper performance of some act which might lawfully
be done
983. MISLEADING QUESTION – a question which cannot be answered without
making an unintended admission.
984. MISPRISION OF TREASON- every person owing allegiance to the government
of the Philippine Islands, without being a foreigner, and having knowledge of any
conspiracy against them, conceals or does not disclose and make known the same, as soon
as possible to the governor or fiscal of the province, or the mayor or the fiscal of the city
in which he resides.
985. MISTAKE OF FACT- is a misapprehension of fact on the part of the person who
caused injury to another.

987. mitigate
988. MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES- those which, if present in the commission of
the crime, do not entirely free the actor from criminal liability but only serve to reduce the

990. Mobility – The most significant social condition accompanying the

industrial and democratic revolutions because of this a condition of anonymity
was created and the agencies by which control had been secured in almost all
earlier societies were greatly weakened.


992. mods and rockers

993. molecular biology

994. molecular genetics

995. Molestation:The persecution or harassment of someone, as in the molestation of a

witness. The act of making unwanted and indecent advances to or on someone, especially
for sexual gratification.

996. monash

997. MONEY LAUNDERING - the process of converting illegally earned assets, originating
as cash, to one or more alternative forms to conceal such incriminating factors as illegal
origin and true ownership.
998. Money Laundering:The federal crime of transferring illegally obtained money
through legitimate persons or accounts so that its original source cannot be traced.

999. MORAL ENTERPRISE - a term which encompasses all the efforts a particular interest
group makes to have its sense of propriety enacted into law origin and true ownership.

1000. moral panic

1001. mores

1002. mortal sin

1003. MOTION

1004. motive
1005. MOTIVE- motive is the moving power which impels one to action for a definite
1006. MUGGING - attacking someone with a plan to rob them.

1007. multiscience

1008. murder

1009. MURDER - killing someone on purpose.

1010. murder by suicide

1011. Murder:The killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

1012. murderable

1013. murderee

1014. murderer

1015. murderess

1016. murderous

1017. murdersome

1018. museology

1019. musicology

1020. MUTILATION- means the lopping or the clipping off of some part of the body.
1021. MUTINY- it is the unlawful resistance to a superior officer, or the raising of
commotions and disturbances on board a ship against the authority of its commander.
1022. Napolcom – Shall administer the qualifying entrance exam. For policeman.
1023. NATURAL LAW - the philosophical perspective that certain immutable laws are
fundamental to human nature and can be readily ascertained through reason. Man-made
laws, in contrast, are said to derive from human experience and history–both of which are
subject to continual change.

1024. NATURAL RIGHTS - the rights which, according to natural law theorists, individuals
retain in the face of government action and interests.

1025. nazi

1026. neanderthal

1027. Necrophilism – Morbid craving usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies.

1028. NEGATIVE EVIDENCE- evidence which denies the existence of a fact in issue.
1029. negligent

1030. Negligent Homicide: Homicide resulting from the careless performance of a legal or
illegal act in which the danger of death is apparent; the killing of a human being by criminal

1031. nematocide

1032. NEOCLASSICAL CRIMINOLOGY - a contemporary version of Classical criminology

which emphasizes deterrence and retribution with reduced emphasis on rehabilitation.

1033. neoliberalism

1034. neurobiology

1035. neurology

1036. neuropathology

1037. neuropharmacology

1038. neuropsychiatry

1039. neuropsychology

1040. neuroscience

1041. neuroscientist

1042. NEUROSIS - functional disorders of the mind or of the emotions involving anxiety,
phobia, or other abnormal behavior.

1043. Neurosis – Is any kind of the mental functional disorders characterized by

anxiety, compulsion, phobia, depression, dissociation, etc.
1044. NEUTRALITY- a nation or power which takes no part in a contest of arms going
on between others is referred to as neutral.

1046. NOLLE


1048. NONFEASANCE-is the omission of some act which ought to be performed.

1049. norm


1051. NOTICE

1052. nuisance

1053. NURTURING STRATEGY - a crime control strategy which attempts "to forestall
development of criminality by improving early life experiences and channeling child and
adolescent development" into desirable directions.


to the senses of the court (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste).
1055. Obscenity:Any form of expression, such as a book, painting, photograph, movie, or
play, that deals with sex in a way that is regarded as so offensive as to be beyond the
protection of the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech. Under the most recent of
the Supreme Court’s efforts to define obscenity, the term applies to material that appeals to
prurient interest, depicts, or describes sexual conduct in a way that is patently offensive, and
lacks “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”

1056. Observation - A research methods which involves watching and sometimes

participating in social activities.

1057. OCCUPATIONAL CRIME - any act punishable by law which is committed through
opportunity created in the course of an occupation that is legal.

1058. oceanography

1059. offence

1060. offender

1061. Offender management - A term increasingly used to described the process of

working with offenders at different stages of the criminal justice process.

1062. offense

1063. offense
1064. Offense - Is an act or omission that is punishable by special laws.

1065. OFFENSE- is an act or omission that is punishable by special laws such as

Republic Acts, Presidential Decrees, Executive Orders, Memorandum Circulars,
Ordinances and Rules and Regulations.
1066. ology

1067. OMERTA - the informal, unwritten code of organized crime which demands silence
and loyalty, among other things, of family members.

1068. OMISSION- is meant inaction, the failure to perform a positive duty which one is
bound to do.
1069. Opportunity - Consists of acts or omission which enables another person or group of
persons to operate the crime.

1070. Ordinary criminal - The lowest form of criminal career, they engage only on
conventional crimes which require limited skill and they lack organization to avoid arrest and

1071. Organization - Refers to a group or association of people with common objectives.

1072. Organization Of criminals – This may be developed thru the interaction of

criminal, this may be a formal association with recognized leadership
understanding, agreements and division of labor or it may be a formal similarity
and reciprocity of interest and attitudes.

1073. Organizational culture - Organizations themselves tend to have their distinct cultures
“the way we do things around here” in terms of culture.

1074. Organizational structure - Refers to the lines of authority, decision making,

accountability, management systems and the relationships between constituent parts of an

1075. organized crime

1076. Organized crime - A generic description of any criminal activities carried out by a
group of two or more people. OR Are groups or operations run by criminals, most commonly
for the purpose of generating a monetary profit.

1077. Organizing - Is the process of grouping people, things, functions, activities, process
according to some logical or systematic plan or procedure so that work is carried out in the
most effective and efficient manner.

1078. osteology

1079. outlaw

1080. Over criminalized - Prohibited but shouldn’t be.

1081. Overt acts - It is some physical activity or deed, indicating the intention to commit a
particular crime.

1082. OVERT ACTS- an overt act is some physical activity or deed, indicating the
intention to commit a particular crime, more than a mere planning or preparation, which if
carried to its complete termination following its natural course, without being frustrated
by external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistance of the perpetrator, will logically and
necessarily ripen into a concrete offense.
1083. Pandering:The act or offense of recruiting a prostitute, finding a place of business for
a prostitute, or soliciting customers for a prostitute. The act or offense of selling or
distributing textual or visual material openly advertised to appeal to the recipient’s sexual

1084. panopticon

1085. Panopticon - A prison design which is a circular building with cells along the
circumference, each clearly visible from central location staffed by guards.

1086. panthéon-assas

1087. paralegal

1088. PARDON

1089. Pardon - The forgiveness of a crime and the penalty associated with it.

1090. PAROLE

1091. Parole - Not an executive clemency OR The condition release of prisoners before
they have served their full sentence.


1093. parricide

1094. PART OF THE RES GESTAE. – Statements made by a person while a startling
occurrence is taking place or immediately prior to or subsequent thereto with respect to
the circumstances thereof
1095. Part of the resgestae - Statements made by a person while a starling occurrence is
taking place or immediately prior to or subsequent.

1096. PARTY

1097. Passive inadequate criminal - Those who commit crimes because they are pushed to
it by inducement, by reward or promise without considering its consequences. They are
called “ulukan”.

1098. patricide

1099. paul topinard

1100. pedagogical
1101. pedagogics

1102. pedagogy

1103. Pedophilia – A sexual desire of an adult for children.

1104. peer group

1105. penal

1106. penal code

1107. Penal code - The legal code governing crimes and their punishment.

1108. Penalty - It is the suffering that is inflicted by the State for transgression of a law. OR
Signifies pain

1109. PENALTY- penalty is the suffering that is inflicted by the State for the
transgression of a law.
1110. Penologist - A person who studies the science or art of punishment. OR Who studies
the science or art of punishment.

1111. penology

1112. Penology - Concerned with the control and prevention of crime and the treatment of
the youthful offenders. OR Deals with the control and prevention of crime and the
treatment of youthful offenders.

1113. Perfect proof - It is a proof where there is no possibility of innocence.

1114. periodontics

1115. PERJURY - lying in court, while under oath.

1116. Perjury:The act or an instance of a person’s deliberately making material false or

misleading statements while under oath.

1117. pesticide

1118. ph.d

1119. ph.d.

1120. pharmacology

1121. phd

1122. phenomenology

1123. Philippine criminal law - Criminal law or Penal law is the branch of law which defines
crimes, treats of their nature and provides punishment.
1124. Philippine highway - It shall refer to any road, street, passage, highway and bridges
or other parts.

1125. PHILIPPINE HIGHWAY- it shall refer to any road, street, passage, highway and
bridges or other parts thereof, or railway or railroad within the Philippines used by
persons, or vehicles, or locomotives or trains for the movement or circulation of persons
or transportation of goods, articles, or property or both.
1126. philological

1127. philology

1128. philosophy of science

1129. phrenology

1130. Phrenology - This theory claims to be able to determine character, personality traits,
and criminality on the basis of the shape of the head.

1131. Physical evidence - Things used in the crime or that something left in the crime
scene which is the subjects of criminalistics.

1132. physics

1133. Physiognomy – Art of discovering character by observation and

measurement of outward appearances especially the face.

1134. Physiognomy - It is refer to a way to identify criminal by its facial figures, physical
appearance and crimes that has been committed.

1135. Physiological approach - Focused on the study of the nature of human beings.

1136. PICKPOCKETING - stealing wallets, money, etc. from people’s pockets in crowded

1137. PILFERING - stealing small quantities of goods over time.

1138. Piracy - It is robbery or forcible depredation on the high seas, without lawful
authority and done with animo furandi and in the spirit and intention of universal hostility.

of reclusion temporal shall be inflicted upon any person who, on the high seas, shall
attack or seize a vessel or, not being a member of its complement nor a passenger, shall
seize the whole or part of the cargo of said vessel, its equipment, or personal belongings
of its complement or passengers
1140. PIRACY-it is robbery or forcible depredation on the high seas, without lawful
authority and done with animo furandi and in the spirit and intention of universal
1141. PLEA

1142. Plea - The first pleading by criminal defendant, the defendant’s declaration in open
court that he or she is guilty or not guilty.

1144. Plea bargain/negotiations - A negotiations between defense and prosecution for a

fair disposition of the case and must be approved by the court.

1145. POACHING - hunting illegally.

1146. poenology

1147. police

1148. Police - Is the agency of a community or government that is responsible

1149. political crime

1150. Political crime Is one involving overt act or omissions which prejudice the interests
of the state, its government or its political system.

1151. political science

1152. population density

1153. Pornography:Pictures and/or writings of sexual activity intended solely to excite

lascivious feelings of a particularly blatant and aberrational kind, such as acts involving
children, animals, orgies, and all types of sexual intercourse.

1154. Positive evidence - Evidence which affirms a fact in issue.

1155. POSITIVE EVIDENCE– evidence which affirms a fact in issue

1156. Positive punishment - Serves to increase the probability of a particular behavior
being repeated.

1157. Positive reinforcement - Can also be provided when a behavior yields an increase in
status, money, awards, or pleasant feelings.

1158. Positivism - The application of scientific techniques to the study of crime and

1159. positivist school

1160. Positivist theory - Atavism or born criminal.

1161. Possession for Sale: The possession of drugs in quantities sufficient for resale.

1162. Possession: Having drugs or drug paraphernalia on one’s person.

1163. Post conventional level - This stage is reached during early adulthood at which point
individuals are able to go beyond social conventions.


1165. Post Mortem - After death.

1166. postgrad

1167. postgraduate

1168. Post–impact stage - This stage entails the degree and duration of the personal and
social disorganization following victimization.

1169. postmodernism

1170. PRAETER INTENTIONEM- the injurious result is greater than that intended.
1171. Praetor intention - The injurious result is greater than that intended.

1172. Pre conventional level - This stage is reached during middle childhood, moral
reasoning is based on obedience and avoiding punishment.

1173. precalculus

1174. precedent

1175. Precedent - An example that is used to justify similar occurrences.

1176. Pre-impact stage - This describes the state of the victim prior to being victimized.

1177. PREJUDICIAL QUESTION - It is a question, which arises in a case the

resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue or issues involved in said cases,
and the cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal.
1178. Prejudicial questions - It a question, which arises in a case the resolution of which is
a logical antecedent of the issue.

1179. prelaw

1180. Preliminary investigation - It is an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there

is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed.

1181. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION – It is an inquiry or proceeding to determine

whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been
committed and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and should be held for trial.
1182. Premises - It signifies distinct and definite locality.

1183. PREMISES- premises signifies distinct and definite locality. It may mean a room,
shop, building or definite area, but in either case, locality is fixed.
1184. Prescription Fraud: The act of obtaining prescription (legal) drugs through forged or
stolen prescriptions.


1186. Presentence investigation - An investigation conducted by approbation agency, or

other designated authority at the request of the court into the past behavior, family,
circumstances and personality of an adult who has been convicted of a crime.
1187. Presumption - An inference as to the existence of a fact not actually known, arising
from its usual connection with another which is known or a conjecture based on past
experience as to what course human affairs ordinarily take.

1188. PRESUMPTION – an inference as to the existence of a fact not actually known,

arising from its usual connection with another which is known or a conjecture based on
past experience as to what course human affairs ordinarily take.

1190. Pre-trial intervention - Supervise pre-trial interventions programs for persons charge
with a crime before or after any information has been filled or an indictment has been
returned in the circuit court.

1191. Preventive enforcement - Progressive and continuous patrolling.

1192. Prima Facie - On the face of it.

1193. Prima facie evidence - Evidence which can stand alone to support a conviction unless

1194. PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE – evidence which can stand alone to support a
conviction unless rebutted.
1195. Primary/best evidence - That which the law regards as affording the greatest

1196. PRIMARY/BEST EVIDENCE – that which the law regards as affording the
greatest certainty.
1197. primatology

1198. prison

1199. Prison - A place in which individuals are physically confined or interned and usually
deprived of a range of personal freedoms. OR Prisons are operated by states government
and the Federal Bureau of Prisons and are designed to hold individuals convicted of crimes.

1200. prison guard

1201. PRISON RECORDS- the personal circumstances of the inmate - it contains the
fingerprints, signature, mug shot, group, another violation while inside the institution.

1202. Prison Riot - A collective attempt by inmates to seize control over part or all of a
prison as a form of protest and again try to overpower their oppressors by forcing their ways
upon them.

1203. prisoner

1204. PRO SE

1205. Probable cause - Is a reasonable belief that the facts known to the police are
sufficient to show that a person has committed a crime.

1207. PROBABLE CAUSE- probable cause can be defined as such facts and
circumstances which would lead a reasonable discreet and prudent man to believe that an
offense has been committed and that the object sought in connection with the offense are
in the place sought to searched.
1208. Probation - A sentence in which the offender id retained in the community under
the supervision of a probation agency rather than being incarcerated. OR Disposition of a
case under which a defendant after conviction and sentenced is released subject to
conditions imposed by the court and to the probation officer. OR An alternative to
imprisonment allowing a person found guilty of an offense to stay in the community.

1209. Probative value - It is the tendency of the evidence to establish the proposition that
it is offered to prove.

1210. PROBATIVE VALUE – It is the tendency of the evidence to establish the

proposition that it is offered to prove.
1211. Professional criminal - They are highly skilled and able to obtain considerable
amount of money without being detected because of organization and contract with other
professional criminals.

1212. Professionalization – When applied to a criminal refers to the following

things the pursuit of crime as a regular day by day occupation, the development
of skilled technique and careful planning in that occupation and status among

1213. professor

1214. Progressive Conflict – This process begins with arrest which is intgerpreted
as defining a person as an enemy of society and which calls forth hostile relations
from representative of society prior to and regardless of proof of guilt, that each
side tends to drive the other side to greater violence unless it becomes stabilized
on a recognized level.

1215. Promissory Fraud: A promise to perform made when the promiser had no intention
of performing the promise.

1216. Proof - It refers to the accumulation of evidence sufficient to persuade the trial

1217. PROOF- It refers to the accumulation of evidence sufficient to persuade the trial
1218. Property bond - Is an undertaking constituted as a lien on the real property given as
security for the amount of the bail.
1219. PROPERTY BOND - is an undertaking constituted as a lien on the real property
given as security for the amount of the bail
1220. Property crimes - Crimes where the goal was to take or damage property.

1221. Proportionality - The notion of proportionality is the idea that we can rank the order
of the seriousness of the crime as well as a standard progression in the penalties to

1222. Proposal - There is no proposal when the person who has decided to commit a
felony proposes its execution to some other persons.

1223. PROPOSAL- there is a proposal when the person who has decided to commit a
felony proposes its execution to some other person or persons.
1224. proscience

1225. prosecution

1226. Prosecution - Function is lodged mainly with the National Prosecution Service, under
the Department of Justice.

1227. prosecutor


1229. Prosecutor - A trial lawyer representing the government in a criminal case and the
interests of the states in civil manners.

1230. Prospective - In the penal law cannot make an act punishable in a manner in which it
was not punishable when committed.

1231. PROSPECTIVE-(characteristic of criminal law)- in that a penal law cannot make

an act punishable in a manner in which it was not punishable when committed.
1232. Prospectively - Concept of the criminal law provides that is cannot make an act
punishable in a manner in which it was not punishable when committed.

1233. Prostitution:The crime of engaging in sexual intercourse or other sexual activity for


1235. Prussian Law of 1784 – prohibit mothers and nurses from taking children
under 2 years old of age into their beds.

1236. pseudoscience

1237. psych

1238. Psychiatric approach - Is a mental disease as diagnosed by a trained authorized

1239. Psychiatric criminology - It is also called Forensic Psychiatry. It is the application of
psychiatric knowledge to offender populations with respect to the juxtaposition between
mental disorder and criminal behavior.

1240. psychiatry

1241. psychoanalysis

1242. Psychoanalytic theory - States that all humans have natural drives and urges that are
repressed in the unconscious.

1243. Psychoanalytical approach Explanation of crime is based on the Freudian

Theory - This states that criminal behavior is caused by repression (suppression) of the basic
drives. OR Explains that the development of criminal behavior is caused by deprivation from
psychological need of man.

1244. psychobiology

1245. psychological

1246. Psychological criminology - It encompasses science of behavior and mental

processes of a criminal.

1247. psychologist

1248. psychology

1249. Psychology - It is about people and focuses on the study of the human mind and

1250. psychometrics

1251. Psychopathology - It is the scientific study of mental, emotional, and behavior

disorders as well as abnormal or maladaptive behavior.

1252. psychophysiology

1253. Psychosis – Is a major mental disorder in which personality is very

seriously disorganized and contact with reality is usually impaired.

1254. Public building - Is every building owned by the government or belonging to a

private person.

1255. PUBLIC BUILDING-is every building owned by the government or belonging to

a private person but used or rented by the government, although temporarily unoccupied
by the same.
1257. Public defender - A court appointed attorney for those defendants declared

1258. public order crime

1259. Public order crime - Crimes which involves act that interfere with the operations of
society and the ability of people to function efficiently.

1260. punishable

1261. Punishment - Judgements about why people are punished generally.

1262. punitive

1263. Pyramid Schemes:Pyramid Schemes may involve a structure that is laid out like a
pyramid, with one person at the top, two persons on the next level, four on the next and
eight on the next. The structure may also be circular with one person at the center, two on
the next, four on the next and eight persons on the outer circle. The circular structure is
merely a view of a pyramid looking from the top down.

1264. QUALIFYING (kind of aggravating circumstances) - those that change the nature
of the crime.
1265. Quantum of evidence - The totality of evidence presented for consideration.

1266. QUANTUM OF EVIDENCE– the totality of evidence presented for consideration

1267. Quantum of proof - Refers to the degree of proof required in order to arrive at a

1268. QUANTUM OF PROOF – refers to the degree of proof required in order to arrive
at a conclusion.
1269. Quarles decision - Warrantless search is justified only in emergencies.

1270. QUASI-RECIDIVISM- commits a felony after having been convicted by final

judgment, before beginning to serve such, or while serving the same, shall be punished by
maximum period of penalty prescribed by law for new felony.
1271. Race - The terms race and ethnicity have been used interchangeably but are not

1272. Racial threat theory - As the size of the black population increases, the perceived
threat to the white population increases, resulting in a greater amount of social control
imposed against blacks.

1273. Racism - Many authors define racism as a ‘doctrine, dogma, ideology, or set of

1274. Racist violence - Any incident, including threats, harassment, emotional and physical
harm, which is perceived to be racist by the victim, or any other person.

1275. racketeer
1276. Rafael Garofalo – A criminologist who pro-founded that society sets only 2
elements in crime, the opportunity and victim. He classified criminals into
murderers, thieves, sexual offenders (cynics) And violent criminals.

1277. raffaele garofalo

1278. RAPE - forcing someone to have sex.

1279. Rape:Unlawful sexual activity with a person without consent and usually by force or
threat of injury.

1280. rational choice theory

1281. Rational choice theory of crime - A classical model of human choice that assumes
that offenders rationally calculate the costs and benefits of committing a crime.

1282. Rational Crime - Those committed with intention and offender is in full apprehension
of his mental faculties.

1283. Rational economic - An ideal type economists use to derive theories about human

1284. Rationality - Human beings have free will, and the actions they undertake are the
result of choice.

1285. reaction formation

1286. REBUTTAL EVIDENCE - is that which is given to explain, repel, counteract or

disprove facts given in evidence by the adverse party.
1287. REBUTTING EVIDENCE – given to repel, counter act or disprove facts given in
evidence by the other party.
1288. Recession - Defined formally by economists as occurring when the amount of goods
and services produced by a country’s economy falls in two successive quarters.

1289. RECIDIVISM- when the time of trial for one crime, shall have been previously
convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced in the same title of the revised
penal code.
1290. Reciprocity - There is reciprocity if we look at the punishment as a natural part of
appropriateness of the punishment.

1291. Reckless Homicide: The unlawful killing of another person with conscious
indifference toward that person’s life.

1292. Recreational drug use - Characteristically centered on the use of cannabis and
‘dance drugs’ (for example, ecstasy), recreational drug use may be frequent but does not
involve excessive use, dependency or serious risks to health.

1293. RE-CROSS EXAMINATION – second questioning by the adverse party on

matters stated on the re-direct and also on such matters as may be allowed by court.
1294. RE-DIRECT EXAMINATION – second questioning by the proponent to explain
or supplement answers given in the cross examination
1295. regicide

1296. Regionalism – crime rate not only vary from one region to another but also
generally among the several sections of each nation.

1297. Regionalism - crime rate not only vary from one religion to another but also
generally along several section of each nation

1298. Regulation - Within criminology, this term implies the control of business activity
within the framework of a set of rules, by an agency or by dedicated personnel assigned to
ensure compliance with those rules.

1299. Rehabilitation - The belief that it is possible to tackle the factors that cause offenders
to commit crimes and so reduce or prevent re-offending. The focus is usually on individual
factors such as employability, problem substance use, and anger management. OR
Treatment of criminal offenders that is aimed at preventing future criminal behavior.

1300. REITARACION or HABITUALITY- accused is on trial for an offense, he has

previously serves sentence for another offense to which the law attaches an equal or
greater penalty, or for two or more crimes to which it attaches lighter penalty than that for
the new offense and that he is convicted of the new offense.
1301. Relativism - The perspective that knowledge is relative and contingent rather than
absolute and determined.

1302. RELEVANT EVIDENCE – evidence having any value in reason as tending to

prove any matter provable in an action.
1303. Religion - It emphasize of morals and life’s highest spiritual value, the work and
dignity of an individual and respect for the person and property of others generally a
powerful force

1304. Religion – It emphasizes of morals and life's highest spiritual values, the
work and dignity of an individual and respect for the person and property of
others generally a powerful forces.

1305. REPARATION- in case of inability to return the property stolen, the culprit must
pay the value of the property stolen.
1306. Resettlement - Refers to a long tradition of work which aims to reintegrate
imprisoned offenders back into the community.

1307. RESPONSIBILITY- is the obligation of suffering the consequences of crime. It is

the obligation of taking the penal and civil consequences of the crime.

1309. RESTITUTION-in theft, the culprit is duty bound to return the property stolen.
1310. Restoration - In the History of England the term ‘Restoration’ has a specific meaning
in as much as it is used to describe the process whereby Charles II regained the English
throne after the Parliamentarian rule in the wake of the English Civil War.

1311. Restorative justice - An approach to criminal justice which aims to restore victims,
offenders and the wider community as far as possible to the position they were in before the
offence was committed, by involving them in the decision making process and attempting to
reconcile their conflicts through informal (but structured) discussion.


1313. retribution

1314. Retribution - Many of the early professional specialist were experts at execution,
torture and mutilation.

1315. Revisionist history - Historical revisionism is the re-examination and reviewing of the
stories told as history with an eye to updating them with more recently discovered, more
unbiased or more accurate information.

1316. richard cloward

1317. richard rhodes

1318. RIOT - causing a noisy, violent public disturbance.

1319. Risk assessment - The activity of collating information on an individual, their

immediate circumstances and social environment with a view to assessing the likelihood of
particular behaviour patterns occurring in the future.

1320. Risk factors - Increasingly used to refer to individual or social factors which increase
the probability of involvement in crime.

1321. Risk management - The activity of using a risk assessment to manage the future risk
an individual may pose.

1322. robber

1323. robbery

1324. ROBBERY - stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank,
store, etc.

1325. ROBBERY- is the taking of personal property belonging to another, with intent to
gain, by means of violence against, or intimidation of any person, or using force upon
1326. robert e. park

1327. robert k. merton

1328. routine activity theory

1329. rule of law

1330. Rule of law - The idea of the ‘rule of law’ is that individuals and the

1331. Rural Criminality – According to Marshall B. Olinard, this kind of criminality

is explained by the persons identification with delinquents and his conception of
himself as reckless and mobile an explanation which is consistent with differential

1332. Rural Criminality - This kind of criminality explained by the person identification with

1333. saber

1334. savilian

1335. School – It is a strategic position to prevent crime and delinquency.

Segregation – This may be observed in the interaction between criminals and the
public thus, a person with criminal record may be ostracized in one community
but may become a political leader in other communities.

1336. School - It is the strategic position to prevent crimes and delinquency

1337. science

1338. scienceless

1339. sciences

1340. scienticide

1341. scientific

1342. scientific discipline

1343. scientific method

1344. scientific theory

1345. scientifically

1346. SEARCH WARRANT- is an order in writing issued in the name of the People of
the Philippines signed by a judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding him to
search for personal property described therein and bring it before the court.
1347. Seasonal Crime - Those that are committed only at a certain period of a year

1348. second degree murder

1349. SECONDARY EVIDENCE – that which indicates the existence of a more
original source of information.
1350. Second-degree murder: Murder that is not aggravated by any of the circumstances
of first-degree murder.

1351. Securities Fraud: The crime of knowingly making any materially misleading
statement, or failing to disclose a material fact, in connection with the purchase or sale of a

1352. SEDITION- in its general sense, is the raising of commotions or disturbances in

the State.
1353. SEDUCTION- seduction means enticing a woman to unlawful sexual intercourse
by promise of marriage or other means of persuasion without use of force.
1354. Segregation - This may be observed in the interaction between criminals and public
thus a person with criminal record maybe ostracize in one community but may become a
political leader in one community

1355. SEIZE- it means to place in the control of someone a thing or to give him the
possession thereof.
1356. self control

1357. self kill

1358. self slaughter

1359. self-defense

1360. Self-Defense:The use of reasonable force against an aggressor by one who

reasonably believes it necessary in order to avoid imminent bodily harm. Self-defense is a
justification for conduct that would otherwise be a crime.




1364. serial killer

1365. serious crime

1366. serotonin

1367. serve justice

1368. Service Crime - Those Committed only when given the situation conducive to its

1369. sexology
1370. Sexual Abuse: An illegal sex act, especially one performed against a minor by an
adult. The term is usually applied to contact not amounting to rape. and is typically divided
into degrees according to the nature and circumstances of the contact.

1371. Sexual Assault: Sexual intercourse with another person without that person’s
consent. 2. Offensive sexual contact with another person, exclusive of rape.

1372. Sexual Harassment:A form of unlawful employment discrimination consisting of

harassment of an employee or group of employees, usually women. This may take the form
of requiring or seeking sexual favors as a condition of employment (quid pro quo
harassment) or otherwise subjecting an employee to intimidation, ridicule, or insult because
of her sex, whether or not the harassing conduct is sexual in nature.

1373. Sexual Offense:General term used to describe a crime of a sexual nature.

1374. shoplift

1375. SHOPLIFTING - stealing something from a store.

1376. sigmund freud

1377. sin

1378. Sin - Is an act or omission against the spiritual or divine law.

1379. Situational crime - Those committed only when given the situation conductive to its
commission. OR Those who are actually not criminals but constantly in trouble with legal

1380. sixth commandment

1381. Sixto De leon - The first chairman of the board of criminology

1382. Sixto de Leon – The first chairman of the board of criminology.

1383. skyjack

1384. SLANDER - damaging someone’s reputation by speaking lies about them.

1385. SLANDER- slander is oral defamation, it is libel committed by oral (spoken)

means, instead of in writing. The term oral defamation or slander as now understood, has
been defined as the speaking of base and defamatory words which tend to prejudice
another in his reputation, office, trade, business or means of livelihood.
1386. slaught

1387. slaughter

1388. slaughterer

1389. slay
1390. slayer

1391. SMUGGLING - taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail, etc.

1392. social anthropology

1393. Social Contract - The enlightenment-era concept that human beings abandon their
natural state of individual freedom to join together and form society.

1394. social control theory

1395. Social Control Theory - Is a type of functionalist theory that suggest that deviance
occurs when a person's or group's attachment to social bond is weakened.

1396. Social Darwinism - Is a term first time utilized by Herbert Spencer

1397. social disorganization

1398. social disorganization theory

1399. social ecology

1400. Social institution of crime - The general explanation of one topic in relation to
criminal behavior.

1401. Social Institutions And Crime – The general explanation of one topic in
relation to criminal behavior is that causes of crime lie primarily in the area of
personal interaction and that personal interaction is confined most entirely to
local community and neighborhood.

1402. Social Learning Theory - Is the view that people learn by observing others OR The
theory developed by Albert Bandura in 1973.

1403. social order

1404. social philosophy

1405. social positivism

1406. Social Psychological – Advocated by John Dewey, George Mead, Charles

Cooley and W.I. Thomas, that development of criminal behavior is considered as
involving the same learning process as does the development of the the behavior
of a banker, doctor etc.; that the content of learning not the process itself is
considered as the significant element determining whether one becomes a
criminal or non criminal.

1407. Social psychological - Develop of criminal behavior is consider as involving the same
learning process.
1408. social science

1409. social structure

1410. Socialist School of Criminology – Based on writings of Marx and Engels,

began 1850 and emphasized economic determinism; that crime is only a by
product, variations in crime rates in association with variations in economic

1411. Socialized Delinquent Criminals - Those who are normal in their behavior, but merely
defective in their socialization processes.

1412. sociobiology

1413. sociolinguistics

1414. sociological

1415. Sociological and cultural approach - It includes assessment of those force resulting
from man’s collective survival efforts.

1416. Sociological And Cultural Approach – It includes assessment of those

forces resulting from man's collective survival effort with emphasis upon his
institution, economic, financial, educational, political, religion as well as

1417. Sociological Criminology - States that crime is a result of multiple factors which can
be divided into biological, psychological and social factors

1418. sociological positivism

1419. Sociological School - Interpret crime as function of social environment

1420. Sociological School – Interpreted crime as function of social environment;

emphasizing importance of imitation in crime causation.

1421. sociologist

1422. sociology

1423. Sociology – May mean a study of human society, its origin, structure,
function and direction.
1424. Sociology - May means a study of human society, its origin, function structure and

1425. Sociology of Law - Division of criminology which attempt to offer scientific analysis of
the conditions under which penal or criminal laws developed as a process of formal social
control. OR Is a division of criminology which attempts to offer scientific analysis of the
conditions under which criminal laws are developed as a process of formal social control.

1426. Sodomy:A term varying in meaning from state to state, but generally referring to any
type of sex act regarded by a legislature as “unnatural” or “perverted” In the narrowest and
most traditional sense, the term refers to anal sexual intercourse between men, but it may
extend to those or other acts between men and women (sometimes exemption married
couples, sometimes not), or women and women, or people and animals. Also called a crime
against nature, or an unnatural act.

1427. Soft determinism - The belief that human behavior is the result of choices and
decisions made within a context of situational constraints and opportunities

1428. Somatotype Theory - Theory that was developed by William Sheldon who associated
body type (physique) to human temperament.

1429. someone die

1430. sororicide

1431. southern culture of honor

1432. Span of Control - The ability of one person to supervise the affairs of subordinates is
limited by such factors.

1433. SPECIFIC (kind of aggravating circumstances) - those that apply only to

particular crime.
1434. Specific Deterrence - A goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to prevent a particular
offender from engaging in repeat criminality

1435. SPECULATIVE QUESTION – a question which assumes a disputed fact not

stated by the witness as true.
1436. SPEEDING - driving above the speed limit.

1437. Spousal Abuse: Physical, sexual, or psychological abuse inflicted by one spouse on
the other spouse.

1438. spree killer

1439. Stalking:The act of threatening, harassing, or annoying someone, especially with the
intent of placing the recipient in fear that an illegal act or an injury will be inflicted on the
recipient or a member of the recipient’s family or household.

1440. stanley cohen

1441. State corporate crime - Refers to the crimes that result fr4om the relationship
between the policies of the state and the policies and practice of Commercial Corporation

1442. state crime

1443. State crime - Is activity or failures to act that break the state's own criminal law or
public international law


1445. state-corporate crime

1446. Static crime - Those committed in one place.

1447. statistical mechanic

1448. statistical society of london



1451. statutory law

1452. Statutory laws - Are enacted by legislatures and reflect current cultural mores OR
Enacted by legislatures and reflects current cultural mores.

1453. Statutory Rape: Unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent,
regardless of whether it is against that person’s will.

1454. Stigmata - Refers to the physical marks and characteristics that suggest an individual
is abnormal

1455. strain theory

1456. Strain Theory - Views crime as a direct result of lower-class frustration and anger

1457. street light

1458. stress

1459. Structural Strain Theory - This theory traces the origins of deviance to the tension
that are caused by the gap between cultural goals and the means people have available to
achieve those goals.

1460. subcultural theory

1461. subcultures

1462. SUBJECT MATTER – cases of the general class where the proceedings in
question belong as determined by the nature of the offense and the penalty imposed by
1464. SUBSEQUENT CIRCUMTANCES – facts existing after the commission of the
crime [i.e. flight, extrajudicial admission to third party, attempt to conceal effects of the
crime, possession of stolen property, etc.]
1465. substantive


1467. summa cum laude

1468. superscience

1469. SUR REBUTTAL - is that which is given to repel, counteract or disprove facts
given in rebuttal evidence.
1470. surveillance

1471. Symbolic - In which modeling occurs by means of the media including movies,
television, internet, literature and radio.

1472. symbolic interactionism

1473. systems theory

1474. Tax Evasion - Not paying taxes

1475. Tax Evasion:The willful attempt to defeat or circumvent the tax law in order to
illegally reduce one’s tax liability.

1476. Tax Fraud:The crime of intentionally filing a false tax return or making other false
statements under penalties of perjury to taxing authorities.

1477. Tazir crime

1478. teaches

1479. teamkill

1480. techniques of neutralization

1481. technoscience

1482. Telemarketing Fraud: Telemarketing Fraud is a term that refers generally to any
scheme to deprive victims dishonestly of money or property or to misrepresent the values of
goods or services.

1483. TERRITORIAL (characteristic of criminal law) - in that criminal law undertakes

to punish crimes committee within Philippine territory.
1484. Territoriality - (characteristic of law) In that criminal law undertakes to punish crimes
committee within Philippine territory.

1485. TERRITORY – the geographical limits of the territory over which the court
presides and where the offense was committed.
1486. TERRORISM - using violence, threats, or fear, usually for political purposes.
1487. Terrorism:Politically motivated violence or intimidation directed against a civilian
population by a subgroup within a population, by an outside group, or by clandestine agents
of another country.

1488. Tertiary Crime Victim - Victims who experience the harm vicariously, such as through
media accounts, the scared public or community due to watching news regarding crime

1489. TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE – oral averments given in open court by the

1490. THE ACCUSATORIAL – under this system of procedure, prosecution of crimes
is conducted either at the initiative of the public prosecutor or of the offended party
1491. The community - The member of the community plays a very important in the
criminal justice system

1492. The correctional institutions - The agencies involved in the punishment of convicts
all fall under the executive department of the government

1493. THE INQUISITORIAL SYSTEM – this system in criminal procedure is

characterized by secrecy of investigation, the employment of torture and violence to
obtain confession from the accused, the denial of right of confrontation and of the right of
counsel, and of appeal in all cases.
1494. The judiciary - The judiciary is the final arbiter of controversies, of competing claims
and interests, including the determination of the guilt or innocence of a person charge of the
commission of a crime

1495. The law enforcement - The law enforcers are at the forefront of the criminal justice
system of the country

1496. THE MIXED SYSTEM – the so-called mixed system is a good combination of
the good features and characteristic of the inquisitorial and the accusatorial system.
1497. The Pillory - Was much like the stocks but the public was able to throw things at the
person being held.

1498. The prosecution - The prosecution function is lodged mainly with the national
prosecution service, under the department of justice

1499. The Stocks - It was used for petty offenders (drunkards) who could not pay their

1500. THEFT - stealing, in general.

1501. Theft By Deception: The use of deception to obtain another’s property.

1502. Theft By False Pretext: The use of a false pretext to obtain another’s property.

1503. Theft Of Services: The act of obtaining services from another by deception, threat,
coercion, stealth, mechanical tampering, or using a false token or device.
1504. THEFT- theft is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without
violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take personal
property of another without the latter’s consent.
1505. Theft:The felonious taking and removing of another’s personal property with the
intent to permanently deprive the true owner thereof; larceny. Broadly, any act or instance
of stealing, including larceny, burglary, embezzlement, and false pretenses.

1506. theology

1507. Theoretical Criminology - Is a subfield of general criminology most often found in

colleges and universities

1508. Theoretical Elaboration - Efforts to figure out the implications of a theory, what
other variables might be added to the theory; also associated with the belief that theory
competition is better than theoretical integration.

1509. Theoretical Integration - Efforts to come up with grand, overarching theories which
apply to all types of crime and deviance.

1510. Theoretical Specification - Efforts to figure out the details of a theory, how the
variables work together; usually associated with a belief that many, competing theories are
better than integrated efforts.

1511. theorist

1512. Theory Building - Efforts to come up formal, systematic, logical, and mathematical
ways in which theories are constructed.

1513. Theory Construction – A inform, creative endeavor which connects something

known with something unknown; usually in a measurable way.

1514. theory of evolution

1515. thief

1516. Three-strikes Legislation - Criminal statutes that mandate life imprisonment for
criminals convicted of three violent felonies or serious drug offences.

1517. thrill kill

1518. thug

1519. thuggee


1521. timss

1522. topic category

1523. tort
1524. torture

1525. toxicology

1526. Trace Evidence - Analysis is the analysis and comparison of trace evidence including
glass, paint, fibers and hair.

1527. TRAFFICKING - trading something illegal like drugs, people, etc.

1528. Trafficking: The act of transferring drugs from one location to another, usually on
behalf of a second party.



1531. transgression

1532. transpersonal

1533. Transportation - The alternative form of capital punishment to the death penalty.

1534. travis hirschi

1535. TREACHERY- when the offender commits any of the crime against the person ,
employing means, methods or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and
specially to insure its execution, without risk to himself arising from the defense which
the offended party might make.
1536. treason

1537. TREASON - betraying one’s country by helping its enemies.

1538. TREASON- is a breach of allegiance to a government committed by a person who

owes allegiance to it.
1539. TRESPASSING - entering another person’s area; hurting people/damaging property
through force.

1540. TRIAL

1541. tyrannicide

1542. Uhlenhuth test - Test, or the antigen-antibody precipitin test for species


1544. undergrad

1545. undergraduate

1546. university of chicago

1547. UNJUST VEXATION- unjust vexation includes any human conduct which,
although not productive of some physical or material harm would, however, unjustly
annoy or vex an innocent person.
1548. unlaw

1549. unlawful

1550. unslain

1551. urban sociology

1552. utilitarianism

1553. Utilitarianism - Holds to any value to any individual undertaking it according to the
amount of pleasure or pain

1554. uxoricide

1555. VACATE

1556. vagrancy

1557. VANDALISM - destroying private or public property purposely.

1558. Vehicular Homicide: The killing of another person by one’s unlawful or negligent
operation of a motor vehicle

1559. VENUE - is a geographical division in which an action is brought to trial.

1560. victim



1563. victimless crime

1564. victimology


1566. VIOLATION OF DOMICILE. — The penalty of prision correccional in its

minimum period shall be imposed upon any public officer or employee who, not being
authorized by judicial order, shall enter any dwelling against the will of the owner
thereof, search papers or other effects found therein without the previous consent of such
owner, or having surreptitiously entered said dwelling, and being required to leave the
premises, shall refuse to do so.
1567. VIOLATION OF NEUTRALITY — The penalty of prision correccional shall be
inflicted upon anyone who, on the occasion of a war in which the Government is not
involved, violates any regulation issued by competent authority for the purpose of
enforcing neutrality.

1569. vishishtadvaita
1570. Voluntary manslaughter: An act of murder reduced to manslaughter because of
extenuating circumstances such as adequate provocation (arousing the “heat of passion”) or
diminished capacity.

1571. VOYEURISM - secretly watching naked people or sexual acts & getting sexually

1572. W. A. Bonger – Classified crimes by the motives of the offenders as

economic crimes, sexual crimes, political and miscellaneous crimes with
vengeance as the principal motive.

1573. war crime


1575. White Collar Crimes – crimes committed by persons on the upper socio
economic level or occupying a high position in the organization.

1576. william julius wilson

1577. wink murder

1578. wire fraud

1579. Wire Fraud: An act of fraud using electronic communications, as by making false
representations on the telephone to obtain money.

1580. wisconsin-madison

1581. working class

1582. Writs:An order from a higher court to a lower court or to a government official, such
as a prison warden.

1583. wrongdoer

1584. X

1585. X or XD

1586. Xenodochium

1587. X-Inefficiency

1588. X-M

1589. X-Patent

1590. X-rated

1591. XYY Chromosome Defense

1592. XYY Syndrome

1593. Yankee Bond

1594. Yankee Bond Markets

1595. Yankee CDs

1596. Yankee Market

1597. Yard

1598. Yardstick Theory

1599. Yarn

1600. Year and a Day Rule

1601. Yeoman

1602. Yeomanry

1603. Yeomen of the Guard

1604. Yick Wo Doctrine

1605. Yield

1606. Yield Advantage

1607. Yield Burning

1608. Yield Curve

1609. Zambrano

1610. Zealous Witness

1611. Zebra Crossing

1612. Zero Acreage Report [Agriculture]

1613. Zero Coupon Bond

1614. Zero Coupon Convertible Debenture

1615. Zero Emissions Industry

1616. Zero Growth

1617. Zero Hour

1618. Zero Minus Tick

1619. Zero Plus Tick

1620. Zero Sum Scenario

1621. Zero Tape

1622. Zero Tolerance Law

1623. Zero Uptick

1624. Zero-Balance Account (ZBA)

1625. Zero-Based Budgeting

1626. Zero-Bedroom Dwelling [HUD]

1627. Zero-Bracket Amount

1628. Zero-day Exploit

1629. Zero-Fuel Weight

1630. Zero-Investment Portfolio

1631. Zero-Rate Mortgage

1632. Zero-Rated

1633. Zero-Rated Sales

1634. Zero-Volatility Spread

1635. zipf's law

1636. Zipper Clause

1637. Zoe Law

1638. Zombie Copyright

1639. Zone

1640. Zone of Employment

1641. Zone of Interests

1642. Zone of Natural Expansion (Trademark)

1643. Zone of Privacy

1644. Zone of Resistance

1645. Zone of Support [Securities]

1646. Zone Pricing

1647. Zone Restricted Status

1648. Zone-of-Danger

1649. Zone-of-Danger Rule

1650. Zoning

1651. Zoning Commission

1652. Zoning District

1653. Zoning Map

1654. Zoning Ordinances

1655. zoology

1656. Zoophilia

1657. Zoosadism

1658. Zygocephalum

1659. Zygostate

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