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Matthew's Mission School,Udaipur

Session - 2023-2024

Computer Science Project

"Jumble Word Game"

CLASS : Xl th
SUBJECT : Science

Guided By Submitted By:

Shreya Agrawal Daksh Khokawat

Ideclare that the work presented in this

project titled "JUMBLE WORD GAME'",
submitted to Shreya Agrawal ma'am.
In case this undertaking is found incorrect,
I accept that my Certificates may be
unconditionally withdrawn.

December, 2023
Place:St Matthew's Mission School Udaipur

This is to certifiy that "Daksh Khokawat' student of class XIl

Science has successfuly prepared the report. On the Project
entitled "Jumble Word Games" under the guidance of
"Shreya Agrawal maam" - (Computer Science).
The report is the result of her effort &endeavors.
The report is found worthy of acceptance as final Preject
report for the subject Computer Science of class XIl

Shreya Agrawal
St Matthew's Mission School

Iwish to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks for

providing infrastructure necessary for successful
completion of this project.
Iextendmy thanks to Ms. Shreya Agrawal (Computer
Science Teacher), for her encouragementand for all the
guidance that she provided for this project work.
Itake this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude
for my parents for invaluable guidance, constant
encouragement, constructive comments,sympathetic
attitude and immense motivation which has sustained my
effort at allstages of my life.

1. Undertaking
2. Certificate

3. Acknowledgment
4. Content

5. Introduction of project
6. Objective of the project
7. System requirements of project
8. Source code

9. Outputs

10. References
About Jumble WordGam :
Jumble word game is a new way to introduce new vocabulary. It is a word
game with a clue and a set of words each of which is Jumbled" by
scrambling. It is a game in which a jumbled word is given to the player and
player has to rearrange the characters of the word to make a correct
meaningful word to score maximum points.
If the player is not able to guess the correct word in frst attempt then the hints
will be given to them.

The computer picks a random word from a group and then creates a jumbled
version of it, where the letters are in random order. The player has to guess the
original word to win the game.

1. Jumble word: erwta
Correct word: water
2. Jumble word: mehtatasmci
Correct word: mathematics
3. Jumble word: keseg
Correct word: geeks

This is a one player game, at first program pick a random word from the given
database of words using choice() method of random module. After shuffling
the characters of picked word using sample method of random module and
shows the jumbled word on the screen. Current player should give the answer;
if it gives the corect answer after rearranging the characters then player's
score is incremented by one otherwise not. After quitting the game, winner is
decided on the basis of scores.
Advantages of "Jumble word game" :

1. Enjoyable methods of learning language.

2. Help to improve vocabulary.
3. Increase motivation for learning language.
4. They promote communication in English language.
5. They provide meaningful situations for practicing language.
6. Reduce anxiety related to learning and making errors.
7. Encourage spontaneous use of English language.
8. Integrate different linguistic skills.
9. Increase learner participation in class.
10.It boosts up working memory.

Rules of the game :

> If the user enter the right answer, then the user will be rewarded by 100
> If the user does not give the right answer, then the user will get the hint of
the first letter of the original word.
And if the user enter the right answer, then the user will be rewarded by
50 points.
> If the user does not give the right answer even after getting the hint of the
first letter of the original word, then the user will get the hint of the last
letter of the original word.
> And if the user enter the right answer, then the user will be rewarded by
25 points.
> If the user does not give the right answer even after getting the hint of the
last letter of the original word, he/she will lose the game.
> Hence, the ganme will be over.
> At last, the user will get the total points.
Ohjective ofthe project
The objective of this project is to let the students apply the programming
knowledge into a real-world situation/problem and exposed the students how
programming skills help in developing a good software.

Some key points are as follows :

1. Utilising modern software tools for programming games.

2. Apply object oriented programming principles effectively when
developing small to medium sized projects.
3. Write effective procedural code to solve small to medium sized
4. Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in computer science, as exemplified
in the area of game development.
5. Demonstrate ability to conduct a research or applied computer science
project, requiring writing and presentation skills which exemplify
scholarly style in computer science.
3 Hardware required :
Modern Operating System:
Windows 7 or 10
Mac OSX 10.11 or higher, 64-bit
" Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also
work in Ubuntu)
> X86 64-bit CPU (Intel / AMD architecture)
> 4 GB RAM
> 5 GB free space
> Printer for printing project

Software required :

> Operating System- Windows 10

> Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359 112e, Jul 82019, 19:29:22) [MSC v.l916
bit (Intel)] on win32 for execution of program
> MS word, for preparing documentation
"Jumble Word Game "


Designed andMaintained by:

Daksh Khokawat - Class XIl Science
Rollno. -3
import random

def junble, word (word) :

jumbled = list (word)
Ieturn .join(jumbled )

def choose wOrd () :

WOrds= ['python", progTamm1no" "challenge", "coding", "developer", "algorithm" "varlable" , "debugging", "syntax" "function"]
return random. choice (words)

def play .game (0:

rounds =3 # Number of rOunds toplay

print("Welcome to the Jumble Word Game!")

for round_num in range(1, rounds + 1):

print ( \nRound (rOund_num) ")

target_word = choose word()

jumbled _word = jumble _word(target _word)

print(f"Unscramble the word: (jumbled word) ")

guess= input ("YouI guess: ")

if guess.lower() == target.word:
print ("Congratulations ! You got 1t ight ")
print (f"Sorry, the cOIrect word was: (target wOrd) ")

print(nThanks foI playi ng !")

name == main":
play game ()
Welcome to the Jumble Word Game!

Round 1

Unscramble the word: ocndig

Your guess: coding
Congratulations! You got it right.

Round 2
Unscramble the word: ythpon
Your guess: python
Sorry, the coIIect word was: python

Round 3

Unscramble the word: leoprmamgn

Your guess: programming
Congratulations! You got it right.

Thanks for playing!

2. code academy
4. lay ak. in

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