Unit 3 Module Support Pack 11

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Unit 3 Professional and Contextual Studies 1 FdA Art, Design and Media Pathways Pack 4 Module Support Pack
Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3 Module Handbook (Brief) VRF Reader Module Support Pack

Section 1

Welcome to Contextual and Professional Studies Year 1 at a glance and programme and schedule details Good Academic Practice and VRF Guidance Information Booklists Units 3 and 6

Section 2

Introducing the Online Lectures for Unit 3 (on Moodle) Accessing Moodle (for the Online Lectures) Online Research: Virtual Learning Resources Portal Plagiarism & Detection Software: Turnitin (Unit 6) Turnitin: How to register and submit work


Welcome to Contextual and Professional Studies

Contextual and Professional Studies is an area of study that impacts upon most areas of art and design and it forms a vital component of your degree. Contextual Studies incorporates Art History, Design History and Architectural History along with Film, Communication, Media and Contextual Studies. It may draw upon other fields of knowledge or theoretical models, including Marxist or Feminist Theory, to help illuminate our understanding of the visual world. Essentially, Contextual Studies aims to develop your cultural and intellectual awareness and assist you in thinking for yourselves and making informed critical judgements.

Contextual Studies has four principal aims: 1. 2. 3. 4. To develop your visual, cultural and intellectual awareness. To locate your work culturally, historically and within a broader context To hone your critical and analytical abilities To deliver contextual studies tailored to meet your needs and the needs of your course.

Important: All Contextual Studies Units are Mandatory As an integral part of your course, no matter how it may first appear to you, all your Contextual Studies assignments must be passed if you are to complete your Foundation Degree course. You will be denied the opportunity to graduate if you have not completed all of your Contextual Studies work. Read carefully: Successful art and design students understand that their work develops and flourishes in an atmosphere that encourages and supports an understanding of the history, contexts and current thinking that surrounds their practice as artists and designers intellectual curiosity and creative endeavour go hand in hand. Contextual Studies is a part of your course and it will make you a better performing student.

Enjoy your year in Contextual Studies

Mike De-Vere


At A Glance
Semester 1 Semester 2 Assessment Sessions Venue: Unit 3: Unit 6: -

Your First Year

Unit 3: Contextual and Professional Studies 1 Unit 6: Contextual and professional Studies 2 February and June every Wednesday at MMU see the schedule Mike is also available in Fielden 220 Room 303, Chatham Building, Oxford Road, from 1.00 pm introducing Modernisms impact on design and media and examining related contextual issues the northwest context of design and media today and an introduction to Postmodernism

Assignments: Semester 1: Visual Reference File with writing on a contextual issue Semester 2: Contextual Studies Investigation (the Manchester project) Online: Moodle for access to Unit 3 online lectures Turnitin for plagiarism checking Tumblr for updates/reminders/contacting Mike/link to Scribd Scribd to download spare packs and handouts LC portal site for search engines, study skills and MMU site

Online Lectures: a modified version of the six lectures informing the VRF
assignment. It includes specialist features for deaf, dyslexic and late start students but its mix of images, text, video clips and audio commentary make it an excellent resource for those who need to become familiar with the material before or after the lectures. However, it only supports L1 L6 and you must attend all the classes and its other lectures (see the schedule).

Online Research: students should be aware of how much material is now

available on the world wide web and to this end the Learning Centre website contains all the specialist links that you might need to allow you to research your contextual studies assignments online and outside of college. You will be given specific guidance on how to use these sites and search engines.

This pack includes information to help you access and use Moodle, Turnitin and the college Website/LC Portal. You will be briefed on how to access Tumblr (and its link to Scribd) in your class sessions. For the record: http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/mikedev http://www.scribd.com/ContextualStudies

Mike is only in college on a Wednesday and so these online resources are set up so that you do not have to wait until a Wednesday for packs, advice or information. It is important, therefore, that you can use them and consult them regularly, especially Tumblr. Mike


The Contextual Studies Programme in Year One

You encounter Contextual Studies in Units 3 & 6 in your first year: both are on a weekly basis throughout the year both are lead by specialist staff both are non-negotiable, reflecting the value that MMU places on them The first year programme begins with slide lectures accompanied by guided research to introduce you to Modernism and the way it has transformed modern design and media. This is accompanied by the examination and discussion of selected issues in order to develop your critical and analytical awareness of your own and others work. Later in the year, with the help of specialist practitioner speakers, we will examine the reasons why media and cultural industries have flourished in and around Manchester.

Unit 3 and Unit 6 each have their own distinct assignments both involve different kinds of short writing and careful time management there is an online, customised version of the modernism lectures

(The second year programme supports research which contextualises a chosen aspects of your specialist course area and career goals: it brings to bear the skills and knowledge developed in your first year onto your creative work. Initially you will write about Postmodernism as it relates to your specialism and then you will produce a diagnostic essay that sets out and justifies your direction and goals. Finally you are to produce a long essay that contextualises your final work and this will involve personal research guidance, oral presentation, feasibility reports and training in academic procedures, A major emphasis will be on self-direction and good time management.)

Most Contextual Studies skills are transferable skills and these are highly valued by employers in the cultural and media industries, particularly because the skills of writing, communications, time management and research can be poor in art and design graduates such as yourself. You need, therefore, to make the most of this opportunity to improve these transferable skills: consider screening sessions identify your writing strengths and weaknesses you can work with our in-class Learning Support tutor Online Study Skills will improve your communication skills the colleges dyslexia support services can be accessed in the LC you can consult with Mike, one to one, on a Monday afternoon

Assessment Procedures in Contextual Studies will be clearly explained in the sessions and briefs. Viva: in particular we can insist on a Viva Voce, an oral presentation and discussion of your assignment, where your first language is not English (to help you get the best grade) or where we suspect plagiarism (see separate note on this). All students, however, can (with appropriate notice) request a viva if they think that it will support the assessment of their written work.


FIRST SEMESTER 10 - 11: Unit 3: Professional & Contextual Studies 1

Each Wednesday; room 303, Chatham Building, MMU. All Saints/Oxford Rd Two sessions (1.00 pm and 2.30 pm) examining two themes in parallel Themes: 1. Modernism and design/media and 2. selected contextual issues Assignment: Visual Reference File (VRF) with writing on a contextual issue


occasional sessions not at MMU lecture presentations the six styles covered by the VRF assignment to Manchester with digital camera (for your VRF) modernist clips and your selections (for your VRF)

Weeks (WED)
01: 28/09 02: 05/10 03: 12/10 04: 19/10 05: 26/10 06: 02/11 07: 09/11 08: 16/11 09: 23/11 10: 30/11 11: 02/12 12: 07/12




V: Orientation Tour of City Centre Manchester L: Past Art and Analysis Introductions / Writing Summaries th L: 19 C Origins+Preview Student Services L1: CuboFuturism Online Material: Demonstrations L2: Abstract Styles Captions/Screening of Clips No Class: Sample Exercise (dps) for next week Feedback on Writing Stereotypes 1 L3: Dada Stereotypes 2 L4: Surrealism Peer Review and Captions L5: Pop Art Screening of Films L6: Expressionism Semiotics 1 Prof David Crow L Modern Design Semiotics 2

Speaker: MMU LC Speaker from MMU Speaker from LC Summary Writing in Exercise in

13: 04/01 14: 11/01 14: 18/01 16: 25/01 01/02

Screening of Clips L: Postmodern Design L: High & Low Culture 2 V: Visit or Case Study No Class: Assessment

Research/Plagiarism/Referencing High & Low Culture 1 Recaps, Assess. Criteria, Support Delivery of Assignment

Draft work in



Good Academic Practice

Study Skills Support Plagiarism General Academic Practice

A good Art and Design student is one who realises that Contextual Studies is a part of their full-time course, putting their work in touch with modern practice and inspiring their work. They also realise that future Art & Design related interviews, for courses or jobs in the cultural industries sector, will want to know about your work in Contextual Studies to be confident that your academic and communication skills are both reasonable and appropriate. Consider these points carefully, therefore:

Study Skills Support: CCM offers a range of support for those aspects of your study skills that might need to improve and there is no denying that, each year, there are always students in art and design who need to make use of these you must come forward if you suspect that you are in this situation you must honour your commitments to receive support

Notice on Plagiarism Plagiarism is passing of the writing of others as your own. In simple terms it is the act of copying. It is a serious offence and in the era of the Internet it is a growing problem. You must resist temptation because it is easy for us to spot that your work that has been plagiarised. Note that plagiarism can happen by accident when students include chunks of texts that they have collected in their research but forget to mention their sources or use of quotations. You must avoid this and use the legitimate methods of quoting the writings of others set out in our materials. Students found guilty of plagiarism will have their work referred and their case will be brought to the attention of the Exam Board for further action. The College will use Turnitin software to check for plagiarised material and the briefs for Units 6 and 10 will require a copy of your assignment on disc

Good Academic Practice equip yourself: file, storage box, planning diary, back up files attend classes: problems snowball once you start missing sessions be prepared: read the topics in advance, consult the online lectures be honest: front up and explain your problems (they grow in the dark!) persevere: acknowledge that these units are difficult, give them the respect that they deserve and dont give up: they have to be completed.


GUIDANCE FOR THE VRF & ISSUES ASSIGNMENTS 1. Contextual Studies VRF Grid: Record your image discoveries here
include maker, title, date and media
The alternative names for the six styles are in italics: use them as search engine key words

STYLE CUBISMFUTURISM Art Deco Rayonnism Section D`Or ABSTRACTION De Stijl Suprematism Bauhaus Design DADA Cabaret Voltaire Punk Fluxus SURREALISM New Look Metaphysical School POP ART USA & UK Memphis Postmodernism EXPRESSIONISM Die Brucke. Lo Fi, Abst Expressionism Der Blaue Reiter New Media Design Jewellery Photography Animation Graphic Design


Design found in Manchester Design found in Manchester Design found in Manchester Design found in Manchester Typographic Design found in Manchester
design found in Manchester

Original Website Design Contemporary Metal Work Iconic Photographic Images Animation Stills/Screen Grabs Original Website Design
this can include graphics, interiors, architecture and street furniture


2. General Methodology and Time Management Detailed and specific guidance is available in your two Readers for this unit

Your lectures on twentieth century Modernism will introduce you both to different modern styles and to their interdisciplinary tendency that brings together and synthesises different medias and cultural activities. This VRF assignment, which is customised to the medias employed within your course, asks you to explore in more depth this convergence and interplay of art and design activities. You will find the appropriate visual evidence for these designated styles and media by consulting with staff, using your initiative and by employing research skills (see Reading and Resources below) This assignment is intended to enlarge your visual and cultural awareness by a continuous process of exploration, discovery, decision making and discussion. It is a dialogue, as it were, between the lectures and your personal exploration and understanding. Therefore;- this assignment follows up the weekly lectures and is difficult to undertake just before the deadline, and - your research, therefore, follows up the lectures each week.

Methodology and time management, therefore, are valuable skills that you need to develop during this assignment. You are advised to use and follow the advise given in this booklet and, as an initial step, consider and act upon these important strategies asap: - plan a fixed, weekly research session, min.30 minutes - prepare and follow up with the online lectures and their self-marking exercises - purchase a file and six wallets, labelled, to organise the images and material collected - record your discoveries in the grid at the back of this booklet to plot your progress - continuously record the source of each image (write on the back)

Summary Exercise: the first semester will begin with a review of the major styles to be studied and, with the aid of a Summaries Exercise found in the VRF Reader, you will be asked to write six short summaries of the six styles in your own words. These will be submitted and reviewed so that - you have early feedback on your understanding and writing - you are clear about the styles to be investigated - you have the six introductions in draft form for your VRF


VRF Presentation Guidance Presentation of a high standard is important for the VRF (see the Assessment Criteria). Check the finished examples to get an idea of the finished product and read this checklist carefully: 1. The VRF should begin with a cover and the completed grid (or Contents) 2. Ensure that your examples are organised to follow exactly the order of the grid/contents. You will be penalised if they are not properly ordered. 3. Use dividers (or similar) and bold headings to clarify your organisation 4. Every style section must begin with a clear title and a short summary of the style (based upon your earlier Summary writing) 5. Every image must have a three-part caption/attribution as explained below 6. Add to the back of your VRF (your Appendix): 1. A collection of your own material, either left over or collected at your own initiative (extra effort or originality will be rewarded) 2. Your last page needs to be a comprehensive source list (a Bibliography) from which you have obtained your research material 7. Design your cover include your name, course and the date. 8. Customisation of your VRF is not compulsory, but credit is given for initiative and originality in your presentation.

Time Management Unit 3, unlike the other three Contextual Studies units, involves two briefs. Both require short pieces of writing but they are all due in at the end of January. Therefore many students find it hard to manage their time successfully. This problem, of course, is magnified if you tend to leave you work until just before the deadline The following points may help you through this unit: Write up/format one VRF style section asap and see how long it takes (and get feedback from Mike) Set yourself a December deadline to complete one of the titles (and lessen the January panic) Keep your tutor informed dont own up to problems when it is too late for help.


Author Surname Antonelli Austin & Doust Barthes Bhaskaran Bignall Bonnici Branczyk Conway Corran Crow Demos Dormer & Turner Druckery and Stone Dyer Faber & Walters Fiske Furniss Gant Green Hughes Lugli McQuiston Paul Saunders Schuyler Strinati Author First Name P. T. R. R. L. J. Peter Alexander et al Lloyd Morgan S. D. T. J. P. R. T and A.R Liz L. H. M. M. C. (introd) R. R. A. L. C Dave N. D. Date Book Title Publisher ISBN

2003 2007 1957 2005 2002 1999 2001 1999 2001 2003 2007 1994 1996 1988 2004 1989 2006 2005 2004 2005 2006 1995 2003 1996 1995 2006

Objects of Design New Media Design Mythologies Designs of the Times Media Semiotics Visual Language: the Hidden Medium of Communication Emotional Digital: A Sourcebook of Contemporary Typography Logos, Identity, Brand, Culture, Pro-Graphics Motion Graphics Visible Signs: An Introduction To Semiotics New Perspectives in Photography The New Jewellery Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation Advertising As Communication Animation Unlimited Understanding Popular Culture The Animation Bible New Directions in Jewellery Internet Art Shock of the New Handmade Graphics Graphic Agitation: Social & Political Graphics since the sixties Digital Art Shock in Advertising The Business of Multimedia An Introduction to Theories of

MOMA Portfolio Vintage Rotovision Mancheste r U. P. Rotovision Thames & Hudson Rotovision Rockport AVA Phaidon Thames & Hudson Aperture Routledge Laurence King Routledge Abrams Blackdog Publishing Thames & Hudson Thames & Hudson Gingko Press Phaidon Thames & Hudson Batsford Allworth Press Routledge

0870706969 97807148465 6 0099972204 28800468167 0719045010 2 88046388 2 0500 019258 2880463289 1564968383 2884790357 97807148465 6 0500277745 0893816779 0415027810 1856693465 0415078768 97818566955 03 1904772196 05002033768 0500275823 97815842322 30 0 714834580 0500203679 0713479043 0500019258 041512700


Sturken & Cartwright Varnedoe Walker Walker and Chaplin Wiederman n

M. & L. K. J. A. J. A. & S. J.

2001 1990 1989 1997 2006

Popular Culture Practices of Looking: An introduction to Visual Culture Modern Art and Popular Culture: Readings in High and Low Art Design History and the History of Design Visual Culture: An Introuduction Advertising Now.Online

Oxford Harry N Abrams Pluto Mancheste r U. Press Taschen

0198742711 0810924668 0745305229 0719050200 3822849561

Bunuel Disney Eisenstein Fischinger Kubrick Lange Lye Ray Smith Various Wiene L. W. S. O. S. F L. M. H. R. 1940 1925 1934 1947 1999 1926 1935 1980 1923 1940 1923 1991 1946 1950 1920 Collected works Fantasia The Battleship Potemkin Volumes 1 & 2 Clockwork Orange Metropolis Rhythms Man Ray Films Early Abstractions Film Noir Classics The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

artcyclopedia.com artlex.com google.com newmediadesign.co.uk dandad.org.uk designcouncil.org.uk bbc.co.uk/photography/ genius/ photodir.net Series: the genius of photography Links to photography sites Graphic design Go to google images


Author Surname Engels Hartwell Haslam Kidd Lee Lee Middles Peck & Ward Robertson Savage Wilson Author First Name F. C. D. A. C.P. C.P. M. J. K. M. J. (ed) T. Date Book Title Publisher ISBN

(1845) 1987 2002 2000 2006 2005 2007 2002 2002 2006 1992 2002

The Condition of the Working Class in England Manchester Manchester, England Manchester: A History Shake, Rattle and Rain When We Were Thin Music, Madness and M/cr From Joy Division to New Order City of revolution Re Structuring Manchester Factory Records The Complete Graphic Album The Hacienda Must Be Built Twenty Four Hour Party People

Penguin Classics Yale Univ Press Fourth Estate Carnegie Publishing Hardinge Publishing Hotunpress Virgin Books Manchester U. Press T&H Int. Music Publishing Channel 4 books

9780140444865 0300096666 1841151467 1859361285 1843820498 9780955625701 9780753506387 0719058880 0500286361 863598579 9780752220253

Winterbottom Corbjin Joy Division M. A. 2002 2007 2006 24 Hour Party People Control Shadowplayers: Factory Records 1978 - 81

cids.co.uk the toolkit.net manchester.com manchesterdigital.com thesite.co.uk digital-manchester.com images of the city and its people


Introducing The Online Lectures (found on Moodle)

Few students realise just how frequently todays designers, in all areas, depend on and recycle the work of earlier artists and designers. This movement of styles, processes or strategies from art into design (and from the past into the present) can be termed crossover. In the first semester lectures, therefore, First Year Foundation Degree students are introduced to influential modern art styles and their impact on todays Design and Media practice throughout the twentieth century: the six styles examined here form the basis of your Visual Reference File (VRF) assignment. This element of Contextual Studies is backed up online.

Online Lecture Support Support for this work is provided in a series of online lectures they give you a summarising narrative for each style that is supported by selected images and video clips along with an audio commentary and various useful links. - Cubo-Futurism, Abstraction, Dada, Surrealism, Pop and Expressionism - each style lecture has 10 pages to outline the main elements - each page uses five sentences/five images to each cover a separate aspect - the final page for each style lists practitioners to follow up in your research - the words in bold link you to the glossary for a fuller explanation of terms - numerous links are provided on the left of the screen to support your work:

glossary technical terms/styles explained, artist careers summarised keywords characteristic style features for each style explained modified text a translation is offered here deaf and dyslexic students video trans a transcription of the words spoken in the clips film archive a selection of films made by practitioners from each style site links useful art/design sites are provided, incl.www.artsigns feedback contact the site manager with suggestions or problems exercises confirm your understanding by taking these self-marking questions and extend your learning via the research tasks set

Online Users: Primarily, but not exclusively, this material is to support specific learners: dyslexic students: audio commentary/images/self-marking exercises/modified text deaf students: signer box/images/modified text/self-marking exercises late start students: text pages/images/audio commentary All students can use this resource to prepare for their Contextual Studies lectures, catch up on missed lectures or to revisit and better understand the material that has been covered but it is not a substitute for our classes (which you must attend).


The MOODLE Platform (for online lectures) How to Log in, Enrol on a Course and Log out
1) Logging in to Moodle
a) Go to the College Homepage: http://www.themanchestercollege.ac.uk Click on the Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) link - (left of page)
A new page should now open.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Moodle Learning areas: b) Click on the relevant Moodle area that hosts your course:
(ask your teacher if unsure)

c) Enter your Username and Password and click on the Login button

Your Moodle Username and Password are the same as your College Username and Password.

The Manchester College Homepage for your Moodle area should now open.


2) Accessing/Enrolling on a Course
a) Click on the Course Category link, select the Sub Category and then click on the Course name you want to enrol on or the one you are already enrolled on and now want to access (for example, Computing, Networking, and Information Technology > IT Applications > IT.L1.FLT.ICT

b) If the message below pops up, click on the Yes button to enrol yourself on the course

b) If the system asks for an ENROLMENT KEY (as below), enter the course enrolment
key A06029 and click on the Enrol me in this course button (ask your teacher if

c) Congratulations! Youve now joined the course! 3) Logging out of Moodle Always remember to log out of Moodle when finished. To do this: Click on the Log out link next to your name (top-right corner of page)

The next time you log in to Moodle, the list of courses youve enrolled on will be displayed on your home page. Click the course name to enter.


Online Research: The Virtual Learning Resources Portal

You cant follow your programmes or complete your Contextual Studies assignments without making use of the material held online. Its a fact of life. However, leaving aside your possible lack of confidence, the sheer volume of sites and alternatives available can be confusing for students. The best way for you to start is with the Virtual Learning Resource Centre on the main college website: www.citycol.com/lrc/resources/index.asp Use this portal * this portal website is specially designed to provide you with all sorts of useful links and search engines (online resources) * it can access many library catalogues, including MMU * you can link to ATHENS, Turnitin and HE Moodle * it has a study skills packages, incl Skills4Studycampus * it links to the Intute Arts and Humanities site, a free online guide for students to the best on the internet in the arts (lots of extras) Other useful Addresses for Design, Media and Craft and Visual Art students: www. artcyclopedia.com imdb.com (film archive) artlex.com wikipedia.com google.co.uk (go to images) huntfor.com nma.co.uk dandad.org designmuseum.org joshuadavis.com hillmancurtis.com youtube.comflickr.com bbc.com devaintart.com britishcouncil.org (film archive) Saatchi-gallery.co.uk Questia.com Artchive.com Dkimages.com Bridgemanart.com a-n.co.com tate.org Send good sites to me at michael.de-vere@themanchestercollege.ac.uk


Plagiarism and Detection Software (Turnitin)

Plagiarism Plagiarism occurs when you take and use someone elses ideas or words and try to pass them off as your own. This can happen intentionally but it often happens accidently when students dont follow the correct procedures such as citation. With specialist search engines such as IIPA and Infotrac now available it has never been more easy or tempting to access and use the work of others. While Headstart sets out the ways to avoid plagiarism, the Turnitin software helps us detect plagiarism and allows you to check for accidental plagiarism. This is a strategy that has become the academic standard followed in Higher Education and why you must supply a digital copy as an assignment deliverable.

Turnitin Detection Software The assignments in Units 6 and 10 assignment require you to research into a range of sources and so we will be using the detection software to confirm that you are not plagiarising others work. Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism prevention system which uses industry standard search technology checks your work against current and archived internet content checks against millions of previously submitted student papers searches books/newspapers /journals not available on the public internet produces a customized and graded Originality Report for your work employs a Direct Source Comparison that matches passages of your text with those of original source

Actions Cite then write know how to cite others material (see the L C website: go to the PORTAL address scan your work to see if you have plagiarized material in Learning Centre: see the guide in the Support Pack supply a Word or Text (Notebook or Text Edit) version only supply the digital version on a memory stick or as an attachment in the last resort, and with good reason.

Pre-scan your work

Supply a digital copy



1. Go to www.submit.ac.uk

about three minutes

this is the Tunitin Home Page*

2. Click on

New User

find to the right of the Sign In button: this gets you onto the SIGN UP PAGE find under Sign Up, on the left, to access the ENROL AS A STUDENT PAGE middle of the page, above Training, you have CREATED A NEW TURNITIN PAGE

3. Click on

Enrol As Student

4. Click on

Click here


Click on Enter Student under Create A New Account

Class Id number: 257012 (yr 1 student) or 257014 (yr 2 student) Class Enrolment Password: mike (nb. all lower case) Your First and Last Names Email Address User Name Password Confirm Secret Question I Agree



* The Home Page contains many useful links for you to check out and use. The Training link includes a number of instructional film clips to guide you through registration and the submission of your work for checking



1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Enter Enter Click on www.submit.ac.uk email address password Sign In name of class this is the Tunitin Home Page

you are now on your CLASS PAGE either Fd Second Years or Fd First Years

5. Click on

6. Click on


paper shaped icon to right of assignment

Submit paper: step 1 (by file upload) 7. 8. 9. Enter 10. Click on 11. Click on first name last name submission title Browse Submit this should already be showing this should already be showing title of your assignment locate assignment from your computer and open

Submit paper: step 2 Preview, if correct article to be checked 12. Click on Yes, submit (After your submission, a digital receipt will be shown and will be emailed to you). 13. Click on go to portfolio to check submission

You Have a Checked Report Your portfolio page will show a) title b) submitted c) contents

of your assignment submitted for checking date assignment submitted report of checked assignment

14. Click on

box under contents to open report. Box greyed out indicates that the report is still being processed.



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