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In your groups, the students from each country will tell the other about
- Where exactly it is
- The most important places, traditions,(History) natural places, (Biology) why your city is well known in
your country and abroad .
- Your favourite place in the city and what makes it special to you.
- Leisure activities in your city. Places for leisure activities
- Its history
- size
- number of teachers
- your timetable, subject, breaks,
- special projects/clubs run in your school (debate, chess, environment, erasmus etc).
- Your favourite subjects and why. What you really like about your school and what you don't like.

Final product: Presentation in groups

b. After listening to your mates from other countries discuss and compare your cities
- the similarities and differences and say what you would like to visit in those cities.
- How about your schools? what would you like to take from the other schools in your groups? What
would you suggest the other schools to change? compared to yours?
STUDENTS will present it to the rest of students in class

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