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Name : lira salma

Class : XD

Date : 03/04/2023

Read the text below.

How to Create and Send an Email using your laptop.

Tools :

- Laptop

- Laptop charger (optional)

- Wifi/mobile data to provide internet connection

Steps :

1. First of all, turn your laptop on

2. The second thing is to connect your laptop to internet connection

3. After that go to browser

4. Then click

5. Make sure you already have a Gmail account

6. At the top left on the Gmail page, click Compose.

7. In the "To" field, add recipients. You can also add recipients:

- In the "Cc" and "Bcc" fields.

8. Add a subject.

9. Write your message.

10. The last thing is at the bottom of the page, click Send.

1. What do you think is a procedure text?

Write it down by your own language, do not find it on in the internet.

-procedure text is text that helps us about how to read a word or sentence correctly

2. Find the sentences using simple present tense in the passage above!

- after that go to browser

- write your message

- add a subject

- then click

3. Write down parts of language features for the text on the previous page :

a. Imperative sentences :

- add a subject

- write your message

- after that gi to browser

- then click

- First of all, turn your laptop on

- The second thing is to connect your laptop to internet connection

b. Action Verbs :

- In the "To" field, add recipients. You can also add recipients:
c. Temporal Conjunction :

- The last thing is at the bottom of the page, click Send.

- The second thing is to connect your laptop to internet connection

- After that go to browser

- First of all, turn your laptop on

- After that go to browser

- Then click

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