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Pass from +10 skill , +5 speed, +5 def

to +10 speed, +10 def,+10 res, +10 luck
boon changed to aprehension.

its to match the +40 in stat of dawnbreaker.

Levin axe :
get same statut than dawncaller.
Levin axe is unbreakable

Get +10 def

+5 res
+5 luck
give the skill patience

Shining bow is consider as light.

All light tome are effective against terror.

Doulam is now light and effective against BOTH armors and Cavs. Same stat that the
radiant dawn one.
Ennemy with it have else new tome , else drop it as reward.

Unit change :
thea have now 40% strenght growth.
and 60% luck growth.

Colter have now 60% speed growth instead of 55%

Shom have 50% speed instead of 45% and 55% magic instead of 50%.

Buggi have gamble.

Runa have 50% skill growth.

Bjarki have +2 base defense.

Vicky have 45% strenght growth instead of 40 and 50% speed growth instead of 45%,
AND got 45% luck.

Theo have +3 base speed.

Gain +5% growth in magic/strength.

Harriet go from 25% speed to 40% speed.

Albert get +5% in speed and magic.

Sigrid got +5% in speed/def/skill

halfdan have now 80% def growth.

Miriam start with +2 base speed.

khepri get A staff rank + solidarity. Get another skill with the ring.

john have live to serve now.

madeline start with 15 base magic now.

crixus have now 80% strenght growth and 50% speed growth.

christina have +5 growth in everything except hp.

ralfnir start as a viking lv 1.

elmer have now 40% res and def growth.

class change :
Dragon king class (that mean tendaris AND his brother) have 6 mov.
Halberdier have the innate +15% crit

Other change :
Darius x Khepri support make Khepri get Daedra.
Khepri get spectrum rally from the ring.
Aisha x garam/jakka/caroline get support faster

Shop in 8 sell Thani instead of Shine.

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