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1.) Did you know that your body is mostly water?

- The brain is made up of approximately 75% of
2.) How can we make better use of water?
❖ It is living life in a way that promotes physical
a.) Unless you have specific reasons for a
and mental well-being.
low fluid intake, drink at least 6 – 8
❖ Living a healthy lifestyle is a PERSONAL glasses of water a day, preferably
MATTER! between meals.
❖ Risk factors are actually avoidable and the b.) Make liberal use of water on the outside
circumstances are manageable and of the body.
controlled. c.) Support those in your community who
propose reasonable solutions to water
★ LIFESTYLE pollution.
○ a manner of living that reflects the ★ S - Sunshine
person’s values and attitudes ○ “ let it shine”
★ HEALTHY ○ Bash in the early morning sunshine to
○ having or indicating good health in energize your body.
body or mind, free from infirmity or ○ One importance of adequate
disease. sunshine upon rising in the morning,
is to go outdoors so that substances
in your body can be activated into
usable forms.
1.) How can you get the most out of sunshine?
a.) Choose exercises & forms of leisure
★ N - Nutrition which can be done outdoors.
○ “ a time to eat” b.) As much as possible open your home to
1.) What are some of the good eating habits to the bright sunshine each day.
form? i.) Sunshine helps keep rooms free of
moldy, germ-laden corners, and
a.) Allow your needs to dictate rather than
minds free of discouraging,
your wants.
hopeless attitude.
b.) Have your heaviest meal early in the
c.) Be careful to limit your exposure to
sunlight to a brief time in the early
i.) Breakfast should be our heaviest
morning or late afternoon.
meal & supper our lightest.
c.) Eat three meals plus snacks ★ T - Temperature
i.) Eating every 4-5 hours guarantees ○ “ breaking the chain”
plenty of energy and an efficient ○ Being temperate in all things must be
metabolism. part of your lifestyle.
★ E - Exercise ○ Moderation and discipline must be
○ “run for your life” practiced in every aspect of life and
○ Your whole attitude toward life affects living.
& is affected by your health status. 1.) How can we help the body function better?
○ One of the most important a.) Adopt a balanced lifestyle,
contributions to good health is accomplishing naturally, what you are
proper exercise. asking drugs to do.
○ Therefore, regular appropriate b.) Give your system a chance to cleanse
outdoor physical exercise must be itself.
part of your daily routine for strength, c.) Take a spiritual census
stamina & improved lung, heart, & ★ A - Air
brain functions. ○ “ a breath of freshness”
1.) What kind of exercise is best? ○ A constant supply of fresh air is
a.) regular, consistent exercise essential for the various functions of
b.) the kind suited to your present physical the body.
condition. ○ It is important that we learn to
c.) the kind that invigorates the whole breathe properly.
system. ○ Support those in your community who
★ W - Water seek feasible ways of cleaning up our
○ “ wet, wild, and essential” air.
○ The efforts to keep our water supplies
clean deserves everyone’s support. - clean air must become a high priority for all of us.

1.) How can you breathe better? 2.) Get into an exercise regimen and a healthy
a.) Take a few moments each morning to diet.
perform deep-breathing exercises. 2.1 Eating healthy & getting into a fitness groove
b.) Avoid lung-damaging habits like doesn’t need to be costly and time consuming.
smoking. 2.2 If you can’t spare 3 hours a week for gym
i.) You only have one set of lungs! time, try:
c.) Avoid constant exposure to air-polluted a. stairs instead of elevator
areas. b. make walking a habit
★ R - Rest c. do some stretching every morning.
○ “ recharging the battery” 3.) Spend time with family and friends
○ The human body can be compared to 3.1 Take up a hobby or interest.
a battery 3.2 Practice birth spacing.
○ Never neglect rest and sleep for your
body and mind in spite of your busy,
pressure-filled life.
○ To restore your physical and mental
strength, sleep for at least 8
❖ What is your vision of retirement?
1.) How should you approach your need to rest?
➢ Do you see yourself growing older with
a.) Remember that the best kind of rest is
your health intact, enjoying all that you
the kind that best fits your body.
have worked to gain?
b.) Remember that sleep is not the only kind
➢ Are you taking any steps today to
of rest.
ensure you’ll be healthy enough to do
c.) Avoid artificial sleep inducers.
the things you’ve planned?
i.) If you can’t sleep, there is usually
some physical or emotional
❖ Important lifestyle factors for the aging;
situation that needs attention. ➢ Debunking the myths
★ T - Trust In God ■ With all the emphasis on genes,
○ “ holding it all together” you may think your health is
simply a function of your
Sometimes the demand it makes on us
genetic make-up
pushes us to the breaking point. There are no
■ Maybe you think you’re too old
guidelines for health that would be complete without
to reap the benefits of a healthy
the importance of coming to grips with the
fundamental questions about who we are, what life is
■ You already have health
all about and how we stand before God. problems adapting a healthy
★ S - Staying Young lifestyle is not “too little, too
1.) How should we view recreation and leisure late”“Good health habits may
activity? add years to my life, but will they
a.) Remember that recreation is not an be good years?”
“extra”, but an essential part of a ➢ Prescription of longevity
balanced life. ■ Regular moderate exercise.
b.) Consider the nature of the word ■ Exercise - the single most
recreation important anti- aging
i.) It’s object is to recreate measure anyone can follow
c.) Remember that some of the most regardless of age;
beneficial kinds of recreation involve
● exercise is key.
helping others.
● get at least 30
i.) open your life up to others and
minutes/day of
you will discover the genuine “
moderately rigorous
fountain of youth”.
physical activity (daily
chores count if rigorous
● routine exercise should
include 3 components;
1.) Give doctor a regular visit ◆ An aerobic
1.1 It is a way cheaper to stay healthy than to fall activity to
sick & pay for more expensive medicines and gradually raise
treatments your HR and
improve your
heart health.

◆ Weightlifting 4.) Let time be a tool, not a tyrant.
(every other 4.1 Time – used for specific purposes, &
day) – to build clear objectives that enhance the quality of your
muscle & bone life.
and improve 4.2 Setting priorities – the key that
balance. opens the door to effective use of time.
◆ Stretching – as 5.) Do your part to keep the earth clean.
little as 10 6.) Build and maintain a support network.
minutes every 7.) Practice forgiveness daily.
other day – to 7.1 Withholding forgiveness while
prevent harboring resentment & anger simply pollutes
stiffness life.
■ Healthful diet 8.) Health is a relationship between you and
● Healthy diet your body.
◆ can decrease 9.) Living a healthy lifestyle is a matter of
your risk of CA, relative choices that you make, the choices
high blood being made on the basis of “more healthy or
less healthy”.
coronary artery
10.) Body Maintenance:
10.1 Be nice to your body and pay
attention to what it needs
osteoporosis &
memory loss.
● Get the right mix
◆ try to eat at
least 5 servings
of fruits and
● Eat light
◆ limit red meat
to 2 – 3
● Try “anti-aging” foods
◆ experiment with
soy, garlic,
onions & green
● Drink alcoholic
beverages in
■ Personal Health Practices
● Stop the usage of
● Avoid alcohol
● Protect your skin from
the sun
● Talk to your doctor
■ No guarantee
● Good health habits are
not a guarantee of a
long & healthy life.

1.) Begin each day with a blessing.

2.) Be honorable in all your dealings.
2.1 Feeling good about yourself requires
personal integrity.
3.) Use your influence to help someone else.

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