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Individual Business Infographic Rubric Student Name

Criteria Not Sufficient Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Grade

Understanding of Does not have a grasp of the Weak understanding of the Moderate understanding High understanding of the Full knowledge of data and context 1
the data and data and context. data and context. of the data and context. data and context.
Infographic title No title is provided. A title is provided but does The title is only somewhat The title is a good fit to the The title both perfectly reflects and 2
not accurately reflect the connected to the data and data and findings. enhances the data and findings.
data or findings. findings.
Structure of Difficult to follow, no There is some sequence to Information is presented Information presented Captivating presentation of 2
information in the obvious sequence of the presentation of logically, easy to follow. logically, in an interesting information with a clear and logical
infographic information. information however it skips way, easy to follow. flo
around the topic and loses
its thread.
Use of No supporting visual aids Few supporting visual aids Several visual aids used Relevant use of visual aids Confident use of quality visual aids 1
visualisations used to increase audience used. Those used have little somewhat helping that are well connected to that have direct relevance to the
(charts, pictures, understanding. relevance to the data and increase audience the data and findings data and findings furthering
tables, etc) findings. understanding. helping increase audience audience understanding.
Display of data in Poor display of the data in Confusing display of the Mostly a good display of Clear and accurate display Exceptional display of the data and 3
charts and tables tables and charts. data and findings in tables the data and findings using of the data and patterns in patterns in the data. The charts and
and charts. appropriate charts and the data using tables and tables effectively communicate the
tables. charts. ‘story’ of the data
Display of the Poor or absent display of Confusing display of the Mostly a good display of Clear and logical display of Exceptional display of the model 1
model findings model findings. model findings. Many parts the model findings. All the model findings. All parts findings. The display of the findings
of the model output are parts of the output are of the output are included accurately and effectively
missing and/or not included and somewhat and fully explained. communicates the ‘story’ of the
explained. explained. data.
Accuracy of Multiple mistakes (more Three mistakes, such as Some mistakes (less than No obvious mistakes. All Clear and accurate presentation of 2
statistical analysis than three) on the incorrect analysis, incorrect three) such as incorrect parts of the model output the correlation and statistical
infographic, such as interpretation of the results, analysis, incorrect are included and accurate. analysis. All correlation and model
incorrect analysis, incorrect missing results, redundant interpretation of the The interpretations are output is included and interpreted
interpretation of the results, results, etc. results, missing results, accurate perfectly and in an interesting way.
missing results, redundant redundant results, etc.
results, etc
Use of creativity No creative effort has been Little creative effort has Some creative effort has A lot of creative flair has Extensive creative effort has been 2
used to create the been used to create the been used to create the been used to create the used to create the infographic and it
infographic. The infographic infographic. The infographic infographic. The infographic and it is enhances the findings in the data.
is not at all effective in is somewhat effective in infographic is moderately appropriate for the data and The infographic is not only effective
gaining the audience’s gaining the audience’s effective in gaining the findings. The infographic is in gaining the audience’s attention
attention. attention. audience’s attention very effective in gaining the but will likely get the audience to act
audience’s attention. on the message
Consideration for No consideration for the There is some consideration It is clear that the The infographic is easy to The chart is perfectly pitched to the 1
the audience level audience and their of the audience however audience has been read and understand. The audience and their level of analytical
of analytical understanding of analytics the infographic does little to considered in the content is mostly knowledge. Little to no potential for
knowledge (i.e. (e.g. presentation is too increase audience presentation of the data welladapted to the audience audience misunderstandings
little to no technical understanding of the data but still the infographic is and their limited analytical
analytics and findings difficult to read and ability
background) understand.
Total 15

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