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Journal: Food Microbiology

Title: The fungal contribution to food and flavor

Authors: Diego A. Franco-Duarte, Diego M. de Souza-Mello, & Ricardo A. Rossi-


Year: 2020

The world of fungi extends far beyond the confines of the forest. This delectable article
explores the exciting world of edible fungi. We embark on a culinary journey,
discovering the diverse ways in which humans have incorporated mushrooms and other
fungi into their diet. From the earthy richness of truffles to the meaty texture of
portobello mushrooms, we encounter a rainbow of flavors and textures that tantalize the
taste buds.

Beyond their culinary delights, fungi also offer a wealth of nutritional benefits. They are
a valuable source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to a healthy and
balanced diet. As the world seeks sustainable food sources, the potential of fungi as a
nutritious and delicious food option grows increasingly significant.

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