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The purpose of a positive primer is to set the mindset of learning to a positive one.
The positive primer is effective at the beginning of a lesson and will provide students
an opportunity to achieve success - whether it makes them smile or primes their
brain for learning!

The Ready to Learn Check In - allows students to think about and set their mind to be Ready to Learn

A whole class, individual or group activity that is completed within 2-3 minutes and can make people smile

How to draw (link to topic) - On YouTube

What do you know & what do you want to know about (use a image of something related to topic to

promote critical and creative thinking

See. Think. Wonder (Use an image to guide thinking - I see 6 legs, I think these are extinct, I wonder

if a Jelly fish has a heart)

Word Wall Check Ins - where are you at? (catagorise with levels of understanding)

Confidence Grids (see appendix 1)

Activity from Positive Primer Booklet from BSEM Alumni website

Guess the?? (word, country, material, sound, song, sport)

Write down everything you know about this topic in 1 minute

The answer is... (relate to a learning topic and students have to create three questions that have this answer.

Nine box squares (you can alter the number of squares - students fill out the boxes with words they

have learnt from their unit and they need to write a short paragraph using all nine words)
Appendix 1:

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