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Received 13 February 2022; revised 4 June 2022; accepted 15 June 2022.

Date of publication 30 June 2022; date of current version 6 September 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TETC.2022.3186240

Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using

Low Power Building Blocks
ANTONIO G.M. STROLLO , (Senior Member, IEEE), AND ETTORE NAPOLI, (Senior Member, IEEE)
Efstratios Zacharelos, Italo Nunziata, Gerardo Saggese, and Antonio G.M. Strollo are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information
Technology, University of Napoli Federico II, 80125 Naples, Italy
Ettore Napoli is with the Department of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, University of Salerno, 84084 Fisciano, Italy

ABSTRACT Approximate computing, frequently used in error tolerant applications, aims to achieve higher
circuit performances by allowing the possibility of inaccurate results, rather than guaranteeing a correct out-
come. Many contributions target the binary multiplier aiming to minimize the complexity of this common yet
power-hungry circuit. Approximate recursive multipliers are low-power designs that exploit approximate
building blocks to scale up to their final size. In this paper, we present two novel 44 approximate multipliers
obtained by carry manipulation. They are used to compose 88 designs with different error-performance
trade-off. The final circuits exhibit a competitive behavior in terms of error while reducing the power dissipa-
tion when compared to state-of-the-art proposals. The proposed multipliers and state-of-the-art designs found
in the literature, have been synthesized targeting a 14nm FinFET technology to determine the electrical char-
acteristics. Compared with an exact 88 multiplier, the least dissipative design proposed in this paper reduces
power consumption and silicon area by 46%, and minimum delay by 21%. It also consumes 14% less power
than the least power-hungry recursive circuit found in the literature, while offering 81% higher accuracy.
Image processing applications and a convolutional neural network are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed multipliers.
INDEX TERMS Approximate methods, arithmetic and logic structures, error handling and recovery,
integrated circuits

I. INTRODUCTION and timing requirements [8]. Consequently, nowadays approx-

The everlasting demand for power and speed improvement imate binary multipliers are being studied thoroughly. A com-
has driven researchers towards approximate computing. prehensive survey of arithmetic circuits, such as approximate
Approximate computing is a fast-emerging field in digital adders, multipliers, and more complex circuits such as the
design that sacrifices the exactness of computations over sig- binary divider is reported in [9].
nificant improvement in power dissipation, speed, and circuit Several techniques providing efficient approximate multi-
area. Such techniques can be utilized in cloud computing, pliers have been studied in the literature. One such example
embedded and mobile devices, where high speed and power is the approximate logarithmic multiplier [10]–[12]. In this
minimization are important constraints. Approximate comput- case, approximated versions of the logarithms of the input
ing finds fertile soil in error resilient applications such as mul- operands, are added. The result corresponds to the approxi-
timedia processing, data mining and recognition, machine mated value of the antilogarithm of the sum. These are low
learning [1]–[4]. power and high speed designs, due to the low complexity in
Concerning approximate computing, a plethora of studies their architecture. However, they tend to be less accurate.
has focused on arithmetic operations, such as binary addition, Another approach is the static segmentation. In this tech-
multiplication, and division [5]–[7]. Binary multipliers consti- nique, a part of each input operand is given as input to a
tute a fundamental part of digital processing systems, and small multiplier, whose shifted output is the result of the mul-
unfortunately are characterized by heavy silicon area, power, tiplication [13]. Static segmentation has been demonstrated

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VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022 ht_tps:// 1315
Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

to be useful when very low power is needed, and accuracy is multiples of 2, the difference is nullified. Approximate 4:2
not the main issue. In [14] the authors propose an approxi- designs implemented in FinFET technology are presented in
mate multiplier that can dynamically control accuracy. The [33], [35]. In [34] the number of outputs of the approximate
circuit can select the length of the carry propagation to effec- 4:2 compressor is innovatively reduced to one; 3 such com-
tively satisfy the desired accuracy requirements. pressors are proposed, as well as an error-correcting module.
Software-based approaches have been proposed, that Recursive multipliers are an interesting research area of the
merge the approximated multiplier design in the design flow approximate computing field that aims to use small elemen-
of the circuit. They automatically generate synthesizable tary approximate multiplier blocks, suitably assembled, to
hardware description code for approximate arithmetic cir- design larger multipliers, [26], [36]–[42]. The advantage of
cuits based on the accuracy requirement of the design [15]– the recursive building of larger multipliers is that it avoids a
[18]. Such techniques can prove useful when the targeted dedicated design for every bit-width and gains in terms of
application does not have a uniform input distribution. generality of the proposed approaches. As explained in [26],
The basic binary multiplication process can be divided into four nn building blocks can be utilized to scale up to a
three parts: partial product generation, partial product reduc- 2n2n multiplier. Several authors have used 44 approxi-
tion and carry-propagate addition. Approximate computing mate multipliers to recursively generate several 88 multi-
can be introduced in all these steps. For instance, the first plier alternatives. The authors of [26] propose three 4:2
step can be approximated by truncating some of the least sig- compressors, used to generate two 44 multipliers.
nificant partial products (PPs) and then employing a compen- Guo et al. [38] propose a 44 approximate multiplier mod-
sation strategy [19], [20]. ule. The corresponding 88 multiplier is made up from one
The partial product reduction step is typically the main tar- 44 multiplier featuring OR-based compressors with no carry
get for approximations in a binary multiplier. A common propagation in the lower part, two of the proposed 44 mod-
approach to reduce the partial product matrix (PPM) relies ules in the middle part, and an exact 44 multiplier for the
on the use of approximate compressors. Compressors are most significant part. Differently from the other designs, the
logic circuits that aim to minimize the number of operands in four products are summed using an approximate adder.
the final step, which is the addition of the reduced partial In [40] the authors consider the probability distribution of the
products. They are XOR-rich circuits (thus slow and power- input operands to propose 44 multipliers, consisting of
hungry), that count the number of ones in the input. The approximate NOR-based half adder and full adder designs.
most basic exact compressor is the Full Adder, that reduces These elementary blocks are exploited to build approximate
three digits into two, maintaining the original information. recursive multipliers. In [41] a 44 approximate multiplier fea-
Many research contributions have focused on the approxima- turing an error detection and correction system, is presented.
tion of the PPM compression phase, [21]–[35]. Similarly, in [36], [37], [39] and [42] the authors pro-
In [21] the authors acquire approximate compressors by pose 22 approximate sub-multipliers, suitably arranged,
truncating outputs of some exact compressors, while in [22] to form larger size multipliers. Sixteen 22 modules are
and [25], compressors with only 2-bit outputs are proposed. needed to create an 88 multiplier. Kulkarni et al. [36]
Lossy compression of the rows in the PPM based on bit signif- present a 22 inexact multiplier with tunable error charac-
icance, is investigated in [23]; the compression exploits teristics. In [37] the authors provide an exploration of the
approximate, OR-based half adders. In [24] simple OR gates architectural space and propose their 22 module. The
serve as approximate compressors and two designs are pro- 22 approximate multiplier presented in [39] has an inter-
posed. The two designs are obtained using encoded partial nal self-healing strategy that does not require coupled mod-
products and approximate compressors, delivering different ules, while the proposed larger multipliers derived from the
accuracy-electrical performance trade-off. Several solutions 22 blocks produce near zero mean error. In [42] two ele-
employing 3:2 and 4:2 compressors to generate approximated mentary multipliers are proposed that exhibit double-sided
multipliers are presented in [26], [29], [31], [32]. A set of Sin- error distribution while the resulting 88 design has the
gle-Weight Approximate Compressors (SWACs) is employed advantage of error compensation.
in [27], to construct approximate multipliers. Unlike the Full- In this paper, two novel 44 approximate designs with
Adder that produces a sum and a carry, these designs com- minimal power requirements and competitive error perfor-
press input bits derived from a PPM column, into fewer output mance, are presented. The output is calculated by exploiting
bits, maintaining the same initial weight. This allows a signifi- carry truncation and compensation techniques. These designs,
cant reduction of circuit complexity since less carry bits are along with an OR-based and an exact 44 multiplier, are used
generated and propagated. Maddisetty et al. [28] present the to generate 88, 1616, and 3232, approximate multi-
training of a neural network to devise an efficient approximate pliers, following the strategies presented in [26] and [38].
4:2 compressor. In [30] two 4:2 compressors are presented; a The circuits proposed in this paper as well as various previ-
novel 4:2 architecture, and a modified design by substituting ously proposed contributions, have been synthesized using a
the AND / OR gates with NAND / NOR gates respectively. commercial 14nm FinFET standard cell library. Syntheses
Although the boolean expression is changed, when the modi- show that our circuits, compared to previously proposed
fied version targets multipliers, employing reduction steps in designs, provide good error-electrical performance trade-off.

1316 VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

FIGURE 1. Wallace 44 exact multiplier.

FIGURE 3. Half OR-based 44 approximate multiplier. The start-

We have also investigated the performance of 88 approxi- ing architecture for the proposed N1 design.
mate multipliers in image filtering applications and in the infer-
ence step of a pre-trained convolutional neural network.
Obtained results confirm that the proposed circuits are good A simple and fast way to approximate the product of two
competitors in error-resilient applications. binary numbers is to use an approximate multiplier with OR
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II the compressors. In this case all the partial products in each column
approximate OR-based and proposed 44 multipliers are of the PPM are fed to OR gates as shown in Figure 2. As it can
presented. The architectures of the recursive 88 multipliers be observed the most significant bit is always zero. This
are in Section III. Section IV reports the performances of approximated design is a kind of lower bound for circuit com-
44, 88, 1616, and 3232 multipliers. Section V shows plexity but, as shown in Table 3, it exhibits the worst error
a comparison with formerly proposed approximate multi- performance.
pliers for image processing applications and for the inference
stage of a pre-trained convolutional neural network. The con- A. 44 APPROXIMATE MULTIPLIER N1
clusions are drawn in Section VI. In the circuit shown in Figure 2, the sums of the partial
products are approximated using OR gates. As a more
II. 44 APPROXIMATE BINARY MULTIPLIERS accurate base point, we can assume an approximate multi-
Let us consider
P3 two 4-bit unsigned numbers a ¼ 3i¼0 ai 2i plier that uses OR gates to sum the lower half of the matrix
P7 b ¼ k j¼0 bj 2 . The computation of their product, y ¼
j of partial products, and full or half adders for the higher
k¼0 yk 2 , consists of three steps. Firstly, the partial product
part, as shown in Figure 3. Note that the approximated
matrix (PPM) is generated using AND gates between all the multiplier in Figure 3 requires three compression stages,
input bits. There are various techniques to carry out the sec- while the OR based in Figure 2 obtains the result with a
ond and third steps that reduce and sum the entire PPM to fast single stage.
obtain the final product, e.g., employing full adders, half add- The design in Figure 3 contains three XOR gates that are
ers or 4:2 compressors in Wallace or Dadda configurations. known to be bulky and slow. An attempt has been made to
Figure 1 shows the Wallace reduction tree for an exact 44 simplify it. The first step is to substitute the XOR gate in col-
multiplier. Three half adders (dashed rectangles) and five full umn 4 with a simpler OR gate:
adders (rectangles) are employed to reduce the PPM. The
sum and carry outputs produced by half and full adders are Y ½4 ¼ a3 b1 þ a2 b2 þ a1 b3 (1)
indicated in the figure as SN_x, CNM_x, where N and M indi-
cate the origin and destination column, while x indicates the The next step is the manipulation of the carry of the same
reduction stage. After two stages of reduction we obtain the full adder:
three least-significant bits of the output Y[2]. . .Y[0] and two
4 bit values that are summed to obtain the most significant
C45 ¼ a3 b1  a2 b2 þ a1 b3  a2 b2 þ a3 b1  a 1 b3 (2)
bits of the output, Y[7]. . .Y[3]. 1

Let us simplify the expression by neglecting the last term:

C45 1 ¼ a2 b2  ð a1 b3 þ a3 b1 Þ (3)

A customized Full Adder is employed in column 5 to add

the three terms. The sum is exact and uses a XOR gate:

FIGURE 2. OR-based 44 approximate multiplier.
Y ½5 ¼ a3 b2  a2 b3  C45 1 (4)

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Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

FIGURE 6. Proposed 44 approximate multiplier, N2.

FIGURE 4. Proposed 44 approximate multiplier, N1. provides an inexact result. The error characteristics of the pro-
posed blocks are discussed in Section IV.

The carry can be significantly simplified: B. 44 APPROXIMATE MULTIPLIER N2

  Let us now start from a less accurate circuit than the one in
C56 2 ¼ a3 b2  a2 b3 þ a3 b2  C45 1 þ a2 b3  C45 1 Figure 3. In this circuit, shown in Figure 5, all the terms from
¼ a2 b2  ða3 b3 þ a3 b3 a1 þ a3 b3 b1 þ a3 b1 þ a1 b3 Þ (5) Y[0] to Y[4] are computed as the output of OR gates, while
the remaining bits are computed without approximations. As
By neglecting the terms that are a product of three literals
shown in Figure 5, two half adders are needed together with
(they have a lower probability of being ‘1’) we get:
the OR gates to complete the design of the multiplier. The
 proposed architecture takes the circuit in Figure 5 as a start-
C56 2 ¼ a2 b2  ð a3 b3 þ a3 b1 þ a1 b3 Þ (6)
ing point for further simplification.
The first step is to substitute the XOR gate of the half
The two terms in column 6 are fed into a customized half
adder in column 5, with an OR gate:
adder. The sum is the XOR of the two inputs:
   Y ½ 5  ¼ a3 b2 þ a2 b3 (9)
Y ½6 ¼ a3 b3  C56 2 ¼ a3 b3  C56 2 þ a3 b3  C56 2 )
Y ½6 ffi a3 b3  a2 b2 þ a3 b3  a2 b2  ða3 b1 þ a1 b3 Þ (7) The carry of the same half adder is:

Finally, the carry of the Half Adder is approximated as: C56 1 ¼ a3 b2  a2 b3 (10)

Y ½7 ¼ C56 2  a3 b3 ffi a2 b2  a 3 b3 (8) The sum of the last half adder is:

The resulting design is named N1 and is shown in Figure 4. S6 ¼ a3 b3  C56 1 ¼ a3 b3  C56 1 þ a3 b3  C56 1

N1 uses three stages to reach the result and uses six OR gates, ¼ a3 b3  a3 b2  a2 b3 þ a3 b3  a3 b2  a2 b3 (11)
four AND gates, and one XOR gate. Compared to the exact
Wallace 44 multiplier, it shows a vast improvement in terms By neglecting the second term:
of both power and speed. In fact, in the exact design the third  
stage consists of cascaded half and full adders, resulting in S6 ¼ a3 b3  a3 b3 a2 b2 ¼ a3 b3  a3 b3 þ a2 b2 (12)
three sub-stages, all of them containing at least one XOR gate.
Namely, 28 AND gates, 8 OR gates and 12 XOR gates are With a final approximation:
used in the exact design. Obviously, the proposed design
Y ½ 6 ¼ a3 b3  a2 b2 (13)

The carry of the last Half Adder is:

Y ½7 ¼ C56 1  a3 b3 ¼ a3 b2  a2 b3  a3 b3
¼ a3 b3  a2 b2 (14)

The resulting design is named N2 and shown in Figure 6.

This rather simple design has only two additional AND gates
with respect to the OR-based design shown in Figure 2.
However, the performances of the proposed design are con-
FIGURE 5. 44 approximate multiplier. The five least significant
outputs are approximated with OR gates while the most signifi- siderably better as will be discussed in Section IV and shown
cant three outputs are computed with two HAs. The starting in Table 3, making this design useful for higher order
architecture for the proposed N2 design. multipliers.

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Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

TABLE 1. 88 Approximate multiplier compositions exact sub- TABLE 2. 88 Approximate multiplier compositions approximate
products addition. sub-products addition.

FIGURE 8. Proposed 88 approximate multiplier architecture.

Red bits are added with OR gates, black bits with exact adders.

aH ¼ 7i¼4 ai 2i , bL ¼ 3i¼0 bi 2i and bH ¼ 7i¼4 bi 2i and the
multiplications aL bL , aH bL , aL bH , and aH bH are performed
exploiting the corresponding blocks. Finally the four sub-
products need to be added. As shown in Figure 7, the four
sub-products are added employing an exact adder.
Table 1 shows the circuits considered for comparison that
apply this design methodology ([26], [36], [37], [40] and
[42]), the corresponding 44 building blocks, and how they
are used to build larger multipliers. The multiplier names
reported in the Table are directly taken from the reference
FIGURE 7. Recursive Multiplier using four building blocks. papers. Note that the 44 approximate modules used in [42],
namely mul2a4 and mul2b4, are also recursive multipliers
We compare our work to state-of-the-art designs in the litera- Table 1 also shows the composition of two of the four 88
ture [13], [14], [20], [26], [36]–[40], and [42]. These are multipliers proposed in this paper, namely N8-5 and N8-6.
mostly approximate recursive proposals, but contributions They use the proposed N1 and N2 blocks solely in the least
from other fields are also considered. In [13], [14], [20], and significant part of the multiplier and produce fairly accurate
[39] no explicit 44 designs are proposed. results. As it will be shown in the following, they overcome
As mentioned in the introduction, scaling up to a 2n2n the state-of-the-art when compared with other proposals in
multiplier can be achieved by exploiting four nn multi- the same error range.
pliers. The same technique can be used recursively to design The circuit proposed in [39], that is used as a comparison
even larger multipliers. For instance, four suitably placed in this paper, is not shown in Table 1, since it exploits 22
22 multipliers form a 44 multiplier, while sixteen 22 approximate multipliers to scale directly up to 88, without
multipliers can be used to generate an 88 design. Note that proposing specific 44 building blocks.
the building blocks do not need to be the same and different An alternative way to add the sub-products is proposed in
ones can be used, to obtain different electrical performance- [38] and used also in this paper. The utilized building
accuracy trade-offs. As a rule of thumb, if uniform distribu- blocks and their positions are shown in Table 2. Differently
tion is expected for the input operands, exact or high preci- from Figure 7, the final product is not the exact addition of
sion modules should occupy the most significant portion of the four sub-products, but an approximated version of it.
the design. Moving towards the least significant part, mod- As it can be seen in Figure 8, the seven least significant col-
ules that are less accurate, but also less demanding in terms umns of the sub-products are marked with red color, indi-
of resources, might be used. P7 cating that they are summed using an approximate adder
P7 two j 8-bit unsigned numbers a ¼ i¼0 ai 2
Consider that uses one OR gate in every column. However, the nine
and b ¼ j¼0 bj 2 . In order to exploit Precursive 44 mul- most significant columns are added with an exact adder.
tipliers to calculate the product y ¼ 15 k
k¼0 yk 2 , each
P num- Note that the first sub-product has only seven output bits as
ber is divided into two 4-bit parts: aL ¼ 3i¼0 ai 2i , shown in Figure 2.

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Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

IV. PERFORMANCES While the error distance EDi is defined as:

The proposed and reference circuits are all synthesized in a
14nm FinFET technology, using Cadence Genus and impos- EDi ¼ jYE i  YA i j (16)
ing proper timing constraints. Power dissipation is computed
by simulating the final netlist with random inputs, to obtain And the relative error distance REDi, as:
the switching activity of each node. The input vector array is
REDi ¼ EDi =Yi;EXACT 8Yi;EXACT 6¼ 0 (17)
identical for all designs with the same input bit width. In the
following tables “Min delay” refers to the strictest timing
constraint, at which each circuit can be synthesized with 1. The Normalized Mean Error Distance, NMED, is
non-negative slack and provides information regarding the defined as the average value of ED divided by the maxi-
maximum working speed of each design. mum possible value returned by the multiplier, which
Area, power, and delay are compared against the results of is: (2n-1)2.
the corresponding (44, 88, 1616, or 3232) exact mul- 2. The Mean Relative Error Distance, MRED, is given by
tiplier. The exact design is obtained by describing the circuit the average value of RED.
in HDL with the multiplication operator and letting the syn- 3. The number of effective bits, NoEB, is defined as:
thesizer choose the near-optimal topology for the given con- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
NoEB ¼ 2n  log 2 ð1 þ Ems Þ (18)
straint. Therefore, the electrical performances are sometimes
slightly worse than those presented in the literature that com-
where Ems is the means square error, given by the aver-
pare with a fixed exact design.
age value of E 2 .
Error performance is obtained by an exhaustive simula-
4. The error rate, ER, is defined as the number of errone-
tion, for both 44 and 88 multiplier designs. For 1616
ous multiplications (with Ei 6¼ 0) over the total amount
and 3232 designs the error performances are computed
of possible inputs 22n .
using a random set of uniformly distributed test vectors. The
numbers of test vectors are 105 and 106 for the 16 and 32 bit
multipliers, respectively.
The electrical and error performances of the considered 44
The error metrics that are used in this paper are listed in the
approximate multipliers are summarized in Table 3. To
following. Let YE_i be the exact result of the multiplication
ensure a fair comparison between the circuits, avoid biased
between the two n-bits operands Ai and Bi such that YE_i ¼
optimizations by the synthesizing tool, and emphasize the
AiBi and let YA_i be the approximated output returned by the
low power performance of the structures, the circuits have
investigated inexact multiplier. The error Ei, of each multipli-
been synthesized with the timing constraint of 250ps to
cation is given by:
obtain the area and power values. The circuits are simulated
applying a uniformly distributed random set of 2104 test
Ei ¼ YE i  YA i (15)
vectors to gather the switching activity. The total power

TABLE 3. Performances of 44 approximate multipliers.

Area and power are reported for the circuits synthesized with a timing constraint of 250ps. min delay is the minimum timing at which the circuit can be synthe-
sized with a non-negative slack.

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Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

reported in the table is computed for a clock frequency of this simple circuit, hardware resources and power consump-
1GHz. It is worth noting that the circuits proposed in this tion are kept to significantly low levels, while the error met-
paper are for general purpose applications thus a uniform dis- rics are still competitive.
tribution of the input is considered. However, automated Note that the entries of [14] and [20] exhibit identical elec-
designs [15]–[18] or dedicated circuits previously presented trical performances respectively, since they refer to the same
in the literature, could provide better performances for a spe- circuits with different settings (both designs allow for config-
cific distribution of the input vectors. urable accuracy). While the range of chosen accuracy in [14]
As it can be observed in Table 3, the proposed circuits are is limited and the innate flexibility results in increased area
very small and come second only to the OR-based design. requirements, the circuit is very fast, overcoming all the
The same can be stated also for power dissipation, with N2 investigated contributions, including the proposed designs.
having an unquestionable advantage. When it comes to As it can be observed in Table 4, the minimum accuracy of
speed, N2 is the fastest design while N1 is among the fastest. this design, is still greater than that of the design M8-2 pro-
The proposed multipliers exhibit competitive NMED, posed in [26], while power reductions are similar.
MRED and NoEB with respect to the state-of-the-art. The The circuit presented in [20] offers dynamic truncation at
relative reduction in power dissipation with respect to the runtime, by enabling or disabling AND gates that form spe-
exact design vs NoEB is shown in Figure 9. The proposed cific partial products. “DT0” refers to the case where all the
design N2 dissipates 18% less power than the least energy- AND gates are enabled, resulting in an exact multiplier.
hungry architectures up to date, M2 and MxA proposed in However, the additional hardware resources result in a
[26] and [40] respectively, while still providing a smaller greater power consumption with respect to the exact design
approximation error. (hence the negative power reduction). “DT8” refers to the
maximum possible truncation where a 43.62% power reduc-
B. 88 APPROXIMATE MULTIPLIERS tion is achieved. The numbers in the names indicate the level
The results of the 88 approximate multipliers are shown in of truncation.
Table 4. Recursive designs are reported at the top part of the The authors in [26], offer a number of circuits covering a
table, while selected approximate designs following different wide range of accuracy. Designs M8-5 and M8-6 are the
methodologies, are shown at the bottom part. Power reduc- most precise ones, using one approximate and three exact 4-
tion against number of effective bits for all designs is dis- bit multipliers. While the synthesized circuits are slightly
played in Figure 10. Non-filled shapes in the figure slower than the exact multiplier, they offer some power
correspond to non-recursive designs. reduction at a relatively small expense in accuracy.
All circuits are synthesized for a 1000ps timing constraint Designs Ax8_1 and AxRM1 presented in [40] and [42]
and simulated with the same set of 2104 uniformly distrib- respectively, employ three exact and one approximate
uted random vectors. The total power reported in the table is modules. While these are the most accurate designs presented
computed for a clock frequency equal to 1GHz. in the respective papers, they are still less accurate than
The designs presented in [13] employ a smaller, seg- M8-6 and M8-5 of [26], and even less accurate than the pro-
mented multiplier. Specifically, instead of an 8-bit multiplier, posed N8-5 and N8-6. At the same time, the circuits are quite
a 4-bit multiplier with or without error correction respec- large, and slower than the exact multiplier. This behavior fol-
tively, is used. The product is then shifted accordingly. In lows the pattern presented in Figure 9, for the 44 building

FIGURE 9. Power reduction of the considered 44 Approximate FIGURE 10. Power reduction of the considered 88 Approximate
Multipliers with respect to the exact one vs Number of Effective Multipliers with respect to the exact one vs Number of Effective
Bits. The proposed circuits have lower power for the same NoEB. Bits. The proposed circuits have lower power for the same NoEB.
The exact design would have NoEB ¼ 8 and zero power reduction. The exact design would have NoEB ¼ 16 and zero power reduction.

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Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

TABLE 4. Performances of 88 approximate multipliers.

Area and power are reported for the circuits synthesized with a timing constraint of 1000ps. min delay is the minimum timing at which the circuit can be syn-
thesized with a non-negative slack.

blocks. For the less accurate designs, Ax8_3 with one accu- by multipliers proposed in [13] and [14], that are not recur-
rate module, manages to surpass M8-1 that uses no accurate sive, but optimized for a given bit width. At the same time,
modules, both in accuracy and in power reduction. However, they exhibit competitive behavior in terms of accuracy. As it
it is slightly larger and slower. can be observed in Figure 10, even though there are more
An interesting architecture, is proposed in [38]. It uses one precise circuits in the literature, N8-L1 and N8-L2 provide a
exact multiplier, two custom modules, and an OR-based 44 certain level of accuracy at a very low cost.
approximate multiplier for the least significant part. This rela- On the other hand, proposals N8-5 and N8-6, are very
tively small design, in terms of accuracy performs similarly accurate circuits, exploiting three exact, and one proposed
to the proposed design N8-L1, as well as to M8-3 and M8-4. 44 multipliers. They offer a very high number of effective
It achieves a significant power reduction with respect to M8- bits, matched only by the designs, M8-5 and M8-6, [26].
3 and M8-4 but N8-L1 leads. Among circuits with a similar However, exploiting the proposed designs of N1 and N2,
power reduction percentage, M8-2 and Yang_7’b1, it exhib- N8-5 and N8-6, achieve a greater power reduction, as it can
its a far more accurate behavior. be observed in Figure 10 and Table 4.
As it can be seen in Table 4, among the recursive topolo- As demonstrated, we have designed four 88 multipliers,
gies, the proposed circuits N8-L1 and N8-L2 occupy the two with a NoEB around 8, and two with a NoEB around 12,
smallest area and achieve the biggest reduction in power con- that to the best of our knowledge exhibit a significant
sumption. Moreover, they are very fast circuits, bested only advancement with respect to the state-of-the-art.

1322 VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

TABLE 5. 1616 Approximate multiplier compositions. section III, two different approaches are used to generate 1616
designs. Table 5 summarizes the architectures of the considered
designs. The circuits following the most straightforward
approach (exact sub-product addition) are presented at the top
part of table 5, while the ones using the technique presented in
[38] (approximate sub-product addition), are at the bottom part.
The performances of 1616 approximate recursive multi-
pliers are shown in Table 6. All 1616 designs have been
synthesized under the same timing constraint: 1000ps. Fur-
thermore, they have been simulated with the same set of 105
uniformly distributed random vectors, with an input switch-
ing frequency equal to 1GHz.
The architecture proposed in [38], results in designs that sig-
nificantly outperform other contributions. It should be noted that
the most straightforward approach from an algorithmic point of
view, followed by the circuits at the top part of Table 5, does not
result in optimal configurations. In fact, each 1616 multiplier
is composed by four identical approximate 88 multipliers, that
in turn may be composed by some exact 44 multipliers. On the
other hand, [38] employs a single exact 88 multiplier placed in
the most significant part, thus making an important impact on
accuracy, despite the final approximate addition.
Moreover, the non-recursive exact and OR-based 88 multi-
C. 1616 APPROXIMATE MULTIPLIERS pliers in the most and least significant parts respectively, as well
The 88 designs and the methodologies described above, can as the approximation in the final addition, allow this architecture
be used to scale up to 1616 multipliers. As already shown in to exploit minimal hardware resources. Therefore, the three

TABLE 6. Performances of 1616 approximate multipliers.

Area and power are reported for the circuits synthesized with a timing constraint of 1000ps. min delay is the minimum timing at which the circuit can be syn-
thesized with a non-negative slack.

VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022 1323

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

TABLE 7. Performances of the proposed 3232 approximate multipliers.

Area and power are reported for the circuits synthesized with a timing constraint of 1000ps. min delay is the minimum timing at which the circuit can be syn-
thesized with a non-negative slack.

designs that follow this approach are the smallest, fastest, and of multiplications that depends on the size of the kernel. In fact,
least-power hungry. The circuit proposed in [38], manages to the value of the modified pixel is the weighted average of the
outperform N16-L1 and N16-L2 in accuracy, while N16-L2 neighboring pixels. Moreover, image blurring is an error tolerant
slightly overcomes LOAM in terms of power reduction. N16-L2 application, as the human eye is not able to detect trivial details.
also occupies the smallest area. Among the strictly recursive The kernel considered for smoothing is a two dimensional,
designs, N16-5 and N16-6 achieve a higher power reduction rotationally symmetric, 33 Gaussian low-pass filter, with a
than circuits with similar or even lower accuracy. standard deviation equal to 1.5, as in [27]. The floating-point
numbers of the kernel are multiplied by 210 and then
D. PROPOSED 3232 APPROXIMATE MULTIPLIERS rounded. In this way, the kernel’s values are appropriate for
The performances of the proposed 3232 approximate mul- the considered 8-bit input multipliers. The original and modi-
tipliers are shown in Table 7. The circuits have been synthe- fied kernels are shown in Table 8.
sized under a timing constraint of 1000ps and simulated with Image processing, exploiting the investigated multipliers, has
106 uniformly distributed random vectors, and an input been performed aiming to blur a test image. The obtained images
switching frequency equal to 1GHz. are shown in Figure 11. The same processing has been also per-
formed with exact multipliers to provide an effective comparison
for all designs. The structural similarity index (SSIM) and the
peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) provide a numerical indication
Image processing is one of the most commonly considered
of each multiplier’s performance in image smoothing.
error resilient applications and many papers test the proposed
The results are shown in Table 9. The recursive designs are
circuits in this scenario. In this paper, two image processing
in the top part of the table, while the non-recursive ones occupy
applications are considered: image blurring and image sharp-
the bottom part. The proposed circuits N8-5 and N8-6 share the
ening. The applications provide a more in depth understand-
best results with the designs M8-5 and M8-6 proposed in [26]
ing of the applicability range of the proposed designs.
and Ax8_1 proposed in [40]. N8-L1 and N8-L2 follow close
behind but still show a competitive behavior while achieving
A. IMAGE SMOOTHING the greatest power reduction, as shown in Figure 10.
In image processing, low pass filtering results in image smooth-
ing which effectively removes the high spatial frequency noise B. IMAGE SHARPENING
from the image. The low-pass filter exploits a moving kernel that Sharpening or high pass filtering aims to make fine details more
processes one pixel at a time and modifies it considering the pix- distinct and remove the blurring of a digital image, by enhancing
els in proximity. The processing of each pixel requires a number transitions in the spatial intensity of the image. High frequencies
are boosted while low frequencies are reduced. It should be noted
TABLE 8. Gaussian kernels. that over-sharpening might result in unwanted halo artifacts.
The image sharpening process is similar to the smoothing
process, but it uses a different kernel for the convolution.
The authors in [14], [19], [25], [35] presented an image
sharpening application exploiting the following 55 kernel:
2 3
1 4 7 4 1
64 16 26 16 47
6 7
Mask ¼ 6
67 26 41 26 777 (19)
44 16 26 16 45
1 4 7 4 1

1324 VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

FIGURE 11. Gaussian smoothing of images obtained with different multipliers. The circuits proposed in this paper are highlighted in bold.

The output pixels of the sharpened image are given by: similarity ratio with the reference image. Even though there
are better performing multipliers for this application, the pro-
1 X 2 X 2
posed circuits exhibit reasonable behavior for such low-
Y ði; jÞ ¼ 2  X ði; jÞ 
273 m¼2 n¼2 power designs.
½X ði þ m; j þ nÞ  Mask ðm þ 3; n þ 3Þ (20)
In (20), X(i, j) denotes a pixel from the input image, while NEURAL NETWORKS
Y(i, j) from the sharpened output. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) play an increasingly
We have used the considered approximate multipliers, as important role in machine learning, particularly for image
well as an exact multiplier to sharpen an RGB test image. recognition, object identification and speech recognition
The results are demonstrated in Figure 12. SSIM and PSNR tasks. CNNs are error-tolerant and require a huge number of
with respect to the sharpened image by exact multipliers multiplications, therefore they are ideal candidates for using
are reported in Table 10. All proposed circuits have a high approximate multipliers [4].

VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022 1325

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

TABLE 9. Performances of 88 approximate multipliers in image layers. These inputs are positive values, due to the ReLU
smoothing. layers, and are easily quantized as 8-bit unsigned numbers
that can directly feed the multipliers. The weights in the con-
volutional and fully connected layers of the network, on the
other hand, are learnt during training and are signed numbers.
Therefore, following [43], after quantization we converted
the weights in sign-magnitude representation to perform mul-
tiplications using the investigated unsigned approximate
Classification results are reported in Table 11. Column
“Acc. loss” refers to the reduction in classification accuracy
(in percentage) compared to the floating-point multiplier.
For the MNIST dataset, the considered CNN in floating-
point implementation shows a remarkable accuracy of more
than 99%. The accuracy remains almost unchanged when
using exact 8-bit multiplier after network quantization.
The majority of the investigated approximate multipliers
perform well with this simple dataset, with some exceptions
(Yang_7’b0, Ax8_2, Ax8_3, SSM_m4, Kul8, Reh8,
AxRM3, ISH1). The proposed N8_L1 gives very good
results, showing a mere 0.64% reduction in accuracy, with
more than 44% power saving.
For the SVHN dataset the CNN accuracy is about 87%.
In this case, network quantization yields a slight accuracy
improvement, a phenomenon already observed in litera-
ture [4].
Several approximate multipliers yield a large accuracy
reduction in this more demanding application. The multi-
pliers giving an accuracy drop lower than 0.5% are: pro-
posed N8_5 and N8_6, DT2 of [20], M8_5 and M8_6 of
[26], Ax8_1 of [40] and AxRM1 [42]. Among these, the
proposed N8_6 gives the best power reduction of more
than 14%. Design Yang_7’b1 of [14] also performs well,
We performed some experiments of image recognition with a reduction in accuracy of 3.3% and a power saving of
with the investigated approximate multipliers, by using a more than 24%.
simple CNN composed by 9 layers, not counting the input
one. The CNN includes two convolutional layers, each one VI. CONCLUSION
followed by batch normalization and Rectified Linear Unit In this paper we introduced two low-energy 44 approxi-
(ReLU) layers, a max pooling layer, a fully connected layer a mate multipliers, obtained by simplifying the sum and
final softmax layer. Two datasets have been considered: carry expressions of the partial product matrix adders.
MNIST and SVHN. The former is a dataset of handwritten These designs were recursively used to generate 88,
digits containing 70000 2828-pixel, greyscale images split 1616 and 3232 approximate multipliers, following two
into 60000 training images and 10000 testing images [44]. different architectures. Two 88 designs have been pro-
The Street View House Number (SVHN) dataset contains posed with a NoEB around 8, and two with a NoEB
100000 3232 RGB images of house numbers obtained around 12. Each 88 approximate multiplier consists of
from Google Street View, divided in 73257 training and exact, proposed and OR-based, 44 designs. By exploit-
26032 test images [45]. In our tests, SVHN images have ing the low power proposed circuits, N1 and N2, our
been converted into greyscale as the color has no significance approximate multipliers achieve great power reduction
in the classification [4]. while still exhibiting competitive error performance. The
The training of the CNNs has been performed in Matlab, error vs. power trade-off is compared with state-of-the-art
by using floating-point arithmetic. After training, quantiza- approximated multipliers showing an improvement for
tion of the convolutional and fully connected layers, requir- both architectures. The proposed 88 circuits are tested
ing the vast majority of calculations, has been performed, to in image processing and image classification using convo-
allow the testing of the approximate multipliers. We use test lutional neural network demonstrating that these can be
images to exercise the network and collect the dynamic used to save power without sacrificing the result in typical
ranges of the inputs of convolutional and fully connected error resilient applications.

1326 VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

FIGURE 12. Image sharpening obtained with different multipliers. The circuits proposed in this paper are highlighted in bold.

TABLE 10. Performances of 88 approximate multipliers in image sharpening.

VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022 1327

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks

TABLE 11. Image classification results using 88 approximate multipliers.

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VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022 1329

Zacharelos et al.: Approximate Recursive Multipliers Using Low Power Building Blocks


degree in physics from Aristotle University, The- IEEE) received the MS degree (Hons.) and the PhD
ssaloniki, Greece, in 2016, and the MS degree in degree in electronic engineering from the Univer-
electronic physics from Aristotle University, The- sity of Napoli Federico II, Italy. From 2002, he is a
ssaloniki, Greece, in 2019. He is currently working full professor with the University of Napoli Feder-
toward the PhD degree in electronic engineering ico II, Italy, where he has been the head of the
with Federico II University, Naples, Italy. He is the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication
co-author of four papers and his main research Engineering from 2005 to 2008. He has published
interests include real-time resampling, signal proc- more than 140 papers on international journals and
essing, and approximate computing. conferences. His current research interests include
design and analysis of digital VLSI circuits. Asso-
ciate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I (2009 to 2012);
ITALO NUNZIATA received the BS degree in elec- currently he is associate editor for Integration, the VLSI Journal.
tronic engineering from the University of Napoli Fed-
erico II, Italy. He is currently working toward the MS
degree in electronic engineering with Federico II Uni-
versity, Italy, and the double degree in electronic and ETTORE NAPOLI (Senior Member, IEEE)
telecommunication with the University of Technol- received the PhD degree in electronic engineering
ogy of Lodz, Poland. His current research interests in 1999, the electronic engineering degree (Hons.)
include design and analysis of digital VLSI circuits in 1995, and the physics degree (Hons.) in 2009.
and approximate computing. He was a research associate with the Engineering
Department, University of Cambridge, U.K., in
2004. Full professor with the University of Napoli
Federico II in 2020. Full professor with the Univer-
sity of Salerno since 2021. He has authored or
GERARDO SAGGESE received the MSc degree coauthored more than hundred articles published in
(Hons.) in electronic engineering from the Univer- international journals and conferences. His research
sity of Napoli Federico II, Italy, and the double interests include VLSI circuit design and modeling and design of power
degree in electronic and telecommunication from semiconductor devices.
the University of Technology of Lodz, Poland, in
2020. He is currently working toward the PhD
degree in information technology and electrical
engineering with the University of Napoli Federico
II. His current research interests include signal
processing, low power integrated circuit, brain
machine interface and power circuits.

1330 VOLUME 10, NO. 3, JULY-SEPT. 2022

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