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COs Question Mark

CO3 Define steam turbine 2

CO3 Classify the steam turbines 2
CO3 State the purpose of compounding in steam turbines 2
CO3 Classify the compounding methods 2
CO3 State the advantages of compounding in steam turbines 2
CO3 State the purpose of governing in steam turbines 2
CO3 Name the various governing methods used in steam turbines 2
CO3 State the purpose of using velocity diagram in a steam turbine 2
CO3 Define blade efficiency 2
CO3 Define stage efficiency 2
CO3 Explain any one compounding method used in a steam turbine with a neat diagram. 15
In a De Laval turbine, steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 1200 m/s. The nozzle angle is 20⁰, the mean blade velocity is
400 m/s and the inlet and outlet angles of the blades are equal. The mass of the steam flowing through the turbine per hour is 1000
CO3 15
kg, calculate (i) Blade angles at inlet and outlet (ii) Power developed by the turbine (iii) Tangential force on the blades (iv) Axial
Thrust (v) Blade efficiency
CO3 Explain the working principle of simple impulse turbine with a neat diagram. 8
CO3 Explain the working principle of reaction turbine with a neat diagram. 8
CO3 Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbines 7
CO3 Describe the working principle of nozzle control governing in a steam turbine with a neat diagram. 7
CO4 Define air compressor 2
CO4 List any four applications of compressed air 2
CO4 Classify the air compressors 2
CO4 Define Free Air Delivery (FAD) 2
CO4 Define volumetric efficiency of a compressor 2
CO4 Define Mechanical efficiency of a compressor 2
CO4 Define Isothermal efficiency of a compressor. 2
CO4 Isothermal compression is most efficient. Justify. 2
CO4 State any four drawbacks of single stage compressor 2
CO4 State any four advantages of multi-stage compressor 2
CO4 State the purpose of using intercooler in a multi-stage compressor 2
CO4 Differentiate between perfect and imperfect inter-cooling. 2
CO4 Differentiate between centrifugal and axial flow compressors. 2
CO4 Name any two rotary compressors. 2
CO4 Name the important components using in rotary compressor. 2
CO4 Differentiate single stage compressor and single acting compressor. 2
CO4 State purpose of clearance volume in reciprocating compressors. 2
CO4 State the units used for representing capacity of the compressors. 2
CO4 Expand CMM and CFM 2
CO4 Why axial flow compressors used in aircrafts. 2
A single stage, single acting air compressor 30cm bore and 40cm stroke runs at 200 rpm. The suction pressure is 1 bar and 15⁰C
CO4 and the delivery pressure is 15 bar. Determine the indicated mean effective pressure and ideal power required to run it, when (i) 15
Compression is isothermal (ii) Compression follows the law PV1.25=C (iii)Compression is adiabatic with γ=1.4

A single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor delivers 14m3 of free air per minute from 1 bar to 7 bar. The speed of the 15
compressor is 300 rpm. Assuming polytropic compression and expansion with index n=1.35 and clearance is 5% of the swept
volume. Find, (i)The diameter and stroke of the compressor (ii)Power input to the compressor (iii)Mean effective pressure
A single acting, single stage air compressor takes in air at 1bar and 27⁰C and delivers at 7 bars. The compressor runs at 300 rpm and
has a bore of 100mm and stroke of 200mm, clearance volume is 4% of the stroke volume. If the law of compression PV1.2=C, 15
determine (i) Mass of air delivered per minute (ii) Volumetric efficiency of the compressor (iii) Power required by the compressor if
it’s mechanical efficiency is 85%.
A single acting, two stage reciprocating air compressor with perfect inter cooling delivers 10.5 kg/min. of air at 16 bar. The
CO4 compressor takes in air at 1 bar and 27⁰C. The compression and expansion follows the law PV1.3=Const. Calculate (i) Power 15
required to drive the compressor (ii) Isothermal efficiency (iii) Hear rejected in the intercooler
In a single acting, two-stage reciprocating air compressor 4.5 kg of air per min is compressed from 1bar and 15⁰C to a delivery
pressure of 9 bar. Both the stages have the same pressure ratio and the law of compression in both the stages is pV1.3=C, Calculate
CO4 8
(i) Indicated power (ii) The cylinder swept volumes required. Assume that the clearance volumes of both stages are 5% of their
respective swept volumes and that the compressor runes at 300 rpm.
In a single acting, two-stage reciprocating air compressor 6 kg of air per min is compressed from 1bar and 27⁰C to a delivery
pressure of 10 bar. Both the stages have the same pressure ratio and the law of compression in both the stages is PV1.3=C,
CO4 8
Calculate (i) Indicated power (ii) The cylinder swept volumes required. Assume that the clearance volumes of both stages are 5% of
their respective swept volumes and that the compressor runes at 250 rpm.
CO4 Describe the working principle of centrifugal compressor with a neat diagram. 8
CO4 Describe the working principle of axial flow compressor with a neat diagram. 8
CO4 Explain the working principle of vane blower with a neat diagram. 7
CO4 Describe the working principle of roots blower with a neat diagram. 7
CO4 Differentiate between reciprocating and rotary compressors. 7
CO4 Explain the working principle of single stage, single acting reciprocating compressor with a neat diagram. 7
CO5 Classify the types of refrigeration systems. 2
CO5 State the components of VCR System. 2
CO5 Define refrigeration effect. 2
CO5 Define COP. 2
CO5 Draw the P-V and T-S diagram. 2
CO5 Draw the p-h diagram of VCR system. 2
CO5 State the components of VAR system. 2
CO5 Name four important properties of a good refrigerant. 2
CO5 What is the function of the throttling valve in VCR system 2
CO5 State any four commonly used refrigerants 2
CO5 State the merits of refrigeration system. 2
CO5 List the demerits of refrigeration system. 2
CO5 List the chemical properties of refrigerants. 2
CO5 Define air conditioning. 2
CO5 Classify air conditioning systems. 2
CO5 State the summer comfort conditions of temperature. 2
CO5 List the merits of window air conditioner. 2
CO5 List the demerits of window air conditioner. 2
CO5 State the function of air filters in air conditioner. 2
CO5 State the winter comfort conditions of temperature 2
CO5 Explain the working principle of Split air conditioner with neat sketch. 15
CO5 Explain the working principle of centralised air conditioner with neat sketch. 15
CO5 Explain about the vapour compression refrigeration system with T-S and p-h diagram. 15
CO5 Explain about the vapour absorption refrigeration with neat sketch. 15
CO5 Compare window air conditioner and split air conditioner. 8
CO5 Compare VCR system and VAR system. 8
CO5 Explain summer air conditioner for hot and wet weather conditions. 8
CO5 Explain summer air conditioner for hot and dry weather conditions 8
CO5 State the applications of refrigeration system. 7
CO5 State the applications of air conditioning system. 7
CO5 Explain the working principle of window air conditioner with neat sketch. 7
CO5 Explain the properties of refrigerants used in refrigeration system. 7

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