Analytical Text

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Analytical Text

An analytical exposition of Andrew Marvells poem, To His CoyMatress Andrew Marvell, well known for his satirical and critical views in parliament, is also considered as one of the most prominent poets of the seventeenth century. One of his most reputed poems, To His CoyMastress, is a well-written piece that is both poignant and thought provoking. The appropriate use of various poetic and language devices help this poem to be highly effective. This includes the use of imagery such as similes and metaphors. The use of thyme, as well a structure and rhythm. Which come together to help convey themes and mood of the poem. To His CoyMistress tells of a young mans desire for his shy, modest lover. The man loves this woman and claimed that given time, he would happily wait forever before sleeping with her. However, he can hear Times winged Chariot behind him. And knows that life is too short for them to move as slowly as she would like. Therefore, he wants to make the most of their time on earth before the youthful hue of their skin fade. The central message that Marvell conveys in this poems is that time will not wait for nobody. A person cant make the Sun Stand Still, they cannot. Questions: 1. What does Marvell do in Parliament? 2. Why does Marvell being famous in seventeenth century? 3. Whats the title of the poems? 4. Whats the central message of this poem? 5. Why this poems have highly effective? 6. Whats this poem tells you about? 7. What did he wants to do before The youthful hue of their skin fade? 8. Whats the message you can get from that poems? 9. Why does the use of thyme, as well a structure and rhythm come together? 10. How long will he going to wait to sleep with her?

Hortatory Text
"Those who dont learn from history are condemned to repeat it" and "A great nation is one which fully appreciates its heroes." say popular English aphorism and national adage. Then, proposing an important person who has taken a role in our nation history is important. I think Gesang should be a national hero. Who have never heard Bengawan Solo song? I doubt it if there is. This keroncong song has been a part of national voices. Gesang is a senior composer whose songs gained fame all the way to Japan. He has received a number of awards in art and everyone will admit that his art talent was dedicated to this nation. Government has declared the other great composer; WR. Suratman and Ismail Marzuki as national Heroes. Gesang might not be compared to others, but in my opinion, Gesang is as great as them. All of them are maestros. Due to his keroncong music maestro, Gesang has taken a role in building our national identity. It is obvious that government should name Gesang National Hero. We should not delay and wait for, in case, our neighbor countries or other international communities go a head to recognize him and grant an award for what he deserves. Questions; 1. Whats the title of the story? 2. Whos the singer of Bengawan Solo? 3. Why does he called the national Hero? 4. Whos the other freat composer? 5. What kind of Bengawan Solos song? 6. Which part that the writer write his opinion? 7. What song that has been a part of national voices? 8. Whos Gesang? 9. Why does everyone will admit that his art talent was dedicated to this nation?

Claudia Digna Lamtiur (09) Natasya Olivia (25)

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