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What is GOOD?

Reflect and answer the following questions:

1. What is the value of life?

Life is too valuable, too important to just be taken for granted by anyone, even oneself.
Because we only have one life to live, as much as there are others who believe in reincarnation.
We should still think that the life we have now is more important than our life next. We cannot
also take other people's lives out of anger, convenience or greed. It is always important to
remember that as much as we value our own life, we should do the same for others.

2. If you are a member of this fraternity, what will you do?

If I was only a witness to the crimes committed, I should immediately comeforth and testify,
so justice may be served. But being part of the said fraternity, it is also a factor that my safety
will be in jeopardy, possibly my loved ones as well. So in order for me to testify and also be
secured, I could anonymously reveal the suspects of the crime and I'll tell the authorities that
after they've apprehended the criminals and made a thorough investigation will I only reveal
myself and become an official witness to the court.

3. Based on the given story, what is the concept of morality that this fraternity

"The strong tramples the weak". There are no moral values that the fraternity upholds. Their
concept is not moral but immoral. For taking the life of someone else diminishes any kind of
morality they're trying to represent. They're the kind of fraternity that uses fear and dominance to
oppress others. It even led to a terrible end for one person, who will never see his loved ones
again and so are they to him.

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