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Analyzing the Use of ‘Good’ and ‘Great’ by Using

Corpus Study

Lampung University, Indonesia

Yusda Adelia
Alvina Hana Marisa
Anisa Prastya Ningrum


These articles deal with the analysis of the use of "good and “great" through a corpus study.
Frequency refers to the habitual pairing of words that frequently occur together, reflecting the
dynamic nature of language. By examining how "good" and "great" co-occur in various contexts,
we gain valuable insights into their nuanced relationships and usage. The study, conducted using
a diverse text corpus, encompasses literature, news articles, academic papers, and everyday
language, ensuring a comprehensive representation of language use. We discover that "good and
great" is a relatively common frequency, frequently employed to describe physical attributes,
technical and industrial contexts, metaphorical expressions, and even in contradictory contexts.
Understanding this collocation not only enhances our linguistic knowledge but also aids writers,
translators, and language learners in effectively using words in diverse situations. It underscores
the adaptability and richness of language, offering a deeper appreciation of the intricate dance of
words in human expression.


In the intricate tapestry of the English language, words often engage in a delicate and nuanced
dance, forming relationships that extend far beyond mere definitions. These relationships, known
as frequency, are a fundamental aspect of linguistic expression. A frequency occurs when two or
more words have a natural tendency to appear together due to the way they've evolved within a
language. This phenomenon reflects the rich interplay of meaning and context that characterizes
human communication.

In our exploration of frequency, we delve into the intriguing partnership of "good and great" two
seemingly straightforward words that, when paired, reveal a world of complex associations and
usages. The study of "good and great" through the prism of a corpus analysis provides us with a
unique opportunity to decipher not only how language operates but also how it adapts to the
multifaceted demands of our communication.

By venturing into the world of this particular frequency, we will uncover the subtle intricacies of
its usage, delving into various contexts where it thrives. From the physical attributes of objects to
metaphorical expressions, technical and industrial domains, and even instances where "good and
great" may defy expectations, this exploration opens a window into the diverse and ever-
evolving nature of the English language.

Furthermore, our journey isn't solely of academic interest. The implications of understanding
frequency such as "good and great" extend to practical applications in writing, translation, and
language learning. By appreciating how words naturally align in different contexts, we empower
ourselves with a deeper understanding of effective communication and expression. In essence,
this article invites us to uncover the artistry in the seemingly ordinary words we use every day, to
understand the symphony of language, and to appreciate the nuanced dynamics of linguistic


This study used a qualitative method based on data collected from software called CQPWeb on
the online site or website This research was conducted with the aim
of analyzing the frequency of ‘good’ and ‘great’ by using corpus study. Here are the results
of the word research of the words Good and Great;


The word “good” comes from an old German root for gathering, and in its original sense it
means as a something that fits well. If something is good for you, it fits you well, or it is healthy
for you to eat. A long walk through a crowded city is good for someone who likes people-
watching, but if you are a misanthrope and you hate people, that wouldn't be so good. If food has
spoiled, it’s no longer good. The word “good” as the adjective have several contexts. For the
example, “good” as the adjective can be defined as having desirable or positive qualities
especially those suitable for a thing specified. As the example: “a good knife is one good for
cutting”. Adjective also used to explain about most suitable or right for a particular purpose, as
the example: “a good time to plant tomatoes”.

The word “good” also can be a noun in different context. As the example, the word “good” can
be explained as the moral excellence or admirableness, as in the sentence: “there is much good to
be found in people”. Another “good” as the noun also can be explained as thing which is
pleasing or valuable or useful, for example: “among the highest goods of all are happiness and
self-realization”. Not only adjective and noun, the word “good” also play a role as an adverb. It
also used in different context or explanation. It can explain as a good or proper or satisfactory
manner or to a high standard. For the example: “the baby can walk pretty good”.

The aim of this study is to inform the readers about how frequent of word “good” used, also the
number of words that can be used in collection with it. In everyday conversation, the word
“Good” is frequently used. The research using the CQPWeb program below supports it.

The word “good” appears 80,947 times in 3,689 different texts, with 722,081 of frequency,
which can be seen in the research result above. This information can be concluded that the word
“Good” is frequently used in daily conversation.
From the data showing of the frequency breakdown, there are 10 different types of word “good”
used in both words and annotation. The AJ0 show that there are 76,551 number of frequency
with 94.57 percentage. The NN1 show the result of the occurences 2,343 with 2.89 of
percentages. For the AJ0-AV0 appeared as the third list with the occurences 1,313 and 1.62 as
the percentage.

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