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18. Provision for diminution in the value of (10,527) (10.437) 20.

19. investments § 344.738 7,401,341 6.221.709
20. (net) 144,318 . =
21. Profit / (loss) before tax - . .
22. Provision for tax - Income tax 8,200,421 7,401,341 6.221.709
23. Provision for tax - Fringe Benefit Tax 29,740,598 23,061,274 16,829.881
24. Profit / (loss) after tax 681,697,876 556,467,823 495.870.630
Profit / oss) carried to Balance Sheet 663,163,117 $39,217,921 482,358.890
(A) Policyholders' account
Total Funds [Refer note (a) below]
Total investments

25. Yield on investments (%) [Refer note 15% 12% 9%

(b) below] 40,394,085 33,423,317 27,100.477
(B) Shareholders' account
Total Funds [Refer note (c) below]

Total investments 30,702,378 23,534,637 18,115,872

26. Yield on investments (%) [Refer note 9% 9% 8%
(d) below]
27. Yield on total investments [Refer note 15% 12% 9%
(e) below]
28. Paid up equity capital 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
29. Net worth [Refer note (f) below] 40,394,085 33,423,317 27,100,477
30. Total Assets [Refer note (g) below] 722,106,587 589,965,403 523,189,518
31. Earnings per share C) 8.20 7.40 6.22
32. Book value per share (>) 40.39 33.42 27.10
Net of reinsurance

Includes the effect of gains / losses on sale of investments

Jain College of Engineering, Department of MBA, Belagavi. 43

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