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Transformation And Matrices



Total marks available: 120

Total marks achieved: ______


The determinant of the matrix A2 – AB is equal to 3k + 28

Find the value of k.

k = ...........................................................

(Total for question = 6 marks)

(a) Calculate A + 2B

(b) Calculate AB


(Total for question = 4 marks)


Triangle A is drawn on the grid opposite.

The points (1, 2), (3, −2) and (1, 4) are the vertices of triangle B.

(a) On the grid, draw and label triangle B.

(b) Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle B.
Triangle C is the image of triangle B under an enlargement with scale factor 2 and centre of enlargement
the origin.

(c) On the grid, draw and label triangle C.

Triangle D is the image of triangle C under the transformation with matrix M where

(d) On the grid, draw and label triangle D.

Triangle C is the image of triangle D under the transformation with matrix N.

(e) Find the matrix N.

(Total for question = 12 marks)


The vertices of triangle A are the points with coordinates (2, 6), (4, 2) and (6, 2).
(a) On the grid opposite, draw and label triangle A.
Triangle B is the image of triangle A under a reflection in the line with equation y = –1

(b) On the grid, draw and label the line with equation y = –1
(c) On the grid, draw and label triangle B.

Triangle B is transformed to triangle C by the enlargement with centre (0, –2) and scale factor −

(d) On the grid, draw and label triangle C.

Triangle C is transformed to triangle D under the transformation with matrix M where

(e) On the grid, draw and label triangle D.

(f) Describe fully the transformation with matrix M.
(g) Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle D onto triangle A.















(Total for question = 14 marks)


[In this question the coordinates of the points are given in centimetres]

The points with coordinates (1, 1), (2, 4), (4, 6) and (3, 3) are the vertices of quadrilateral A

(a) On the grid opposite, draw and label quadrilateral A

Quadrilateral A is transformed to quadrilateral B by a rotation of 90° anticlockwise about the origin, O

(b) On the grid opposite, draw and label quadrilateral B

Quadrilateral B is transformed to quadrilateral C under the transformation with matrix M where

(c) On the grid opposite, draw and label quadrilateral C

(d) Calculate the determinant of M
(e) Calculate the area of quadrilateral A
(Total for question = 9 marks)



(a) 4A − 3B
(b) AB


(Total for question = 4 marks)


(a) Given that the inverse of matrix A is

find the value of a.

a = ...........................................................

(b) Hence find the matrix B such that


(Total for question = 7 marks)


Given that the determinant of B is 10,

find B
Show your working clearly.

(Total for question = 7 marks)

The transformation with matrix A is equivalent to the transformation with matrix B followed by the
transformation with matrix C, where C is a 2 × 2 matrix.

Find matrix C.

(Total for question = 5 marks)


The points with coordinates (1, 2), (1, 5) and (3, 2) are the vertices of triangle A.

(a) On the grid, draw and label triangle A.

Triangle B is the image of triangle A under a reflection in the line with equation y = −x

(b) On the grid, draw and label triangle B.

Triangle C is the image of triangle A under the transformation with the matrix M where

(c) Find the matrix product

(d) Hence, on the grid, draw and label triangle C.
(e) Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle B onto triangle C.
The single transformation that maps triangle B onto triangle C is represented by the matrix N
(f) State, giving a reason, the matrix N2

(Total for question = 10 marks)


The diagram shows kite A.

Kite B is the image of kite A under a reflection in the line with equation y = -1

(a) On the grid below, draw and label kite B.

Kite A is transformed to kite C by a reflection in the line with equation x = 4 followed by the translation

Kite C is the image of kite B under a rotation through 180° about the point P.

(b) (i) On the grid below, draw and label kite C.

(ii) Find the coordinates of P.


Kite A is transformed to kite D under the combined transformation with matrix MN.

(c) On the grid below, draw and label kite D.


Given that

(d) find the value of k.

(Total for question = 10 marks)


Triangles A and D are drawn on the grid below.

Triangle B is the image of triangle A under a reflection in the line with equation y = –x

(a) On the grid below, draw and label triangle B.


Triangle A is transformed to triangle C under the translation

(b) On the grid, draw and label triangle C.

(c) Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle D.










(Total for question = 7 marks)


The grid shows triangle A.

Triangle A is transformed to triangle B by a reflection in the line with equation x = 1

(a) On the grid, draw and label triangle B.


Triangle B is transformed to triangle C under the translation

(b) On the grid, draw and label triangle C.
Triangle C is transformed to triangle D under the transformation with matrix M where

(c) On the grid, draw and label triangle D.

(d) Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle D.

(Total for question = 10 marks)


On the grid below, trapezium B is the image of trapezium A under a single transformation.

(a) Describe fully the single transformation.

Trapezium C is the image of trapezium A under a reflection in the line with equation x = −1

(b) On the grid below, draw and label trapezium C.

Trapezium A is transformed to trapezium D under the transformation with matrix M where

(c) On the grid below, draw and label trapezium D.

Trapezium D is transformed to trapezium B under the transformation with matrix N.

(d) Find matrix N.












(Total for question = 11 marks)

Find the matrix B.

(Total for question = 4 marks)

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