Ag Curriculum Document 2-Compressed

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YEARS 7-10
year 7 Curriculum
In year 7 students will achieve the following Australian
Curriculum content descriptors from the Technologies
Technologies in society - Reflect on the uses of
technologies (a product, service, or environment) in the
Evaluating - Independently evaluate design ideas,
processes and solutions against existing products,
identified success criteria and sustainability.
Generating and designing - Generate, test and
communicate design ideas, plans and processes for various
audiences using appropriate technical terms and
technologies including graphical representation techniques.

Design and technologies - Food and fibre are Producing and implementing - Work safely with selected

produced in managed environments and prepared materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to

to enable people to develop sustainable and healthy make a designed solution.

eating options.
Communicating - Communicate ideas, findings and
evidence-based solutions to problems using
scientific language and representations, using digital
representations as appropriate.
Investigating and defining - Adjust a simple design
brief, with analysis of the characteristics of existing
products, processes, systems and/or production
Collaborating and managing - Use project
management processes when working individually
and collaboratively to document design solutions.
year 8 Curriculum
In year 8 students will achieve the following Australian
Curriculum content descriptors from the Technologies
Design and Technologies - Food and fibre are produced in
managed environments. These environments are often
designed toe ensure sustainability.
Communicating - Communicate ideas, findings and
evidence-based solutions to problems using scientific
language and representations, using digital
representations as appropriate.
Investigating and defining - Critique needs or
opportunities for designing and investigate, analyse and
select from a range of materials, components, tools,
Generating and designing - Generate, test and equipment and processes to develop design ideas.
communicate design ideas, plans and processes for
various audiences using appropriate technical terms and
technologies including graphical representation
Collaborating and managing - Use project management
processes when working individually and collaboratively
to document design solutions.
Producing and implementing - Select and justify choices
of materials, components. tools, equipment and
techniques to effectively and safely make designed
Evaluating - Independently evaluate design ideas,
processes and solutions against existing products,
identified success criteria and sustainability.
general capabilities
ICT skills

ethical understanding


Critical and creative thinking

year 9/10 Curriculum
In year 9 and 10, students will achieve the following
Australian Curriculum content descriptors from the
Technologies Curriculum.

Knowledge and Understanding

Investigate and make judgements on the ethical and
sustainable production and marketing of food and fibre.
Investigate and make judgements on how the
characteristics and properties of materials, systems,
components, tools and equipment can be combined to
create designed solutions.
Investigate and make judgements, within a range of
technologies specialisations, on how technologies can be
combined to create designed solutions.
Processes and Production Skills
Critique needs or opportunities to develop design briefs
and investigate and select an increasingly sophisticated
range of materials, systems, components, tools and
equipment to develop design ideas.
Develop, modify and communicate design ideas by
applying design thinking, creativity, innovation and
enterprise skills of increasing sophistication.
Work flexibly to effectively and safely test, select, justify
and use appropriate technologies and processes to
make designed solutions.

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