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#include <stdio.


#define MAX_FRAMES 3

int main() {

int frames[MAX_FRAMES]; // Array to represent memory frames

int pageReferences[20]; // Array to store page references

int numPages, pageFaults = 0;

int framePointer = 0; // Pointer to the current frame

// input the number of pages

printf("Enter the number of pages: ");

scanf("%d", &numPages);

// input the page reference string

printf("Enter the page reference string: ");

for (int i = 0; i < numPages; i++) {

scanf("%d", &pageReferences[i]);

// Initialize frames to -1, indicating they are initially empty

for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FRAMES; i++) {

frames[i] = -1;

// Loop through the page references

for (int i = 0; i < numPages; i++) {

int currentPage = pageReferences[i];

int pageFound = 0;

// Check if the current page is already in the frames

for (int j = 0; j < MAX_FRAMES; j++)

if (frames[j] == currentPage)

pageFound = 1;


if (pageFound == 0) {

// If the current page is not in the frames, it's a page fault

printf("Page %d caused a page fault.\n", currentPage);


// Replace the oldest page in the frame with the current page

frames[framePointer] = currentPage;

// Move the frame pointer to the next position in a circular


framePointer = (framePointer + 1) % MAX_FRAMES;

printf("Frames: ");

for (int j = 0; j < MAX_FRAMES; j++) {

if (frames[j] == -1) {

printf("- ");

} else {

printf("%d ", frames[j]);



printf("Total page faults: %d\n", pageFaults);

return 0;

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