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When we talk about transmitting data, we have various ways to send it from one point to another.

Digital signals, which are discrete and comprised of 0s and 1s, can be sent through a low-pass
(baseband) channel.

The reason we often resort to modulating digital signals into analog signals is related to bandwidth
efficiency. Bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies available for signal transmission. Transmitting
digital signals directly through a baseband channel requires a broader spectrum because digital signals
tend to occupy a wide range of frequencies due to their sharp transitions between 0s and 1s.

The channel type that suits this transmission is called a "band pass" channel. A band pass channel allows
a specific range of frequencies (band) to pass through while attenuating frequencies outside this range.

So, the modulation of digital signals into analog signals allows for more efficient use of the available
frequency spectrum,

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