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 In every step of the way, you are guided by the purpose as you consider
details of how you will go about your observation.
ENVIRONMENT- serves as the context (classrooms, learning spaces, activities) in  Choose the best strategy from among the following to record and document
which teaching, and learning occur. efficiently:
 Use table/matrices, checklist that you can fill out with the data as you
LEARNERS- whose growth and development characteristics and diversity influence are observing.
how they interact, how they respond to teaching. Shown in their on-task or off task.  Write brief notes of details you see while using a checklist.
TEACHERS- who are guide and facilitators, managers of learning, the techniques  Have a small notebook, pad, or sticky notes ready for jotting additional
they use, their philosophy if education, their personal characteristics that influence notes.
their teaching and learning strategies.  Use apps to record your observation data.
 Draw sketches or observational drawings.
 Tally behaviors
INTENTIONALITY  Write transcripts
 Use audio or video gadget/equipment to record data with permission
from the teacher and the learners.
PURPOSE  Take picture with permission as well

 Before starting any field observation activity, make sure you clearly CHILD FRIENDLY SCHOOL
understand the intended outcomes.  A child-friendly school is more than just a place for formal learning.
 Remember that you are a non-participant observer.  It is an institution that recognizes and respects the range of rights of children,
 Strive not to cause any unintended effect the environment, learners and and not just their right to be educated.
teachers.  These rights also include their rights to be healthy, to be given opportunities
FOCUS for play and leisure, to be protected from harm and abuse, to express their
views freely, and to participate in decision-making according to their evolving
 When your purpose is clear, it is easier to tune in and select what to observe. capacities.
 When you specify your focus, you can pay close attention to details.  It is also instills in children the responsibilities that go with their rights.
 Make your observation multi-sensorial.  Among these are respecting the rights of others, respecting diversity,
practicing equality, and resolving differences without resorting to violence.
WHAT IS A SCHOOL? 1. A child-friendly school is inclusive gender-sensitive and non-discriminating.
 Does not turn away any child enrolling and attending classes for whatever
-All dictionaries would probably contain any or some of the following definition:
 An institution devoted primarily to imparting knowledge or developing certain  Gives boy and girls equal learning opportunities
skills;  Treats all children equally, regardless of gender, social status, cultural origin,
 The building or buildings in which instruction is given; or religious belief.
 Any sphere or means of instruction. 2. A child-friendly school is effective with children (is child-centered).
 Has the best interest of the child mind in all its learning activities.
 Has a curriculum that addresses the child’s learning needs as well as those of
 Since it is safe to agree that “school” is for those needing or seeking the community and society.
knowledge or instruction, it should be primarily composed of learners or  Employs teaching methods that are suited to the child’s age, abilities, and
pupils. ways of learning.
 Where there are pupils, there should also be teachers who care for children,  Encourages children to think and decide for themselves, ask questions, and
provide for their learning needs, and nurture their interests. express their opinions
 The, there is the physical school- the school building and its facilities-
classrooms, gymnasium or activity area, grounds for young children to romp
and play, toilet facilities, drinking fountains, and the like.  Makes sure that children master the basic skills of writing, reading, speaking,
 The learning environment is more than just the sum total of all these- people and (listening), mathematics, and the necessary skills that they can use
(pupils and teachers) and things around them- parents, brothers, sisters, other through life.
relatives, and other people things in the community where the school is  Encourages children to learn by doing and by doing things with others.
located.  Makes sure that teachers are qualified to teach and continue to become better
 Makes sure that teachers and other staff are physically fit, adequately paid,
 School principals, teachers, parents and families, community institutions such and highly motivated.
as your local barangay council, other community members, and the children  Encourages children to participate in school and community activities.
themselves support each other in creating and “enhancing the learning 3. A child friendly school is healthy for children.
environment”.  Promote children’s health
WHAT EXACTLY IS A CHILD-FRIENDLY SCHOOL AND HOW CAN OUR  Guarantees that school buildings, grounds, and facilities are safe, clean,
SCHOOL BECOME ONE? healthy, and with adequate water and sanitary facilities.
 Has written policies and regular practices that promote good health.
 Integrates health education and life skill development in its curriculum  Ensure children’s high academic achievement and success
and host into.  Raise teacher’s morale and motivation.
4. A child-friendly school is caring and protective of all children.  Mobilize community support for education.
 Safeguards and provides security for children.
 Helps defend and protect children from harm and abuse.
 Encourages children to care for each other.  A bulletin board (pin board, notice board, or notice board in BRITISH
 Does not tolerate physical punishment on children. ENGLISH) is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for
 Has clear guidelines for conduct between students and does not allow bullying. example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide
5. A child-friendly school involves children’s families and the community information.
 Consults parents and invite their opinions regarding school policies and  It is a board that is usually attached to a wall in order to display notices giving
activities information about something.
 Holds regular dialogues with parents regarding their children’s learning
 Collaborates with parents to encourage their children to practice at home what  BULLETIN BOARDS are an essential component of classrooms. They
they are learning in school. provide a way to introduce new material or display student work.
 Cares as much as parents that children get enough nutrition and are in good  Educators should create boards that are equally engaging and educational.
health  A powerful learning tool for classrooms ranging from preschool to
 Cares about the children’s safety not only within the school premises but also highschool and beyond.
on their way to and from school  They can be use to relay information to students, reinforce lessons, display
 Engages the support and interaction of community institutions and other student work, and more.
 Enlist the support of community institutions and individuals for its projects  The useful bulletin board is a teaching aid.
and activities for children.  It saves instructional time and gains an effective and appreciative audience.
 The notice are changed daily or exactly when needed and they are brief and
 Encourage children’s participation in school and community.  Bulletin board can be great way to save time and increase productivity.
 Enhance children’s health and well-being.  This tool can save employees from the hassles of sorting superfluos emails and
 Guarantee safe and protective spaces for children. tons of information.
 Encourage enrolment and completion
 Instead, the messages, memos, and assignments can be posted separately on VISUAL APPEAL OF BULLETIN BOARDS
bulleting boaard.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF READING BULLETIN BOARD?  Choose color schemes that are aesthetically appealing and don’t clash.
 Reading is the fundamental to all education and something we all want to  Your display’s colors need to be eye-catching, not eye aching.
encourage our students to do.
 Reading bulleting boards in your classroom can set your students on the path to 2. DIMENSION
discovering the world through books and other resources.  Give your display depth with vibrant borders, multi-layered backgrounds, or even
4 WAYS TO USE BULLETIN BOARDS attachments for a three-dimensional effect.
1. DECORATIVE  Fabric, newspaper, plastic tablecloths, and other unconventional materials are
 Turn a bare wall into a creative masterpiece. great board coverings that are low maintennace and low cost with high returns.
 Most classrooms incorporate a decorative bulletin board to employ a theme, such
as back to school, seasons, holidays, etc. 3. STRUCTURE
2. DISPLAY  Your layout should have a flow or structure to it that makes viewing effortless.
 Used to showcase student’s work, these schoold bulletin boards are commonly  Use the basic principles of visual hierarchy to guide your student’s eyes through
placed in hallways outside classrooms. the board, focusing on the most important elements first.
 Since their function is strictly display and the content comes straight display and Start with your most important content on the top left of the board and start the flow
the content comes straight from the students, these boards are simpler and require of your display from there.
less planning.
 Reinforce a skill or subject by visually illustrating those conceprts with an
informative board.
 Use these bulletin boards to supplement your current lesson plan.
 This type of board is great for displaying reference materials like periodic tables,
maps, times tables, and even homework assignments.
 Through interactive bulletin boards require much more planning and time, they
are indispensable learning tools if done right.
 Students are emcouraged to interact with these boards, allowing you to promote
skills like recognition, problem-solving, hand-ey coordination, and more.

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