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Poetic forms:

Lyric Poem:
§ expresses a speaker’s emotions or thoughts
§ Most are short and musical.
Free Verse:
§ does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme
§ a Japanese poetic form
§ has five unrhymed lines and exactly thirty-one syllables
Sonnet: (also called the English sonnet or the Shakespearean sonnet)
§ a fourteen-line lyric poem
§ most are written in iambic pentameter
§ have a regular rhyme scheme
§ divided into three quatrains and a concluding couplet.
§ a song that uses steady rhythm, strong rhymes, and repetition to tell a story
§ a long, lyric poem about a serious subject
§ written in a dignified style
§ a solemn and formal lyric poem
§ mourns the loss of someone or something

Figures of Speech
Metaphor: A metaphor is
comparison between unlike
implied:comparisons between
direct metaphor: says that parts of the body and things quite
something is something else. different from the body.
Imagery: An image is a representation of anything we can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell.
Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds
Onomatopoeia The use of words that sound like what they mean

Sounds of Poetry

stress or an accent: is the emphasis given to a word or a syllable
metrical poetry: (poetry that has a meter),
has stressed and unstressed syllables arranged in a regular pattern

§ The mark …. indicates a stressed syllable
§ The mark …. indicates an unstressed syllable
§ Indicating the stresses this way is called scanning the poem
§ A line of metrical poetry is made up of metrical units called feet.
A foot: is a unit consisting of at least one stressed syllable and usually one or
more unstressed syllables.
most common metrical feet

iamb ˘ ´ (insist)

trochee ´ ˘(double)

anapest ˘ ˘ ´ (understand)

dactyl ´ ˘ ˘(excellent)

spondee ´ ´ (fourteen)

All Kinds of Rhyme

Rhyme: is the repetition of the accented vowel sound and any

sounds in words close together Ex: (time and dime and history and
perfect rhyme: is an exact rhyme Ex: (verge and merge)
end rhyme: rhymes that occur at the ends of lines
internal rhyme: rhyme within a line
approximate rhyme: ( or half rhyme, slant rhyme, and imperfect
When sounds are similar but not exact Ex: (mystery and mastery)

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