Ojas Pranayam - Krishanji

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A Strengthening Breathing Exercise -


by Krishan
2-3 minutes

17 Mar A Strengthening Breathing Exercise

Posted at 12:28h in My Yoga Journey

"Difficulties in life cannot be avoided but a wise man

faces them with a smile"
- Guru Nanak

A Strengthening Breathing Exercise

The following breathing exercise can help strengthen the upper

respiratory system.
It is a part of the OJAS practice which I will be teaching in my

1. Sit up straight or lie on your back.

2. Take 8-10 deep breaths. Inhale through the nose but exhale
through the mouth actively and thoroughly with a loud hissing

3. Relax the breath. Take your attention to the whole of the

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ribcage, chest, and lungs.

4. With the next inhalation, expand your chest sideways. Try to

make the chest and ribcage wider. Hold the breath, but keep
expanding the chest and ribcage.

5. Imagine that you are expanding your lungs sideways also.

6. Exhale through the nose slowly. As you are exhaling, try to

squeeze the chest and ribcage from the sides as if you are trying
to make them narrow and smaller.

7. Take 8-10 such breaths, with a short rest in between if needed.

This will complete one round.

8. Do three rounds of steps 2-6.

9. After completing three rounds, take a deep breath. Hold the

breath for 10-15 seconds. Exhale slowly with full control and try
to make the expiration as long as possible. Take 5-6 such
breaths, making the expiration steadier and longer with each

You can do this OJAS breathing exercise twice a day, once in the
morning and again in the evening. If you are unable to do the
complete routine, do as much as you can and slowly build up.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Laugh every day for 2-3 minutes. Laugh loud from your belly. It
is hard to laugh when you are worried or fearful, but that’s what
you need to do to come out of it.
You can combine laughing with the above Ojas breathing. Laugh
first, and then do the breathing exercise.

This challenging time will be over soon. Exercise daily. Eat and
rest well. Support others in any way you can.

"The pain that you have been feeling, can't compare to

the joy that is coming"
-Romans 8:18

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