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Philippine Health Care Delivery System 5.

Enumerate the various reform initiatives

that shaped Philippine healthcare
Key Terms
Barangay health worker 6. Explain the salient features of the
Universal Health Care Law in the
Department of Health Philippines
Devolution Overview of the Healthcare Delivery System:
FOURmula One plus Anderson and McFarlene (2011) emphasized
Health care delivery system the role of the following factors in shaping 21st
Century health that further influence health
Human resource for health network care delivery systems:
Inter-local health zone 1. Health care “reforms”
Local Government Code (R.A 7160) 2. Demographics
3. Globalization
Local health board 4. Poverty and Growing disparities
5. Social Integration
Municipal Health Officer
Health services are provided by the government
and private sector – for profit as well as non-
Primary facility profit with the latter frequently referred to as
non-governmental organizations (NGO)
Public health nurse
On national level direction is set by the
Department of Health (DOH)
Rural Health Midwife
R.A 7160 – local government units (LGU) employ
Rural health unit operating mechanisms to meet their community
needs and service requirements of their
Rural Sanitation Inspector communities.
Secondary facility
Basic health services- Priority services (LGU are
Tertiary facility primary responsible)

Objectives: A health system consists of all organizations,

people, and actions whose primary intent is to
1. Discuss how the World Health promote, restore, or maintain health. A health
Organization (WHO) affects health system has six building blocks or components:
issues in the Philippines
2. Describe the Philippine Health Care 1. Service Delivery
Delivery System as to its components 2. Health workforce
and sectors 3. Information
3. Differentiate the referral system from 4. Medical Products, vaccines, and
the interlocal health zone technologies
4. Distinguish the levels of healthcare, 5. Finance
service, and facilities
6. Leadership and Governance or
stewardship (WHO, 2007a)

History of Philippine Health Care Delivery


1577 – Franciscan Friar Juan Clemente opened a

medical dispensary in Intramuros (the old
walled city of Manila) for the indigent.

1690 – Dominican Father Juan de Pergero

worked toward installing a water system in San
Juan del Norte (now San Juan City, Metro

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