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SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS (SCLERODERMA) AND RELATED DISORDERS  Survival is determined by visceral disease (lungs,

heart and/or kidney)

• Chronic multisystem disorder of unknown etiology
• Thickening of the skin cased by accumulation of connective • Criteria for Classification of Systemic Sclerosis
tissue and functional abnormalities of visceral organs (GI,  Major Criteria
lungs, heart, kidney)
 Sclerodermatous involvement of proximal
digits,affecting proximal portions of the
Classification of Systemic Sclerosis and Scleroderma-like
extremities, face, neck, or trunk (usually bilateral
Systemic Limited cutaneous disease and symmetrical) → present in 90% of patients
sclerosis Diffuse cutaneous disease
Sine sleroderma  Minor Criteria
Undifferentiated connective tissue disease  Sclerodactyly
Overlap syndromes  Digital pitting scar or tissue loss of the volar pads of
Localized Morphea the fingertips
scleroderma Linear scleroderma  Bibasilar pulmonary fibrosis
En coup de saber
Chemically Toxic-oil syndrome Diagnosis: major criterion OR ≥2 minor criteria
induced Vinyl chloride-induced disease (97 % sensitive and 98% specific)
sleroderma- Belomycin-induced fibrosis
like disorders Pentazocine-induced fibrosis • Can occur as Localized Scleroderma
Epxy- and aromatic hydrocarbons-induced Affects children and young women
fibrosis  Morphea: single or multiple plaques of skin induration
Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome  Liner scleroderma: involves extremity or the face
Other Scleredema adultorum of Buschke
scleroderma- Scleromyxedema  En coup de saber: resembles would from a sword;
like disorders Chronic graft-vs.-host disease associated with hemiatrophy of the same side of the face
Eosinophilic fascitis
Digital sclerosis in diabetes • Overlap syndrome: systemic sclerosis that occurs in
Primary amyloidosis and amyloidosis
association with features of other connective diseases
associated with multiple myeloma

• Prominent features of systemic sclerosis • Undifferentiated connective tissue disease: designation for
 Vascular damage patients who do not have diagnostic criteria for any one
 Immune activation connective tissue disease
 Excessive synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix
• Mixed connective tissue disease had features of
• Subsets of skin and internal organ involvement  SLE
 Diffuse cutaneous scleroderma  Systemic sclerosis
 Rapid development of skin thickening of proximal  Polymyositis
and distal extremities, face and trunk  RA
 Greater risk for kidney and visceral disease early  High titers of RNP
 Limited cutaneous scleroderma
 Symmetric skin thickening limited to distal • Eosinophilic fascitis: associated with contaminated L-
extremities and face tryptophan ingestion
 (+)Features of CREST syndrome (Calcinosis,
Raynaud’s phenomenon, Esophageal dysmotility, • Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome: associated with
Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia)
contaminated L-tryptophan ingestion
 Better prognosis (except if pulmonary arterial
hypertension or biliary cirrhosis develops)
Subsets of Systemic Sclerosis
• Affects all races
Diffuse Limited
• Incidence increases with age (peaks at 30-50 years old)
Skin Distal and proximal Distal to elbows,
involvement face • Women > Men (3x more)

Onset within 1 year May precede skin • During mid to late childbearing years (≥8:1)
or at time of skin disease by years • African American twice as frequently with lower age of onset
changes and often have diffuse cutaneous involvement and pulmonary
Pulmonary Pulmonary arterial fibrosis (than Caucasians)
(interstitial hypertension • Hispanics, more severe than Caucasians
fibrosis) after 10-15 years
• Highest incidence in Choctaw naïve Americans in Oklahoma
Organ Renal (renovascular of disease in
involvement hypertensive <10% of patients • Increased incidence of other autoimmune disease (SLE and
crisis) Gastrointestinal RA)
Gastrointestinal Biliary cirrhosis
Cardiac • Rate of concordance
Nail fold Dilatation and Dilatation without  Twins = 4.7% (systemic sclerosis)
capillaries dropout significant dropout  ANA concordance = 90% in mono, 40$ in dizygotic
Antinuclear Anti-topoisomerase Anticentromere
antibodies 1 • ANA in spouses of systemic sclerosis patient suggests that
environmental factors are involved in the development of
 Systemic sclerosis sine scleroderma antinuclear antibodies
 No skin involvement
 Involves visceral organs
• Infectious agents may play a role in the pathogenesis of
systemic sclerosis
 Latent CMV infection 9by direct vascular injury or
immune-mediated mechanisms involving molecular
 Parvovirus B19 (in bone marrow) with presence of anti- Events in the Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis
parvovirus B19 antibody 1. Early event: Vascular injury of the small arteries, arterioles
and capillaries in the skin, GIT, kidneys, heart and lungs) →
2. Initial symptom: RAYNAUD’S PHENOMENON (Expression of
abnormal regulation of blood flow resulting from vascular
• Environmental factors associated with development of injury)
systemic sclerosis and scleroderma-like illness 3. Injury to endothelial cells and basal lamina
 Coal and gold miners (silica exposure)
4. Proliferation of the intima and smooth-muscle cells with
 Exposure to polyvinyl chloride → raynaud’s phenomenon, deposition of matrix and perivascular fibrosis → Narrowing of
acroosteolysis, scleroderma-like skin lesions, pulmonary the lumen and eventual obliteration of the vessels
fibrosis and nail fold capillary abnormalities, hepatic
fibrosis nad angiosarcoma
5. ↓Microvascular bed in the skin and other sites → Chronic
 Exposure to epoxy resins and aromatic hydrocarbons ischemia → Drop-out of capillaries with dilatation and
(benzene, toluene, trichloroethylene) tortuosity of remaining ones (seen in the nail folds by wide-
field microscopy)
 Ingestion of aniline-adulterated cooking oil (rapeseed oil)
6. In the skin: Proliferation and dilatation of remaining
→ interstitial pneumonitis, eosinophilia, arthralgias,
capillaries → Telangiectasia
arthritis and myositis then joint contractures, skin
thickening, Raynaud’s phenomenon, pulmonary 7. Endothelial damage → Reflected as ↑Factor VIII/vWF in serum
hypertension, sicca syndrome and resorption of distal
Mechanisms of Endothelial Injury or Activation
 Pentazocine use → extensive sclerosis of the dermis and
• Cytotoxic factor for endothelium degrades the basal lamina,
subcutaneous tissue
releasing fragments of type IV collagen and laminin
 Bleomycin → fibrotic skin nodules, linear
 Factor = Granzyme 1: a Type IV collagenase secreted by
hyperpigmentation, alopecia, raynaud’s phenomenon,
gangrene of fingers and pulmonary fibrosis activated T cells
 Type IV collagen and laminin stimulate immune response
 Silicone breast implants → localized fibrosis around to basal lamina
implant  Antibody-mediated
 Cell-mediated

PATHOGENESIS • Anti-endothelial cell antibodies (AECA)

• Overproduction and accumulation of collagen and other  Mediate antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity against
extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, tenascin, fibrillin-1 human cells
and glycosaminoglycans) in skin and other organs  NOT SPECIFIC for systemic slcerosis and are found in
• Mechanisms: other connective tissue diseases
 Immunologic  Higher in patients with Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic
 Vascular endothelial cell activation and /or injury sclerosis
 Activation of fibroblasts → excessive collagen
 Associated with the following:
 Digital infarcts
 Pulmonary hypertension
Genetic susceptibility  Impaired alveolocapillary diffusion
Environmental factors  Initiate apoptosis of endothelial cells
Microchimerism  Induce expression of the following adhesion molecules
leading to production of chemoattractants (IL-1, IL-8 and
monocyte chemotactic factors or MCP) thus with
elevated levels of the following in the serum
 Vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
Vvascular Immune  Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)
Endothelial cell injury T cell activation  E-selectin
Vasoconstriction Macrophage activation  P-selectin
Vascular occlusion Autoantibodies
Tissue hypoxia Cytokines
 Adhesion molecules + Chemoattractants = Binding of T
and B cells, natural killer cells, and monocytes to the
endothelium and their migration into the perivascular

Fibrobalst activation Pathophysiology

and growth
Injury to the epithelium


Vasodilation and
Inhibitor of Platelet Aggregation  Stimulates fibroblast proliferation
 Induces synthesis of CTGF which further stimulates
Platelet binds Release of PDGF fibroblast proliferation and synthesis of
to endothelium (chemotactic and mitogenic for extracellular matrix
↓ smooth muscle cells and
Platelet fibroblasts)  With increased number of receptors found in
Activation systemic sclerosis, they are more responsive to TGF-
↓ β
Thromboxane Release of TGF-β  PDGF (no description from the book)
(Stimulates fibroblast
↓ collagen synthesis)
Vasoconstriction • Other evidences that cell-mediated immunity is involved
Intimal fibrosis  Appearance of scleroderma-like lesions in:
Adventitial fibrosis  Patients with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after
Perivascular fibrosis bone marrow transplantation
 In a murine model of chronic GVHD, conditions
↓ known to be associated with activated T cells
Vasoconstriction  Progressive skin induration
• From the endothelium: Release of Endothelin-1 (cold  Joint contractures
exposure) → Vasoconstriction  Gastrointestinal involvement
 Vasoconstrictor  Pulmonary involvement
 Stimulates fibroblast and smooth-muscle cells  Sjogren’s syndrome
 Opposed by EDRF which is also released by endothelial  Raynaud phenomenon and kidney involvement are
cells (normal increase in EDRF is not seen in patients infrequent
with systemic sclerosis due to impaired synthesis)
• Mast cells

• ↑α2-adrenergic-mediated vasoconstriction in dermal arterioles  Interaction with T cells → Mast cell degranulation →
of patients with systemic sclerosis + ↓Vasodilatory Release of tryptase → fibroblast collagen synthesis
neuropeptides (from nerve damage) → Vasoconstriction  Rlease of histamine → edema 9early in disease)

• Vasoconstriciton → Reperfusion Injury → Release of oxygen • ↑Fibroblasts

free radicals → Further endothelial damage  Aberrant regulation of growth
 Appear to be in a state of permanent activation due to
Role of Cell-Mediated Immunity in the Development of Fibrosis stimulation by TGF-β and CT growth factor (CTGF)
in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis  Increased production of high-collagen producing
• T cells, macrophages, endothelial cells and toher cells along phenotype and decreased production of low-collagen
with cytokines and growth factors interact in a complex producing phenotype
manner to stimulate fibrosis  Collagen deposition is perivascular in myocardium,
• Laminin and type IV collagen induce in vitro transformation of muscle, kidney
lymphocytes from systemic sclerosis patients  Type VII collagen found throughout dermis accounting for
the indurated, tightly bound ksin in the disease (normally
• 2
Mononuclear cell infiltrate (T ) surrounds small blo0d vessels
H at dermal-epidermal basement membrane zone since
in the dermis they act as anchoring fibrils)
• T cell hyperactivity ↑CD4+ → ↑CD4+:CD8+ ratio
Other Events involved in
• Activated T cells → IL-2 production → Fibrosis Pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis
• Microchimersism
• Activated T cells → IL-4 production → stimulates fibroblast  Can occur in nulligravid women
chemotaxis and proliferation and collagen production  Can occur in men via
• Implicated in the development of pulmonary fibrosis  Blood transfusion
 IL-2  Engraftment of cells from a twin
 IL-4  From maternal cells in utero
 IL-5
• Activated T cells → IFNγ → stimulates macrophages BUT • Predilection for women in the childbearing years
inhibits collagen synthesis by fibroblasts (IFNγ usually  Fetal progenitor cells can persist in the serum of normal
decreased in patients with systemic sclerosis) women for many years after childbirth
 Since there is increased quantity and frequency of
• ↑Macrophages → Secretion of IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, TGF-β, PDGF immune fetal cells in patients with systemic sclerosis
and fibronectin
 IL-1: Stimulate fibroblast proliferation and collagen • Chromosomal abnormalities in >90% of patients with systemic
synthesis sclerosis
 IL-6: Stimulate local release of tissue inhibitor of  Chromatic breaks: found in patients and in their first-
degee relatives
metalloproteinases (TIMP) by fibroblasts → limit
 Acentric Fragments
breakdown of collagen
 Ring chromosomes (~30% of mitotic cells)
 Fibronectin: interacts with collagen where it binds
fibroblasts and mononuclear cells through receptors
called integrins; chemoattractant and mitogen for
fibroblasts - skin  dermal appendages are atrophied & rete pegs are
 TGF-β - GI  thin mucosa, ↑ collagen in the lamina propria,
 Upregulate expression of PDGF receptors submucosa & serosa
o Degree of fibrosis is less than @ skin o  ulcers @ volar pads of fingertips & over bony
- Lung  diffuse interstitial fibrosis, thickening of the prominences (elbows, malleoli, extensor surfac
alveolary membrane, peribronchial & pleural fibrosis of the proximal interphalangeal joints)
o Bronchiolar epithelial proliferation o skin over the extremities, face & trunk may
become darkly pigmented even w/o sun
o Rupture or septa  small cysts & areas of exposure
bullous emphysema  hyperpigmentation of the skin may
o Small pulmonary areteries & arterioles show occur over superficial blood vessels &
intimal thickening, fragmentation of elastica tendons
(esp @ limited cutaneous SSc) o hypopigmentation may also dvlp (similar to
- Musculoskeletal  synovium similar to RA vitiligo)  @ eyebrows, scalp & trunk
o Thick layer of fibrin overlying & within the o sparing of pigment around hair follicles  SALT
synovium & PEPPER appearance
o Later, the synovium may become fibrotic o  vaginal dryness
o Possible overlap syndrome of SSc & o  calcific deposits  @ intracutaneous &
polymyositis subcutaneous tissue
- Heart  degeneration of myocardial fibers & irregular  periarticular, digital pads, olecranon
areas of interstitial fibrosis & prepatellar bursae
o Contraction band necrosiss o face involvement  thin lips, loss of skin
- Kidneys  intimal hyperplasia of interlobular arteries wrinkles & facial expression & microstomia 
eating & dental hygiene difficult!!
o Fibrinoid necrosis of afferent arterioles
o  wrinkles perpendicular to mouth
(including glomerular tuft)
o Thickening of GBM o capillary beds of nail folds of fingers may show
o Small cortical infarctions & glomerulosclerosis enlargement of capillaries w/ little or no
capillary loss
o Often indistinguishable from observed in
malignant HTN  usually indicative of Limited
o Renal vascular lesions may be present in the cutaneous scleroderma
absence of HTN o in diffuse cutaneous scleroderma  there is
o IgM, complement & fibrinogen disorganization of the capillary beds w/ dilated
o Cold induced raynauds has been shown to capillaries interspersed with areas where
capillaries have disappeared
decrease renal blodd flow
- Others  these capillary changes are Not
o Fibrosis of thyroid gland may dvlp in the found in px who have only Raynauds
absence or presence of autoimmune thyroiditis
o Thickening of periodontal membrane w/ - Muskuloskeletal
o pain, swelling, stiffness of fingers & knees
replacement of lamina dura
o symmetric polyarthritis may be seen
 Gingivitis & loosening of teeth
o leathery crepitation (esp knee)
o ↓ oral aperture & mucosal dryness makes o extensive fibrotic thickening of the tendon
eating & oral hygiene difficult. sheaths in the wrist  carpal tunnel syndrome
o wkness is usually present in px w/ severe skin
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS involvement & is usually due to disuse atrophy
- First symptoms: Raynaud’s phenomenon (95%) and puffy
o  Myositis ch by proximal muscle wkness &
muscle enzyme elevations that are identical to
- Raynaud’s  episodic VC of small arteries & arterioles of
polymyositis (overlap syndrome)
figers, toes, & sometimes the tip of the nose & earlobes
- gastrointestinal
o Brought about by cold, vibration or emotional
o esophageal >50%
 epigastric fullness
o Pallor/cyanosis (cold & numbness)  rubor on
 burning pain in the epigastric or
rewarming (pain & tingling)
o Not all patients appreciate 3 color phases
 regurgitation of gastric contents
o DIGIT PALLOR  most reliable symptom for the o most noticeable when px is flat or bending
presence of Raynaud’s over
o May precede skin changes o due to ↓ tone of sphincter & to dilatation of
the distal esophagus
- Skin features
o peptic esophagitis  seldom results to
o early  fingers & hands swollen, lower
extremities spared
o barret’s  but seldom becomes adenoCA
 Pitting/non + erythema
o dysphagia  solids, caused by loss of
o Begin distally  proximally esophageal motitlity due to neuromuscular
o The skin gradually becomes firm, thick &
o ↓ amplitude or disappearance of peristaltic
tightly bound to the underlying subcutaneous
tissue waves in the lower 2/3 of esophagus
o Raynauds w/o CT dse is assoc w/ esophageal
o Rapid changes  greater risk of visceral o Pseudoobstruction – hypomotility of small
intestine producing symptoms of bloating &
o Skin thickening is usually greater in the DISTAL
abdominal pain
extremity o Malabsorption syndrome
o After many years, the skin may soften & return
o Loss of feathery pattern in roentgenographic
to normal thickness or become thin and
features of the second & third portions of the
duodenum & jejunum
o  flexure contracture
o SSc sine scleroderma  GI features of SSc w/ - vit B12 / folic acid deficiency anemia
little or no involvement of cutaneous or other - microangiopathic hemolytic anemia  renal involvement
organs -  polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia  IgG
o Watermelon stomach  dilated submucosal - antitopoisomerase 1 (Scl-70)  antibodies w/c have high
capillaries @ endoscopy as broad stripes specificity for SSc
o assoc w/ diffuse cutaneous involvement
- Pulmonary o interstitial pulmonary dse
o leading cause of death in SSc (replaced renal) o renal ,etc
o exertional dyspnea  most common symptom - anticentromere Ab
 often accompanied by dry, o 40-80% of px w/ lmited cutaneous scleroderma
nonproductive cough or CREST syndrome
o ↓ vital capacity & ↓ lung compliance - antinucleolar Ab
o ↓ diffusing capacity & ↓ PO2 w/ exercise o specific for SSc
 these pulmonary fxn test abn may be
present even if CXR is Normal DIAGNOSIS
- although raynaud’s phenomenon may be the first
o active inflam alveolitis  ground glass
symptom of SSc, most patients w/ raynauds alone do not
appearance dvlp a CT d/o
o interstitial fibrosis & vascular lesions - other causes of raynauds
o interstitial fibrosis  predominant lesion in o thoracic outlet (scalenus anticus & cervical rib)
patients w/ diffuse or limited cutaneous SSc o shoulder-hand syndrome
 Px w/ diffuse cutaneous involvement o trauma (jackhammer operators)…
who have antipolymerase 1 Ab  o etc…
severe! - localized forms of scleroderma
o Prognosis is poor w/ the dvlpt of pulmonary o linear scleroderma &
hypertension o morphea
o Aspiration pneumonia  less common problem - sclerederma adultorum of buschke  occurs in children
(painless edematous ulceration)
- Cardiac o previous strep infxn
o Primary cardiac involvement  - scleremyxedema  papules
 pericarditis w/w/o effusions - acid mucopolysaccharide depostis
 heart failure - monoclonal IgG
 varying degrees of heart block - prayer hand deformitiy  px w/ IDDM; digital sclerosis &
 arrythmias contractures
o diffuse cutaneous SSc  majority have cardiac - primary amyloidosis w/ multiple myeloma
problems - Biopsy will clearly differentiate!!!!
o contraction band necrosis  results from
cardiac muscle damage caused by intermittent COURSE & PROGNOSIS
vasospasm of coronary vessels - until the dse differentiates into recognizable subsets,
o px may experience angina pectoris even though prognosis in early dse is difficult to predict
angiogram is normal - lmited cutaneous scleroderma (w/anticentromere Ab) 
good prognosis unless…
- Renal o pulmo arterial hypertension
o Previously the leading cause of death o malabsorption syndrome
o Significant dse occur more in diffuse cutaneous o primary biliary cirrhosis
scleroderma (widespread skin thickening) - diffuse cutaneous scleroderma  generally worse
o Renal crisis prognosis esp if older age
 Malignant hypertension  renal - males  worse prog
failure - sclerodactyly & flexion contractures may persist
o Hypertensive encephalopathy - death occurs most moften from pulmonary, cardiac &
o Severe headache, retinopathy, seizures, LV renal involvement.
o Renin angiotensin system  mech for
 SSc cannot be cured
hypertensive crisis
 Treatment of involved organ systems can relieve symptoms and
o Microangiopathic anemia (& large chronic
improve function
pericardial effusion) indicator of impending
renal failure (may occur in normotensive px) Need to be monitored:
a. blood pressure
- Others b. blood counts
o Dry eyes/mouth – frequent! c. urinalysis
o Lymphocytic infiltration of minor salivary d. renal function
glands  characteristic of Sjogren’s syndrome e. pulmonary function
secondary to SSc
o (+) SS-A (Ro) & SS-B (La) High-dose D-penicillamine (700-1000 mg/d)
o hypothyroidism  in the past, used to treat early diffuse cutaneous SSc
o trigeminal neuralgia & male impotence  rationale for using: interfered with inter- and intramolecular
secondary to decreased penile tumescence cross-linking of collagen; immunosuppressive
 BUT have normal testosterone  recent study showed no benefit of high versus low doses of this
- hypoproliferative anemia related to chronic inflammation Recombinant human IFN-γ
 most common cause  positive effects: modest improvement in skin sclerosis
 negative effects: worsening of Raynaud’s phenomenon,  very important in SSc
development of renal crisis and influenza-like symptoms  Reduce dryness of skin by:
a. avoid frequent use of detergent soaps
Immunosuppressive agents b. regularly applying hydrophilic ointments & bath oils
 rationale for using: based on the cellular and humoral  regular exercise to maintain flexibility of extremities &
immunologic abnormalities that have been demonstrated in SSc pliability of skin
 results were disappointing  massage skin several times a day
 occlusive dressing (hydrocolloid duo-DERM): promote healing
Cyclosporine and protect finger
 decrease skin induration without improvement in pulmonary or  warfarin: reduce calcinosis
cardiac manifestations
 SE: nephrotoxicity Pilocarpine hydrochloride tablets
 increase salivary secretions
 showed skin improvement Reflux esophagitis
 SE: significant gastrointestinal toxicity  small frequent meals, antacids between meals, elevation of
head of bed
Cyclophosphamide  do not lie down for a few hours after a meal
 used in early sclerodermal interstitial lung disease  avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, peppermint & chocolate: reduce
 showed improvement or stabilization of pulmonary function and pressure of lower esophageal sphincter
improvement of skin induration  avoid fatty foods and late-evening snacks

Antiplatelet therapy Grastric acid (proton) pump inhibitors

 low doses of aspirin: block the formation of thromboxane A2, a  more effective in treating erosive esophagitis than are H2
powerful vasoconstrictor and platelet aggregator blockers
 dipyridamole (200-400 mg, divided daily doses): decreases
platelet adhesion to damaged vessel walls NSAIDS
 for articular symptoms
 not effective in improving or preventing skin induration & the N-acetylcysteine
progression of SSc  antioxidant to reduce lung damage in patients with RDS and may
 should not be used for the indolent primary form of muscle help in SSc lung disease
disease of SSc
 associated with the development of renal crisis Vaccine
 but, beneficial in certain situations….  polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) and yearly
a. short courses of low-dose prednisone (<10 mg/d): influenza immunizations
decrease edema associated with edematous phase of
early skin involvement; useful in relieving joint and
tendon pains  overlap syndrome characterized by combinations of clinical
b. higher doses of a glucocorticoid (prednisone 20-30 features of SLE, SSc, polymyositis and RA and the presence of very
mg/d): inflammatory myositis, pericarditis, early active high titers of circulating autoantibodies to nuclear RNP antigen
alveolitis (anti-U1 RNP)
 peak onset of disease: 2nd and 3rd decades
 directed at control of vasospasm
a. dress warmly and wear mittens and socks Sclerodermal changes
b. do not smoke usually limited to the distal extremities and sometimes the face
c. remove causes of external stress but spare the trunk
d. avoid drugs like amphetamine & ergotamine  some with mucocutaneous features of SLE
 beta-blocking drugs may worsen Raynaud’s phenomenon  (+) joint pain, stiffness & swelling involving peripheral joints
 calcium channel blockers and longer-acting amlodipine:  myalgias are frequent
effective in alleviating Raynaud’s phenomenon
• SE: light headedness and palpitations Pulmonary involvement (asymptomatic)
 Nitroglycerin paste: improve local blood flow when applied to  ~85%
the affected digit  Pulmonary arterial HPN: most common cause of death in MCTD
 Sildenafil (phosphodiesterase inhibitor): primarily for erectile
dysfunction, may also be helpful Renal involvement
 SSRIs: decrease platelet 5-hydroxytryptamine  ~25%
 IV iloprost (prostacyclin analogue): decrease in frequency and  Membranous glomerulonephritis: most common; usually mild but
severity of Raynaud’s phenomenon and healing of digital ulcers can cause nephritic syndrome
 IV alprostadil (prostaglandin): effective in treating severe
Raynaud’s phenomenon with digital ulcers GI involvement
 IV epoprostenol & oral Bosentan (endothelin-1 receptor  ~70%
antagonist): used in treatment of pulmonary HPN, also effective in  most common manifestations: esophageal dysmotility, lower
Raynaud’s phenomenon esophageal sphincter laxity, gastroesophageal reflux
 Pentocifylline (400 mg TID): improve perfusion by increasing
deformability of red cell plasma membranes Cardiac involvement
 ~30% pericarditis
Distal ulnar artery occlusion should be considered in Raynaud’s
 positive Allen test: suggestive  majority: anemia of chronic inflammation
 angiography: confirmatory for the diagnosis  (+) direct Coomb’s test
 hypergammablobulinemia
SKIN CARE  rheumatoid factor (50%)
 same as would be indicated for the respective CT diseases
defining this syndrome
 more than half have a favorable course
 10-yr survival rate: 80%

 scleroderma-like syndrome of unknown cause characterized by
inflammation followed later by sclerosis of the dermis, subcutis
and deep fascia
 affects adults
 usually after strenuous physical activity
 (-) Raynaud’s phenomenon & internal organ involvement
 abrupt onset of symmetric tenderness and swelling of
extremities, rapidly followed by induration of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue
 skin: cobblestone or puckered appearance
 carpal tunnel syndrome: appears early
 flexion contractures: develop later
 marked eosinophilia: early stage
 increased polyclonal IgG levels and immune complexes
 spontaneous improvement and occasionally complete remission
may occur after 2 to 5 years of disease

 in 1989, scleroderma-like changes, myalgias, eosinophilia
dramatically increased
 most cases: associated with ingestion of L-tryptophan
manufactured by a single Japanese company
 onset: abrupt or insidious
 early phases: low-grade fever, fatigue, dyspnea, cough,
arthralgias/arthritis, evanescent erythematous rashes, muscle
cramping, severe myalgias
 peripheral neuropathy
 most closely resemble toxic oil syndrome
 peripheral eosinophil count: >1000/ul
 tx: glucocorticoids, antimalarial drugs, immunosuppressive
drugs, plasmapheresis
 Prednisone: beneficial during acute inflammatory phase &
resulted in resolution of pulmonary infiltrates, peripheral edema
and eosinophilia
- This back-up summary is c/o gertzie, mia, & lessa

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