DYN3D32 Input Description

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DYN3D Version 3.


Code for Calculation of Transients in Light Water Reactors (LWR)

with Hexagonal or Quadratic Fuel Elements

- Code Manual and Input Data Description for Release -

U. Grundmann, S. Mittag and U. Rohde

November 2007

Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.


1 Introduction ...............................................................................................3

2 Features of DYN3D ....................................................................................4

3 Description of Files ...................................................................................6

4 Description of Input Data ..........................................................................9

4.1 General Description of Neutron-Kinetic Data ..............................................9
4.1.1 General job control data ............................................................................10
4.1.2 Output control ............................................................................................12
4.2 Neutronic Data for Steady-State Calculation .............................................13
4.2.1 Data describing the size of problem ..........................................................13
4.2.2 Data controlling the steady-state calculation .............................................14
4.2.3 Definition of fuel elements and library .......................................................20
4.2.4 Description of geometry of sector ..............................................................20
4.2.5 Loading of the sector .................................................................................21
4.2.6 Fuel assembly shuffle operations (optional) ..............................................22
4.2.7 Assignment of reflector assemblies to the fuel assemblies (optional) .......23
4.2.8 Geometrical sizes ......................................................................................24
4.2.9 Description of control rods .........................................................................25
4.2.10 Discontinuity factors (optional) ..................................................................29
4.2.11 Boundary conditions ..................................................................................30
4.2.12 Cross section library ..................................................................................33
4.2.13 Calculation of Doppler temperature ...........................................................35
4.2.14 Assignment of coolant channels to the fuel assemblies ............................35
4.2.15 Output of albedos (optional) ......................................................................36
4.2.16 Decay heat power (optional) .....................................................................37
4.2.16 Inner nodal flux reconstruction (optional) ..................................................39
4.2.18 End of steady-state data ...........................................................................40
4.2.19 Additional data for burnup calculation (optional) .......................................41
4.2.20 Operational history of burnup cycle (optional) ...........................................42
4.2.21 Additional data for reactor-poison-dynamics calculation (optional) ...........43
4.2.22 Description of the file of external source of fast neutrons (optional) .........44
4.3 Neutronic data for Transient calculation ....................................................45
4.3.1 General data for time step and iteration control ........................................45
4.3.2 Data for controlling the rod movement ......................................................47
4.3.3 Input of data for delayed neutrons .............................................................47
4.3.4 Input of neutron velocities .........................................................................49
4.3.5 End of transient data .................................................................................49
4.4 Separate Cross Section Libraries ..............................................................50
4.5 Burnup Distribution ....................................................................................55
4.6 Fission Product Poison Distributions .........................................................56
4.7 Thermal-hydraulic Data .............................................................................58
4.7.1 Control keys for the selection of model options .........................................58
4.7.2 Fuel rod data .............................................................................................61
4.7.3 Hydraulic data for the core ........................................................................62
4.7.4 Channel and hot channel data ..................................................................63
4.7.5 Control of calculation .................................................................................64
4.7.6 Space dependent mass flow .....................................................................65
4.7.7 Mixing model data .....................................................................................66
4.7.8 Time-dependent boundary conditions .......................................................67
4.9 Options for Mixing Model in Lower Plenum ...............................................68

5 Output and Post-Processing of the Results .........................................70

5.1 Listing File .................................................................................................70
5.2 OUTGRA (Version 5.3) .............................................................................72
5.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................72
5.2.2. Program start .............................................................................................72
5.2.3 Representation type input .........................................................................74
5.2.4 Parameter input .........................................................................................74
5.2.5 Time input...................................................................................................77
5.3 OUTDIS .....................................................................................................78
5.4 Graphical Post-Processor DYN3DVisualProcessor ..................................79

6 References ............................................................................................... 80

Appendix A ..........................................................................................................81

Appendix B ..........................................................................................................84
DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

1 Introduction

DYN3D Versions 3.1 and 3.2 are FORTRAN90 versions of the code DYN3D developed
for investigations of transients in cores of thermal power reactors with hexagonal or
quadratic fuel elements [1,2]. The length of the arrays are automatically determined by
the input data in this version Former FORTRAN77 versions of code DYN3D are the
versions DYN3D1.1/MX with X=1,2,3, or 4 or DYN3D2000. Beginning with the
FORTRAN90 version 3.1 DYN3D has a flexible code structure which allows to replace
as well as to implement new models easier than in previous versions.

The 3-dimensional neutron kinetics models of the code are based on a nodal expan-
sion method for solving the two-group neutron diffusion equation in hex-z or rectangu-
lar x,y,z- geometry. The thermal-hydraulic part consists of a two-phase flow model
describing coolant behaviour and a fuel rod model. The fuel elements are simulated by
separate coolant channels. Additionally, some hot channels with power peaking factors
belonging to chosen fuel elements can be considered. Several safety parameters such
as temperatures, DNBR and fuel enthalpy are evaluated. The stationary state and tran-
sient behaviour can be analyzed. To meet the conditions of the different users several
different libraries of macroscopic cross sections are linked to the code.

DYN3D was validated by numerous benchmarks and experiments for thermal reactors
with hexagonal and quadratic fuel assemblies. Concerning reactors with hexagonal
fuel elements the kinetic benchmarks defined by the Working Group D "VVER Safety
Analysis" of Atomic Energy Research (AER) association were calculated. Considering
reactors with quadratic fuel assemblies the code was verified by using the NEACRP
Benchmarks on control rod ejections in PWR’s and the NEA-NSC Benchmarks on with-
drawal of control rods at hot zero power. The code has been coupled with the thermal-
hydraulic plant model ATHLET developed by GRS [3]. The coupled code was validated
with the help of AER benchmark for main steam line break (MSLB) in a VVER-440
(hexagonal) and the OECB-MSLB benchmark for the TMI-1 reactor which is a western
type pressurized water reactor (PWR) with quadratic fuel assemblies. The boiling water
reactor (BWR) turbine trip (TT) benchmark organized by the OECD and the American
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is based on the turbine trip test 2 of the BWR
Peach Bottom 2. The experimental results and the results of the other participants at
the benchmark were used for validation of DYN3D and the coupled version DYN3D/
ATHLET. Concerning VVER reactors DYN3D and DYN3D coupled with system codes
will be validated in the frame of the project VALCO of European Union with the help of
measured data at the nuclear power plant Bohunice (VVER-440) in the Slovak Repub-
lic and the VVER-1000 power plant Kosloduj (Bulgaria). The measurements at the
W1000 test facility of the Russian Research Center “Kurtschatov Institute” will be used
for the validation of neutron kinetics of DYN3D.

The main features of the code DYN3D including the version 3.2 are described in chap-
ter 2. The files used by the code are explained in chapter 3. The input data are de-
scribed in chapter 4. The output options of DYN3D Version 3.2 are described in
chapter 5.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

2 Features of DYN3D

DYN3D can be used for steady-state and transient analysis of thermal reactor cores
with hexagonal or rectangular geometry of fuel assemblies.

For analyzing a steady state, there are several options to make the reactor critical:

- Division of multiplication cross sections by keff

- Variation of boron acid concentration

- Variation of reactor power

If a transient calculation is to be carried out, the following perturbations can be treated:

- Movements of single control rods or control rod banks

- Variation of core coolant inlet temperature

- Variation of boron acid concentration

- Changes of core pressure drop or total mass flow rates

- Changes of pressure

If a transient starts from the subcritical state, the two possibilities exist:

- Prompt jump from a critical state with given subcriticality or overcriticality

a start of transient

- Calculation with a time-independent source of fast neutrons

The main features of DYN3D32 are the following:

- unification of the stand-alone version of DYN3D and the versions of cou-

pling with the thermal-hydraulic system code ATHLET, i. e. internal, ex-
ternal and parallel coupling,

- calculation of reactivity by inverse point kinetics and calculation of the dif-

ferent parts of reactivity during the transient with the help of steady-state
adjoint distribution (optional),

- additional implementation of the Pernica correlation for DNBR calculati-


- calculation of boron transport by the particle-in-cell method to avoid nu-

merical diffusion (optional),

- calculation of fission product poison distributions (steady state and tran-


DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

- coupling with an improved mixing model in the lower plenum of


The neutron kinetics is treated with different nodal methods for the two geometries.
Transversal integration is used for handling the diffusion equation inside the nodes. In
case of Cartesian geometry, the integration is carried out in two directions leading to
one-dimensional equations. In hexagonal geometry the transverse integration is car-
ried out in the hexagonal plane or the axial direction giving a 2-dimensional diffusion
equation in the hexagonal plane and a one-dimensional equation in axial direction. In
the hexagonal plane, it is possible to consider not only the side averaged fluxes and
currents (HEXNEM1) but also the corner values (HEXNEM2). The input data depend
on the chosen method. There exists the option to consider the assembly discontinuity
factors (ADF) in the neutronic calculations.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

3 Description of Files

The input files of DYN3D have a defined name structure. The first part of the file name
contains the name of the problem and can be defined by the user. The second part in-
dicates to contents of the file. The problem identification name 'exam' is chosen in fol-
lowing table:

File name File number Format Contained data

exam_brn.dat LUNBRN = 25 ASCII actual burnup distribution

(in MWd/kgU)

exam_nbr.dat LNNBRN = 40 ASCII burnup distribution given at

different time steps of core
history; used for decay heat

exam_kin.dat LUNR = 28 ASCII control of calculation neutron-

kinetic data

exam_wei.dat LUNPOL = 36 ASCII Weighting coefficients for con-

trol rods

exam_rs1.dat LUNB = 31 Binary input file for restart (binary)

exam_sam.dat LUNB = 38 ASCII distribution of promethium and

samarium concentrations

exam_wqs.dat LUNR = 26 ASCII macroscopic cross section li-

brary, has to be present in
case of IWQS > 0 (record 2 in

exam_xen.dat LUNXE = 37 ASCII distribution of iodine and xe-

non concentrations

exam_thy.dat LUNTHE = 42 ASCII thermal-hydraulic data

exam_mix.dat*) LUNDIS = 53 ASCII time-dependent distribution of

boron acid concentration at
the core inlet

exam_int.dat*) LUNINT = 44 ASCII time-dependent coolant tem-

perature distribution at the
core inlet

*) These files are output files in the case if the analytical coolant mixing model is used
(parameter MISCH = 0 in the thermohydraulic input data). They are used as input files
only in the case if time dependent boron concentration and coolant temperature distri-
butions at the core inlet are read in from external files (option MISCH > 100). In that
case, no output to these files is made.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Output files are generated by the code. Their names are composed in the same way
(see section 5). The binary files below (res,red,rs2,tmp) are not written in the burnup

File name File number Format Contained data

exam_f50.dat LUN50 = 50 ASCII exam_kin.dat without com-

ments (internal file)

exam_f51.dat LUN51 = 41 ASCII exam_thy.dat without com-

ments (internal file)

exam_f52.dat LUN52 = 52 ASCII exam_wqs.dat without com-

ments (internal file)

exam_lst.dat LUNP = 27 ASCII listing file

exam_nbr.dat LNNBRN = 40 ASCII calculated burnup distribution,

for each burnup time step
(IREWIN=0), or only for last
time step (IREWIN>0)

exam_wei.dat LUNPOL = 36 ASCII coefficients for flux weighting

generated by steady-state cal-

exam_res.dat LUNRES = 35 Binary output file for OUTGRA and

postprocessor RS (binary)

exam_red.dat LUNRED = 39 Binary output file for OUTDIS (binary)

exam_rs2.dat LUNE = 32 Binary output file for restart (binary)

exam_tmp.dat LUNH = 30 Binary intermediate file (binary)

exam_sam.dat LUNSM = 38 ASCII distribution of promethium

and samarium concentrations

exam_xen.dat LUNXE = 37 ASCII distribution of iodine and xe-

non concentrations

exam_eiw.dat LUNEIW = 43 ASCII eigenvalues of Bessel func-

tions used in the analytical
coolant mixing model

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

File name File number Format Contained data

exam_int.dat LUNINT = 44 ASCII integrals over Bessel func-

tions used in the analytical
coolant mixing model

exam_mix.dat LUNDIS = 53 ASCII normalized parameter distri-

bution at the core inlet calcu-
lated by the coolant mixing

exam_rec.dat LUNREC = 60 ASCII data file for special output

data of flx reconstruction

exam_sou.dat LUNSOU = 65 ASCII data file for distribution of ex-

terna source of fast neutrons

exam_pyd.dat LUNPYD = 66 ASCII data file for feedback parame-


DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4 Description of Input Data

4.1 General Description of Neutron-Kinetic Data

General remarks for data preparation in the file exam_kin.dat:

- the input uses the first 72 columns only

- the input is in free format

- a record begins after 'newline'

- if the first 72 columns are not enough for the data of a record then
the input of record is continued after 'newline'

- if a record has to be repeated several times, each of repetitions has to be

treated as a separate record

- the records in the tables which follow are marked by growing numbers
(not each number occurs in a data set)

- comment lines for description of the data must begin with '$' character
in the first column!

If you want to start the transient calculation by restart from a static calculation, you have
to prepare the data for the transient calculation before you start the steady-state run,
but the final time TE for transient calculation must be zero (TE = 0.0).

If you make a restart, then you need the restart file exam_rs1.dat, which can be one of
the restart files exam_rs2.dat which are generated in previous calculations. The com-
plete file of exam_kin.dat is also needed. Some data of transient calculation described
later can be changed.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.1.1 General job control data

Record Item Comment

1 ICON ICON = -2 Burnup calculation

ICON = -1 Steady-state calculation only. No restart file
generated at the end of calculation.
ICON = -3 Reactor poison dynamics calculation. The
additional are described in paragraph 4.2.20.
ICON = 0 Static and transient calculation. If the tran-
sient calculation should be carried out in a
separate run, then this option together with
TE = 0.0 s has to be used for generation of a
needed restart file after steady-state calcula-
ICON = 1 Transient calculation using restart file of the
steady-state calculation of previous run with
ICON = 0.
ICON = 2 Continuation of the transient calculation at
any time point of the used restart file.
ICON = 5 Run of coupled code DYN3D-ATHLET using
external coupling.
ICON = 6 Restart of calculation with coupled code
DYN3D-ATHLET using external coupling.

IWQS Identifier of type of cross section library.

IWQS = 0 The cross sections and coefficients of para-
metrization are contained in the file of neu-
tron-kinetic data (see later).
IWQS > 0 Separated file for library of neutron-kinetic
data is used. Each type of library is connected
to a value of IWQS.

IREWIN IREWIN = 0 Transient calculation: All restart files are

Burnup calculation: Burnup distribution for
each time step is stored in exam_nbr.dat.
IREWIN > 0 Only the last restart file (or burnup distribu-
tion) is stored.

TOTIM Computer time for stopping the transient calculation in min-


DTREST Time steps (problem time), after which the data needed for
restart are transferred to the file exam_rs2.dat.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

2 ISTART ISTART data set on the restart file is used.

If the last run was carried out with IREWIN > 0 than
ISTART = 1 has to be used.

3 STR Text string: Characters for problem identification

(maximum of 72 characters)
The first characters determine the option for neutron kinet-
‘VVER-440 ’ or WWER-440 ’ or ’HEXNEM1’ ⇒
use of HEXNEM1 method
‘VVER-1000’ or WWER-1000’ or ’HEXNEM2’ ⇒
use of HEXNEM2 method
Any other string: use of the Cartesian method

3a STR(1:18) Text string for map input (optional).

If the input maps for the core area want to be given in the
input file from top to bottom, the string ’STANDARD MAP
INPUT’ has to be given in input. If the string is no present,
the maps are given from bottom to top.

4 IBKTYP Type of control rod model:

IBKTYP = 1: for reactors equipped with control assemblies
including a fuel-follower assembly (Russian VVER-440)
IBKTYP = 2 or 3: for reactors equipped with clusters of ab-
sorber rods (western-type PWR or Russian VVER-1000)
IBKTYP = 2: absorber rods consisting of one material type
IBKTYP = 3: absorber rods built of several axial segments
IBKTYP = 5/-5: absorber rods/assemblies and fuel assem-
blies can be built of several axial segments of different
heights for VVER-1000,PWR/VVER-440 (extension of the
cases 3/1 for more flexibility).

In case of control-assembly model for the VVER-440 (IBKTYP = 1), the different
segments (absorber, steel pellets, coupling part and fuel follower) can be taken into
account. Geometrical weighting of cross sections is used if several assembly seg-
ments are located within an axial layer. The shifting of the axial burnup distribution
as a result of control-assembly motion is considered.

In principle, the control rod model IBKTYP = 2 may also be used for the VVER-440.
In this case however, the burnup distribution cannot be taken into account correctly.
So, the model may only be used for fresh fuel or axially constant burnup in the fuel
followers.The followers are then considered as normal fixed fuel assemblies. The
absorber is treated as an assembly consisting of the absorbing segment only. If the
lower absorber edge is located within an axial layer, the special flux weighting pro-
cedure for the cross sections can be applied.
The option IBKTYP = 2 must not be used for a VVER-440 burnup calculation.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.1.2 Output control

Record Item Comment


6 ITIM ITIM > 0: Output of 3-dimensional distribution on the bi-

nary file, exam_red.dat

IOINP IOINP = 1: Output of input data without coefficients of par-

ametrization of macroscopic cross sections
IOINP > 1: Output of all input data
IOINP = 0: Input data are not printed

IH1 IH1 > 0: If the user has insight into details of code,
some arrays will be printed to search errors of
the input data. Information about shifted
VVER-440 control assemblies will also be
IH1 = 0: No auxiliary output

IH2 IH2 > 0: The table of outer iterations is printed in order

to illustrate the convergence
IH2 = 0: Output of the last iteration
IH2 > 1: Listing of actual cross section of each node
IH2 > 2: Listing of thermal-hydraulic results after each
call of thermal-hydraulic calculation

IH3 IH3 > 0: The addresses of partial currents at the outer

boundary of the sector are printed
IH3 = 0: No output of addresses at the end of the iter-

IH4 IH4 Dummy

IH5 IH5 > 0: Output of fluxes and net currents at the node
faces after steady-state calculation.

Record Item Comment


6b I_PHYD I_PHYD = 1: Standard steady-state calculation with output

of feedback parameters
I_PHYD = 2: Steady-state calculation with input of feedback
parameters from file exam_pyd.dat.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2 Neutronic Data for Steady-State Calculation

4.2.1 Data describing the size of problem

Record Item Comment


8 ISYM Hexagonal geometry:

ISYM = 30: 30o-reflectional symmetry
ISYM = 60: 60o-rotational symmetry
ISYM = 180: 180o-reflectional symmetry
ISYM = 360: whole core
(see Appendix A)

Cartesian geometry:
ISYM = 45: 45o-reflectional symmetry with reflection at
the horizontal centerline of the lowest as-
ISYM = 451: 45o-reflectional symmetry with reflection at
the lower boundary of the lowest assem-
ISYM = 90: 90o-rotational symmetry around the center
of the lower left assembly
ISYM = 901: 90o-rotational symmetry around the lower
left corner of the lower left assembly
ISYM = 91: 90o-reflectional symmetry with reflection
at the middle of the assemblies at the sym-
metry boundaries
ISYM = 902: 90o-reflectional symmetry with reflection
at the outer bounds of the assemblies at
the symmetry boundaries
ISYM = 180: 180o-reflectional symmetry with reflection
at the horizontal centerline of the lowest
ISYM = 181: 180o-reflectional symmetry with reflection
at the lower boundary of the lowest assem-
ISYM = 360: Whole core
(see Appendix B)

NJMAX Number of horizontal rows in the sector

NIMAX Max. number of columns in sector (with references to 60o

coordinate system for hexagonal geometry)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

8 NCAS Number of assemblies in the sector

NZ Number of layers in z-direction

NOBOU Number of outer faces of the assemblies in the radial sector

NOSYMS Number of faces of the assemblies at the symmetry bound-

aries of the sector

NOMAS Number of different cross section types (material types)

NOBT Number of different boundary conditions at the outer


If special boundary conditions calculated by a previous

steady-state calculation with DYN3D are used, an addition-
al input of these conditions is possible by a negative value
(minus sign) of NOBT (see description of input of boundary

For examples of sector see appendix

4.2.2 Data controlling the steady-state calculation

Record Item Comment


10 EPSBES Dummy variable in this version

EPSK Iteration limit for relative change of eigenvalue keff bet-

ween two successive iterations
(recommended value 0.000001)

EPSF Iteration limit for average value of relative changes of fis-

sion source in the nodes (recommended value 0.000002)

EKEFF Initial value of keff

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

11 ITOUMA Maximal number of outer iterations

ITINMA Number of inner iterations

ITSCH Order of Chebyshev polynomials used for acceleration

(recommended values 3 ≤ ITSCH ≤ 7 . No acceleration in
the case ITSCH = 0 (the option is suitable, if the run is in-
terrupted during the neutron flux calculation)
IOPT IOPT ≥ 0 No impact on the run
IOPT < 0 If ICON = -1 and no coupling with system
codes is used, reactivity curves and coefficients are
calculated for the steady-state as reference state:
IOPT = -1: Reactivity versus density
(depending on cross section library!)
IOPT = -2: Reactivity versus moderator temperature
(depending on cross section library!)
IOPT = -3: Reactivity versus fuel temperature
IOPT = -4: Reactivity versus boron concentration
IOPT = -5: Calculation of reactivity coefficients for giv-
en increments of fuel temperature, modera-
tor density, moderator temperature, boron
concentration and reactor power. The ei-
genvalues k eff for the given increments
from the reference values are calculated.
The reactivities ρ are evaluated by

1 1
ρ = -------
- – --------
ref k
k eff eff
with the eigenvalue k eff of the refence
state. The moderator density coefficient,
the pure moderator temperature coefficient
at constant density, the total moderator
temperature coefficient (density change in-
cluded), the fuel temperature coefficient,
the power coefficient at constant moderator
inlet temperature and the power coefficient
at constant moderator averaged tempera-
ture are evaluated.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

11a for -5 < IOPT < 0:

VALMIN Minimum value of reactivity table
VALMAX Maximum value of reactivity table
DVAL Step for reactivity table

for IOPT = -5:

DRHOM Increment of moderator density
DTM Increment of moderator temperature
DTF Increment of fuel temperature
DCB Increment of boron concentration
DP Increment of reactor power

The record 11a is read for negative values of IOPT only!

Temperatures are given in oC, densities in kg/cm3, boron concentrations in g/kg or
ppm, power in MW.

Record Item Comment

12 SPOW Text string: TOTAL POWER

13 TOTPOW Thermal power of whole reactor in MW.

If the calculation is carried out with decay heat, TOTPOW is
the prompt nuclear power.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

14 IBOR IBOR = 0 No feedback coefficients for boron

IBOR > 0 Feedback coefficients for boron

INDXE INDXE = 0 No poison Xe

INDXE = 1 Xe and I equilibrium distributions of the static
state are calculated.
INDXE = 2 Xe and I equilibrium distributions are calculat-
ed and written on the file exam_xen.dat.
INDXE = 3 Xe distribution is read from the file
INDXE = 4 Xe and I distributions are read from the file
exam_xen.dat. (for calculation of xenon tran-

INDSM INDSM = 0 No poison Sm

INDSM = 1 Sm and Pm equilibrium distributions of the
static state are calculated.
INDSM = 2 Sm and Pm equilibrium distributions are cal-
culated and written on the file
INDSM = 3 Sm distribution are read from the file
INDSM = 4 Sm and Pm equilibrium distributions are read
from the file exam_sam.dat. The new Sm dis-
tribution is calculated by assuming complete
decay of Pm to Sm.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

14 KRIPAR KRIPAR = 1: The critical state will be achieved by dividing

(cont.) the multiplication cross sections by keff.

KRIPAR = 2: The critical state for a given value of keff,0

(which may be different from 1.0) will be ach-
ieved by variation of boron acid concentra-
tion. KRIPAR = 2 should be used in burnup
calculations (with keff,0=1.). If a transient is
started after search of critical boron concen-
tration, a separate run of the transient have to
be performed with ICON = 0, KRIPAR = 1,
and the critical boron concentration.

KRIPAR = 3: The critical state or a given value of keff,0

(see EKEFF0) will be achieved by variation of
reactor power.

KRIPAR = 4: Transient calculation with a negative reactivi-

ty jump controlled by the value of keff,0 (see

KRIPAR = 5: Calculation with external source of fast neu-


If KRIPAR has one of the values 1 ≤ K RIPAR ≤ 5 with neg-

ative sign, at the end of the steady-state calculation a cal-
culation of the adjoint flux is carried out. The different
reactivity effects during the transient are calculated with the
help of adjoint flux. Based on the data of delayed neutrons
and the neutron velocities ßeff and the lifetime of the whole
core are calculated. The values are used for the reactivity
calculation by inverse point kinetics.

Max. number of iterations flux distribution - temperature

ITKRIM distribution in the case with feedback

15 SOURCE Value of a spatially constant external source of fast neu-

trons in particles ⁄ ( s ⋅ cm ) . If SOURCE = 0.0 the sources
of each node are read from file exam_sou.dat. The sources
are assumed spatially constant in each node.
Input of the record only for KRIPAR = 5!
ICON = 0 and TE = 0.0 s (see paragraph 4.3.1) have to be
input for a steady-state calculation with source!

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

16 EPSKRI Iteration limit for keff in the steady-state neutron-kinetic -

thermal-hydraulic iterations
(recommended value 0.00001 .... 0.000001).

EPSTF Iteration limit for fuel temperatures in the steady-state neu-

tron-kinetic - thermal-hydraulic iterations
(recommended value ~0.01...0.001)

EPSRH Iteration limit for coolant density in the steady-state neu-

tron-kinetic - thermal-hydraulic iterations
(recommended value ~0.02 ....0.01)

THETA Relaxation parameter for neutronic and thermal-hydraulic

iteration in the stationary case (recommended value 0.5).
THETA is the weight of the power calculated in the last neu-
tronic calculation.

17 BW Input of the initial absolute value of the derivation

dkeff/dCB in (g H3BO3/kg H2O)-1 for KRIPAR = 2 or
dkeff/dP in (MW)-1 for KRIPAR = 3
If the boron concentration is given in ppm, then dkeff/dCB
in (ppm)-1

keff,0: Destination of keff in the cases KRIPAR = 2,3

EKEFF0 If KRIPAR = 4, a negative reactivity jump is carried out at
begin of transient calculation. If keff,0 ≥ 0, the subcriticality
is given by keff,0. If the subcriticality given by the calculated
eigenvalue keff is used, keff,0 have to be any negative val-

Lower limit of boron concentration during criticality search

CBLIM using KRIPAR = 2. Negative values are not physical, but
special questions about the deviations from experiment can
give small negative values. Depending on the search neg-
ative values which are too large can lead to non physical
cross sections.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.3 Definition of fuel elements and library

Record Item Comment

18 ICSTYP Dummy

19 NOFUEL Number of different fuel elements

20 IBURN IBURN = 0: No burnup distribution given

IBURN > 0: Calculation with given burnup distribution
(only for IWQS >1)

Record Item Comment

21 IFTYP(IZ) Types of material in the axial layers of fuel elements from

bottom to top (IZ = 1,NZ). The material type numbers are
defined by the order of data sets given in the cross section

Records 21 have to be present NOFUEL times. Each record describes a fuel ele-
ment type which can be used later for IMATI in records 24. The fuel element type
numbers are defined by the order of records 21: 1 ... NOFUEL.

4.2.4 Description of geometry of sector

Record Item Comment

22 Text string: MATERIAL MAP

23 JMIN J-co-ordinate of the lowest row of the sector

JMAX J-co-ordinate of uppermost row

The following equivalence is necessary:


24 ILEFT(J) I-co-ordinates of the left assemblies (J=JMIN,...,JMAX)

25 IRIGHT(J) I-co-ordinates of the right assemblies (J=JMIN,...,JMAX)

For examples of these values see appendix

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.5 Loading of the sector

Record Item Comment

26 NSHUFF |NSHUFF|: Number of fuel assembly shuffle opera-

tions at the beginning of steady-state cal-

NSHUFF ≥ 0 : Real calculation after shuffling

NSHUFF < 0: Shuffling only, output of shuffled distribu-
tions of fuel element types, burnup and poi-
sons. The original distributions exam_
brn.dat, exam_sam.dat, exam_xen.dat will
be overwritten!

For using the unchanged fuel element distribution (no shuffling) NSHUFF has to be
set to zero.

Record Item Comment

27 IMAT(I,J) The type of fuel element IMAT(I) (cf. record 21) in the order

This record is read for each J (J=JMIN,...,JMAX).

1 ≤ IMAT ( I ) ≤ NOFUEL
The distribution before shuffling has to be given here.

Pay attention to the fact that the input begins with the lowest row and ends
with the uppermost row of the core map or vice versa depending on the option
defined by the record 3a.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.6 Fuel assembly shuffle operations (optional)

Record Item Comment

28 INUMB Number of shuffle operation

MATNEW MATNEW > 0: Type of the introduced fresh fuel element,

i.e. one of the type numbers defined in records 21

MATNEW < 0: Only cyclic change, no introduction of

fresh fuel elements

MVEL |MVEL|: Number of fuel elements involved in the actual

shuffle operation

ICHANGE(I) Positions (numbers) of fuel elements shuffled in the actual

shuffle operation (I=1,2 ... |MVEL|):
[The position numbers ICHANGE of the fuel elements (as-
semblies) in the core map are numbered in rows from left
to right beginning from lowest row (cf. Appendix: Schemes
of Different Maps, Map 1). The maximum possible position
number is NCAS (cf. record 8).]

I = 1: Position of fuel element replaced by a fresh

one consisting of material MATNEW. If
MATNEW < 0 then the "last" fuel element
from the position ICHANGE(|MVEL|) will be
put in this place.

I = 2: New position of fuel element originally locat-

ed in place ICHANGE(1)

I = N: New position of fuel element originally locat-

ed in place ICHANGE(N-1),

When ICHANGE(|MVEL|) is reached, the actual shuffle

operation is terminated, and this last fuel element is taken
out of the core (MATNEW > 0), or put in the position
ICHANGE(1) (MATNEW < 0, cyclic change only)

28a MATNE(I) If MVEL carries a negative sign, DYN3D expects a sub-

record (new line) containing all new material type numbers
MATNE(I) (I=1,2 ... |MVEL|) belonging to the involved po-
sitions ICHANGE(I). MATNE(1) has to be equal to MAT-
NEW! The original material numbers are overwritten,
however burnup and poison distributions are treated as in
the case MVEL > 0. This option is designed for the case
that burnable absorber rods are removed from shuffled
fuel elements, which leads to a different material type.

This record is required NSHUFF times: INUMB = 1,2 ... NSHUFF (record 26).

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.7 Assignment of reflector assemblies to the fuel assemblies (optional)

If the cross sections of the reflector assemblies depend on the thermal-hydraulic pa-
rameters of the neighboured fuel assemblies, the corresponding fuel assemblies have
to be identified by input. Only one assembly has to be determined which is used for cal-
culation of the feedback of one considered reflector assembly. If at the sides of the re-
flector assembly only reflector assemblies are situated, one of those has to be chosen
which has contact with one or more fuel assemblies. In that case the parameters of the
fuel assembly chosen for that reflector assembly are used. If the thermal-hydraulic pa-
rameters of the reflector channels themselves are used for feedback, the following in-
put is optional.

Record Item Comment


30 IREFL(I) Identifier for the feedback of the reflector assemblies.

I=1,NCAS For fuel assemblies, the identifier is IREFL(I) = 0. For reflec-
tor assemblies, the no. of the face with the chosen neigh-
boured assembly is given by following numbering of the

2 3 2

3 1 4 1

4 5 6
(order of input numbers analogous to IMAT(I), see record

Pay attention to the fact that the input begins with the
lowest row and ends with the uppermost row of the
core map.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.8 Geometrical sizes

Record Item Comment


32 AX(IX) Hexagonal geometry: IX = 1, AX(1) = SW, the distance be-

tween opposite faces of the hexa-
gons in cm

Cartesian geometry: AX(IX) the distances between oppo-

site faces of the assemblies in cm in
x-direction for IX = 1,....,NIMAX.
(Numbering from left to right in the
core map)

33 AY(IY) Input only for Cartesian geometry!

AY(IY) the distances between opposite faces of the assem-

blies in cm in the y-direction (IY = 1,....,NJMAX).(Numbering
from bottom to top in the core map).

34 AN(IZ) Thickness of axial layers in cm for IZ=1,...,NZ from bottom to

top of core

35 IZBOT First (lowest) axial layer with fuel.

IZTOP Last (uppermost) axial layer with fuel.

It is important in coupling with the system code, if the reflec-

tor is described by separate objects in the system code. The
control rod positions have to be given from the lower bound
of the layer IZBOT.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.9 Description of control rods

Record Item Comment

36 SV Text string: CONTROL RODS

37 NOBANK Number of control rod banks (groups).

NOW Control parameter for weighting cross sections, if a rod is

partially inserted into a layer.

NOW = 0: Geometrical weighting.

NOW = 1: The weighting coefficients are read from the file
exam_wei.dat.They are fixed during a transient
with control rod motion.
NOW = 2: The weighting coefficients are read from the file
exam_wei.dat. They can be recalculated auto-
matically during a transient with control rod mo-
NOW = 3: The weighting coefficients are calculated in the
steady-state and written to the file exam_wei.dat.
They can be recalculated automatically during a
transient with control rod motion. The control rod
positions have to be at a node interface in the
steady-state calculation.

If IBKTYP = 1 or 3 (VVER-440 control assemblies or usual

control rods consisting of several axial segments) then only
NOW = 0 is permitted.

The two following records 38-39 have to be present only for IBKTYP = 1 or 3:

Record Item Comment

38 NZCROD Number of axial segments of VVER-440 control assemblies

(only segments above the fuel-pellet part) or all axial seg-
ments of usual control rods.

39 DZW |DZW|: lengths of these axial segments (cm) in the order

(IZCROD) from bottom to top.
Negative values DZW can be provided for segments below
the upper fixed-fuel-rod edge, related to totally driven-out
control assemblies or rods. Example for negative DZW:
length of steel-pellet segment replacing fuel pellets in
VVER-440 fuel follower.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

The following records 40 - 42 have to be given for each of the NOBANK control rod

Record Item Comment

40 ISUM Number of control rods of the bank.

41 IRDTYP Material type numbers for each segment of VVER-440 con-

(IZCROD) trol assemblies or usual control rods.
Record has to be present only for IBKTYP = 1 or 3.

42 I0ROD(I) I-co-ordinate of the control rod.

J0ROD(I) J-co-ordinate of the control rod.

IRDTYP(I) Type of rodded fuel element (not for IBKTYP = 1 or 3).

Records 42 have to be provided for the ISUM rods belonging to the bank.

The two following records 38-39 have to be present (instead of the ones previously de-
scribed) for IBKTYP = 5:

Record Item Comment

38 NCRTYP Number of control rod (cluster) types

38a NZCROD Number of axial segments of control rod type ICRTYP=1.

(ICRTYP) Record has to be repeated for ICRTYP=2, .... NCRTYP.

39 DZW Lengths (cm) of these axial segments in the order from bot-
(IZCROD) tom to top, for control rod type ICRTYP=1:

39a ICATYP Control-rod-material type numbers of these axial segments

(IZCROD) in the order from bottom to top,
for control rod type ICRTYP=1:

Record pairs (39,39a) have to be repeated for ICRTYP=2, .... NCRTYP.

39b NMATX Number of mixed materials, resulting from the combination

of different control-rod-material types and base (unrodded)
assembly-material types. For each mixed material, IMX,
three numbers are specified in the following record.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

39c MTMXD Base (unrodded) assembly-material type.

(1,IMX) [internal name: MATB].

MTMXD Control-rod-material type number.

(2,IMX) [internal name: MATA].

MTMXD Material number, resulting from the combination of control-

(3,IMX) rod-material type MTMXD(2,IMX) and base (unrodded) as-
sembly-material type MTMXD(1,IMX).
[internal name: MATX].

Records 39c have to be provided NMATX times, i.e. for

each mixed material relevant in the calculation.

The two following records 38-39 have to be present (instead of the ones previously de-
scribed) for IBKTYP = -5:

Record Item Comment

38 NCRTYP Number of (VVER-440) control assembly types

38a NZCROD Number of axial segments of control absorber ICRTYP=1.


HZAAZ Distance [cm] of the lower control-absorber edge from the

(ICRTYP) lower fuel edge in the control assembly type ICRTYP=1.
The control absorber must start immediately at the upper
fuel edge (e.g. lower steel-pellet edge = upper fuel edge).

Record has to be repeated for ICRTYP=2, .... NCRTYP.

39 DZW Lengths (cm) of these axial segments in the order from bot-
(IZCROD) tom to top, for control assembly type ICRTYP=1:
Negative values DZW cannot be used.

39a ICATYP Control-absorber-material type numbers of these axial seg-

(IZCROD) ments in the order from bottom to top,
for control assembly type ICRTYP=1:

Record pairs (39,39a) have to be repeated for ICRTYP=2, .... NCRTYP.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

For IBKTYP = 5/-5, the following records 40 and 42 have to be provided for each of the
NOBANK control rod banks (record 41 must not be given here):

Record Item Comment

40 ISUM Number of control-rod clusters (IBKTYP = 5) / control as-

semblies (IBKTYP = -5, VVER-440) of the bank.

42 I0ROD(I) I-co-ordinate of the control-rod cluster / control assembly.

J0ROD(I) J-co-ordinate of the control-rod cluster / control assembly.

IRDTYP(I) Type of control rod-cluster or control assembly, i.e. actual

ICRTYP in this position.

A record 42 has to be provided for each of the ISUM control-rod clusters / control
assemblies belonging to the bank.

Record Item Comment

43 IBK Number of control rod bank.

ZRPOS(IBK) Steady-state position of IBK bank:

Position from the lower bound of the fuel layer IZBOT

(in cm).

Records 43 are required for each of the NOBANK control rod banks.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.10 Discontinuity factors (optional)

If the calculation should be carried out with assembly discontinuity factors (ADF), the
following string is required:

Record Item Comment


If the string is not present, the ADF are not taken into account. The ADF are part of the
cross section library. They have to be prepared for the nodes in the routines used for
the calculation of nodal cross sections.

If the assemblies are nearly homogeneous, the ADF are close to one. In cases with
more heterogeous assemblies and for the assemblies which describes the reflector,
the deviation of ADF from 1.0 can be larger, for example 0.5. It has an impact on the
convergence of the neutronic calculation. If the neutronic calculation shows diver-
gence, the convergence can obtained by an relaxation factor, given by input (optional)
in the following two records.

Record Item Comment


44b THETA_CN Relaxation factor for partial currents

Recommended value (THETA_CN = 0.8)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.11 Boundary conditions

Record Item Comment


46 ALF 11 Albedo coefficients α 11, α 21 and α 22 .

ALF 21
ALF 22

Record 46 is read |NOBT| - times

The following records 47 to 48 are input only in the case of negative NOBT.

47 NOBS Number of additional boundary conditions (albedos) at the

sides from a previous steady-state calculation with DYN3D.
If the records 47 to 48 are not read, NOBS = 0.

48 IDUMM1 IDUMM1,IDUMM2 - Dummy integers.

ALF 11 Albedo coefficients α 11, α 21 and α 22 .
ALF 21
ALF 22

Record 48 is read NOBS - times. The boundary conditions are numbered from
|NOBT| + 1 to |NOBT| + NOBS.
The following records 49 to 50 are input only in the case of negative NOBT and
for calculations with the HEXNEM2 method in hexagonal geometry.

49 NOCBC Number of additional boundary conditions (albedos) at the

corners from a previous steady-state calculation with
DYN3D. If the records 49 to 50 are not read, NOCBC = 0.

50 IDUMM1 Additional boundary conditions (albedos) at the corners from

IDUMM2 a previous steady-state calculation with DYN3D

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

If NOBT > 1 or NOBT negative, then the following records 51 - 54 have to be prepared.

Boundary conditions at the outer faces of the radial boundary:

Record Item Comment

51 IND If |NOBT| > 1, for each layer, beginning at the lowest one, the
identifiers of boundary conditions for each out-
er surface of the layer are entered, i. e.

IND = -1 Input of the identifiers

IND = 0 The same identifiers as for the previous layer
are used

52 IREF(I) If IND = -1, the identifiers for all outer surfaces are entered.
The order of boundaries for the different symmetries can be
seen in the appendix. In the case of ISYM < 360, the num-
bering starts at the first outer boundary at the lower right cor-
ner of the map (cf. Appendices A and B)
1 ≤ IBR ( I ) ≤ NOBT + N OBS ( 1 ≤ I ≤ NOBOU )

The records have to be given for each axial layer starting from the bottom. At the
first layer INDC must be -1 followed by the record 52. If INDC = 0 for the next layers,
then the boundaries conditions of the previous layer are used and the record 52 is
not read.

Axial boundary conditions:

Record Item Comment

53 IREFU(I) If |NOBT| > 1, the identifiers of boundary conditions at the

lower end of reactor are given in the order of the assembly
positions (assembly = fuel element).

[The positions I of the assemblies in the map are numbered

in rows from left to right beginning at lowest row (cf. Appen-
dix A and B). The maximum number of I is NCAS
(cf. record 8).]
1 ≤ IREFU ( I ) ≤ NOBT + NOBS, ( 1 ≤ I ≤ NCAS )

54 IREFO(I) The same for the upper periphery of the reactor

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Boundary conditions at the outer corners of the radial boundary:

Input only in case of using of the HEXNEM2 method (see record 3).

Record Item Comment

55 IND If |NOBT| > 0, for each layer, beginning at the lower periph-
ery of reactor, the identifiers of boundary con-
ditions for each corner at the outer boundary of
the hexagonal plane are entered, i. e.
IND = -1 Input of the identifiers
IND = 0 The same identifiers as the previous slice are

56 IREFC(I) If IND = -1, the identifiers for all corners at the outer bound-
aries of hexagons are entered. The order of boundaries for
the different symmetries is equivalent to the sides (see ap-
pendix). The first corner is the right corner of the first side of
the outer boundary, if one looks from outside to the core.
1 ≤ IREFC ( I ) ≤ NOBT, 1 ≤ I ≤ NOBOUC for NOBT > 0
1 ≤ IREFC ( I ) ≤ NOCBC, ( 1 ≤ I ≤ NOBOUC ) for NOBT < 0
NOBOUC = NOBOU for ISYM = 30, 60 and 360.
NOBOUC = NOBOU - 1 for ISYM = 180.

The records have to be given for each axial layer starting from the bottom.
At the first layer INDC must be -1 followed by the record 56. If INDC = 0 for the next
layers then record 56 is not read.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.12 Cross section library

If IWQS = 0, input of the macroscopic reference cross sections and coefficients of par-
ametrization used the MAGRU library for each set used in the nodes:

Record Item Comment


58 CROSR(I) Macroscopic reference cross sections in the order

D1 (cm), Σ r (cm-1), νΣ f1 (cm-1), εΣ f1 (MWs 10-13/cm),
D2 (cm), Σ a (cm-1), νΣ f2 (cm-1), εΣ f2 (MWs 10-13/cm),
Σ s (cm-1).

59 COEFTM(I) Coefficients describing the direct dependence on the mod-

erator temperature (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/(K)1/2 )

60 COEFR1(I) Coefficients describing the linear dependence on the mod-

erator density (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/(kg/m3)

61 COEFR2(I) Coefficients describing the quadratic dependence on the

moderator density (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/(kg/m3)2

62 COEFTF(I) Coefficients describing the dependence on the fuel tem-

perature (in the same order as CROSR(I) in 1/(K)1/2 )

63 COEFC1(I) If IBOR > 0 then the coefficients describing the linear de-
pendence on the boron concentration (in the same order
as CROSR(I)) are read in 1/(g H3BO3/m3)

64 COEFC2(I) If IBOR > 0 then the coefficients describing the quadratic

dependence on the boron concentration (in the same or-
der as CROSR(I)) are read in 1/(gH3BO3)2

65 TM0 Moderator reference temperature of the given set in oC

RM0 Moderator reference density of the given set in (kg/m3)

CB0 If IBOR > 0 then boron reference concentration of the giv-

en set in g H3BO3/kg H2O

The records 58 - 65 are read for I = 1,...., NOMAS

This input is not allowed for burnup calculations.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

If IWQS = 0 and (INDXE >0 or INDSM > 0) the constants of poison are given

Record Item Comment


67 GAMI(I) Fission yield of iodine

GANXE(I) Yield of xenon
GAMPM(I) Yield of promethium
SIGXE(I) Cross sections of xenon (in barn)
SIGSM(I) Cross sections of samarium (in barn)

The record 67 is read for I = 1,...., NOMAS

Record Item Comment

68 DCDOPP Correction coefficient for Doppler-feedback on the

keff-value in 1 ⁄ ( K )

DCRHO Correction coefficient for moderator density effect on the

keff-value in m3/kg

DCTMOD Correction coefficient for explicit moderator temperature ef-

fect on the keff-value in K

DCCBOR Correction coefficient for boron worth on the keff-value in


The correction of feedback coefficients depends on the parametrization of cross

sections in the library. The implemented dependency on the thermal-hydraulic pa-
rameters is similar to the MAGRU library, i. e. the multiplication cross sections are
multiplied by

νΣ fg = νΣ fg ⋅ ( 1 + DCDOPP ⋅ [ T F – T M ] ) ⋅ ( 1 + DCRHO ⋅ [ ρ M – ρ M 0 ] ) ⋅

⎛ 1 1 ⎞
⎜ 1 + DCMOD ⋅ ------------ – ------------- ⎟ ⋅ ( 1 + DCCBOR ⋅ [ c B ⋅ ρ M – c B0 ⋅ ρ M ] )
⎝ TM T M0 ⎠ 0

with fuel temperature TF in K, moderator temperature TM in K, moderator density

ρ M in (kg/m3), boron concentration cB in (g H3BO3/kg H2O) and the reference val-
ues (index 0).

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.13 Calculation of Doppler temperature

Concerning the Doppler effect there are two options for estimating the fuel temperature
which is used for the calculation cross sections from the library. Using the pin radially
averaged fuel temperature is the default option. If the following input is given, the fol-
lowing equation is used for the Doppler temperature T DOPP of the node n

n n n
T DOPP = ( 1 – ε )T max + εT S

with the temperature T S at the out boundary of the fuel pellet and the maximum pellet
temperatur at the T max at the inner bound of the pellet.

Record Item Comment


68b DOPP_SURF Value ε of the given formula.

Recommended value ε = 0.7 .

4.2.14 Assignment of coolant channels to the fuel assemblies

Record Item Comment

69 NHYCHA Number of coolant channels for feedback calculation.

NHYCHA = 0 is equivalent to NHYCHA = NCAS

70 IHYCHA(I) Number of coolant channels belonging to assemblies I

I=1,NCAS (order of input analogous to IMAT(I), see record 27)
Input only if 0 < NHYCHA < NCAS. All numbers starting
from 1 to NHYCHA have to be present.

If NHYCHA = 0 is given, each assembly (fuel and reflector)

has its own coolant channel.

Pay attention to the fact that the input begins with the
lowest row and ends with the uppermost row of the
core map.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.15 Output of albedos (optional)

If the albedos are to be calculated then the records 83 to 85 are read.

Record Item Comment

83 STR Text string: ALBEDOS

84 NRECAS Numbers of fuel elements that adjoin the radial reflector

85 ICAS(I) Internal numbers of the fuel elements adjoining the radial

reflector, of which the albedos α11, α 21 and α 22 are calcu-
lated and printed in the listing _lst.dat.
ICAS(I) for I = 1,....NRECAS
Albedos are calculated for all assemblies at bottom and top
reflector boundary, if axial reflectors are present. Average
values over all core assemblies are given.
At the radial boundaries of the given assemblies, the
albedos averaged over the core height without axial reflec-
tors are contained in the listing file also.

The albedos are given with numbers representing the num-

ber of assembly, the axial layer, and the number of side or
corner. The boundary conditions at the corners (hexagonal
geometry) require special values which are given in the list-
ing. It is possible to copy the values from the listing into the
input data file with the two leading integers. The input of
these albedos is controlled with a negative value NOBT.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.16 Decay heat power (optional)

If decay heat should be taken into account, the following records 71 - 76 have to be
specified in the input data set:

Record Item Comment


72 NDEC Option for decay heat power calculation:

|NDEC| = 1: decay heat of the power history is taken into
account only
|NDEC| = 2: decay heat is taken into account only during
the transient
|NDEC| = 3: decay heat of the power history and during the
transient is taken into account
|NDEC| = 4: Option for transient calculation with constant
decay heat power using a given distribution on
file exam_nbr.dat. The normalized power dis-
tribution is generated by a previous steady-
state calculation using ICON = -1 and stored
on this file.
|NDEC| = 5: decay heat based on an assumed power histo-
ry (1000 days) with power distribution of the
steady state. The power distribution for the cal-
culation of decay heat has to be calculated by
a first run of DYN3D with option ICON = - 1

The sign of NDEC is used for control of input of enrichment

and burnup.

73 AV_ENR Input of an average value for the initial enrichment of the re-
actor (Input only for ( 1 ≤ NDEC ≤ 3 or NDEC = 5)

AV_BRN Input of an average value of burnup for the reactor. (Input

only for ( 1 ≤ NDEC ≤ 3 or NDEC = 5). AV_BRN is only
used for NDEC = 5!

73 AO(I) Initial enrichment of fuel assemblies for each row of the

Input only for NDEC < 0 and ( 1 ≤ NDEC ≤ 3 or
NDEC = 5 )
If 1 ≤ NDEC ≤ 3 or NDEC = -5, the burnup distribution is
read from file exam_brn.dat (see paragraph 4.5)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

74 MDEC Number of burnup steps for calculation of decay heat from

power history (no meaning for NDEC = 2)
Input only for 1 ≤ NDEC ≤ 3

74a T_SHUT Shut down time in s for NDEC ≠ 4 and ICON = 0 .

75 POWDEC Constant decay heat power of the reactor in MW. The nor-
malized distribution on file exam_nbr.dat generated before
is used.
Input only for |NDEC| = 4 and ICON ≥ 0

76 UOMASS Mass of UO2 per fuel element in kg (of the originally fresh
fuel element). (The dioxides of all fissionable isotopes are
included in UOMASS)
Input only for 1 ≤ NDEC ≤ 3

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.16 Inner nodal flux reconstruction (optional)

If the radial distribution of neutron fluxes and power in the nodes are to be reconstruct-
ed for chosen assemblies, the following records are required:

Record Item Comment


78 NREC NREC: Number of assemblies in which the flux is to be re-


79 IX Number of the column of the assembly (I - co-ordinate in the

map, see appendices). The columns have a 60 degree ori-
entation against the horizontal rows in the hexagonal ge-
Number of the row (J - co-ordinate in the map, see appen-

Remark: The central assembly has the position IX = 0 and

IY = 0.
The record 78 is read for all NREC assemblies.

80 IPRN1 IPRN1 = 0: No output data

IPRN1 = 1: Output for check of reconstruction data to file

IPRN2 IPRN2 = 0: No output of results on file LUNREC

IPRN2 = 1: Output of results for check of reconstruction to

ITEST Hexagonal geometry:

ITEST = 0: Reconstruction in the selected point (see next
ITEST = 1: Creation of the grid for numerical calculation of
averaged values.
ITEST = 2: Creation of the grid without printing of results

Cartesian geometry:
ITEST = 0: Reconstruction in the fuel pin grid
ITEST > 0: Creation of a separate grid for check of results
of reconstruction.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

81 XT X and Y co-ordinate of the selected point (hexagonal geom-

YT etry) or lower left fuel pin (Cartesian geometry). Position
from the lower left corner of the fuel assembly (in cm).

82 GS Grid step for reconstruction (hexagonal geometry) or fuel

pin grid step (Cartesian geometry, ITEST = 0) in cm. Num-
ber of intervals per fuel assembly side for reconstruction in
an arbitrary grid (Cartesian geometry, ITEST > 0).

4.2.18 End of steady-state data

Record Item Comment



DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.19 Additional data for burnup calculation (optional)

A burnup calculation starts from the burnup distribution provided in exam_brn.dat,

which may have been shuffled before. If no file exam_brn.dat is provided, the calcula-
tion starts from zero-burnup in each node. The new burnup distribution, i.e. the result
of the actual burnup calculation, is stored in file exam_nbr.dat.

(Records 87 - 91 needed only in case ICON = -2, cf. record 2)

Record Item Comment

87 STR String ’UOMASS DISTRIBUTION’ (optional!)

88 BRNINT Burnup calculation time step-interval-width (real opera-

tion days).

88a BNTIME = 0.: No restart (normal burnup calculation)

> 0.: Restarting former burnup calculation which was ter-
minated at the reactor operation time of BNTIME
(days); i. e. the calculation will be continued from
this time on.

89 UOMASS(I) If the string ’UOMASS DISTRIBUTION’ (record 87) is

present, the mass of UO2 per fuel element in kg (of the
originally fresh fuel element) is input for each set of cross
section data, I = 1, ..., NOMAS. Otherwise a single value
UOMASS is only read. (The dioxides of all fissionable
isotopes are included in UOMASS).

The burnup calculation restart for a reactor cycle works quite independently from a
transient calculation restart.

Before restarting:

* copy exam_brn.dat to exam_brn.ini (for preservation),

* copy exam_kin.dat to exam_kin.ini (for preservation),
* copy exam_lst.dat to exam_lst.ini (for preservation),
* copy exam_nbr.dat to exam_brn.dat (In case of IREWIN = 0 take only the last bur-
nup distribution from exam_nbr.dat - restarting from last distribution).

Modifications in exam_kin.dat:
- NSHUFF=0, no shuffle scheme,
- copy shuffled material map from exam_lst.ini,
- set BNTIME = last BNTIME in exam_lst.ini,
(last step for which burnup distribution was calculated),
- reduce operational history table (below) according to BNTIME.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.20 Operational history of burnup cycle (optional)

Record Item Comment

90 RPTIME Time margin (cycle operation days) up to which the following

values of TOTPOW, CTEMP, CFLOW and bank positions
ZRPOS2 are valid. Not specified banks remain in their
former positions given earlier in this file.

TOTPOW Total thermal power (MW) valid up to RPTIME.

CTEMP Coolant temperature (Celsius) at the core inlet, valid up to


CFLOW Core mass flow rate (kg/s), valid up to RPTIME. CFLOW re-
places TFR0 in section 4.7.3.

MOVGR Total number of control rod banks moved away from their
former position.

91 IBK Number of actually moved bank:

1 ≤ IK ≤ NOBANK .

ZRPOS2 New position of this bank, valid up to RPTIME of the previous

(IBK) record (cm).

This record has to be present MOVGR times.

Sets of records 90 - 91 have to be present for each RPTIME, when the position of
banks and (or) the values of TOTPOW, CTEMP, or CFLOW are changed. The first set
of these records is valid for the time interval [0 ... RPTIME] days.

The input of operational history is terminated by a negative value of RPTIME; the last
positive RPTIME marks the end-of-cycle time or might be an otherwise interesting time,
at which the burnup calculation will be stopped.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.21 Additional data for reactor-poison-dynamics calculation (optional)

A poison-dynamics (e.g. xenon-oscillation) calculation starts from the iodine/xenon and

promethium/samarium distributions provided in exam_xen.dat and exam_sam.dat, re-
spectively (which may have been shuffled before). If no such files are provided, the cal-
culation starts from zero-concentrations of the respective nuclides in each node. The
initial distributions in files exam_xen.dat and exam_sam.dat are over-written by the
newly calculated distributions.

(Records 92 - 94 needed only in case ICON = -3, cf. record 2)

Record Item Comment

92 XENINT Poison-dynamics calculation time-step-interval (hours).

93 RPTIME Time margin (hours) up to which the following values of

TOTPOW, CTEMP, CFLOW and bank positions
ZRPOS2 are valid. Not specified banks remain in their
former positions given earlier in this file.

TOTPOW Total thermal power (MW) valid up to RPTIME.

CTEMP Coolant temperature (Celsius) at the core inlet, valid up


CFLOW Core mass flow rate (kg/s), valid up to RPTIME. CFLOW

replaces TFR0 in section 4.7.3.

MOVGR Total number of control rod banks moved away from their
former position.

94 IBK Number of actually moved bank:

1 ≤ IK ≤ NOBANK .

ZRPOS2(IBK) New position of this bank, valid up to RPTIME of the pre-

vious record (cm).

This record has to be present MOVGR times.

Sets of records 93 - 94 have to be present for each RPTIME, when the position of
banks and (or) the values of TOTPOW, CTEMP, or CFLOW are changed. The first set
of these records is valid for the time interval [0 ... RPTIME] hours.

The input of operational history is terminated by a negative value of RPTIME; the last
positive RPTIME marks the time, at which the poison-dynamics (e.g. xenon-oscillation)
calculation will be stopped.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.2.22 Description of the file of external source of fast neutrons (optional)

The distribution of the fast neutron source can be given for each node in the file
exam_sou.dat. It is assumed that the sources are spatially constant in each node. The
subcriticality of the system is checked before the calculation with the source.

Record Item Comment

1 SOU Arbitrary string, for example source=

2 QEXT(IZ) Source distribution is given for each axial layer in

particles / (s cm3). (IZ = 1,...,NZ)

The record 2 is read for each assembly in the internal order

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.3 Neutronic data for Transient calculation

4.3.1 General data for time step and iteration control

Record Item Comment



3 TE Transient calculation will be carried until t=TE (in s) of prob-

lem time

DTNK Initial time step of neutron kinetics (in s)

DTNKMI minimal time step on neutron kinetics (in s)

DTNKMA maximal time step of neutron kinetics (in s)

4 EPSF Iteration limit for maximum value of relative changes of fis-

sion source in successive iterations
(recommended value 0.00001)

5 ITOUMA Maximal number of outer iterations

ITOUMI Maximal number of inner iterations

ITSCH Order of Chebyshev acceleration

(recommended values 3 ≤ ITSCH ≤ 7 )

6 EPDOMM Criteria using the change of mean value Ω of exponential

transformation for time step control
(recommended value 0.025)

EPDOMR Criteria using the maximal differences of Ω - distribution for

time step control
(recommended value 0.025)

EPOM Criteria using the mean value Ω for time step control
(recommended value 0.25)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

7 ITOUHA If the number of outer iterations ITOU > ITOUHA, the time
step of neutron kinetics is halved
(recommended value 120)

ITOUDB If the number of outer iterations ITOU < ITOUDB, doubling

the step of neutron kinetics
(recommended value 40)

8 DTP Thermal-hydraulic time step for detailed information about

each channel (in s). Extended output is generated.
If DTP > TE, then the output is suppressed.

NPKL Reduced output for each NPKL of thermal-hydraulic time


9 DTTH Initial time step of thermal hydraulics with DTTH > DTNK

DTTHMI Minimal thermal-hydraulic time step (in s)

DTTHMA Maximal thermal-hydraulic time step (in s)

10 TBEGTH Start time for calculation with fixed thermal-hydraulic and

neutronic step

TENDTH End time for calculation with fixed thermal-hydraulic and

neutronic step

DTCTH Fixed thermal-hydraulic step in the interval between


NSTEP Number of neutronic steps within thermal-hydraulic step


11 EPSTF Relative change of the fuel temperature is used for control

of time step (recommended value 0.025)

EPSRH Similar value for moderator density

(recommended value 0.025)

EPSQ Similar value for heat flux density

(recommended value 0.025)

12 ITHMAX Max. number of iterations neutron kinetics - thermal hydrau-


13 EPSPOW Truncation error of change of power for the iteration neutron

kinetics - thermal hydraulics
(Input only, if ITHMAX > 0)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.3.2 Data for controlling the rod movement

Record Item Comment


15 MOVBK Number of moved control rod banks

( 1 ≤ MOVBK ≤ NOBANK )

16 INUBK(IBK) Number of moved bank

NTIMP(IBK) Number of time points for motion of bank IBK

17 TIMP(I) Time points for control rod motion of bank IBK for
I = 1,..., NTIMP(IBK)

18 ZPOS(I) Position of control rod bank IBK at time TIMP(I) for

I = 1,..., NTIMP(IBK)
Positions of lower end of control rod from lower periphery
of the core in cm.

Records 16, 17 and 18 are read for I = 1,..,MOVBK

4.3.3 Input of data for delayed neutrons

If the data of delayed neutrons are input from the library of group constants, the follow-
ing records 19-25 must not be provided.

Record Item Comment


20 NODN Number of groups for precursors of delayed neutrons

NOBET Number of different sets of ßeff values

21 RLAM(I) Decay constants in s-1 of precursors (I=1,2,.,NODN)

22 BETAI(I) ßeff values of fast fissions

(I=1,2,...,NODN) of the first set

23 BETAI(NODN+I) ßeff values of thermal fissions (I=1,2,...,NODN) of the

first set

The records 21 to 23 are read for I = 1,...., NOBET

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

If NOBET > 1 then the identifiers of sets of delayed neutrons have to be read for each

Record Item Comment

24 INDC INDC = -1 The identifiers are given for the nodes in

the lowest axial layer

INDC = 0 The identifiers are the same as in the pre-

vious layer (not possible for IZ >1)

25 INBE(I) The identifiers for an axial layer are given in the same
order as the distribution of fuel assemblies IMAT
(see records 24 of steady-state data)

The records 24 together with 25 are read for IZ = 1,...., NZ

The average constants of delayed neutrons together with neutron life time for reactivity
calculation by inverse point kinetics are read:

Record Item Comment

26 RLIFE Average neutron life time in the reactor in (1/s)

27 RLAMF(I) Decay constants in 1/s of precursors (I=1,2,.,NODN)

28 BETAF(I) effective beff values of delayed neutrons in the core


DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.3.4 Input of neutron velocities

If the data of the neutron velocities are input from library of group constants, the follow-
ing records 29-33 must not be provided.

Record Item Comment


30 NOVET Number of different sets of neutron velocities

31 VEF(I) Velocity of fast neutrons in cm/s

VET(I) Velocity of thermal neutrons in cm/s

The record 31 is read for I = 1,...., NOVET

If NOVET > 1 then the indentifiers of sets of delayed neutrons have to be read for each

Record Item Comment

32 INDC INDC = -1 The identifiers are given for the nodes in

the lowest axial layer

INDC = 0 The identifiers are the same as in the previ-

ous layer (not possible for IZ >1)

33 INVE(I) The identifiers for an axial layer are given in the same
order as the distribution of fuel assemblies IMAT
(see records 24 of steady-state data)

The records 32 together with 33 are read for IZ = 1,...., NZ

4.3.5 End of transient data

Record Item Comment

34 SV Text string: FINE

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.4 Separate Cross Section Libraries

Different options for input of cross section library given by IWQS (exam_kin.dat,
record1) are possible:

IWQS = 0: The cross sections are inserted in the file exam_kin.dat, then reference
cross sections and parametrization coefficients are read in the de-
scribed way. The same is valid for poison data.

IWQS = 1: The cross sections are read from file exam_wqs.dat which is generated
by PREPAR from the MAGRU library. Poison data are not available for
this type of library.

IWQS = 2: The cross sections are read from file exam_wqs.dat which is generated
from the MAGRU library using a new format.

IWQS = 3: The cross sections are read from a KASSETA-type library of NRI Rez
(Czech Republic).

IWQS = 8: The cross sections of the NEACRP PWR Benchmark are read from file

IWQS = 9: The cross sections of the NEACRP BWR Benchmark are read from file

IWQS = 11: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the CASMO library
(TUEV Bavaria) are read from file exam_wqs.dat.

IWQS = 12: Not used.

IWQS = 14: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the OECD BWR TT
Benchmark are read from exam_wqs.dat.

IWQS = 15: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the OECD BWR TT
Benchmark for a one-dimensional calculation are read from the file

IWQS = 16: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the V1000 facility of the
Kurtschatov Institute (Moscow) generated by HELIOS are read from file

IWQS = 17: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the new NESSEL library
generated for the VVER-1000 reactor are read from the file

IWQS = 18: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the HELIOS library gen-
erated for the VVER-1000 reactor by INRNE (Sofia) are read from the
file exam_wqs.dat.

IWQS = 19: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the OECD VVER-1000
CT Benchmark are read from file exam_wqs.dat.

IWQS = 22: The cross sections and kinetic parameters of the OECD/NEA and

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

U.S. NRC PWR MOX/UO2 Core Transient Benchmark for two neutron
energy groups. The data of the different fuel assemblies are in different
files which are stored in the subdiretory XSLIB. The input of the data
from the files is controlled with the file exam_wqs.dat.

If other libraries are coupled, then higher values of IWQS should be used in the code.

So far, burnup calculations are possible for IWQS = 2, 3, 11, 12, 17 or 18, 22.

The file exam_wqs.dat for the case IWQS=2 is described in the following table. The re-
marks made at the beginning of section 4.1 are valid for this file, too, with the excep-
tion that more than 72 columns (max. 160) can be used for each record. The number
of data sets to be contained in exam_wqs.dat has to be equal to NOMAS which is de-
fined in record 8 of exam_kin.dat. The material types used will be numbered by DYN3D
from 1 to NOMAS in the order they are read from file exam_wqs.dat. Data sets for fuel
(burnable) form the first part of this file. They are followed by non-fuel data sets. The
parameter NOBURN marks the distinction of the two parts of exam_wqs.dat:

Record Item Comment

1 NOBURN Number of the first non-fuel data set:

1 ... (NOBURN-1): fuel data sets
NOBURN ... NOMAS: non-fuel data sets
NOBURN has to be present in any case.
If there are no non-fuel data sets:NOBURN = NOMAS + 1

Each data set contains reference values CROSR for nine types of cross sections (see
below) at the reference values of fuel/moderator temperatures (TF0/TM0) moderator
density (RM0) and boron concentration (CB0). DYN3D calculates the actual cross sec-
tions CROS for the actual values of TF, TM, RM and CB by the formula


(1+COEFTM*(1/SQRT(TM)-1/SQRT(TM0))). (4.1)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Each non-fuel data set in exam_wqs.dat has the following structure:

Record Item Comment

2 NAME Name of the data set (max. 9 characters)

3 TM0 Moderator reference temperature of the given set in Kelvin

TF0 Fuel reference temperature in degree Kelvin

CB0 Boron reference concentration in g H3BO3/kg H2O

RM0 Moderator reference density in (g/cm3)

4 CROSR(I) Macroscopic reference cross sections in the order

(I=1...9) D1 (cm), D2 (cm), Σ r (cm-1), Σa (cm-1), νΣ f1 (cm-1),
νΣ f2 (cm-1), εΣ f1 (MWs 10-13/cm), εΣ f2 (MWs 10-13/cm),
Σ s (cm-1)

5 COEFTF(I) Coefficients describing the dependence on the fuel tempe-

rature (in the same order as CROSR(I)) in 1/(K)1/2

6 COEFR1(I) Coefficients describing the linear dependence on the mo-

derator density (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/(g/cm3)

7 COEFR2(I) Coefficients describing the quadratic dependence on the

moderator density (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/(g/cm3)2

8 COEFC1(I) Coefficients describing the linear dependence on the bo-

ron concentration (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/((g H3BO3/kg H2O)*(g/cm3))

9 COEFC2(I) Coefficients describing the quadratic dependence on the

boron concentration (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/((g H3BO3/kg H2O)*(g/cm3))2

10 COEFTM(I) Coefficients describing the direct dependence on the mo-

derator temperature (in the same order as CROSR(I))
in 1/(K)1/2

(NOMAS-NOBURN+1) non-fuel data sets have to be given.

In the case of fuel data sets, reference cross sections as well as coefficients depend
on burnup. The six coefficients above are described by the following dependence on
burnup B:

COEF = C0 + C1*B + C2*B**2. (4.2)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Thus instead of the six coefficients in the above table, the corresponding parameters
C0, C1 and C2 are given for each coefficient in the table below.

A fuel data set therefore has the following content:

Record Item Comment

2 NAME Name of the data set (max. 9 characters)

3 NOA Number of burnup states for which reference cross sec-

tions are given

4 TM0 Moderator reference temperature of the given set in Kelvin

TF0 Fuel reference temperature in degree Kelvin

CB0 Boron reference concentration in g H3BO3/kg H2O

RM0 Moderator reference density in (g/cm3)

5 BRNREF Burnup value for the first burnup reference state

CROSR(I) Macroscopic reference cross sections for the burnup

(I=1...9) BRNREF in the order:
D1 (cm), D2 (cm), Σ r (cm-1), Σ a (cm-1), νΣ f1 (cm--1),
νΣ f2 (cm--1), εΣ f1 (MWs 10-13/cm), εΣ f2 (MWs 10-13/
Σ s (cm-1)

Records 5 have to be repeated for the remaining (NOA-1) burnup reference states.
Values CROSR for any actual burnup B will be calculated in DYN3D by interpola-

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

6 GMIX Fission yield of iodine+xenon for the first burnup state

GMPM Fission yield of promethium for the first burnup state

CRSXE Microscopic cross section for the absorption of thermal neu-

trons by xenon in the first burnup state (in barns)

CRSSM Microscopic cross section for the absorption of thermal neu-

trons by samarium in the first burnup state (in barns)

Records 6 have to be repeated for the remaining (NOA-1) burnup reference states
in the same order as records 5

7 C0TF(I) Parameters C0 to be used in formula (4.2) for the calcula-

tion of the coefficients COEFTF(I) in (4.1) (in the same order
as CROSR(I))

8 C1TF(I) Parameters C1 to be used in formula (4.2) for the calcula-

tion of the coefficients COEFTF(I) in (4.1) (in the same order
as CROSR(I))

9 C2TF(I) Parameters C2 to be used in formula (4.2) for the calcula-

tion of the coefficients COEFTF(I) in (4.1) (in the same order
as CROSR(I))

Records 7-9 have to be present also for the other coefficients in the following order:

(NOBURN-1) fuel data sets have to be given.

All fuel data sets have to be provided before the non-fuel sets!

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.5 Burnup Distribution

The file exam_brn.dat contains the burnup distribution in the following order:

Record Item Comment

1 SH String 'BURNUP' beginning at the first column

2 IJSYM Symmetry sector angle in degrees. IJSYM must be

equal to ISYM in exam_kin.dat.

3 BRN(IZ) Burnup distribution is given for each axial layer in

MWd/kgU. (IZ = 1,...,NZ)

The record 3 is read for each fuel assembly in the internal order

The output file exam_nbr.dat (see section 3.1) which is produced by a burnup calcula-
tion contains the needed information for either each burnup time step or only the last
one. It can be used for creating the input file exam_brn.dat for a stationary or transient
calculation, or the burnup calculation can be continued from the chosen burnup distri-

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.6 Fission Product Poison Distributions

If a fission poison distribution is calculated by DYN3D, then the distribution is written

on the files for the core geometry used in the calculation. The distribution can be used
for a new DYN3D calculation with the same core geometry.

If the poison distributions are obtained from a fuel cycle calculation carried out with a
different code, then the distributions are mostly generated for a symmetry part of core.
In most cases, the distributions have to be transformed in the format of the DYN3D dis-
tributions described below.

The fission poison distributions of DYN3D are in files exam_xen.dat (xenon and iodine)
and exam_sam.dat (samarium and promethium).

The file exam_xen.dat contains the xenon and iodine concentrations in the following

Record Item Comment

1 SH Arbitary string, for example xenon=

2 CONCXE(IZ) Xenon distribution is given for each axial layer in N/cm3.

(IZ = 1,...,NZ)

The record 2 is read for each fuel assembly in the internal order

3 SH Arbitary string, for example iodine=

4 CONCIO(IZ) Iodine distribution is given for each axial layer in N/cm3.

(IZ = 1,...,NZ)

The record 4 is read for each fuel assembly in the internal order

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

The file exam_sam.dat contains the samarium and promethium concentration in the
following order:

Record Item Comment

1 SH Arbitary string, for example samarium=

2 CONCSM(IZ) Samarium distribution is given for each axial layer in

N/cm3. (IZ = 1,...,NZ)

The record 2 is read for each fuel assembly in the internal order

3 SH Arbitary string, for example promethium=

4 CONCPM(IZ) Promethium distribution is given for each axial layer in

N/cm3. (IZ = 1,...,NZ)

The record 4 is read for each fuel assembly in the internal order

The internal order of fuel assemblies is the numbering of assemblies in the map (see
appendix) in each horizontal row from left to right beginning at the lowest row and end-
ing at the top row.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7 Thermal-hydraulic Data

The input data set for the thermal-hydraulic module FLOCAL of the code DYN3D is
read from a file with the number LUNTHE. The file LUNTHE is read in free format.
The total number of cooling channels NK (each cooling channel is related to one or
more fuel assemblies) and the number of axial nodes NH is taken from the neutron-
kinetic data and are not read in FLOCAL, but these values must be known for the con-
struction of the data set.

In the case of unfolding of a symmetry sector, the thermal-hydraulic input data refer to
the whole core (full number of cooling channels).

In the case of external coupling DYN3D with the thermal-hydraulic system code ATH-
LET (control parameter ICON > 4 in the neutron-kinetic data) some of the thermal-hy-
draulic input data describing the boundary conditions at the core inlet and outlet are not
necessary because these values are provided by the ATHLET interface

4.7.1 Control keys for the selection of model options

Record Item Comment

1 STR1 Text string: IFC-67
If the text string occurrs the IFC-67 package of water-steam
tables is used. Otherwise the simple formulation of the pre-
vius DYN3D versions is applied.
1a STR2 Text string: PARTICLE MODEL
If the text string is appears, the particle-in-cell model is used
for boron transport calculation to avoid numerical diffusion
(to be used preferably for boron dilution transients,)
1b nmax Maximum number of particles per node.
(recommended value nmax = 1000)
cbmaxin Maximum boron concentration represented by nmax.
cbmaxin is required for array allocation.
- cbmaxin should be about 1.5 the maximum value of boron
inlet concentration occuring during the transient
- if the intial value of boron concentration at the beginning of
the transient cb0 is much less than the maximum value,
nmax should be increased by a factor cbmaxin/cb0
- particle model is not applicable, if cb0 = 0
cblim maximum possible boron concentration during the transient.
Due to coolant voiding high boron concentrations can occur
in the liquid phase. It must be limited by cblim.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

1c NST0 Control key for the solution of the coolant mass balance
NST0 ≤ 0 constant -
NST0 > 0 space dependent instationary mass flow rate
NST1 Control key for selecting the significant DNBR-correlation
NST1 < 0 no post-crisis heat transfer
(DNBR is calculated by IAE-4, OKB-2 and Pernica correla-
tion, but no switch to post-crisis heat transfer)
NST1 = 1 DNBR by correlation IAE-4
NST1 = 2 DNBR by correlation OKB-2
NST1 = 3 DNBR by Pernica correlation
NST1 > 3 DNBR by Biasi correlation
(Biasi correlation is used instead of Pernica in that case)

See record 5 for definition of the form of Pernica correlation!

NSTD Control key for the dynamical correction of DNBR
NSTD < 0 no dynamical correction
NSTD > 0 dynamical correction for IAE-4 and Pernica
(or Biasi) correlations
1d STR3 Text string:RE-DNB
Only if the text string occurs the next record is read.
1e D4 The factor D4 re-defines the ratio between critical heat flux
and actual heat flux q“crit/q“ at which DNB is assumed
(normally q“crit/q“ = 1.0)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Record Item Comment

2 NST2 Key for the fuel rod model:

NST2 > 0 constant heat transfer coefficient, thermal

conductivity and heat capacity
NST2 ≤ 0 determination of this values in the frame of
the model
NR Number of radial zones in fuel
NTYP Number of different types of fuel rods
Input of NST3 only if ICON < 4 (in the case of ICON > 4 NST3 is set to -1)
3 NST3 Control key for selecting the hydraulic boundary conditions:
NST3 < 0 given pressure drop,
NST3 = 0 given total mass flow rate through the core
(inlet or average - see keyword in record 17a),
NST3 > 0 given inlet mass flow rate for each channel
4 MISCH Key for selecting the mixing model for downcomer and lower
plenum (see Chapter 4.5):

MISCH < 0 no mixing in lower plenum -

each loop connected to a sector in the core

MISCH = 0 modelling of coolant mixing in lower plenum

by use of an analytical mixing model
(only for full core calculations without radial reflectors)

MISCH > 0 homogeneous mixing

MISCH > 10 input of the coolant temperature and

boron concentration perturbation
individually for each coolant channel
MISCH >100 like MISCH > 10, but input from external files
5 NS Number of additional hot channels
IKL IKL < 0 reduced output,
IKL > 0 detailled output of the steady-state results
IGR Indicator for Pernica critical heat flux correlation:
IGR < 0 basic form of Pernica correlation is used
IGR > 0 power form of Pernica correlation is used
(power form is recommended)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.2 Fuel rod data

Record Item Comment Unit

In the records 6 - 12 the data for each fuel rod type ityp=1, NTYP are given
(repeating NTYP times).
6 DBI Diameter of inner fuel pellet hole m
(must be > 0)
DBA Outer diameter of fuel pellet m
Fuel material parameters:
FB portion of heat release -
RLB thermal conductivity kW/(m*K)
ROB density kg/m3
CB specific heat kJ/(kg*K)
7 DHI Inner diameter of the cladding m
DHA Outer diameter of the cladding m
Fuel cladding parameters:
FH portion of heat release -
RLH thermal conductivity kW/(m*K)
ROH density kg/m3
CH specific heat kJ/(kg*K)
8 DHYD Equivalent hydraulic diameter of the rod m
S Fuel rod lattice pitchin m m
AST Free flow cross section per fuel
assembly m²
RPIN Number of heated rods per fuel element -
9 QR (1,NR) Heat release distribution over the radial
fuel zones
10 ALSP Heat transfer coefficient for the gas gap kW/(m2*K)
The input of the records 11 and 12 is required only if NST2 < 0.
11 D0 Reference gap width cm
TB0 Reference fuel temperature oC
TH0 Reference cladding temperature oC
PGAS Cold gas pressurein MPa
XHE Helium mole fraction
12 RAUB Surface roughness of the fuel cm
RAUH Surface roughness of the cladding cm

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.3 Hydraulic data for the core

Record Item Comment Unit

13 HE Height of the fuel element foot m
HA Height of the fuel element header m
ZA Flow resistance coefficient at the core -

Records 14 and 15 are to be input only in the case ICON ≤ 4

14 P Coolant pressure at the upper boundary MPa
of the core
DP Pressure drop over the core kPa
15 PLEN Mass of coolant in the downcomer and kg
lower plenum
(for transport delay time estimation)
16 ZD(1,NH) Flow resistance coefficients at the spac-
er grid for each axial node

Record 17 is entered only in the case NST3 ≥ 0 (given mass flow rate).
17 TFR0 Total mass flow rate through the core kg/s
if NST3 = 0 (related to the whole core, taking into
account symmetry)
FR(1,NK) Mass flow rate for each coolant channel kg/s
if NST3 > 0 (per fuel rod)
17a STR4 Text string AV-MFR: if this text string oc-
curs, the total mass flow rate given in
record 17 is interpreted as core average
mass flow rate, otherwise as core inlet
mass flow rate (default)
18 ZE(1,NK) Inlet flow resistance coefficient for each -
fuel element

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.4 Channel and hot channel data

Record Item Comment Unit

19 ITYP (1,NK) Number of fuel rod type for each -
fuel element
Hot channel data
In the records 20 - 24 the description of the special hot channels is given. The input
is demanded only if NS > 0.
20 IZO (1,NS) Number of the connected core -
channel for each hot channel
21 ITYP (1,NS) Number of the fuel rod type for each -
hot channel
22 STR5 Optional text string ’HOT_AX’:
If this text string occurs, axially de-
pendent power peak factors for
each hot channel will be read, oth-
erwise an overall power factor for
each hot channel will be read

22a RK (1,NS) Overall power peak factor of the hot -

channel relative to the connected
core channel (if text string HOT_AX
not occurs)
22b HOTFAX (1,NH) Axially dependent power peaking
factors for each hot channel
1,...,NS (only if string HOT_AX oc-
23 HME (1,NS) Difference of the coolant inlet tem- K
perature relative to the connected
24 ZE (1,NS) Inlet resistance coefficients for the -
hot channels

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.5 Control of calculation

In the records 25 and 26 truncation errors and relaxation parameters for iteration proce-
dures are given (including recommendations for these values).

Record Item Comment Recommen-

ded value
Truncation error1) of:
25 EPS1 - mass flow rates
(for given pressure drop) 0.002
EPS2 - pressure distribution (steady state) 0.002
EPS3 - pressure distribution (instationary) 0.005

maximum absolute truncation error of the

EPS4 void fraction 0.001
EPS5 weight factor for the heat flux at old and 0.5
new time step
26 Truncation errors of:
EPS6 - fuel temperatures 0.001
EPS7 - cladding temperatures 0.001
Relaxation parameters2) for:
EPS8 - pressure drop iteration in the case of 1.0
given total mass flow rate
EPS9 - the gas gap heat transfer coefficient
EPS10 iteration 0.5
- the cladding temperature iteration in the
post-crisis region 0.5

1) An iteration process is stopped, if the relative deviation of a variable x between

previous and actual iteration steps is less than the truncation error e:

(n + 1) ( n)
x –x
- <ε

2) The relaxation parameter Q determines the weight of old and new value of a
variable in the start value for the next iteration step:

(n + 1) (n) (n)
x̃ = Θx + ( 1 – Θ )x̃

(n) ( n)
x - start value for the iteration step n, x̃ - value determined in the iteration
step n, 0 < Θ ≤ 1 . A value of Θ near 1, in general, leads to an acceleration of
the iteration process, but can induce some stability problems.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.6 Space dependent mass flow

If the space dependent mass flow rate (NST0 > 0) is considered, a divergence of the
mass flow iteration particularly in the case, if violent boiling occurs and small thermo-
hydraulic time steps have to be used. In this case, the convergence can be be
achieved, if an iteration procedure with a relaxation of the mass flow rate derivative dur-
ing the iterations is performed. It is controlled by an optional input:

Record Item Comment

26b ITFRMIN Number of initial iterations without space dependent mass
flow (recommended value: ITFRMIN = 10).

ITFRGZ Number of iterations with relaxation of mass flow rate de-

rivative (recommended value: ITFRGZ = 30).

The CPU-time depends on the choosen values ITFRMIN and ITFRGZ for the additional
iterations against the direct consideration of the mass flow rate derivative by using the
default values ITFRMIN = 0 and ITFRGZ = 1.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.7 Mixing model data

Record Item Comment Unit

The number of loops (record 27) is to be given only in the case ICON < 4
27 NSL Number of loops of the primary circuit -
(NSL must be set to 6 for WWER-440
and 4 for WWER-1000, if the mixing
model will be used);
NSL must be equal to the number of
coolant channels, if MISCH > 10
The input of the next record is desired only if MISCH ≤ 0 in format A4
28 TYP Reactor type -
(string "W213", "W230" or "W320")

Record 29 is to be input only in the case ICON ≤ 4

29 RMS (I) Portion of total mass flow in loop I -
(not necessary normalized)
TS (I) Coolant temperature in the loop I oC
BS (I) Boron acid concentration in the loop I g/kg or ppm
The record 29 must be repeated for all loops I = 1, NSL.
30 IDRU Output controller for the mixing model, -
IDRU = 0 no output via printer,
IDRU = 1 restricted output from the
mixing model,
IDRU = 2 extended output from the
mixing model,
IDRU < 0 no output from the mixing
model, but input of record 30a
The record 30a is desired only if IDRU < 0
30a PECD turbulent Peclet number -
of the downcomer
PECR turbulent Peclet number -
for the control rod chamber
(overwriting of default values
PECD = 100 for VVER-440/V-213
and V-230,
PECR = 50/35 for V-213/V-230,
increase of Peclet numbers decreases
the degree of mixing)

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.7.8 Time-dependent boundary conditions

The input of time-dependent boundary conditions (records 31 - 33) is necessary only

if ICON < 4 (no coupling with ATHLET).

Record Item Comment Unit

31 MIPG, Number of rows in the time-dependent
MIPS boundary condition table:
(1,NSL) MIPG- for global parameters (pressure, -
pressure drop, global mass flow rate)
MIPS -for mass flow rate, cold leg tem-
perature and boron acid concentration of -
each loop
Record 32 must be given MIPG times (no input, if MIPG = 0)
32 TP(I), time point for perturbation -
PDAT(I), pressure -
DDAT(I) (relative to the stationary value)
relative mass flow rate or pressure drop -
(dependent on key NST3)

Record 33 must be given for J = 1,...,MIPS(I) times for loop I, I = 1,...,NSL

if MIPS ( I ) ≠ 0 (no input, if MIPS (I) = 0)
Note: The record must be given for each coolant channel, if MISCH > 10, but
MISCH < 100. In this case, DDAT is relevant only if NST3 > 0 (otherwise is set to

33 TP(J), time point for perturbation in loop I s

DDAT(J), relative mass flow rate in the loop I -
TEDAT(J), cold leg temperatureof the loop I oC
BDAT(J) boron acid concentration in the loop I g/kg or ppm

In the case MISCH > 100, the time-dependent distributions of the boron concen-
tration and coolant temperature are also given for each channel, but read from ex-
ternal files exam_mix.dat and exam_int.dat. Record 33 is omitted in that case, but
the files must be provided. For MISCH > 100, the number of loops NSL must be
set to the number of core channels, but only one value for MIPS must be given
instead of NSL values. MIPS is the number of rows in the external files.

file TP(J), time point in perturbation table; s

exam_ NK times boron concentration at the core inlet g/kg or ppm
mix.dat BDAT(J); for each core channel
file TP(J), time point in perturbation table; s
exam_ NK times coolant temperature at the core inlet oC
int.dat TEDAT(J); for each core channel

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

4.9 Options for Mixing Model in Lower Plenum


* absence of mixing in downcomer and lower plenum (each loop is connected to

a corresponding sector of the core)
* input of reactor type (string "W213" , "W230" or "W320" )


- full core configuration of VVER-440 or VVER-1000 (without radial reflector)

- number of loops (NSL) must be set to 6 for VVER-440 and 4 for VVER-1000
- all loops in operation
- approximately equal flow rates in the loops (RMS = 1.)


* description of coolant mixing in the downcomer and the lower plenum of

VVER-440 by the analytical mixing model
* input of reactor type (string "W213" or "W230")


- applicable only for VVER-440, full core configuration without reflector

- number of loops (NSL) must be set to 6


* ideal homogeneous mixing (temperature-dependent specific heat cp of water is

taken into account)
* arbitrary core configuration, number of loops (input value NSL) and relative
mass flow rates

Time-dependent perturbations

Perturbations of global core parameters (pressure, pressure drop or total mass flow
rate) as well as of the parameters of each loop (relative mass flow rate, cold leg tem-
perature and boron acid concentration) can be given in form of a table (records 31 -
33), if the stand alone version of DYN3D (without coupling with ATHLET) is used.

MISCH > 10
In this case, time-dependent perturbations (relative mass flow rate, cold leg tempera-
ture and boron acid concentration) can be given for each coolant channel. Each coolant
channel is formally treated like a separate loop. The number of loops NSL must be set
equal to the number of coolant channels. This option can be used, if e.g. data from mix-
ing calculations or experiments will be used in DYN3D as input.


A relative mass flow rate for each channel is used only in the case NST3 > 0, because
otherwise the coolant flow distribution over the channels is calculated by DYN3D.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

MISCH > 100 special case of MISCH > 10

In this case, time-dependent distributions of the boron acid concentration and coolant
temperature over all core channels are read from external files, containing e.g. the re-
sults from corresponding CFD calculations. The number of loops NSL must be set
equal to the number of coolant channels, but only one value for MIPS must be given
(number of rows in the external files).

A relative mass flow rate for each channel cannot be given.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

5 Output and Post-Processing of the Results

Apart from the fission poisons the results are stored on the three files:

- exam_lst.dat: Listing file, which can be read by any editor

- exam_res.dat: Result file for generation of tables with the help of post processor

- exam_red.dat: Result file for generation of 2-dimensional distributions with the help
of postprocessor OUTDIS

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

5.1 Listing File

Practically, the data in the listing are self explaining for reactor physicists and reactor
engineers. The output of input data is accomplished depending on the value of the key
IOINP. Some values which are provided by the iteration are explained here.

After each calculation of the steady-state neutron flux distribution, the number of outer
iterations, the eigenvalue KEFF, the deviation of the eigenvalue DKF and the fission
source term distribution DSOU, the relation between second and first eigenvalue
EVA12 and the maximum relative deviation of fission sources are printed. If feedback
is taken into account, the number of thermal-hydraulic iterations ITKRIT and the maxi-
mum deviations of fuel temperature and coolant density between the last two iterations
DTF and DRHO are printed. Additionally, the resulting eigenvalue for the sequence of
iterations is given. In the case of achieving criticality by variation of the boron acid con-
centration, the actual value of this parameter is printed. If the critical state is attained
by variation of the reactor power, the power value is printed. In this case, possibly, sev-
eral thermal-hydraulic iterations are necessary before obtaining a new value for the crit-
ical power. This procedure is used because the power density distribution sensibly
depends on the moderator density distribution in the case of coolant boiling, which can
disturb the iteration process for the critical power value.

During the transient calculation the following parameters are printed:

TNNK actual time for neutron kinetics,

DTNK new value for the neutron-kinetic time step,
ITOU number of outer iterations,
DSOU average deviation of fission source distributions between 2 outer iterations,
DFMAX maximum deviation of fission sources between 2 outer iterations,
EW eigenvalue of the homogeneous equation.

During instationary calculation, additionally, for each thermal-hydraulic time step, se-
veral control parameters are printed:

TNTH end time of the actual thermal-hydraulic time step,

DTTH actual size of the thermal-hydraulic time step,
ITFEED iteration index for the thermal-hydraulic time step,
POWER actual nuclear power,
DP relative change of the nuclear power between 2 iterations,
DHF maximum relative change of the heat flux,
DFT maximum relative change of the fuel temperature,
DMD maximum relative change of the moderator density.
After finishing a thermal-hydraulic time step the average exponent OM for the neutron
flux time behaviour of the actual neutron-kinetic time step DTNK and the approximately
estimated reactivity value REACT are printed.

The results of steady-state and instationary calculations are printed in a unique form by
the subroutine RESULT. The choice of a reduced or detailed output option is possible
(see Input Description of DYN3D, Sect.4). A reduced output is induced after NPKL time
steps, a detailed output in given time intervals.

The reduced output includes:

- global parameters of the core (nuclear power, power supplied to coolant, coolant

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

mass flow rate, coolant inlet temperature and outlet enthalpy, pressure, pres-
sure drop),

- averaged parameters for each coolant channel (thermal power per fuel rod,
power supplied to coolant per fuel rod, mass flow density, fuel temperature, cool-
ant temperature and density) and maxima of safety relevant parameters (vapour
mass fraction, maximum fuel temperature, fuel enthalpy, cladding temperature,
oxide layer thickness, stress criterion RUPT), boron acid concentration at the
core inlet,

- averaged over the core parameters (average coolant temperature at the core
outlet, average coolant temperature and density, fuel temperature and void frac-
tion) and peak values (maximum fuel temperature and local power peak factor)
as well as the position (no. of node) of the peaks. The nodes are numbered ax-
ially from bottom to top of the core and in the radial map row-wise from left to
right and from bottom to top.

Fuel enthalpy (in kJ/kg fuel), oxide layer thickness (in microns) and the stress criterion
are used for the evaluation of fuel rod failure. The stress criterion is defined as

⎪ 0 if the stress σ in the cladding
⎪ is below the yield strength σ y
RUPT = ⎪

⎩ 1 if σ ≥ σ y

The detailed output comprises, moreover, the printing of axial distributions of following
parameters for each fuel element (coolant channel):
- linear power rate (in kW/m)
- heat flux (in kW/m2)
- fuel enthalpy (in kJ/kg)
- fuel central temperature (in oC)
- radial averaged fuel temperature (in oC)
- cladding surface temperature (in oC)
- coolant temperature (in oC)
- mass flow velocity (in kg/(m2s))
- heat transfer coefficient in gas gap (in kW/(m2K))
- DNB ratio determined by correlations IAE-4, OKB-2 and BIASI
- oxide layer thickness (in microns)
- key defining the heat transfer regime
( 0 = natural convection,1=forced convection,
2 = developed boiling, 3=forced convective boiling,
4 = transition boiling, 5,6= film boiling,
7 = convection to superheated steam),
- stress criterion.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

5.2 OUTGRA (Version 5.3)

5.2.1. Introduction

The program OUTGRA was developed for the off–line analysis of calculations
performed by the neutron-kinetic code DYN3D. While computing, DYN3D
automatically generates a standard listing output with the file name ..._lst.dat, where all
results are visible for the user. Beside this standard listing output, the results are also
written on a sequential file named ..._res.dat. OUTGRA offers a possibility to extract
easily selected parameters at any time point or in desired time intervals from ..._res.dat
and to saving them on a new file ..._fig.dat or files ..._fn.dat with n = 02, 03,.......

This OUTGRA release 5.3 uses many new features of the FORTRAN90 language,
which allows a faster program execution. Additionally, an extended options menu and
a new parameter input system were included.

5.2.2. Program start

Creating an executable file

An installed FORTAN90 compiler is required to create the OUTGRA program file. For
users of the UNIX operating system a ready makefile is added to the FORTRAN
source code, which builds from these files the executable program file OG53.

Users of non-UNIX operating systems must apply their own FORTRAN90 compiler
specifications to make an executable file.

Problem selection

If OUTGRA is executed for the very first time, a directory and a problem identifier (for
the problem to be analyzed) are demanded. For the input of a new problem, the tilde
(~) instead of the home directory is accepted. If the problem is located in the same
directory as the OUTGRA program file, then no path input is needed.

The complete problem description (identifier) is saved at a new file named default.
After each start of OUTGRA the existence of all problems registered in default is
checked automatically. In the case that a problem identifier could not be found, it will
be removed from the problem list. For all runs of OUTGRA the following start menu is
displayed (if a default file exists):

3 = ..._res.dat
(list of problems registered in default)

From menu point 3 are shown all problems, that already have been analyzed. They
can be recalled by hitting the according number.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Options menu

Selected modes are set by default. They can be changed in the following way:











The PARAMETER NORMALIZATION section manages the settings for the output of
normalized values in the case of radial/axial distribution. This option can be switched
for all parameters together or (at the ADVANCED MENU) for each parameter

The output of extracted data can be represented in an uniform scientific format or in a

variable way, where the format is selected automatically dependent on the numerical
value. In section RESULT OUTPUT IN SCIENTIFIC FORMAT the described option
can be switched similar to the NORMALIZATION section above.

The OUTPUT OF CURRENT SELECTED PARAMETERS allows the user to correct

his selection at the end of the parameter input block.

In the case of enabling the NEEDED COMPUTING TIME option, the time for extracting
data from ..._res.dat is printed after result output.

node presentation by node number or by average node height.

There is a possibility to activate/deactivate the RESULT OUTPUT on screen and to


DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

File menu



The file menu allows the user to manage all problems to be analyzed in an easy way.
New problems can be entered under menu point 1, they will automatically added to the
problem list.

If a single problem is to be removed from the problem list, number 2 has to be chosen
to select DELETE PROBLEM. After that the desired problem number must be typed.

Choosing menu point 3 deletes the entire list.

Output file selection

If a problem has been selected and the option RESULT OUTPUT TO FILE is enabled,
OUTGRA is looking for a former output file (..._fig.dat). If one has been detected, the
following small menu appears:



In the case of typing 1 the existent file will be overwritten by the new results. If number
2 has been chosen, a further file ..._figXX.dat will be generated, whereby XX is the
number of output file. Thus can be created till 99 output files.

5.2.3 Representation type input

At the following menu is to select the wanted type of result representation:

1 = Time–dependent representation of one or all coolant channels

2 = Representation of all axial layers at a selected time point
3 = Representation of all channels at a selected time point
4 = Representation of channel number, layer number and weighting factors
5.2.4 Parameter input

Parameter input method

Saved output sets (1 .. X)



The new parameter input system allows the user to separate more data at once. Now

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

it is possible to mix and finally to compare extreme values, mean values, inlet/outlet
values and original values under varied conditions in one OUTGRA session. For these
purposes every wanted parameter must be specified separately.

Generally, maximal eight parameters can be chosen, because the screen's width limits
the output in horizontal direction.

There are several possibilities to choose parameters. The first one is to use an output
set, which was saved by a former OUTGRA run. The next is QUICK SELECTION, a
one-time parameter selection without saving. The same individual input method offers
SELECTION WITH SAVING, but the chosen parameters are saved to a file named
...._std.dat for a later use. Thus can created as many parameters sets as desired. They
may be deleted by choosing DELETE SAVED SELECTION.

Channel selection


1 .. (number of channels)= CHANNEL 1
(number of channels + 1)= ALL CHANNELS

In the case of channel representation, every wanted parameter can be shown as single
channel value or averaged over all channels. That way it is possible to represent single
channel data besides all channel data at one OUTGRA run.

Parameter selection

The following parameters can be chosen in every case:

6 = MASS FLOW VELOCITY[kg m-2 s-1]
9 = HEAT FLUX[kW m-2]
11 = DNBR BY IAE-4[-]
12 = DNBR BY OKB-2[-]
13 = DNBR BY BIAS[-]

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description


21 = MASS FLOW [kg / s]
22 = POWER DENSITIES [kW / m3]
23 = FUEL ENTHALPY [kJ/kg]

In the case of all channel representation there are further parameters:

25 = TOTAL NUCLEAR POWER (averaged over time step)[MW]
26 = TOTAL NUCLEAR POWER (at time points)[MW]
27 = FISSION POWER (at time points)[MW]
28 = THERMAL POWER (averaged over time step)[MW]

The values for total and fission power at time points are available only for calculations
by DYN3DH1.1/M3 or higher.

Result type selection

Dependent on the representation type, for every parameter must be chosen a result
type. General result types are:

- Averaged values
- Extreme values
- Inlet/Outlet values
- Original values
Mean values are weighted in dependence on the averaging direction. In axial direction
the corresponding node heights are used as weighting factors. In the case of radial
averaging are used geometrical weighting factors computed by DYN3D, if the
calculation has been performed by a newer program version. Otherwise, OUTGRA
sets all radial weighting factors to 1.

Inlet values are always read at the middle of layer number 1, outlet values at the middle
of the highest layer.

In the case of original values the wanted node or channel number is to specify

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

5.2.5 Time input

Channel representation

Finally, the wanted time is to enter. For channel representation is demanded:


In the case of typing 0 only the steady state calculation data at t=0 are analysed. If an
end time greater than 0 has been typed, the wanted time step is to input:


Each entered time step greater than 0 inside the problem time can be represented. If
a time point has not been computed by DYN3D directly, OUTGRA calculates the
parameters using a linear interpolation between the nearest given preceding and
succeeding values. In the case of time step equal 0 simply all original time steps are
read in order from the result file.

Representation of distributions

If the user has chosen the representation of axial or radial distribution, then only the
following input is required:


According to the channel representation case, an input equal 0 initiates the analysis of
the static calculation data. Furthermore, any desired time point also can be interpolat-

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description


If ITIM > 0 of record 6 in input data exam_kin.dat then 3-dimensional distributions of

nodal group fluxes, normalized nodal powers and normalized assembly powers are
written on the file exam_red.dat at the same time points as used for thermal-hydraulic

Using the small program OUTDIS the values of the wanted 2-dimensional distribution
at a given time of calculation are written on the file exam_dis.dat. Calling OUTDIS the
standard input is used for input data.

Input data of OUTDIS:

- Path and the problem name have to be specified by the standard input. The pro-
blem name in the given description is "exam", but it can be changed by user's
chose. The last parts of file names are fixed.
- KEY is the control parameter. The following values for KEY are accepted:

KEY = 0: Output of normalized assembly powers

KEY = 1: Output of nodal powers of given axial layer IZ

KEY = 2: Output of fast fluxes of nodes of given axial layer IZ

KEY = 3: Output of thermal fluxes of nodes of given axial layer IZ

KEY = 4: Output of axial powers of 3-dimensional normalized power

distribution and the axial normalized power distribution of a
given assembly IASS

KEY = 5: Output of axially normalized radial averaged power distri-


- IZ is the axial layer for the 2-dimensional distribution. It is read for KEY =
1, 2 or 3.

- IASS is the assembly No. (internal numbering) of axial power distributions. It

is read for KEY = 4.

- TIME is the time in seconds at which the distribution is wanted. If the output
is not stored at TIME exactly, then an linear interpolation is carried out
using the results of previous time and next time contained in
exam_red.dat. If the number of nodes i with power Pi > 0 is changed in
the interval between the two steps, then the normalization is not quite

The results of OUTDIS are written to the directory of the input data. Each record of the
files exam_dis.dat contains the internal number of the fuel assembly or axial plane and
the wanted value in this assembly. The results can be used for presentation of 2-di-
mensional or one-dimensional axial distributions.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

5.4 Graphical Post-Processor DYN3DVisualProcessor

For the visualisation of DYN3D results, the interactive graphical post-processor

DYN3DVisualProcessor can be used on PC. It allows the on-line or off-line presenta-
tion of the results from DYN3D calculations in graphical form on SUN work stations.
The graphical surface has been developed under C++. The code
DYN3DVisualProcessor access to the files on the directory containing the files of the
DYN3D calculation. The main features of DYN3DVisualProcessor are:

- presentation of any of the global parameters contained in the array VRES (see
Section 5.2) as time-dependent curve,

- presentation of the distribution of any selected "local" parameter contained in the

array F in a radial plane of the reactor core at a selected axial level as a coloured
view of the core cross section,

- presentation of the axial distribution of a selected parameter in any selected fuel

element as a coloured view of the fuel element,

- presentation of two-dimensional distributions of a selected parameters at a se-

lected axial level by a surface view,

- presentation of volumes bounded by iso values of a selected parameter.

The presentation can be made for any time point or in a "movie mode". The mode of
presentation and the selection of parameters is accomplished in an interactive manner.

The graphical post-processor DYN3DVisualProcessor is a useful tool for getting a first

qualitative overview on the relevant effects obtained in the considered analysis. Fig-
ures and movies can be generated for presentations.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

6 References

[1] Grundmann U.; Rohde, U., S. Mittag, S. Kliem: "DYN3D Version 3.2 - Code for
Calculation of Transients in Light Water Reactors (LWR) with Hexagonal or
Quadratic Fuel Elements - Description of Models and Methods“,
Report FZR 434, Rossendorf 2005.

[2] Grundmann U., Rohde U., Mittag S., "DYN3D - Three-Dimensional Core Model
for Steady-State and Transient Analysis of Thermal Reactors", Proc. of Int. To-
pl. Mtg. on Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation
into the Next Millennium (PHYSOR2000), Pittsburgh (USA), May, 7- 11, 2000.

[3] Grundmann U.; Lucas D.; Mittag S.; Rohde, U.: "Weiterentwicklung und Veri-
fikation eines dreidimensionalen Kernmodells für Reaktoren vom Typ WWER
und seine Ankopplung an den Störfallcode ATHLET", Report FZR-84, Rossen-
dorf 1995.

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Appendix A

Examples of Core Maps with Control Parameters for Hexagonal Geometry

30o reflectional symmetry (ISYM = 30):


21 22 23
16 17 18 19 20
9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2
Start of numbering the outer boundaries


30 5 8 24 9 35
0 4
0 1 2 3 4
7 7 6 5 4

60o rotational symmetry (ISYM = 60):

33 16
15 14 13
30 31 32
26 27 28 29
21 22 23 24 25
15 16 17 18 19 20
9 10 11 12 13 14 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2

Start of numbering the outer boundaries


60 7 8 33 17 31
0 6
0 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 6 6 5 4 3 1

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

180o reflectional symmetry (ISYM = 180):

107 108 109 110 111 112 113

97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
50 3
51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2
52 1
Start of numbering the outer boundaries


360 9 16 113 52 30
-8 8
-7 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -7
7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Whole core (ISYM = 360):


205 206 207 208 209 210 211

195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204

184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194

172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183

159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171

145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129

99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 I

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4
101 102
Start of numbering the outer boundaries


360 17 17 211 102 0
-8 8
1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -7 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -7
7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Appendix B

Examples of Core Maps with Control Parameters for Cartesian Geometry

45o reflectional geometry (ISYM = 45):

J 9
34 35
30 31 32 33
25 26 27 28 29
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 I

Start of numbering the outer boundaries


45 6 9 35 9 21
0 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
8 8 8 7 7 6

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

90o rotational geometry (ISYM = 90):

17 16
55 56
14 13
51 52 53 54
46 47 48 49 50
40 41 42 43 44 45
33 34 35 36 37 38 39
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 I

Start of numbering the outer boundaries


90 9 9 55 17 19
0 8
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 2

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

90o reflectional geometry (ISYM = 91):

18 J 17 16
62 63 64
14 13
57 58 59 60 61
51 52 53 54 55 56
44 45 46 47 48 49 50
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 I

Start of numbering the outer boundaries


91 9 9 64 18 18
0 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 2

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

180o reflectional geometry (ISYM = 180):

92 93 94 95 96

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
29 3
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
30 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
31 1 I

Start of numbering the outer boundaries


180 8 15 96 31 15
0 7
-7 -7 -7 -6 -6 -5 -4 -2
7 7 7 6 6 5 4 2

DYN3D 3.2 Input Description

Whole core (ISYM = 360):

173 174 175 176 177

164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172

153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152

127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139

112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 2 3 4 5


360 15 15 177 60 0
-7 7
-2 -4 -5 -6 -6 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -6 -6 -5 -4 -2
2 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 2


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