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method of note-taking is increasing as students explore new ways of keeping up

with lectures and staying on top of their classes. Students taking picture of their

lectures is on the rise especially with the advances in technology.

This study aims to help our students think critically about the traditional

note-taking and notes through pictures or video in learning Mathematics 8, and

how it affects the knowledge or level of understanding of the students. Through

this study, the influence of traditional note taking and picture taking through the

use of camera phones towards learning skills in Math subject can be determined.

Theoretical Background

The researchers deal with theories of Traditional Note taking and Picture

Taking towards the level of learning acquisition of the students in learning

Mathematics 8 which affects students skills and ability in having a better

academic performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the outcome of

the traditional note taking and taking notes through the use of mobile phones

with camera that foster the learning development of the students. This is a

quantitative research study which focuses on how the students or learner's

develop their way of learning, as well as the use of the instruments through

giving standardized test.

As demonstrated by Carolina Kuepper- Tetzel, 2017 of her Cognitive

Load Theory, she stated that, whenever we are listening to the instructors during

class, we need to take in what we hear, extract the key point, paraphrase or

summarize the key aspects, and engage in actually writing the points down.

In connection to that, based on the assumptions of the cognitive load

theory about human information processing, the review paper discusses factors

that should affect note- taking effectiveness, she concluded that providing the

theoretical framework of the cognitive load theory when investigating the

effectiveness of note- taking is a step in the right direction.

First, lectures and classes that are well structured and that provide

students with organizational pointers ( for example, mentioning the number off

points that will be elaborated on," I will be presenting three pieces of evidence

against theory x. ") reduces cognitive load in students and frees up processing

capacity to engage in effective note- taking.

Next, the format of a lecture could play a role. In live lectures, for

instance, note taking will lead to a higher cognitive load because it needs to

happen simultaneously, whereas when reviewing lecture recordings students

have the option to stop the recording to take notes. Consequently, they will miss

fewer details when they are engaging in note- taking and the notes are probably

going to be of higher quality.

Lastly, there is an ongoing debate whether it is more beneficial to take

notes by hand or with the laptop. In fact, there is empirical evidence for both

positions: There are studies that have revealed a benefit of laptop notes over

longhand notes arguing that the reason for this is that we can type faster than

we can write, which means that we direct our attention back to the instructor

quicker, missing fewer details. In contrast, studies that have revealed clear

benefits of longhand notes over laptop notes argue that this may be due to

characteristics of the notes: with longhand notes being less verbatim and more

paraphrased than laptop notes leading to deeper processing of the material

during Note taking. Cognitive Load Theory would suggest that other conditions,

for example, lecture complexity could play a moderating role in the effectiveness

of different note taking methods- more complex material benefiting from the

quicker note taking on the laptop, so that attention can be quickly redirected to

the teacher.

Reflecting about note- taking within the cognitive load theory shows us

that we must consider different parts of the class, for example, lecture features,

learner characteristics, note - taking methods, and the interplay between them in

order to make note - taking effective. Simply because more notes are better than

no notes.

Cognitive Load Theory emphasizes that when students want to retain

information, take notes with a pen and not a laptop or any other gadget,

because by using laptop neither a cell phones during class discussion will cause

distraction. So put everything organize in having a better academic performance

in class.

Experiential Learning Theory emphasizes the role of experience in

learning and explain the different media influences on learning. David A. Kolb

and Carl Rogers, 2014, who promoted and applied the concept of " learning by

doing". They believed leabbubhu7crning occurred in two ways: cognitive learning

and experiential learning. The former refers to people's learning isolated

information through formal schools; while the second emphasizes individual

learner's participation in learning, their spontaneous learning and self- assessed

learning. The core of experiential learning theory is the individual learner's

learning participation and experiences. Thus, the applications of educational

technology in learning often encourage learner's participation, provide learner's

with immediate feedback and necessary help, and support learner's with

different learning needs. This theory anchors our study which learning in class

depends of the students behavior and experiences. In terms of using technology

or any media platforms provide their needs especially if the discussion is very

fast and students cannot manage to take notes instead they just focused on

listening on

it. Through the influenced of technology they use it as their advantage to take

pictures every single topics that they missed to take down notes.

Generally, the two theories that mentioned above anchored and

supported our study. It is very well explained both of each topic which is note -

taking in class and how technology affects and developed the level of learning

acquisition of the students. In fact, there is empirical evidence for both positions,

the benefit of laptop or taking picture through the use of technology and other

media platforms and also the benefits of taking notes in class which interplay a

different methods or ways of learning according to the practices, behavior and

experiences of the students.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of traditional

note-taking and taking notes through camera phones in learning Mathematics 8

to the learning acquisition of the student in Catalina Lapus -Omega National High


Specifically, the following Sub-problems are considered:

1.) What is the level of learning acquisition in Math 8 after traditional note-


2.) What is the level of learning acquisition in Math 8 after taking notes through

camera phones?

3.) Is there a significant difference between traditional note-taking and taking

notes through the use of camera phones in learning acquisition of the

students in Mathematics 8?

Significance of the study

The Impact of Traditional Note-Taking and Taking Notes using camera

phones in Mathematics 8 would be viewed as one of the significant parts of the

learning development of the students.

The study is concerned with the impact of traditional Note-Taking and

Taking pictures using camera phones in Mathematics 8 where in it enhance their

knowledge and level of understanding in learning acquisition of the students.

Through this study, the following will be benefited.

For the DepEd, since they are the one who provide the books for the

students. This study will serve as their guidance and source of information.

For the School, this study will be beneficial to the school because they

can use it as a basis to know the impact of traditional note taking and picture

taking to the students and it will give then a good image in terms of having a

good performance of the student.

For the teachers, this facilitate method could be beneficial to them to be

utilized that can catch the attention of the students and it helps boost teachers

teaching skills.

For the students, this study would help the learners to enhance their

level of understanding as well as improving their learning skills through learning


For the future researchers, to the researchers who would like to

conduct the same study this will served as their basis wherein it gives them an

idea as they will do their research.

Scope and Limitations of the study

Limitations were set to give the researchers some restrictions in doing the

procedures. This study mainly focused on the significant difference between

traditional note taking and picture taking in learning mathematics 8. The

researcher surveyed 70 students only from Grade 8 of Catalina Lapus-Omega

National High School, to know if there is a significant difference for the both

strategy in learning Mathematics 8.

The study was conducted in Catalina Lapus- Omega National High School

during school year 2019 – 2020.


Ho - There is no significant difference between Traditional Note taking and

Picture taking through the use of camera phones in the learning acquisition of

Grade 8 students in Mathematics.

Ha - There is a significant difference between Traditional Note taking and Picture

taking through the use of camera phones in the learning acquisition of Grade 8

students in Mathematics.


Acquisition - used of researchers to identify which better among

traditional note-taking and picture-taking.

Camera phone - refers to the material that is used of the

respondents to capture the information in learning

Math 8.

Cognitive - relating to, or involving conscious mental activities

(such as thinking, understanding, learning and


Data - information that the researchers gathered from the


Did Not Meet Expectations – refers to the level of learning acquisition of the

students that ranges below 75 %.

Fairly Satisfactory - refers to the level of learning acquisition of the

students that ranges from 75 to 79 %.

Outstanding - refers to the level of learning acquisition of the

students that ranges from 90 to 100 %.

Picture-taking - use of the students to gather the data

Quantitative - dealing with numbers

Quasi - Experimental - is a type of method use to test the effectiveness of

the study or something; that is being utilize in this


Questionnaire - used of the researcher to gather the data

Respondents - a person who gives a response or answer to a

question that is asked especially as part of a survey.

Satisfactory - refers to the level of learning acquisition of the

students that ranges from 80 to 84 %.

Traditional Note-taking - is a process of jotting down information during the

teacher discussion of Math 8.

Very Satisfactory - refers to the level of learning acquisition of the

students that ranges from 85 to 89 %.

In addition, to the study of Kuznekoff and Titsworth in 2013 found that "

students who use their mobile phones during class lectures tend to write down

less information, recall less information, and perform worse on a multiple-choice

test than those students who abstain from using their mobile phones during class

". Similarly, Kraushaan & Novak (2010) explored laptop use during class lecture

and found a strong, negative correlation between student uses of instant

messaging service and giving averages, project grades, and final exam grades.

Moreover, students are often aware of the impact their mobile use has on

others around them ( Sara et al.,2013). Researchers acknowledgment that

mobiles can facilitate the learning process ( Wei et al.,2012), but mobiles also

create many new problems. In a contrasting study, Mueller and Oppenheimer

(2014) wrote that when students record notes with a laptop instead of in

traditional way with a pen and paper, their immediate cognitive processing

are deemed to be shallow. The authors argued that this is because students

typically attempt to transcribe everything the lecturer says verbatim.

In the same vein, when students in this study had to take a test, the ones

the laptop performed worse in conceptualizing question than the students who

took notes with pen and paper. In another study (Vincent 2016), student also

agreed that their handwritten notes led to a better retention of knowledge than

they typed their notes on an electronic device. Nevertheless, in spite of the

disadvantage of taking notes on such devices, Vincent (2016) still argues that

reading and writing online are more practical in a university environment than

the known traditional methods.

In conclusion, when the devices are used inappropriately, they can disrupt

lectures and learning. A survey by Compbelle (2006), for instance, reported that

both students and instructor agreed that phone ringing in class was a source of

disruption. Langmia and Glass (2014) further suggested that most of the

instruction complained about distraction caused by cellphones. The authors

reported that " Different forms of distraction were ascertain during the

interviews, when the ringtones go off, there is disruption. This disruption creates

unpleasant disruptions. The classroom environment becomes noisy and

uncomfortable for instruction. In addition to disruption lecture, research showed

that the devices can distract students from learning (Freeze et al.,2012).

In connection, to the study of Muller and Oppenheimer, 2015 " The Pen us

Mightier Than the keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking",

taking notes on laptops rather than in Longhand is increasingly in common.

Laptop note-taking is less effective than long hand note-taking for learning. Even

when laptops are used in school to take notes. They may still be impairing

learning because their use results in shallower processing. Students who took

notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual question than students who

took notes Longhand.

Sangat National High School) in Sangat, San Fernando, and was fully

separated and founded in 1998.

Catalina Lapus - Omega National High School consist of twenty-two (22)

rooms, sixteen (16) teachers and had a total number of three hundred forty-six

(346) students. All of the rooms were occupied, one (1) faculty room, one (1)

principal office, one (1) library, one (1) storage room, two (2) laboratories

including science and TLE laboratory, seven (7) rooms for Junior High School,

and four (4) rooms for Senior High School.

This research utilized Catalina Lapus-Omega as the source of collecting

the data since the students or the respondents are informative. Aside from that,

it is the nearest school to go and since the researchers already know the

characteristics and attitudes of the students.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are the Grade 8 students’ enrollees of

Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School in the school year 2019-2020. The

researchers choose them as the respondents because they have the qualification

of the informants. This study utilized the purposive sampling technique. A

purposive sample is a subset of individuals who chosen only of who ever that is

available that have cellphones with camera and also who is fund of using

traditional note-taking.

The population of 88 respondents, the researchers gets the 80%. The

researchers assure that the respondents had the right to hide their identity as

well as their answers are always confidential. Sample of respondents

Population 88=100%


Research Instrument

The main instrument of this study was a standardized test as well as the

cameras for documentation which served as the basis upon looking and

collecting the data that can fully support our study in a thoughtful and detailed

way. This study was done through giving standardized test to the respective

respondents. The researchers consolidated standardized test from the math

teacher for the respondents answer sheets. The question given is reliable and

matters from the module or textbooks of the teacher that was already discussed.

The test consists of thirty (30) items. The score served as an answered of the

statement of the problem that served as the basis to come up with the findings

and conclusions.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, researchers requested permission from the School

Head Mrs. Rachel B. Lumarda to allow the researchers to conduct the study and

also from the research adviser Ms. Erna Sue T. Lariosa. Afterwards, researchers

made a consent letter for the adviser of respected respondents to participate the

study. The consent letter made by the researchers was distributed by the adviser

in order to gather the relevant data. Informants are required to answer the given

question sincerely, since the questionnaire being yielded provides accurate data,

in addition, researchers required that the given answers from the informants

must corresponds to the given instruction. Researchers have the freedom to ask

questions in a way that is formal and accurate since the main purpose of the

study is to assure good result. Researchers utilized the students who have

camera phones who will serve as the respondents in taking notes through the

use of mobile phones. The study was done in their respective classrooms during

their math class hours.

After the data collection procedures, the researchers proceed to the next

process which is the data analysis to find the findings and conclusions.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The main purpose of the study was answered through the gathered data.

The answers of the following Grade 8 students based on the questions provided

by the researchers that made from their math subject teacher will be analyzed

statistically with the requirements of the study.

For the first and second sub problem, descriptive statistics was

used specifically, the simple percentage formula will be used to treat the data

gathered, collected, grouped and tabulated.

For the third problem t−¿Test of Independent Samples will be utilized in

computing the data gathered wherein it is used when you want to compare the

mean score, on some continuous variable, for two different groups of subjects.


T =/ x 1−x 2/¿ ¿

√ √ SD 2 SD 2


t = t-test value

x 1 ¿ mean of the first group

x 2 ¿ mean of the second group

SD =¿ standard deviation of the first group

SD =¿standard deviation of the second group

N1 ¿ Number of cases of the first group

N2 ¿ Number of cases of the second group



This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

data that the researchers gathered out from the data collected.

Table 1. Level of Learning Acquisition (Traditional Note - Taking)

Standardized Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fairly Did Not Meet

Test ( 90 - 100) Satisfactory ( 80 - 84) Satisfactory Expectations

( 85 - 89) ( 75 - 79) ( Below 75)

13 43%

10 33%

16 53%

10 33%

14 47%

23 77 %

9 30%

10 33%

10 33%

12 40%

17 57%

11 37%

17 57%

10 33%

16 53%

15 50%

16 53%

7 23%

16 53%

23 77 %

11 37%

12 40%

16 53%

13 43%

12 40%

15 50%

15 50%

21 70%

8 27%

26 87 %

13 43%

8 27%

11 37%

12 40%

13 43%

The table above shows the percentage or the level of learning acquisition

of the Grade 8 students scores during their test in traditional note taking,

wherein 33 learners are in the level of Did Not Meet Expectations (below 75%), 1

only in Fairly Satisfactory (75 – 79 %), 0 in Satisfactory (84 - 80 %), 1 belongs in

Very Satisfactory (85 - 89 %), and 0 in Outstanding (90 – 100 %) level.

Table 2. Level of Learning Acquisition (Picture Taking)

Pos Outstandin Very Satisfactor Fairly Did Not

t g satisfactor y satisfactor Meet

Tes (90 -100 y (80 -84 %) y Expectation

t %) (85 -89 (75 -79 s

%) %) (Below75%

18 60%

15 50%

15 50%

16 53%

12 40%

12 40%

11 36%

14 46%

13 43%

12 40%

13 43%

12 40%

14 46%

13 43%

26 87%

18 60%

12 40%

12 40%

13 43%

15 50%

17 57%

11 36%

9 30%

9 30%

7 23%

6 20%

5 16%

10 33%

10 33%

6 20%

8 27%

10 33%

8 27%

4 13%

10 33%

The table above shows the percentage or level of learning acquisition of

the Grade 8 students scores in picture taking, wherein 34 students are in the

level of Did Not Meet Expectations (below 75 %), 0 in Fairly Satisfactory ( 75 -

79 %), 0 in Satisfactory, (84 -80 %) 1 in Very Satisfactory (85 -89 %) and 0

also in Outstanding (90 -100 %) level.

Table 3: t- Test of Independent Samples Results

Traditional Note Picture Taking


X 13.7 12.03

SD 0.79 0.69

N 35 35

CV 6.71

TV 2

The table above shows that the mean score of traditional note- taking is

13.7 which is greater than picture taking which is 12.3. The result of the

computed value is greater than the t- Table value at df 68 which means that

There is a significant difference between traditional note- taking and taking notes

through the use of camera phones in learning acquisition of the students in

Mathematics 8.


From the findings, it was then concluded that traditional note taking is

effective and better than picture taking in learning Mathematics 8 to the learning

acquisition of the students, as there is a bigger percentage of post-test results

which is 38% than the picture taking which is 34% out of 100%. Moreover, the

students who both used traditional note-taking and picture taking in their class

discussion have a comparable performance. Therefore, there is an evidence to

conclude that traditional note-taking is better than picture taking.


From the conclusion, the following were the recommendation:

The Department of Education is recommended to implement a law

that student should not allow to bring cell phones at school for students

concentration in the class discussion.

Teachers were recommended to educate students on the importance of

traditional note-taking method as it will really help them to have better grades.

Students were also recommended to use traditional note-taking method

in class as it will easy for them to study the information they took up without any


And for the future researcher, who would conduct the same study,

were recommended to dig deeper in order to enhance and strengthen this study.



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Appendix A. Statistical Analysis


t= / x 1– x 2 /

√ √
2 2
1 + 2
N1 N2


t= /13.17 – 12.03/

√ √
2 2
0.79 0.69
1 +¿ 2
35 35

¿ 1.14 .

√ 0.62
√ 0.48

= 1.14 .
√ 0.02+0.01

= 1.14
√ 0.03


= 6.71


CV (6.71) > TV (1.9955) at df 68 (N-1) + (N-1) = (35-1) + (35-1)

Reject the null hypothesis (Ho)

Accept the alternative hypothesis (Ha)


There is a significant difference between traditional note-taking through the use

of camera phones in learning acquisition of the students in mathematics 8.

Appendix B. Transmittal Letter

Catalina Lapus Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando Cebu

Division of Cebu

Dr. Rachel B. Lumarda

School Head
Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School
Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

We are presently conducting a research on "Traditional Note - taking and Taking

notes through the use of mobile phones with camera " in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Practical Research 2 at Catalina Lapus- Omega National High

School, Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu.

In this connection, we would like to ask permission from your good office to

allow the undersigned to conduc our study in the said institution.

In return, strict confidentiality shall be observed as regards to information

gathered are would only be used for academic purposes. Your kind and considerate

approval shall be anticipated with sincere thanks and gratitude.

Respectfully Yours, Noted by:


Research Leader Research Adviser

Catalina Lapus Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando Cebu

Division of Cebu

Mr. Kevin T. Genayas

Class Adviser

Grade 8 - Selene

Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu


We are presently conducting a research on " Traditional Note - taking and

Taking notes through the use of mobile phones with camera " in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical Research 2 at Catalina Lapus-
Omega National High School, Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu.

In this connection, we would like to ask permission to conduct a study in

your Grade 8 students to gather the data needed starting from July 29, 2019 to
August 2, 2019.

In return, strict confidentiality shall be observed as regards to information

gathered are would only be used for academic purposes. Your kind and
considerate approval shall be anticipated with sincere thanks and gratitude.

Respectfully Yours,


Research Leader

Noted by: Approved by:


Research Adviser School Head

Catalina Lapus Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando Cebu

Division of Cebu

Ms. Henriza Mae Dela Torre

Class Adviser

Grade 8 - Iris

Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu


We are presently conducting a research on " Traditional Note - taking and

Taking notes through the use of mobile phones with camera " in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical Research 2 at Catalina Lapus-
Omega National High School, Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu.

In this connection, we would like to ask permission to conduct a study in

your Grade 8 students to gather the data needed starting from July 29, 2019 to
August 2, 2019.

In return, strict confidentiality shall be observed as regards to information

gathered are would only be used for academic purposes. Your kind and
considerate approval shall be anticipated with sincere thanks and gratitude.

Respectfully Yours,


Research Leader

Noted by: Approved by:


Research Adviser School Head

Catalina Lapus Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando Cebu

Division of Cebu

Sweet Neire Lou Gamboa Saldaña

Math 8 Teacher

Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu


We are presently conducting a research on " Traditional Note - taking and

Taking notes through the use of mobile phones with camera " in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical Research 2 at Catalina Lapus-
Omega National High School, Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu.

In this connection, we would like to ask permission to conduct a study in

your math class hours to gather the data needed starting from July 29, 2019 to
August 2, 2019.

In return, strict confidentiality shall be observed as regards to information

gathered are would only be used for academic purposes. Your kind and
considerate approval shall be anticipated with sincere thanks and gratitude.

Respectfully Yours,


Research Leader

Noted by: Approved by:


Research Adviser School Head


Name: _______________________Section:____________ Score: _________Date:

1. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?
a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
2. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?
a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
3. Rewrite the statement “A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides.” in the iF-then form.
a. A figure has four sides if and only if it a quadrilateral
b. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides
c. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral
d. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides
4. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral. This statement is a __________
statement of item no. 3
a. Inverse b. converse c. contrapositive d. conditional
5. The converse of the statement: “If you are in love, then you are inspired,” is
a. If you are not in love, then you are not inspired.
b. If you are inspired, then you are in love
c. If you are not inspired, then you are not in love
d. If you are in love, you are not inspired
6. What is the inverse of the statement “If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is
divisible by 6.”
a. If the number is divisible by 6, then it is divisible by 2 and 3
b. If the number is not divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
c. If the number is not divisible by 6, then it is not divisible by 2 and 3.
d. If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
7. If m∟R + m∟M = 90⁰, then
a. ∟Ris congruent to ∟M
b. ∟R and ∟M are right angles
c. ∟R and ∟M are complementary

d. ∟R and ∟M are supplementary
8. Which of the following statements is true?
a. If ∟1 has a measure of 90⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
b. If ∟1 has a measure of 140⁰, then ∟1 is acute angle.
c. If ∟1 has a measure of 35⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
d. If ∟1 has a measure of 180⁰, then ∟1 is right angle.
9. The y-coordinate of the point at which the graph intersects the y-axis
a. run
b. x-intercept
c. y-intercept
d. rise
10. it is the steepness of the line
a. run b. rise c. slope d. y- intercept
11. If y = 2x + 4 is a liner equation, what is the slope?
a. 4
b. 2x
c. 2
d. 2x + 4

12. Representation of relations can be presented in four ways, except.

a. Table
b. Mapping diagram
c. Graph
d. Cartesian plane
13. Given the graph, what is the ordered pair of the y-intercept
a. (0,-2)
b. (-2,0)
c. (0,2)
d. (2,0)
14. Height of a plant to the number of months grown. What is the dependent variable?
a. Height of a plant
b. Number of months grown
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
15. Time and salary. What is the independent variable?
a. Time
b. Salary
c. Cost

d. Savings
16. Determine the domain of the mapping diagram
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}
17. Determine the range.
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}
18. Given the graph, complete the set of the table of values.

X y
19. A linear function is defined by.
a. y = mx + b
b. x = my + b
c. m = xy + b
d. b = x + y
20. Which of the following describes a linear function?
a. y = 5x + 1
b. y = 4x2 + 1
c. y = 3x2 – 5x + 1
d. y = 2 (x2-3)
21. if x = 3 then y = 5x + 1 becomes
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
22. Rewrite the equation 2x + y = 9 in the form y=mx +b.
a. y = 2x + 9
b. y = -2x + 9

c. y = -2x - 9
d. y = 2x – 9

23. Problems involving constant rate of change can be solved using

a. Linear function
b. Quadratic function
c. Piece-wise function
d. None of the above
24. Chistian often rides a taxi from one place to another. The standard fare in riding a taxi is
Php40 as flag-down rate plus Php3.50 for every 200 meters or a fraction of it.
Complete the table below.

Distance (in 0 200 400 600 800 1000

meters) x
Amount (in Php) 40 3.50 7.00 10.50 17.50

a. 14
b. 14.50
c. 54
d. 54.50
25. Identify the slope in the given problem
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
26. What is the value of the y-intercept
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
27. What is the equation of the line
a. y = 3.50x + 200
b. y = 3.50x + 40
c. y = 40x + 3.50
d. y = 40x + 200
28. How much is the fare if Christian travels 1600meters?
a. 58 b. 68 c. 78 d. 88
29. John pays an amount Php12 per hour for using the internet. During Saturdays and
Sundays, he enjoys and spends most of his time playing a game especially if he is with
his friends online. He plays the game for almost 4 hours. How much will John pay for
using the internet for 4 hours?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48

30. If John has decided not to play the game in the internet café this weekend, what is the
maximum amount that he would have saved?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48

Appendix D. Answers of the Respondents

Name: ______Note Taking__________Section:______________ Score: _________Date:

1. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
2. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?
a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
3. Rewrite the statement “A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides.” in the iF-then form.
a. A figure has four sides if and only if it a quadrilateral
b. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides
c. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral
d. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides
4. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral. This statement is a __________
statement of item no. 3
a. Inverse b. converse c. contrapositive d. conditional
5. The converse of the statement: “If you are in love, then you are inspired,” is
a. If you are not in love, then you are not inspired.
b. If you are inspired, then you are in love
c. If you are not inspired, then you are not in love
d. If you are in love, you are not inspired
6. What is the inverse of the statement “If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is
divisible by 6.”
a. If the number is divisible by 6, then it is divisible by 2 and 3
b. If the number is not divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
c. If the number is not divisible by 6, then it is not divisible by 2 and 3.
d. If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
7. If m∟R + m∟M = 90⁰, then
a. ∟Ris congruent to ∟M
b. ∟R and ∟M are right angles
c. ∟R and ∟M are complementary
d. ∟R and ∟M are supplementary

8. Which of the following statements is true?
a. If ∟1 has a measure of 90⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
b. If ∟1 has a measure of 140⁰, then ∟1 is acute angle.
c. If ∟1 has a measure of 35⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
d. If ∟1 has a measure of 180⁰, then ∟1 is right angle.

9. The y-coordinate of the point at which the graph intersects the y-axis

a. run
b. x-intercept
c. y-intercept
d. rise
10. it is the steepness of the line
a. run b. rise c. slope d. y- intercept
11. If y = 2x + 4 is a liner equation, what is the slope?
a. 4
b. 2x
c. 2
d. 2x + 4

12. Representation of relations can be presented in four ways, except.

a. Table
b. Mapping diagram
c. Graph
d. Cartesian plane
13. Given the graph, what is the ordered pair of the y-intercept
a. (0,-2)
b. (-2,0)
c. (0,2)
d. (2,0)
14. Height of a plant to the number of months grown. What is the dependent variable?
a. Height of a plant
b. Number of months grown
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
15. Time and salary. What is the independent variable?
a. Time
b. Salary
c. Cost
d. Savings
16. Determine the domain of the mapping diagram
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}

c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}
17. Determine the range.
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}

18. Given the graph, complete the set of the table of values.

X y
19. A linear function is defined by.
a. y = mx + b
b. x = my + b
c. m = xy + b
d. b = x + y
20. Which of the following describes a linear function?
a. y = 5x + 1
b. y = 4x2 + 1
c. y = 3x2 – 5x + 1
d. y = 2 (x2-3)
21. if x = 3 then y = 5x + 1 becomes
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
22. Rewrite the equation 2x + y = 9 in the form y=mx +b.
a. y = 2x + 9
b. y = -2x + 9
c. y = -2x - 9
d. y = 2x – 9

23. Problems involving constant rate of change can be solved using

a. Linear function
b. Quadratic function
c. Piece-wise function

d. None of the above
24. Christian often rides a taxi from one place to another. The standard fare in riding a taxi
is Php40 as flag-down rate plus Php3.50 for every 200 meters or a fraction of it.
Complete the table below.

Distance (in 0 200 400 600 800 1000

meters) x
Amount (in Php) 40 3.50 7.00 10.50 17.50

a. 14
b. 14.50
c. 54
d. 54.50

25. Identify the slope in the given problem

a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000

26. What is the value of the y-intercept
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
27. What is the equation of the line
a. y = 3.50x + 200
b. y = 3.50x + 40
c. y = 40x + 3.50
d. y = 40x + 200
28. How much is the fare if Christian travels 1600meters?
a. 58 b. 68 c. 78 d. 88
29. John pays an amount Php12 per hour for using the internet. During Saturdays and
Sundays, he enjoys and spends most of his time playing a game especially if he is with
his friends online. He plays the game for almost 4 hours. How much will John pay for
using the internet for 4 hours?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48
30. If John has decided not to play the game in the internet café this weekend, what is the
maximum amount that he would have saved?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48

Name: _____Note Taking__________Section:______________ Score: _________Date:

1. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse

2. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
3. Rewrite the statement “A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides.” in the iF-then form.
a. A figure has four sides if and only if it a quadrilateral
b. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides
c. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral
d. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides
4. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral. This statement is a __________
statement of item no. 3
a. Inverse b. converse c. contrapositive d. conditional
5. The converse of the statement: “If you are in love, then you are inspired,” is
a. If you are not in love, then you are not inspired.
b. If you are inspired, then you are in love
c. If you are not inspired, then you are not in love
d. If you are in love, you are not inspired
6. What is the inverse of the statement “If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is
divisible by 6.”
a. If the number is divisible by 6, then it is divisible by 2 and 3
b. If the number is not divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
c. If the number is not divisible by 6, then it is not divisible by 2 and 3.
d. If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
7. If m∟R + m∟M = 90⁰, then
a. ∟Ris congruent to ∟M
b. ∟R and ∟M are right angles
c. ∟R and ∟M are complementary
d. ∟R and ∟M are supplementary
8. Which of the following statements is true?

a. If ∟1 has a measure of 90⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
b. If ∟1 has a measure of 140⁰, then ∟1 is acute angle.
c. If ∟1 has a measure of 35⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
d. If ∟1 has a measure of 180⁰, then ∟1 is right angle.

9. The y-coordinate of the point at which the graph intersects the y-axis

a. run
b. x-intercept
c. y-intercept
d. rise
10. it is the steepness of the line
a. run b. rise c. slope d. y- intercept
11. If y = 2x + 4 is a liner equation, what is the slope?
a. 4
b. 2x
c. 2
d. 2x + 4

12. Representation of relations can be presented in four ways, except.

a. Table
b. Mapping diagram
c. Graph
d. Cartesian plane
13. Given the graph, what is the ordered pair of the y-intercept
a. (0,-2)
b. (-2,0)
c. (0,2)
d. (2,0)
14. Height of a plant to the number of months grown. What is the dependent variable?
a. Height of a plant
b. Number of months grown
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
15. Time and salary. What is the independent variable?
a. Time
b. Salary
c. Cost
d. Savings
16. Determine the domain of the mapping diagram
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}

d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}
17. Determine the range.
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}

18. Given the graph, complete the set of the table of values.

X y
19. A linear function is defined by.
a. y = mx + b
b. x = my + b
c. m = xy + b
d. b = x + y
20. Which of the following describes a linear function?
a. y = 5x + 1
b. y = 4x2 + 1
c. y = 3x2 – 5x + 1
d. y = 2 (x2-3)
21. if x = 3 then y = 5x + 1 becomes
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
22. Rewrite the equation 2x + y = 9 in the form y=mx +b.
a. y = 2x + 9
b. y = -2x + 9
c. y = -2x - 9
d. y = 2x – 9

23. Problems involving constant rate of change can be solved using

a. Linear function
b. Quadratic function
c. Piece-wise function
d. None of the above

24. Chistian often rides a taxi from one place to another. The standard fare in riding a taxi is
Php40 as flag-down rate plus Php3.50 for every 200 meters or a fraction of it.
Complete the table below.

Distance (in 0 200 400 600 800 1000

meters) x
Amount (in Php) 40 3.50 7.00 10.50 17.50

a. 14
b. 14.50
c. 54
d. 54.50
25. Identify the slope in the given problem
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
26. What is the value of the y-intercept
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
27. What is the equation of the line
a. y = 3.50x + 200
b. y = 3.50x + 40
c. y = 40x + 3.50
d. y = 40x + 200
28. How much is the fare if Christian travels 1600meters?
a. 58 b. 68 c. 78 d. 88
29. John pays an amount Php12 per hour for using the internet. During Saturdays and
Sundays, he enjoys and spends most of his time playing a game especially if he is with
his friends online. He plays the game for almost 4 hours. How much will John pay for
using the internet for 4 hours?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48
30. If John has decided not to play the game in the internet café this weekend, what is the
maximum amount that he would have saved?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48

Name: _______Picture Taking__________Section:______________ Score: _________Date:

1. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse

2. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
3. Rewrite the statement “A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides.” in the iF-then form.
a. A figure has four sides if and only if it a quadrilateral
b. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides
c. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral
d. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides
4. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral. This statement is a __________
statement of item no. 3
a. Inverse b. converse c. contrapositive d. conditional
5. The converse of the statement: “If you are in love, then you are inspired,” is
a. If you are not in love, then you are not inspired.
b. If you are inspired, then you are in love
c. If you are not inspired, then you are not in love
d. If you are in love, you are not inspired
6. What is the inverse of the statement “If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is
divisible by 6.”
a. If the number is divisible by 6, then it is divisible by 2 and 3
b. If the number is not divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
c. If the number is not divisible by 6, then it is not divisible by 2 and 3.
d. If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
7. If m∟R + m∟M = 90⁰, then
a. ∟Ris congruent to ∟M
b. ∟R and ∟M are right angles
c. ∟R and ∟M are complementary
d. ∟R and ∟M are supplementary
8. Which of the following statements is true?
a. If ∟1 has a measure of 90⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.

b. If ∟1 has a measure of 140⁰, then ∟1 is acute angle.
c. If ∟1 has a measure of 35⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
d. If ∟1 has a measure of 180⁰, then ∟1 is right angle.

9. The y-coordinate of the point at which the graph intersects the y-axis

a. run
b. x-intercept
c. y-intercept
d. rise
10. it is the steepness of the line
a. run b. rise c. slope d. y- intercept
11. If y = 2x + 4 is a liner equation, what is the slope?
a. 4
b. 2x
c. 2
d. 2x + 4

12. Representation of relations can be presented in four ways, except.

a. Table
b. Mapping diagram
c. Graph
d. Cartesian plane
13. Given the graph, what is the ordered pair of the y-intercept
a. (0,-2)
b. (-2,0)
c. (0,2)
d. (2,0)
14. Height of a plant to the number of months grown. What is the dependent variable?
a. Height of a plant
b. Number of months grown
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
15. Time and salary. What is the independent variable?
a. Time
b. Salary
c. Cost
d. Savings
16. Determine the domain of the mapping diagram
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}

17. Determine the range.
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}

18. Given the graph, complete the set of the table of values.

X y
19. A linear function is defined by.
a. y = mx + b
b. x = my + b
c. m = xy + b
d. b = x + y
20. Which of the following describes a linear function?
a. y = 5x + 1
b. y = 4x2 + 1
c. y = 3x2 – 5x + 1
d. y = 2 (x2-3)
21. if x = 3 then y = 5x + 1 becomes
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
22. Rewrite the equation 2x + y = 9 in the form y=mx +b.
a. y = 2x + 9
b. y = -2x + 9
c. y = -2x - 9
d. y = 2x – 9

23. Problems involving constant rate of change can be solved using

a. Linear function
b. Quadratic function
c. Piece-wise function
d. None of the above

24. Chistian often rides a taxi from one place to another. The standard fare in riding a taxi is
Php40 as flag-down rate plus Php3.50 for every 200 meters or a fraction of it.
Complete the table below.

Distance (in 0 200 400 600 800 1000

meters) x
Amount (in Php) 40 3.50 7.00 10.50 17.50

a. 14
b. 14.50
c. 54
d. 54.50
25. Identify the slope in the given problem
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
26. What is the value of the y-intercept
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
27. What is the equation of the line

a. y = 3.50x + 200
b. y = 3.50x + 40
c. y = 40x + 3.50
d. y = 40x + 200

28. How much is the fare if Christian travels 1600meters?

a. 58 b. 68 c. 78 d. 88
29. John pays an amount Php12 per hour for using the internet. During Saturdays and
Sundays, he enjoys and spends most of his time playing a game especially if he is with
his friends online. He plays the game for almost 4 hours. How much will John pay for
using the internet for 4 hours?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48
30. If John has decided not to play the game in the internet café this weekend, what is the
maximum amount that he would have saved?

a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48

Name: ____Picture Taking________Section:______________ Score: _________Date:

1. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse

2. If garbage’s are disposed properly, then dengue diseases will be prevented. What do
you call the underlined portion in this conditional statement?

a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Argument
d. The converse
3. Rewrite the statement “A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides.” in the iF-then form.
a. A figure has four sides if and only if it a quadrilateral
b. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides
c. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral
d. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides
4. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral. This statement is a __________
statement of item no. 3
a. Inverse b. converse c. contrapositive d. conditional
5. The converse of the statement: “If you are in love, then you are inspired,” is
a. If you are not in love, then you are not inspired.
b. If you are inspired, then you are in love
c. If you are not inspired, then you are not in love
d. If you are in love, you are not inspired
6. What is the inverse of the statement “If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is
divisible by 6.”
a. If the number is divisible by 6, then it is divisible by 2 and 3
b. If the number is not divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
c. If the number is not divisible by 6, then it is not divisible by 2 and 3.
d. If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6
7. If m∟R + m∟M = 90⁰, then
a. ∟Ris congruent to ∟M
b. ∟R and ∟M are right angles
c. ∟R and ∟M are complementary

d. ∟R and ∟M are supplementary
8. Which of the following statements is true?
a. If ∟1 has a measure of 90⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
b. If ∟1 has a measure of 140⁰, then ∟1 is acute angle.
c. If ∟1 has a measure of 35⁰, then ∟1 is obtuse angle.
d. If ∟1 has a measure of 180⁰, then ∟1 is right angle.

9. The y-coordinate of the point at which the graph intersects the y-axis

a. run
b. x-intercept
c. y-intercept
d. rise
10. it is the steepness of the line
a. run b. rise c. slope d. y- intercept
11. If y = 2x + 4 is a liner equation, what is the slope?
a. 4
b. 2x
c. 2
d. 2x + 4

12. Representation of relations can be presented in four ways, except.

a. Table
b. Mapping diagram
c. Graph
d. Cartesian plane
13. Given the graph, what is the ordered pair of the y-intercept
a. (0,-2)
b. (-2,0)
c. (0,2)
d. (2,0)
14. Height of a plant to the number of months grown. What is the dependent variable?
a. Height of a plant
b. Number of months grown
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
15. Time and salary. What is the independent variable?
a. Time
b. Salary
c. Cost
d. Savings
16. Determine the domain of the mapping diagram
a. {0,1,4}

b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}
17. Determine the range.
a. {0,1,4}
b. {-2,-1,0,1,2}
c. {(4,-2),(1,-1,(0,0),(1,1),(4,2)}
d. {(-2,4),(-1,1,(0,0),(1,1),(2,4)}

18. Given the graph, complete the set of the table of values.

X y
19. A linear function is defined by.
a. y = mx + b
b. x = my + b
c. m = xy + b
d. b = x + y
20. Which of the following describes a linear function?
a. y = 5x + 1
b. y = 4x2 + 1
c. y = 3x2 – 5x + 1
d. y = 2 (x2-3)
21. if x = 3 then y = 5x + 1 becomes
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 18
22. Rewrite the equation 2x + y = 9 in the form y=mx +b.
a. y = 2x + 9
b. y = -2x + 9
c. y = -2x - 9
d. y = 2x – 9

23. Problems involving constant rate of change can be solved using

a. Linear function
b. Quadratic function

c. Piece-wise function
d. None of the above
24. Chistian often rides a taxi from one place to another. The standard fare in riding a taxi is
Php40 as flag-down rate plus Php3.50 for every 200 meters or a fraction of it.
Complete the table below.

Distance (in 0 200 400 600 800 1000

meters) x
Amount (in Php) 40 3.50 7.00 10.50 17.50

a. 14
b. 14.50
c. 54
d. 54.50
25. Identify the slope in the given problem
a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000
26. What is the value of the y-intercept

a. 40 b. 3.50 c. 200 d. 1000

27. What is the equation of the line

a. y = 3.50x + 200
b. y = 3.50x + 40
c. y = 40x + 3.50
d. y = 40x + 200
28. How much is the fare if Christian travels 1600meters?
a. 58 b. 68 c. 78 d. 88
29. John pays an amount Php12 per hour for using the internet. During Saturdays and
Sundays, he enjoys and spends most of his time playing a game especially if he is with
his friends online. He plays the game for almost 4 hours. How much will John pay for
using the internet for 4 hours?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48
30. If John has decided not to play the game in the internet café this weekend, what is the
maximum amount that he would have saved?
a. 12 b. 21 c. 36 d. 48

Appendix E. Learners Grading Scale





Tinubdan, San Fernando

DATE OF BIRTH : October 01, 1998

PLACE OF BIRTH : Tinubdan, San Fernando, Cebu



FATHER : Delfino V. Rebalde

MOTHER : Felicidad S. Rebalde


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Balud National High School

Balud, San Fernando, Cebu

ELEMENTARY : Tinubdan Elementary School

Tinubdan, San Fernando, Cebu


Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu



DATE OF BIRTH : June 17, 2000

PLACE OF BIRTH : Panandtaran, San Fernando, Cebu


FATHER : Renato Ursal

MOTHER : Emelisa Basco


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, School

ELEMENTARY : Greenhills Elementary School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

DATE OF BIRTH : July 27, 2001

PLACE OF BIRTH : Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu


FATHER : Nelson Quisagan

MOTHER : Cheryl Mirafuentes


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

ELEMENTARY : Greenhills, Elementary School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu


Mohon ,Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu


DATE OF BIRTH : May 25, 2001

PLACE OF BIRTH : Mohon, Greenhills, San, Fernando. Cebu



FATHER : Roberto Oaper

MOTHER : Rosario Oaper


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

ELEMENTARY : Greenhills Elementary School

Greenhills, San Fernando,


Boloc-boloc, Sangat, San Fernando,



DATE OF BIRTH : January 10,1997

PLACE OF BIRTH : ilo-ilo City



FATHER : Asterio Sarucam

MOTHER : Dolly Sarucam


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Catalina Lapus-Omega National High School

Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu

ELEMENTARY : Sangat Elementary School

Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu


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