Rubric ST23 - Take Home Practical

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namespace ST23

public partial class Form1 : Form

public Form1()
const decimal BASE_FUND = 15000m; (0.5)(decimal const declared as a field else 0 if not a field)
private void radioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

btnProcess.Visible = true; (0.5)( (checkchanged of checkbox, visible true)

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

this.BackColor = Color.Beige;

btnProcess.Visible = false; (0.5 for back colour, 0.5 for button visible)

private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string name = txtNAme.Text;
string employmentType = "";
int yearsFunded = 0;

if (int.TryParse(txtAge.Text, out int age) && age >= 18 && age <= 36)

(1 mark for for using int.tryparse in an if clause and correct arguments of tryparse)

((0.5) for input invalidation for ages between 18 and 36)

decimal fund = 0m;

if (rdoYes.Checked)
fund = BASE_FUND + 25000;

(1 mark for .checked property for both radio buttons , else 0)
(1 mark adding correct amount to base fund – half for rdoYes and half for rdoNo )

else if (rdoNo.Checked)
fund = BASE_FUND + 40000;
MessageBox.Show("Please indicate whether you have received funding before or not");
(0.5)( (1 mark for the else, otherwise people get away with not selecting radio
button )

if (lstChoice.SelectedIndex !=-1)

(1 mark for using selected index property and it not being less than 0)
employmentType = lstChoice.SelectedItem.ToString();

(selected item property correctly used with tostring method and result saved in variable)

switch (employmentType)

(1 mark for keyword with result that is selected from Choicelistbox, as text expression)
case "Employed - Full time": yearsFunded = 3; break;
case "Employed - Part time": yearsFunded = 3; break;
case "Unemployed": yearsFunded = 3; break;
case "Self-employed": yearsFunded = 4; break;
case "Entrepreneur": yearsFunded = 5; break;
case "Tenderpreneur": yearsFunded = 3; break;
default: MessageBox.Show("Please select the relvant employment type");break;

 (2 marks for all cases 100% correct, 1 mark if atleast one is not incorrect, 0.5 if 2 or
less are correct)

Random jare = new Random();

 (1 mark correctly creating random object )

int count = 1; (1 mark for create and initialize counter variable outside loop)
decimal totalFund = 0m;
lstOutput.Items.Add("Funding application receipt for " + name + ":");

while (count <= yearsFunded)

 (while keyword and test correct condition)

int receiptNum = jare.Next(100000, 1000000);

 (save random result in int variable, call next method, generate atleast 100 possible 6digit
results ) = All or nothing

lstOutput.Items.Add("Funding for year " + count + " will be " + fund.ToString("c") + " with payout reference: " +

 (Items.add method in the loop)

 (format to string with “c” argument)


count++; (increment count variable)

totalFund += fund;  (update the total fund each iteration in the loop)

lstOutput.Items.Add("If approved; the total funded amount, will be " + totalFund.ToString("c"));

 (display final totalfund once after all iterations)

MessageBox.Show("Please select the relevant employment type");
MessageBox.Show("Your age disqualifies you, you muste be between 18 and 36");

(0.5) ( ensure user knows what they did wrong)

private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

 (1) (picture correctly imported to picturebox image property)


 (0.5) (close method behind picture)

private void btnNewApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

txtNAme.Text = "";
rdoNo.Checked = false;
rdoYes.Checked = false;
checkBox1.Checked = false;
lstChoice.SelectedIndex = -1;

 (1 mark if 100% correct)


 (0.5) access key on the S of submit button.

 (0.5) HCI compliant- GUI looks exactly same as output example.
 (0.5) correct output displayed 100% as output example.
Using System.IO;  (0.5) ( 0.5 mark if 100 % correct)

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


StreamWriter skryf; (0.5 for object and 0.5 for closing file (below)

if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)

skryf = File.AppendText(saveFileDialog1.FileName);  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)

for (int i = 0; i < lstOutput.Items.Count; i++)


 ( appropriate and effective method used to write items from listbox to a file)

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

listBox1.Items.Add("The content below has been read from a file");

StreamReader lees;  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)

if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)

lees = File.OpenText(openFileDialog1.FileName);  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)

while (lees.EndOfStream == false)  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)

listBox1.Items.Add(lees.ReadLine());  ( 1 mark if 100 % correct)


 (File successfully written to a location and located with openfiledialog )

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