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basic education Department: Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE/ NASIONALE eR a9 PHYSICAL SCIENCE: FISIESE WETENSKAPPE: CHEMIE (V2) NOVEMBER 2019 MARKING GUIDELINES/NASIENRIGL YNE MARKS/PUNTE: 150 2019 -11- 19 APPROVED MARKING GUIDELINE PUBLIC EXAMINAT! These marking guidelines consist of 10 pages. Hierdie nasienriglyne bestaan uit 10 bladsye. oh “ds Me nt Wo ie 4 “alt Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Pioase tun overl6laa/ om assebliot Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 CAPSI/KABV ~ Grade/Graad 10 — Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 1/VRAAG 1 14 1.2 13 14 15 1.6 17 18 1.9 4.40 Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou AW cw By pw cw cw Byv Dw cw cw DBE/November 2019 2019-11-19 APPROVED MARKING GUIDELINE ¥ Please tur over/Blaai om asseblief (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) [20] A Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 3 DBE/November 2019 CAPS/KABV — Grade/Graad 10 - Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 2/VRAAG 2 24 2.1.1 Positive ions/cations/positiewe ione /katione Delocalised valence electrons/gedelokaliseerde valenselektrone ¥ 2.1.2 Metallic bond/metaalbinding ¥ 2.2 LeftiLinks v 23° Hoy 24 2.4.4(C[ Homogeneous/Homogeen Uniform composition/Separate particles cannot be distinguished. /All components are in the same phase. ¥ Uniforme samestelling/Afsonderlike deities kan nie onderskei word nie./Alle komponente is in dieselfde fase. 2.42 FeOsv 25 25.10-AY CL Lowest density/Laagste diatheid v 2.5.2 Electrical_conductivity is the conduction of electric current/charge and thermal conductivity is the conduction of heat. 7 Elektriese geleiding is die geleiding van elektriese stroom/ladings en termiese celeiding is die geleiding van hitte. 25. BY B has a high density. /B is a good conductor of electricity. /B is a good conductor of heat. ” B het 'n hoé digtheid./B is 'n goeie geleier van elektrisiteit /B is 'n goeie geleier van hitte. DEPART ME EDUC. 2g “Ne 19 APPROVED MARKING GUIDELINE (LeupLic examination * Copyright reservediKopiereg voorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) [14] Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 DBE/November 2019 CAPS/KABV ~ Grade/Graad 10 - Marking Guidelines/Nasienrigiyne QUESTION 3/VRAAG 3 3.1.1 [Marking quidelines/Nasienrighyne minus 1 mark is: minus 1 punt Ifany of the underlined key words/phrases in correct context are omitted Indien enige van die onderstreepte sleutelwoorde/frases in korrekte konteks uitgelaat Atoms of the same element having the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons. vv Atome van dieselfde element wat dieselfde getal protone_het_ maar verskillende getalle neutrone. OR/OF Same atomic number, but different mass numbers. Dieselfde atoomoetalle, maar verskilende massagetalle, (2) v v 312 averageigemiddelde A, = (80X24) + (10)(25) + (10)(26) =24,3v (4) 343 (a) 124 (1) (b) 124 (1) (c) 12% (1) (d) tov (1) (e) 24” eoucereNe ee | (1) 324 7 OIA GOT | () 2019 -M1- 19 3.22 3v | a) 323 3v APPROVED MARKING GUIDELINE Ne | (1) 3.24 Clv (1) 3.2.5 —_lonic bond/loniese binding ~ (1) 3.2.6 Mg: Marking criteria/Nasienrigly! | 2p [it || it |v | 2electrons in 1s and 2s orbitals each V f2efu fe Tir) 2 elektrone in elk van 1s~ en 2s-orbitale 2s [It t * 6 electrons in 2p orbitals /6 elektrone in 2p-orbitale is | IFANDIEN: Any extra electrons/Enige ekstra elektrone: minus 1 | (2) 32.7 Mg > Mg? + 26 1 Criteria / Nasienriglyne Ratio/verhouding 1 Mg : 2 CLV * Final(e) answer/antwoord: MgCt¥ | SS (4) [22] Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief e Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 5 DBE/November 2019 CAPS/KABV — Grade/Graad 10 ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 4/VRAAG 4 44 4.4.4 Jv (acceptiaanvaar F) (1) 41.2 Ev (acceptaanvaar Be) (1) 4.4.3 A (acceptlaanvaar K) (1) 4.1.4 Jv (acceptiaanvaar F) (1) 41.5 H (acceptlaanvaar Ge) (1) 4.1.6 Lv (acceptlaanvaar He) (1) 4.1.7 Any ONE/Enige EEN * GY (acceptiaanvaar 0) * J (acceptaanvaar F) (1) 41.8 Dv (acceptiaanvaar At) (1) 42 4.2.1 | Marking guidelines/Nasienriglyne ] If any of the underlined key words/phrases in correct context are omitted: | minus 1 mark Indien enige van die onderstreepte sleutelwoorde/frases in korrekte konteks uitgelaat | is: minus 1 punt First ionisation energy is the eneray needed (per mole) v'to remove the first electron from an atom (in the gaseous phase). v Eerste ionisasie energie is die eneraie benodiq (per mol) om die eerste elektron te verwyder vanaf 'n atoom (in die gasfase). (2) 4.2.2 A(g) + 400 kJ-mol"! — At(g) v+_e ACCEPTIAANVAAR K(g) + 400 kJ-mol = K*(g) Ve ¥ (2) (1) 43 Electron affinity/Elektronaffiniteit V “PRIVATE BAG X890, PRETORI a] 44 444 D2Ga ¥ (accept/aanvaar AtOs) 2019 -11- 19 | (2) Al 44.2 AJ“ (acceptaanvaar KF) ARPROVED MARKING GUDELINE | (2) NATION | [17] x Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 6 DBE/November 2019 CAPSIKABV ~ Grade/Graad 10 ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne QUESTION 5/VRAAG 5 54 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 5.441 Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief Aluminium sulphate/Aluminiumsuifaat “ (1) ‘The mass of one mole of a substance (measured in g-mol").“¥ (2 or 0) Die massa van een mol van ‘n stof (gemeet in g-mot'). (2 of 0) (2) M(Ak2(SOs)s) = 2(27) + 3(32) + 12(16) Let wi 42 g-mol" vv if unit omitted/indien eenheid uitgelaat is: Max.!Maks. V7 (2) POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 5.3.1. POSITIEWE NASIEN VANAF VRAAG 5.3.1. 2(27) AI = EO WAL = 5 X10 =15,79% ¥ = 3082) | %S 342 «100 | =28,07% ¥ | PRIVATE BAG Xa0e, PRETORIADDOT | 2019 -1- 19 | \PPROVED MARKING GUIDE | PUBLIC GxA MINAT oN | MINATION =56,14% ¥ ° %0 = 12118) 499 342 POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 5.3.1. POSITIEWE NASIEN VANAF VRAAG 5.3.1. N(AR,(804),) =F ¥ _ 85,5) 342 = 0,25 mol ¥ (3) POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 5.3.3. POSITIEWE NASIEN VANAF VRAAG 5.3.3. Number of At atoms = n x Na x number of atoms = (0,25)(6,02x10%) v (2) v = 3,01x102 atoms “ @) lonic structure/loniese struktuur ¥ (1) ¥a Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2_ 7 DBE/November 2019 CAPS/KABV — Grade/Graad 10 — Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 5.4.2 At**/ aluminium ions / positive ions / cations / aluminiumione/positiewe ione/ katione ¥ SO7"/ sulphate ions / negative ions / anions /sulfaatione / negatiewe ione / anione v IFIINDIEN lonsifone — Max/Maks. @) 5.4.3 ANY TWO/ENIGE TWEE: * Brittle/bros ¥ * Hard v * Non-conductor of electricity/ Nie-geleier van elektrisiteit + Non-conductor of heat Nie-geleier van hitte High melting point/ Hoé smeltpunt (2) 55 5.5.1 The amountinumber of moles (of solute) per cubic decimetrellitre (of solution). . (2 or 0) Die hoeveelheid/aantal mol (opgeloste stof) per kubieke desimeterfiter (van die oplossing) (2 of 0) (2) POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 5.3.1. POSITIEWE NASIEN VANAF VRAAG 5.3.1. 5.5.2 | OPTION 4/OPSIE 1 OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 m m n=@ c= My M MV = 500 , = — 500 3 v (342)(2)“ = 1,46 mol = 0,73 mol-dmr? v n ory » Marking criteria/Nasienriglyne 4 * Appropriate formula for concentration “ M46 Toepaslike formule vir konsentrasie 2 * Dividing/ Deel 500 g by/deur 342 g-mol' ~ = 0,73 mold? ¥ * Dividing by / Dee! deur 2 dm? ¥ *_Final(e) answer/antwoord: 0,73 mol-dm? v (4) [25] QUESTION 6/VRAAG 6 et SEAR S: = 6.1.07 Exothermic v PRATE GAG X06, CRETORIA BST i v Eneray is released. 2019 -tt- 19 Eksotermies. Energie word vrygestel. (2) <4 Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 8B DBE/November 2019 CAPSIKABV ~ Grade/Graad 10 — Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 6.1.2 | Marking quidelines/Nasienriglyne if any of the underlined key words/phrases in correct context are omitted minus 1 mark Indien enige van die onderstreepte sleutelwoorde/frases in korrekte konteks uitgelaat is: minus 1 punt A group of two or more atoms that are covalently bonded (and that functions as a unit). ‘n Groep van twee of meer atome wat kovalent gebind is (en as 'n eenheid funksioneer). (2) 8 SOR Ow xx xx DEPARTMENT OF BASIC] Toucan ese] (2) PRIVATE BAG Xie, PRETORIA 0057 | 6.1.4 m n(2ns) = Fv ‘ey 2019 “Me 19 | 2, APPROVED MARKING GUIDELI o7 PUBLIC EXAIINATION =0,072 mol v (3) 6.1.5 Marking quidelines/Nasienriglyne . Use ratio/ Gebruik verhouding: n(Oz) = 1%n(ZnS) ” . Substitute/Vervang 32 g:mol * __ Final answer/Finale antwoord: 3,46 g v POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 6.1.4. POSITIEWE NASIEN VANAF VRAAG 6.1.4. OPTION 4/OPSIE 1 ‘OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 3 2molZnS + 3mol Ov (02) = $n(2ns) 297} + aG2)av 3 7g + 3,46 g Orv = 5 (0,072) v 0,108 mol \ (02) 0108 = v 32 .m = 3,46 gv | (3) 6.1.6 POSITIVE MARKING FROM QUESTION 6.1.4. _POSITIEWE NASIEN VANAF VRAAG 6. _ OPTION 1/OPSIE 1 OPTION 2/OPSIE 2 n(SO2) = n(ZnS) 2 mol ZnS ~ 2 mol SO2 ¥ = 0,072 mol 2(97)q ¥ + 2(22,4) dm? v |ns 7g > 1,62 dmsv PV 0072 v- “v 224 V= 1,62 dm? v _Range/Gebied (1,568 - 1,62 g) ee (4) Physical Sciences P2IFisiese Wetenskappe/V2 9 DBE/November 2019 CAPS/KABV ~ Grade/Graad 10 — Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 6.2 6.2.1 Sulphuric acid/ swawelsuur v ACCEPTI/AANVAAR: Hydrogen sulphate/Waterstofsulfaat “ (1) 6.22 ZnSOQavv (2) 6.2.3 Redox (reaction)/Redoks(reaksie) * The charge (of Zn/H) changes. / Transfer of electrons. / Change in oxidation number.“ Die lading (van Zn/H) verander. / Oordrag van elektrone. / Verandering in oksidasie getal. * (Zn) Otoina +2¥ in ZnSOs. / (H) +1 (in HeSOs ) to/na 0 (in He). (3) 6.2.4 When a burning wood splinter ¥ is brought close to the gas it makes a popping sound. ~ 'n Brandende houtsplinter wat naby die gas gebring word, maak hn plofgeluid. (2) [24] QUESTION 7/VRAAG 7 7.1.4 | Marking quidelines/Nasienrigly If any of the underlined key words/phrases in correct context are omitted: minus 1 mark Indien enige van die onderstreepte sleutelwoorde/frases in korrekte konteks uitgelaat is: minus 1 punt An electrolyte is a solution that conducts electricity v through the movement of ions.v 'n Elektroliet is '‘n oplossing wat elektrisiteit gelei deur die beweaing van ione. (2) 7.1.2 Polar/Polér ¥ It has (two) oppositely charged poles/Dit het (twee) teenoorgesteld gelaaide pole. ¥ (2) 7.1.3 a) Concentration of ions/Konsentrasie van ione ¥ (1) b) Conductivity/Geleidingsvermoé ¥ (1) HO(e gar | 7.14 NaCt(s)” co Na*(aq) + Ct(aq)¥ Bal. ¥ | © SAG X806, PRETORIA GOT NOTE/LET WEL: { 208 te 19 Ignore phases./ignoreer fases. |_appRoven MARKING GUIDELINE (3) 715, CaCh ¥ PUBLIC EXAMINATION —| A higher concentration of ions forms in solution.” ‘n Hoér konsentrasie van ione vorm in oplossing. ACCEPTIAANVAAR For the same number of drops the conductivity is higher. Vir dieselfde aantal druppels is die geleidingsvermoé hoér. (2) vi Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Please tum over/Blaai om asseblief Physical Sciences P2/Fisiese Wetenskappe/V2 10 DBE/November 2019 ‘CAPS/KABV — Grade/Graad 10 ~ Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne 7.24 K2COsv¥ (2) 7.2.2 BaSQuvv (2) 7.23 BaCOx(s) + 2HNOs(aq) ¥— Ba(NOs)z(aq) + CO2(g) + H20(t)¥ Bal. ¥ NOTE/LET WEL: Ignore phases./Ignoreer fases. (3) [18] QUESTION 8/VRAAG 8 B41 - 8.1.1 | Marking quidelin | If any of the underlined key words/phrases in correct context are omitted minus 1 mark Indien enige van die onderstreepte sleutelwoorde/frases in korrekte konteks uitgelaat is: minus 1 punt — _ Condensation is the process during which a gas or vapour changes to a liquid. vv Kondensasie is die proses waardeur ‘n gas of damp in ‘n viosistof verander. (2) 8.1.2 Marking quidelines/Nasienrighyne == a If any of the underlined key words/phrases are omitted: minus 1 mark Indien enige van die onderstreepte sleutelwoorde/frases uitgelaat is: minus 1 punt _ Evaporation is the chance of a liquid into a vapour at any temperature (below the boiling point), Vv” Verdamping is die verandering van _'n_vioeistof in 'n damp by enige temperatuur (onder die kookpunt) (2) 8.2 8.2.1 Evaporation/Verdamping v (1) 8.2.2 Condensation/Kondensasie ¥ (1) 8.2.3 Precipitation/Presipitasie V (1) 8.2.4 _Infiltration/Percolationinfiltrasie/insypeling/Perkolasie ¥ (1) 8.3 The hydrosphere is the water of the Earth. It is found as liquid water, ice and water vapour (in the atmosphere). Die hidrosfeer is die water van die Aarde en dit word gevind as vioeibare water. ys en waterdamp (in die atmosfeer). (2) [10] TOTAU/TOTAAL: 150 Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou \ /

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