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First, at the start of your paper, please insert a statement like this: “I promise that I have

watched this whole film.” This will certify that you have watched the film, which is part of this extra

credit assignment. Then insert your name, like this:

I promise that I have watched this whole film.


A) "Amistad, directed by Steven Spielberg, is a historical drama that delves into important

aspects of early 19th-century America. The film boasts a remarkable ensemble cast of young,

famous actors who deliver powerful performances. Djimon Hounsou, in particular, delivers an

outstanding portrayal as Cinque, the leader of the revolt. Matthew McConaughey plays Roger

Baldwin, an attorney representing the Africans and seeking justice. Legendary Morgan Freeman

plays Joadson and one of my favorite and greatest actors of all time Anthony Hopkins plays former

President John Quincy Adams The movie begins by depicting the enslavement of an African tribe

by Spanish pirates. During their voyage, the Africans, led by Cinque, rise against the ship's crew and

gain control of the vessel. Since they lack navigation skills, they rely on the two surviving Spanish

sailors to guide them back to Africa. However, a tragic twist unfolds as the Spanish sailors

mistakenly steer the ship towards America, not Africa." After arriving in America, the tribesmen

experienced a new and comparatively fair life among unfamiliar people. However, their fate was left

hanging in the balance, to be decided through a lengthy and contentious trial. Roger B., a lawyer

hired to defend the Africans, along with Joadson, a fellow African, faced the challenge of

communicating with them. Later, they were joined by former President John Quincy Adams, all

united in their mission to secure freedom for the Africans.

Struggling with the language barrier, the defenders began searching for someone who could

speak the African language. Fortunately, they stumbled upon a person with this ability, and with his

assistance, they managed to uncover the origins and whereabouts of the Africans. It was revealed

that they hailed from the Mendee tribe, currently residing in what is known as Sierra Leone.
B) From this movie, what do you learn about American history?

The film shows extensive and important information about the history of America. The first

of these is transatlantic slavery. The film shows how black Africans were sold into slavery across

the Atlantic Ocean, how they were treated very poorly, and how the conditions in which the slaves

lived were harsh and inhumane. The first signs of the new state system in America and its fair trial

are very skillfully shown. One of the main ideas presented in the film is the equality and freedom of

all people.

C) What do you learn about American society, culture, and/or religion?

D) What do you learn about American politics?

E) What do you learn about America's place in the world and its foreign affairs?

F) What are several good things about the movie? What are several of its weaknesses? In

conclusion, is the movie a success or not? Why?

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