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*gambar, name and no matriks*

*reza voice over pasal company background and scenario*

CEO Assalamualaikum and good morning, everyone. Allow me to extend a warm greeting to all
Reza attendees of this gathering. I, Reza, hold the position of Executive Director of Kotra Pharma. Today,
we are joined by our financial analysts: Damia Alyya, Adriana, Nur Afiqah Insyirah, and Intan
Roswani. In addition, we employ our principal financial analyst, Husna Suffiah. The objective of
today's meeting is to determine the optimal strategy for acquiring funds to support our
organisation. I will delegate the meeting to our lead financial analyst.

LFA Thank you to our Director, Mr. Reza, for that introduction. Here is a comparison of our financial
Husna statement for the years 2023 and 2022.

 For the total non-current assets, we have RM145,103,000. for the year 2023 and,
RM118,516 000 for the year 2022.
 The total current assets decreased from RM180,637000 to RM185,179000 in 2023
 While our total current liabilities have increased from RM53,813,000 to RM58,298000
 The total equity for the company decreased in 2023 which is RM271,079,000 compared to
the previous year, which is RM244,140 000

This shows that our company has been declining compared to the previous year. To get further
in-depth detail regarding our data, I will pass this on to our financial analyst, Miss Damia, to
further explain our financial performance.

FA1 Thank you Husna, hello everyone, I’m Damia, I’ll start our presentation by explaining the liquidity
Damia ratio for our company.

 Based on what I have calculated the company’s current ratio for the current year is lower
compared to the previous year with 3.18 times for 2023 and 3.36 for the year 2022. This
shows that the firm can meet its short-term obligations, but it is less efficient compared to
the previous year.
 For the quick ratio we have the accumulated value of 2.16 for the year 2023 and 2.507 for
the year 2022. Which shows that the company is able to meet its short-term obligations,
but is incompetent compared to the previous year.

From here I can conclude that our company’s performance in paying its short-term financial
obligations is slightly decreasing. That’s all from me, Miss Adriana you may proceed to the next

FA2 Thank you, Miss Damia, now I would like to discuss the company’s leverage ratio.
 The debt ratio of our company in 2023 is slightly better than the previous year with 17.29%
for 2023 and 17.66% for the year 2022. This indicates that our company uses less debt
financing and is more efficient in serving interest payment.
 Based on the proportions that I calculated for the time interest earned ratio, the ability of
our company to pay the interest obligation on time is much better in 2023 which is 339.85
times compared to year 2022, which is 127.15 times. This shows our company has a high
capability of servicing its interest obligations.

That’s all for leverage ratio, I’ll pass the mic to our financial analyst, Miss Intan
FA3 Next I will be presenting about the company’s efficiency.
 The total inventory turnover in 2023 is 1.17 times lower compared to 2022 which is 1.20
times. This indicates that our company is less productive in roll over our inventories in the
current year.
 However, the average collection period in 2023 is 51.30 days which is better than 2022,
60.8 days to collect its account receivable.
 This shows that our company can’t utilize its inventories to the maximum and needs to
improve its inventory management.

Last but not least, miss Afiqah please come forward to explain about the company’s profitability

FA4| Thank you miss Intan, assalamualaikum everyone, I will be explaining about the company’s
Afiqah profitability ratio.

 According to net profit margin that has been calculated, net profit margin for 2023 is
26.93% and for the year 2022 is 29.87%. net profit margin for 2023 is slightly worse than
the year 2022. This indicate that in 2022 the company can make RM0.30 for every RM1 of
sales but in 2023 the company can only make around RM0.27 for every RM1 of sales as net
profit. The company generate much less in 2023 compared to the year 2022.
 While for the company’s return on asset, I have calculated that for the year 2023 our return
on asset is 19.751% and for the year 2022 is 20.757%. Our return on asset is slightly dip in
2023 which makes it less compared to year 2022. This shows that the management’s ability
to generate income from investment in assets is less efficient.

That’s all for the company’s ratio. I would pass back to Miss Husna.

LFA Thank you to all financial analyst for the presentation, *based on the presentation from our
Husna financial analyst, our company performance is overall at a good position, there are a few flaws such
as our short-term financial obligations decreasing and our incompetence in using our inventories to
the maximum, and our profitability ratio decreasing from our past year. *, Mr Reza?0

CEO Oh, I see! Thus, we require short-term funding in the form of a loan. Miss Husna, what is your
Reza opinion? Are there any options for short-term loans that might work for our business?

LFA Our company’s performance is okay even though it may fall short on something but there is nothing
Husna that can't be improved for next year *tukar la this sentence lagi ok this is all I can think of kul3
pagi ni (something tu tukar maybe on ratio klau tk faham nnti tanye la balik* lets ask the financial
analyst about it.

FA1 There are a few alternatives we can pick, one of it is:


Taking a loan from RIMB Bank . RIMB Bank provides a loan at a discounted interest rate of 8% per
annum and 15% compensating balance. The present account balance of the company is RM
150,000. Therefore, the cost will be 8.68%.

How about you miss Adriana?

FA2 I see. The second alternative that I would like to suggest is issuing the commercial paper with a face
Adriana value of RM 100,000 each at 9% per year. The issuing cost is RM 1,500 per paper. I have calculated
and the cost is 12.16%.

What about the other financial analysts? Do you have any other suggestions?

FA3 Please allow me to give my opinion, I think that the cost is quite high. I found out about the method
wendy of forego trade credit with the following credit term of 3/15 net 30. But after considering the cost
of 31.81%. I think it is not suitable for our firm.

FA4 I agree with Miss Intan. There is another alternative that I would like to discuss with you guys. It is
Afiqah the revolving credit facility of RM1,500,00 which charges 10% annual interest rate on the amount
used, 3% commitment fee on the unused portion. The bank also required a 10% compensating
balance and the cost is 12.36%.

FLA Thank you everyone for presenting your alternative. Based on the data that I have received I think
Husna the best solution is to go with the first alternative by Miss Damia. Alternative 1 which is using bank
loan is the most ideal solution as it cost lesser than other alternatives.

CEO Yes, I agree with your decision Miss Husna.

Thank you everyone for the work you put into this meeting. I hope everything that we discussed
today can be put to action and improve our work to be a better company in the industry.

LFA Thank you to our CEO and financial analysts for coming to the meeting. Let's end our meeting here.

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