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I will try to use lots of detail and use the least amount of sentences.

So from the
beginning... You may not remember as much, but around March 2023. I visited a
university called UIC (University Institute of Chicago). I was there because for 6
weeks, once a week, I would attend their program after school to have a chance to
enter the "Stem-scholar paid internship". It was about completing an after-school
program, to show that students were able to complete tasks to continue doing them
in the summer. Since I had a math program with the others, we were only able to
participate in the last 2 weeks of the program. Once the math program had finished,
Daniel (Chinese boy), Tommaso (Italian boy), Diego (woman hunter), and I (mr.
Chocolate Milk) would go to UIC and do the internship until it ended. Usually on
Monday, the coordinator would make the students hand out flyers for an organization
or do some work outside, Tuesdays would be a work day and do engineering
activities, and Wednesdays would be an online day. Then, on one Tuesday morning
(the program started at 9 and ended at 1), we were inside one of the small
buildings of UIC. What small building? It was the small building that we were in
during March, it was a white room I believe ( I have photos). When the class began,
everyone was instructed to follow along and listen. We received some speeches from
engineers, a normal college student, and a guy who had an obsession with farming.
Later, we would need to design a table on some random software (we had more
activities but I forgot because it was such a minuscule period of my year that I
don't remember more details). However, Diego, Daniel, and I were new and didn't
know what program it was to install. That is when the coordinator pulled Diego and
Daniel out of the class. I wasn't sure of what I was doing and still didn't know
how to install the program the other students were working on. So I decided to stay
seated and asked for instruction. Later, the coordinator pulled me out of class and
asked me to open envelopes with Daniel and give the paper to Diego so he could
shred them. I didn't think much of it and did what I was told to do. The task that
the coordinator gave us was pretty easy because she didn't care if we were walking
in the 2 different rooms with paper. That is when Daniel was in the paper shredder
room with Diego... I heard Daniel complain from across the hall about Diego
throwing paper shreds on the ground! He did it on purpose! and kept making a mess!
The coordinator saw and told us to help Diego with the paper shreds. Daniel and I
would complain to Diego that it was stupid of him to throw paper on the floor and
we could get scolded (the coordinator is a very kind and patient person, we didn't
want to disappoint her because of Diego's stupid mistake). We were doing shit for
what felt like 20 mins... and then it was almost time for us to go home. DIEGO
DIDN'T WANT TO CLEAN THE MESS. I had to force him to clean (Daniel and I did most
of the cleaning).

Why did I mention this? I mention this because the new school year started and the
same after-school program has started again, the difference now is that it was done
in October instead of March. Tommaso being a good friend, invited me to the
program. Expect... he didn't invite Diego. He invited Daniel, our Romanian friend
TUDOR, me and my sister. Tommy told me that Diego was not invited because of his
behavior that day, it is important to note that Diego does not maintain proper
behavior at times. I thought it was a bit excessive but Diego indeed was being a
burden when he is being annoying. I also mentioned to Tommaso that it is going to
be awkward if Diego finds out because he is going to feel betrayed while we go on a
cool adventure.

You were probably wondering why I wasn't responding and why I was in an awkward
position. You see, today, the school had an early release day and everyone left at
11:15 a.m. (the break was needed lol). Our plan was to meet in front of the school,
so then we could meet up with Tommaso's dad, and then go to UIC. But things went a
little different. Once Daniel, Tommaso, Tudor, Anna (Tommaso's sister), My sister,
and I went inside the car, we went on a trip to Home Depot because Tommaso's dad
was planning to cook food on the grill. So... what was weird? The weird thing was
that when everyone was at Tommaso's house and sitting at the table, Diego called
Daniel... Not sure how the conversation was but Daniel passed me the phone
Diego: Can I come to Tommy's house?
Me: I don't choose who gets invited, this isn't my house
Diego: pass me the phone to Anna
Me: Okay
Anna: What???
Diego: Can we come to your house?
Anna: Sure 😄

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