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Define Digital Supply Chain

Digital supply chain can be defined as the development of information systems and the
adoption of innovative technologies strengthening the integration and the agility of the
supply chain and thus improving customer service and sustainable performance of the

Technology in digital supply chain

It is defined as the development of information system and the adoption of innovate

technology strength the integration and the agility of the supply chain and thus improving
customer services and sustainable performance of the organization short supply chain
with digital medium like online banking and shopping
 IoT :- Internet of Things
 BD :- Big Data Robot
 CC :- Cloud Computing
 UAV:- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
 DSN :- Digital Supply Network
 AI :- Artificial Intelligence
RoE is the main Measure of a firm performance

ROE = Net income / Average shareholders’ equity

Innovate technology
The DSC will integrate innovative technologies (e.g. augmented reality, Big Data, Block
chain), focus on customers/consumers, reduce intra and inter organizational costs and
create more value for organizations. Therefore, it would be important to address the
issues concerning DSC implementation, optimization and development, and new-related
managerial approaches to better satisfy customers

Define augmented reality

Augmented reality in supply chain management drives higher efficiency in after sale
AR (augmented reality) Logistics is a modern technology that enables a global
transformation in the logistics industry. That is why many companies have already
decided to develop their own AR warehouse management solutions
Define Big Data
Big data combines past sales trends with predictive technology to provide inventory
managers with guides on just how much to expect. This helps to cut costs significantly so
that the supply chain can order enough supplies to stock the shelves without ordering too
much and potentially wasting products.
Define block chain
Block chain provides all parties within a respective supply chain with access to the same
information, potentially reducing communication or transfer data errors

Configuration of the DSC and the organization strategy

The configuration of DSC is a digital supply network (DSN) structure and it is not a
traditional linear supply chain, but a more dynamic system by leveraging the information
technology for integrating the supply chain activities for smooth material flows. The
configuration for the DSC depends upon the organizational goals and strategies. The
DSC provides more visibility of the material flows along the value chain and reduces any
bullwhip effects by making available real-time information for making accurate and
timely decisions that will support the organizational performance objectives such as
revenue, profit, market share, quality, responsiveness, cost, dependability and
sustainability. In DSN, there is a better communication and interaction among supply
chain partnering firms leading to timely delivery of products to customers. The
advantages of DSC/DSN are (1) agility, (2) integration of supply chain activities, (3)
effective intelligent optimization, (4) transparency and (5) holistic decision-making.

Evaluation of DSC performance

The evaluation of DSC performance includes traditional performance measures based on
the strategic, financial and non-financial measures and metrics and information system
productivity and efficiency considering the role of digital technologies in DSC. We
should look at the performance measures and metrics at strategic, tactical and operational
levels. Since the information technologies such as ERP, IoT, Industry 4.0, Big Data
Analytics, RFID, and Online sales and buying play a major role in DSC/DSN, the
performance of those technologies should be measured so as to ensure timely and
accurate information exchange among supply chain partners along the value chain and
this will enable a smooth flow of materials along the value chain leading to agility and
sustainability of organizations. Real-time information with appropriate measures and
metrics in DSC will result in supply chain visibility and in turn smooth flow of materials
along the value chain

The digitalization of the supply chain is a strategic topic for the academic and
professional community of logistics and supply chain management. Several
technological, organizational and strategic challenges remain to overcome to foster the
success of the DSC implementation. It is essential to develop the emergent research
undertaken on the adoption of technologies and their impact on the supply chain. It is also
important to explore new directions of DSC the configurations of the DSC, the role of the
customer consumer and supplier integration, the contribution of new skills and project
management approaches and the construction of an integrated measuring instrument of
DSC performance. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues related to
DSC, future research should mobilize various theoretical frameworks (technology
acceptance models and theory, innovation adoption theory, organizational project
management theory, dynamic capability theory and stakeholders theory . . .) and combine
different method (qualitative and quantitative) and epistemological lenses (Positivism,
constructivism and pragmatism). Researchers should focus more on the issues related to
the digitalization of SME’s supply chain and public supply chains such as public
hospitals supply chain which are under-studied. We have built a common theoretical
foundation of the digital supply chain for future empirical research and initiatives on the
topic. The future research effort should be directed towards supporting managers’
initiatives by proposing conceptual models and theoretical frameworks, case studies and
original practices and projects for DSC.

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