Guidlines For Adhocs 2023.

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Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, 2520 South


Tel: 018 299-1111/ 2222

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1. ʼn Persoon kan slegs kwalifiseer as ad-hoc lid indien die persoon ʼn ingeskrewe voltydse
student is aan die NWU-Potchefstroomkam pus.
2. Oppirif studente mag nie ad-hoc vir ander koshuise nie..
3. Die maksimum aantal Ad hoc-lede wat per koshuis toegelaat word, is 15 lede, ongeag
die grootte van die koshuis.
4. Geen student mag op of na die ouderdom van 26 jaar registreer as Ad hoc-lid nie.
5. Die student moet vir ʼn minimum van 12 maande ʼn ingeskrewe lid van die betrokke
koshuis wees of gewees het voor hy/sy mag aansoek doen om ʼn Ad hoc -lid te word.
6. Koshuisverlaters wat aan die NWU Potchefstroomkampus studerend bly mag besluit om
eers later as Ad hoc-lid van sy/haar koshuis te registreer.
7. ʼn Student mag vir slegs drie jaar as Ad hoc-lid geregistreer wees. Hierdie drie jaar hoef
nie aaneenlopend te wees nie.
8. Ad hoc-lede word deur die Koshuisbestuur (HK en Huisouers) gekeur.
9. 50% van koshuiskasgelde moet deur Ad hoc-lede betaal word (R200 vir 2023).
10. Ad hoc-lede word in berekening gebring by alle kompetisies van daardie koshuis (bv.
Akademie interkoshuiskompetisies, JOOL-kapasiteit, ens.).
11. Indien ʼn Ad hoc-lid onttrek gedurende die jaar of sy/haar plek weens ʼn interne dissiplinêre
optrede verloor, mag geen ander lid sy/haar plek inneem op die Ad hoc lys nie.
12. Die Ad hoc-registrasiedatum sal deur KSR: Koshuisraad vasgestel en deurgegee word.
Geen verdere registrasies of wysigings aan lyste sal na hierdie datums aanvaar word nie.
13. Dorpskoshuise het nie ʼn Ad hoc-stelsel nie. GEEN student mag na registrasiedatum s
soos deur KSR: Koshuisraad bepaal, geregistreer word nie.
14. Indien ʼn koshuis ʼn student met ʼn uitsonderlike situasie het en dié student doen aansoek
om Ad hoc- lid te word, moet dit aan KSR: Koshuisraad voorgelê word. Die meriete van
die saak sal oorweeg word deur die Kampusstudenteraad.
15. Ad-hoc lede het stemreg in die koshuis afhangend van hul bywoning van
koshuisvergadering (soos bepaal deur die Koshuisreglement).
16. Indien ʼn koshuis toelaat dat studente wat nie ʼn ingeskrewe lid van die koshuis is nie,
hetsy voltyds of as Ad hoc-lid, deelneem aan koshuisaksies en aktiwiteite sal die koshuis
vir die betrokke aksie boetes ontvang soos deur die KSR: Koshuisraad Dagbestuur

❖ 'n Ad hoc-lid is in alle opsigte 'n gewone inwoners van die betrokke koshuis,
behalwe vir die volgende:

1. Geen Koshuisfasiliteite binne die gebou is beskikbaar vir Ad hoc-lede nie.

2. Ad-hoc lede mag NIE vir die huiskomitee of primarii in die betrokke koshuis
beskikbaar gestel word nie.
3. En soos verder bepaal deur die huiskomitee.

Indien spanlyste vereis word vir enige aktiwiteit moet die ad-hoc lede se name aangebring word
en moet daar uitdruklik aangedui word dat die persoon ʼn ad-hoc lid is.

1. Ad-Hoc kan op twee maniere betaal:

 Hulle kan by F1 direk in die Koshuisrekening inbetaal.
 Hulle kan 'n eft-oorplasing direk na die Koshuisrekening met Kostestring maak. Hulle kan
die kostestring van elke Koshuis by die Finansies HK van die Koshuis kry. Die verwysing
moet die eerste 3 letters van die koshuisnaam_ en studentenommer wees.
2. Ad-Hoc lede sal elk R200 moet betaal vir die jaar om deel van jou koshuis te wees, hulle
kan nie op jou lyste wees as hulle nie beplan om te betaal nie en hulle mag nie enige
koshuisvergaderings of geleenthede bywoon as hulle nie betaal het nie.
3. Betalings vir Ad-Hoc lede kan by die tellers in F1 gemaak word, hulle moet spesifiek se
vir watter koshuis en 'n verwysing met hul koshuisnaam (eerste 3 letters van jou Koshuis
naam_studentenommer - bv. 'n Caput student = CAP_12345678 ) gee.
4. Jou lyste moet teen 20 Januarie 2022 opgelaai moet word.
Private Bag X6001,
Potchefstroom, 2520 South Africa
Tel: 018 299-1111/2222


1. A person can only qualify as an ad-hoc member if the person is an enrolled full-tim e
student at the NWU-Potchefstroom campus.
2. No Student from Oppirif may ad-hoc for another residence
3. The maximum number of Ad Hoc members allowed per residence is 15 members,
regardless of the size of the residence.
4. No student may register as an Ad Hoc member at or after the age of 26.
5. The student must have been a registered member of the residence for a minimum of
12 months before he/she may apply to become an Ad Hoc member.
6. Residents who leave, but continue to study at the NWU Potchefstroom Campus may
decide to register later as an ad hoc member of his / her residence.
7. A student may be registered as an Ad Hoc member for only three years. These three
years do not have to be continuous.
8. Ad hoc members are selected by the Residence Management (HC and House Parents).
9. 50% of residence cash fees (residence fund) must be paid by Ad Hoc members (R200
for 2023).
10. Ad hoc members are taken into account at all competitions of that residence (for example
academics of inter-residence competitions, RAG capacity, etc.).
11. If an Ad Hoc member withdraws during the year or loses his / her place due to an internal
disciplinary action, no other member may take his / her place on the Ad Hoc list. 12. The
Ad Hoc registration date will be set and communicated by SCC: Residence Council No
further registrations or amendments to lists will be accepted after these dates.
13. Town residences do not have an ad hoc system. No student may be registered after
registration dates as determined by SCC: Residence Council.
14. If a residence has a student with an exceptional situation and that student applies to
become an Ad Hoc member, it must be submitted to SCC: Residence Council. The merits
of the matter will be considered by the Student Campus Council.
15. Ad-hoc members have the right to vote in the residence depending on their attendance
at the residence meeting (as determined by the Residence Rules and Regulations).
16. If a residence allows students who are not registered members of the residence, either
fulltime or as an ad hoc member, to participate in residence activities, the residence for
the relevant activity will receive a fine as determined by the daily management of the SCC:
Residence Council.

❖ An ad hoc member is an ordinary resident of the residence concerned, except for

the following:

1. No Residence facilities within the building are available to Ad Hoc members.

2. Ad-hoc members may NOT be made eligible for the House Committee or Primary in the
relevant residence.
3. And as further determined by the House Committee.

If team lists are required for any activity, the names of the ad hoc members must be provided
and it must be explicitly stated that the person is an ad hoc member

Payment Method:
Ad-Hoc can pay in two ways:
1. They can pay at F1 directly into the Residence account.

2. They can make an eft transfer direct to the Residence account with Cost String. They can
get the Cost String of each Residence at the Finance HC of the Residence.

The reference must be the First 3 letters of the residence name_ and student number.

-Ad-Hoc members will each have to pay R200 for the year to be part of your residence, they can
not be on your lists if they don't plan to pay and they are not allowed to attend any residence
meetings or events if they did not pay.

-Payments for Ad-Hoc members can be made at the tellers in F1, they will have to state for
which specific residence and give a reference with their residence name (first 3 letters of your
Residence *name_student number* - eg. a *Caput* student = *CAP_12345678* )

-Your lists will have to be uploaded by 20 January 2022

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