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Hey guys, first time posting on here so hopefully you like what I've come up with.

I'm a
huge Green Lantern fan and I think it had and still has tremendous potential as a feature
film. Obviously there's a natural comparison to be made between GL and Marvel's GOTG,
but I wanted to take some inspiration from Black Panther and Star Trek as well. Hopefully it
works. I'm just going to start with Act I, and if there's feedback and people seem to like it
then I'll post the rest of the treatment. Here we go…


We open in the void of space, following a small ship as it enters an ASTEROID FIELD. We're
introduced to the ship's pilot, HAL JORDAN, and his crimson-skinned alien partner, THAAL
SINESTRO. Hal expertly lands the ship on one of the larger asteroids. On the rocky surface
we see the remains of a MINING COLONY. Sinestro steps out of the ship, with Hal close
behind. Using his GREEN RING, Sinestro begins scanning the surrounding environment. He
says that Jordan's lead paid off. Their target is here... somewhere. “Of course my lead paid
off,” Hal replies, “I questioned her intimately.” Sinestro isn't the joking type... and even if he
was this wouldn't be the time. Hal ignites his own green ring and takes flight, following
Sinestro into a mining crater. The target is question is named IROQUE, and Sinestro clearly
has a vendetta against her. Iroque is an alien with purple skin, a staff-like weapon, and tribal
tattoos covering most of her body. According to Hal's lead, Iroque came here in search of a
DANGEROUS WEAPON... something hidden deep within these tunnels and caves.

They track down Iroque and her crew of MERCENARIES, who are here attempting to extract
a yellow crystal from the centre of the asteroid. The crystal is one of the rarest substances in
the galaxy... AUREM, THE YELLOW ELEMENT. Naturally, Hal & Sinestro bust in and we get
our first action scene. Iroque tries to flee with the crystal and Sinestro relentlessly gives
chase. Hal is left to deal with the Mercenaries as the rocky cavern collapses around them.
Sinestro corners Iroque. The vengeful Lantern attempts to EXECUTE her... but the beam
from his ring is somehow blocked by Iroque's staff! With a furious cry, Iroque rises up and
attacks Sinestro. He conjures a pair of swords to fight her off, but Iroque's staff is able to
cut right through them! Sinestro's constructs shatter and Iroque lands the final, devastating
blow, stabbing him straight through the chest!

Hal's ring alerts him that Sinestro is in trouble. He catches up to the action and finds his
horribly injured friend. “No...” The green light surrounding Sinestro fades out, and his ring
flies off his finger. “Searching for worthy replacement...” The ring zooms away. In
desperation, Hal generates a construct around Sinestro, attempting to stabilise him.
Sinestro tells Hal to leave him and go after Iroque, who is making her getaway. He passes
out from pain. Using the construct, Hal carries Sinestro to their ship and keeps him alive.
Activating the ship's cosmic drive, Hal sets a course for the planet OA.

Meanwhile, Sinestro's old ring flies through space, zooming past planets, moons and stars...
“Scanning for worthy replacement...”

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