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Remington: The

Science and Practice

of Pharmacy

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PGR for U.S. Patent No. 9,539,268

DEFI NV00005992
DEFI NV00005993
Editor: Daniel Limmer
Managing Editor: Matthew J. Hauber
Marketing Manager: Anne Smith

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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The,phblisher is not responsible (as a matter of product liability, negligence or
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putlication contains information relating to general principles of medical care
which should not be construed as specific instructions for individual patients.
Mahufacturers' product information and package inserts should be reviewed for
sirrent information, including contraindications, dosages and precautions.
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Printed in the United States of America

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1885 by Joseph P Remington,

in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington DC

Copyright 1889, 1894, 1905, 1907, 1917, by Joseph P Remington

Copyright 1926, 1936, by the Joseph P Remington Estate

Copyright 1948, 1951, by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science

Copyright 1956, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, by the Phila-

~- delphia College of Pharmacy and Science

,,("opyright 2 0 ~the Univ&sity of the Sciences in Philsdelphis

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ISBN 0-683-3064 72

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DEFI NV00005994
Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy . . . A treatise on the theory
and practice of the pharmaceutical sciences, with essential
information about pharmaceutical and medicinal agents; also, a
guide to the professional responsibilities of the pharmacist os the
drug information specialist of the health team ... A textbook and
reference work for pharmacists, physicians, and other practitioners of
the pharmaceutical and medico/ sciences.

EDITORS Alfonso R Gennaro, Choir Nicholas G Popovich

Ara H Der Marderosian Roger L Schnaore
Glen R Hanson Joseph l3 Schwartz
Thomas Medwicl" H Steve White

AUTHORS The 119 chapters of this edition of Remington were written by the

editors, by members of the Editorial Board, and by the authors

listed on pages viii to x.

Managing Editor John E Hoover, BSc (Pharm)

Editorial Assistant Bonnie Brigham Pacl"er, RNC, BA

Director Philip P Gerbino 1995-2000

Twentieth Edition-2000

Published in the 180th year of the


DEFI NV00005995

\ emington: The
·cience and
·of Pharrri · · · cy · · · -··· ·· ·

Chairman of the Editorial Board
and Editor

DEFI NV00005996
Remington Historicol/Diogrophicol Doto

The following is a record of the editors and the dates of publication of successive editions of this bool,;, prior to the 1Jth
Edition J,nown as Remington's Practice of Pharmacy and subsequenrly as Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences
through the 19th Edition.

First Edition, 1886 Joseph P Remington Fifteenth Edition, 1975

Second Edition, 1889 Chairman, Editorial Ooord Managing Editor
Third Edition, 1 897 John E Hoover
Arthur Osol
Fourth Edition, 1905
Fifth Edition, 1907 Joseph P Remington John T Anderson C Goyd Gronberg
Sixth Edition, 191 7 Assisted by Cecil L Gendush Stewart C Harvey
E Fullerton Cool, Grafton D Chose KObert E King
Seventh Edition, 1926 Alfonso K Gennaro Alfred N Mortin
Melvin R Gibson Ewart A Swinyord
E Fullerton Cool, Sixteenth Edition, 1980
Charles H LoWoll Ch01rmon, Editorial Ooord C Goyd Gronberg
Eighth Edition, 1936 Arthur Osol Stewart C Harvey
Editors KObert E King
Editors Associate Editors Grafton D Chose Alfred N Morrin
E Fullerton Cool,; Ivor Griffith Alfonso K Gennaro Ewart A Swinyord
Charles H LoWoil Adley [l Nichols Melvin K Gibson Gilbert L Zinl,
Arthur Osol
Seventeenth Edition, 1985
Ninth Edition, 1948 Editors
Tenth Edition, 1951 E Fullerton Cool, Chairman, Editorial Ooord Managing Editor
Eric W Mortin Alfonso K Gennaro John E Hoover
Eleventh Edition, 1956 Grafton D Chose Edward G Kippie
Editors Associate Editors Aro H Der Morderosion Joseph D Schwartz
Eric W Mortin E Emerson Leuollen Stewart C Harvey Ewart A Swinyord
E Fullerton Cool, Arthur Osol Doniel A Hussar Gilbert L Zinh
Linwood F Tice Thomas Medwick
. Clarence T 'v'on Meter__ Eighteenth Edition, 1990 · ·
Twelfth Edition, 1961 Chairman, Editorial Doord Managing Editor
Editors Assistant to the Editors Alfonso K Gennaro John E Hoover
Eric W Martin John Hoover Editorial Assistant
E Fullerton Cool, Oonnie Pocl~er
E Emerson Leuallen Editors
Authur Osol Grafton D Chose Edward G Kippie
Linwood F Tice Aro H Der Morderosion Joseph D Schwartz
Clarence T Von Meter Stewart C Harvey Ewart A Swinyord
Doniel A Hussar Gilbert L Zinl~
Thirteenth Edition, 1965
Thomas Medwicl~
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor
Nineteenth Edition, 1995
Eric W Martin John E Hoover
Editors Chairman, Editorial Doard Managing Editor
Grafton D Chose Robert E King Alfonso R Gennaro John E Hoover
Herold R Cox E Emerson Leuallen Editorial Assistant
Richard A Deno Authur Osol Gannie Pocl~er
Alfonso R Gennaro Ewart A SwinYard Editors
Stewart C HoNey Clarence T Van Meter Grafton D Chose Edward G Rippie
Aro H Der Morderosion Joseph D Schwartz
Fourteenth Edition, 1970
Glen R Hanson H Steve White
Chairman, Editorial Doard Managing Editor Doniel A Hussar Gilbert L Zinl,
Arthur Osol John E Hoover Thomas Medwicl,
Grafton D Chase Robert E King
Richard A Deno Alfred N Mortin
Alfonso R Gennaro Ewart A Swinyard
Melvin R Gibson Clarence T Von Meter
Stewart C HoNey


6 ½Mri&ii&W&ANMGWHA& IC M#N¥1WS
DEFI NV00005997
Editorial Docrd Members and Editors

Alfonso R Gennaro, PhD/ University of the Sciences in Philadelphia-Professor of Chemistry, Choir, Editorial
Goard and Editor. Coeditor of Port 6, Pharmocodynomics, and Port 7, Pharmaceutical and
Medicinal Agents. Coauthor of Chapter 25,

Ara H Der Marderosian, PhD / University of the Sciences in Philadelphia-Professor of Pharmacognosy and
Medicinal Chemistry, Scientific Director, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Institute. Editor
of Port 1, Orientation. Coauthor of Chapters 7, 49, and 103,

Glen IA. Hanson, DDS, PhD / College of Pharmacy and School of Medicine, University of Uroh-Professor of
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Coeditor of Port 6, Phormocodynomics, and Port 7 Pharmaceutical
and Medicinal Agents. Author of Chapters 75, 76, and 8J,

Thomas Medwick, PhD / Rutgers University College of Pharmacy-Professor Emeritus, Deportment of

Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Editor of Port J, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Port 4, Pharmaceutical
Testing, Analysis, and Control. Author of Chapter 24. Coauthor of Chapter JO.

Nicholas G Popovich, PhD / Purdue University, School of Pharmacy and Phormacol 5cience5-Professor of
Pharmacy Practice. Editor of Port 8A, Pharmacy Administration, Port 88, Fundamentals of
Pharmacy Practice, and Part 8C Patient Core. Coauthor of Chapter 101.

Roger L Schnaare, PhD / University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Philadelphia College of Pharmqcy-
Professor of Pharmacy, Deportment of Pharmaceutics. Editor of Port 2, Pharmaceutics. Coauthor
of Chapter 11 ,

.Boseph D Schwartz, PhD / University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
Gurroughs-Wellcome Fund Professor of Pharmaceutics, Director of Pharmacy Research. Editor of
Port 5. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Coauthor of Chapters J7 and 45,

H Steve White, PhD / College of Pharmacy, University of Utah-Associate Professor of Pharmacology and
Toxicology. Coeditor of Part 6, Pharmacodynamics, and Part 7, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal
Agents, Author of Chapters 74, 79, 80, 81, 84, and 88,


DEFI NV00005998
Marie A Abate, PharmD / Professor and Associate Chair of Joseph L Fink III, BSPharm, JD/ Assistant Vice President for
Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, West Virginia Uni- Research and Graduate Studies, Professor of Pharmacy, Col-
versity. Coauthor of Chapter 9, Clinical Drug Literature. lege of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky. Author Chapter 1,
Hamed M Abdou, PhD I President, Worldwide Pharmaceutical Scope of Pharmacy, and Coauthor of Chapter 90, Laws Gou-
Technical Operations, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Lawrenceville, erning Pharmacy.
NJ. Coauthor of Chapter 34, Instrumental Methods of Anal- Annette E Fleckenstein, PhD I Assistant Professor of Pharma-
ysis, and Chapter 35, Dissolution. , cology and Toxicology, University of Utah. Author of Chapter
Mignon S Adams/ Director of Library and Information Services, 63, Pharmacological Aspects of Substance Abuse, and Chap-
Joseph W England Library, University of the Sciences in ter 72, Adrenergic Antagonists and Adrenergic Neuron Block-
Philadelphia. Coauthor Chapter 8, Information Resources in ing Drugs.
Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Sciences. Michael R Franklin, PhD I Professor of Pharmacology, College
Loyd V Allen, Jr, PhD / Professor Emeritus, Department of of Pharmacy and School of Medicine, University of Utah.
Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutics, College of Phar- Coauthor of Chapter 57, Drug Absorption, Action, and Dis-
macy, University of Oklahoma. Author of Chapter 98, Extem-
position, and Author of Chapter l 05. Enzymes.
poraneous Prescription Compounding. Donald N Franz, PhD/ Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicol-
Howard Y Ando, PhD/ Director, Discovery Lead Optimization,
ogy, School of Medicine, University of Utah. Coauthor of
Pfizer Global R&D, Ann Arbor Laboratories, Pfizer, Inc, Ann
Chapter 68, Cardiovascular Drugs. Chapter 71, Cholinomi-
Arbor, MI. Coauthor of Chapter 38, Preformulation.
Kenneth E Avis, DSc* / Emeritus Professor, Pharmaceutical Sci- metic Drugs, and Chapter 73, Antimuscarinic and Antispas-
ences. College of Pharmacy, University of Tennessee, Memphis. modic Drugs.
Coauthor of Chapter 41, Parenteral Preparations, and Chapter Ruta Freimanis, PharmD, RPh / Secretary, United States
118, Aseptic Technology for Home-Care Pharmaceuticals. Adopted Names Council, Chicago, IL. Author of Chapter 27,
Leonard C Bailey, PhD'/ Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemis- Drug Nomenclature-United States Adopted Names.
try, Rutgers University College of Pharmacy. Author of Raymond E Galinsky, PharmD / Professor, Department of
Chapter 33, Chromatography. Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and
Jan N Bair, PhD / Professor Emeritus of Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmacal Sciences, Purdue University. Coauthor of Chap-
College of Pharmacy, University of Utah. Author of Chapter ter 58, Basic Pharmacokinetics.
64, Diagnostic Drugs and Reagents. Barry D Garfinkle, PhD/ Vice President, Vaccine Technology
Louis R Barrows, PhD/ Professor of Pharmacy and Toxicology, and Engineering, Manufacturing Division, Merck & Co, Inc,
College of Pharmacy, University of Utah. Author of Chapter West Point, PA. Coauthor of Chapter 40, Sterilization.
86, Antineoplastic and lmmunoactiue Drugs. Harold N Godwin, PhD/ Professor and Director of Pharmacy,
Sara Beis, MS/ Pharmacy Management Consultant. Coauthor of The University of Kansas Medical Center. Author of Chapter
Chapter 117, Integrated Health-Care Deliuery Systems. 111, Institutional Patient Care.
Lawrence H Block, PhD / Professor of Pharmaceutics, Du- Martin C Gregory, BM, BCh, DPhil I Professor, Division of
quesne University School of Pharmacy. Author of Chapter General Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of
44, Medicated Topicals. Utah. Coauthor of Chapter 56, Diseases: Manifestations and
Sanford Bolton, PhD/ Visiting Professor, Department of Phar- Pathophysiology.
macy, University of Arizona. Author of Chapter 12, Statistics. Pardeep K Gupta, PhD / Associate Professor, Philadelphia
Leslie Ann Bowman, BA / Coordinator of Instructional Ser- College of Pharn1ac:y,_lJniversity of the Scie11ces .in _Pl1il11d~l-
vices, Joseph·w England-Liorary, University of the Sciences - -phia. Author of Chapter 16, Solutions and Phase Equilibria.
in Philadelphia. Coauthor Chapter 8, Information Resources Samir Hanna, PhD I Vice President (Retired), Worldwide Qual-
in Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Sciences. ity Control and Bulk Quality Assurance, Bristol-Myers
Dara C Bultman, PhD / Program Manager, Medical Media Squibb, Syracuse, NY. Coauthor of Chapter 34, Instrumental
Associates, Inc. Coauthor of Chapter 113, The Patient: Be- Methods of Analysis, and Chapter 35, Dissolution.
hauioral Determinants. Gerald Hecht, PhD I Senior Director. Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Paul M Bummer, PhD/ Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX. Author of Chapter 43,
Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky. Au- Ophthalmic Preparations.
thor Chapter 20, lnterfacial Phenomena.
Martin W Henley, MSc/ Coauthor of Chapter 40, Sterilization.
Karleen S Callahan, PhD I Research Assistant Professor of Phar-
Merk & Co, Inc, West Point, PA. (Retired)
macology, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah. Coauthor of
Daniel A Herbert, RPh, FACA I President and CEO, Richmond
Chapter 67, Blood, Fluids, Electrolytes, and Hematologic Drugs.
Apothecaries, Inc. Coauthor Chapter 4, Comm.unity Phar-
Patrick N Catania, PhD / Professor and Chairman, Department
of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, University of the macy Practice.
Pacific. Author Chapter 118, Home Health Patient Care. Gregory J Higby, PhD / Director, American Institute of the
Amy Christopher/ Coordinator of Outreach Services, Joseph W History of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy University of Wis-
England Library, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. consin. Author of Chapter 2, Evolution of Pharmacy.
Coauthor Chapter 8, Information Resources in Pharmacy James R Hildebrand III, PharmD / Target Research Associ-
and the Pharmaceutical Sciences. ates, Philadelphia. Coauthor of Chapter 9, Clinical Drug
Kenneth A Connors, PhD/ Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceu- Literature.
tics, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin. Author of William B Hladik III, MS / Associate Professor, College of
Chapter 14, Complex Formation. Pharmacy, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Cen-
Clarence A Discher, PhD* / Professor Emeritus, Rutgers ter. Coauthor of Chapter 29, Fundamentals of Medical
University. Radionuclides.
William R Doucette, PhD / Associate Professor, College of Daniel A Hussar, PhD / Remington Professor of Pharmacy,
Pharmacy, University ofiowa. Coauthor of Chapter 92, Mar- Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, University of the Sciences
lwting Pharmaceutical Care Services. in Philadelphia. Author of Chapter 102, Drug Interactions,
Victoria E Doyle, CIH, MPH / Environmental and Occupa- and Chapter 115, Patient Compliance.
tional Health Sciences Institute UMD School of Public Timothy ,J Ives, PharmD, MPH/ Associate Professor of Phar-
Health. Coauthor Chapter 107, Pesticides. macy and Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine,
John E Enders, PhD, MBA I Director of Quality Assurance, University of North Carolina. Coauthor of Chapter 7, Phar-
Delmont Laboratories, Swarthmore, PA. Author of Chapter macists and Public Health.
51, Quality Assurance and Control. Joel O Johnson, MD PhD / Associate Professor of Clinical
Anesthesiology, and Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Missouri-Columbia. Author Chapter 78, General
*Deceased. Anesthetics.


DEFI NV00005999
Russell Katz, MD/ Deputy Director, Division of Neuropharma- Michael Montagne, PhD / Rumbolt Professor of Pharmacy,
cological Drug Products, Center for Drug Evaluation and Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Massachusetts College
Research, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD. of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences. Coauthor of Chap-
Author of Chapter 48, The Introduction of New Drugs. ter 3, Ethics and Professionalism, and Author of Chapter 96,
Kristin A Keefe, PhD / Assistant Professor, Department of Drug Education.
Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Univer- Naseem Muhammad, PhD/ Director, Technical Services I Beta
sitv of Utah. Author of Chapter 70, Sympathomimetic Drugs. Lactam and Oncology, Bristol-Myers Squibb. Coauthor of
Calvi~ H Knowlton, RPh, MDiv, PhD, FACA / CEO, Hospice Chapter 34, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, and Chapter
Pharmacia, Inc. Coauthor of Chapter 4, The Practice of Com- 35, Dissolution.
munity Pharmacy. Michael D Murray, PharmD, MPH/ Professor of Pharmacy,
Richard W Knueppel, RPh I President, Knueppel Health Care Purdue Pharmacy Program at Indianapolis, Purdue Univer-
Services, Inc. Author of Chapter 9, Health Accessories. sity. Author of Chapter 116, Pharmacoepidemiology.
Kristine Knutson, PhD/ Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics, J G Nairn, PhD / Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Pharmacy,
College of Pharmacy, University ofUtah.·Coauthor of Chap- University of Toronto. Author of Chapter 39, Solutions,
ter 65, Topical Drugs. Emulsions, Suspensions, and Extracts.
Allen M Kratz, PharmD / President, HVS Laboratories, Inc. Gail D Newton, PhD/ Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice,
Coauthor of Chapter 103, Complementary and Alternative School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences, Purdue Univer-
Medical Health Care. sity. Author of Chapter 110, Ambulatory Patient Care.
David ,J Kroll, PhD I Associate Professor of Pharmacology and William K Nichols, PhD/ Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Toxicology, Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Uni- and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah.
versity of Colorado School of Pharmacy. Coauthor of Chapter Author of Chapter 69, Respiratory Drugs, Chapter 77, Hor-
49, Biotechnology and Drugs. manes, and Chapter 87, Anti-Infectiues.
Arthur J Lawrence, PhD / Rear Admiral, Assistant Surgeon Paul J Niebergall, PhD /Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
General, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and Medical University of South Carolina. Author of Chapter 17,
Surgeon General. Author of Chapter 6, Pharmacists in Ionic Solutions and Electrolytic Equilibria.
Government. Jeffrey P Norenberg, PhD/ Assistant Professor of Pharmacy
Thomas Wai-Yip Lee, BPharm / Research Assistant, School of Practice, College of Pharmacy, University of New Mexico
Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin. Assistant on Chapter 4 7, Health Sciences Center. Coauthor of Chapter 29, Fundamen-
Controlled-Release Drug-Delivery Systems. tals of IVledical Radionuclides.
John W Levchuk, PhD / Captain, US Public Health Ser- Robert E O'Connor, PhD ; Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutics,
vice, Rockville, MD. Coauthor of Chapter 41, Parenteral Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, University of the Sciences in
Preparations. Philadelphia. Coauthor of Chapter 37, Powders.
Eric J Lien, PhD / Professor of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutics and Fred G Paavola, RPh / Rear Admiral, Office of the, Chief Phar-
Biomedical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, University of macist, United States Public Health Service, Rockville, MD.
Southern California. Author of Chapter 13, Molecular Struc- Coauthor of Chapter 7, Pharmacists and Public Health., Properities, a nd States of Matter. Garnet E Peck, PhD/ Professor ofindustrial Pharmacy, Direc-
Hetty A Lima, RPh, FASHP / Reg:i·onal v1·ce President, Corem
tor of the Industrial Pharmacy Laboratory, School of Phar-
Health Care. Coauthor of Chapter 119, Aseptic Technology
macy and Pharmacal Sciences, Purdue University. Author of
for Home-Care Pharmaceuticals.
Chapter 36, Separation.
Sylvia H Liu, BVM, DACVP / Vice President, Research and
Development, Ethicon, Inc. Coauthor of Chapter 108, Surgi- Christopher J Perigard, BS, MT (ASCP), MBA/ Department of
cal Supplies . Pathology, Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Bristol-Myers
.Robert L -McCarthy, PhD / Associate Frofessor- of-Pharmacy Squibb Company,
Analysis. .- . Syracuse,
- ·- - - NY.
-- -Author
- - - of- Chapter 32,. .Clinical
. . ... . -
Administration, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Al-
lied Health Sciences. Coauthor of Chapter 3 , Ethics and Lynn K Pershing, PhD / Research Associate Professor of Der-
Professionalism. · matology, School of Medicine, University of Utah. Coauthor
Michael R McConnell, RPh / Founder and Consultant, Na- of Chapter 65, Topical Drugs.
tional Notification Center. Author of Chapter 9 5 , Product -~ Elizabeth S Pithan, PharmD / Community Pharmaceutical
Recalls and Withdrawals. Care Resident, University of Iowa. Coauthor of Chapter 92,
Randal p McDonough, PhD / Associate Professor (Clinical), Marketing Pharmaceutical Care Services.
College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa. Coauthor of Chap- James A Ponto, MS/ Chief Nuclear Pharmacist and Clinical
ter 92, Marketing Pharmaceutical Care Seruices. Professor, Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Iowa
William F McGhan, PharmD, PhD / Professor of Pharmacy, Hospitals and Clinics and College of Pharmacy. Coauthor of
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacy Ad.min- Chapter 104, Nuclear Pharmacy Practice.
istration, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, University Cathy Y Poon, PharmD / Assistant Professor of Clinical Phar-
of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Author of Chapter 91, macy, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, University of the
Pharmacoeconomics. Sciences in Philadelphia. Coauthor Chapter 18, Tonicity, Os-
Barbara T McKinnon, PharmD / Director of Business Devel- moticity, Osmolality, and Osmolarity.
opment, NOVA FACTOR. Coauthor of Chapter 119, Aseptic Stuart C Porter, PhD/ President, PPT, Hatfield, PA. Author of
Technology for Home-Care Pharmaceuticals. Chapter 46, Coating of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms.
Karen B Main, PhD/ Associate Manager, Director of Product W Steven Pray, PhD/ Professor of Nonprescription Products
Development, Pharmaceutical and Analytical R&D, Astra- and Devices, School of Pharmacy, Southwestern Oklahoma
Zeneca, Wilmington; DE. Coauthor of Chapter 30,Analysis of State University. Coauthor of Chapter 101, Self-Care and
Medicinals. Home Diagnostic Products.
Henry J Malinowski, PhD/ Associate Director for Biopharma- Barrett E Rabinow, PhD I Director, Strategic Technical Devel-
ceuticals, Division of Pharmaceutical Evaluation, Food and opment, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Round Lake, IL.
Drug Administration, Rockville, MD. Author of Chapter 53, Coauthor of Chapter 54, Plastic Packaging Materials.
Bioauaila.bility and Bioequivalence Testing. Galen W Radebaugh, PhD / Vice President, Analytical Devel-
Anthony S Manoguerra, PharmD / Professor of Clinical Phar- opment, Schering-Plough Research Institute, Kenilworth,
macy, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San NJ. Coauthor of Chapter 38, Preformulation.
Francisco, San Diego Program; Director, San Diego Division, Paul L Ranelli, PhD / Associate Professor of Social and Behav-
California Poison Control System; University of California ioral Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of Wyoming.
San Diego Medical Center. Coauthor of Chapter 99, Poison Author of Chapter 114, Patient Communication.
Control. Irwin Reich, BSc / Instructor and Manager Pharmacy Labora-
Duane D Miller, PhD / Van Vleet Professor, Department of tory, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, University of the
Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, The Univer- Sciences in Philadelphia. Coauthor of Chapter 11, Pharma-
sity of Tennessee. Author of Chapter 28, Structure-Actiuity ceutical Calculations, and Chapter 18, Tonicity, Osmoticity,
Relationship and Drug Design. Osmolality, and Osmolarity.


DEFI NV00006000
William J Reilly, Jr, BS (Pharm) / Director, Manufacturing, Bonnie L Svarstad, PhD / William S Apple Professor of Social
ViroPharma, Inc., Exton, PA. Author of Chapter 55, Phar- and Administrative Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Univer-
maceutical Necessities. sity of Wisconsin-Madison. Coauthor of Chapter 113, The
,Joseph E Rice, PhD / Associate Professor of Medicinal Chem- Patient: Behauioral Determinants.
istry, Rutgers University College of Pharmacy. Co·author of Craig K Svensson, PharmD, PhD / Professor, Department of
Chapter 25, Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Pharmaceutical Sciences; College of Pharmacy and Allied
June E Riedlinger, PharmD / Assistant Professor, Massachu- Health Professions, Wayne State University. Coauthor of
setts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences. Co- Chapter 58, Basic Pharmacohinetics.
author of Chapter 103, Complementary and Alternative Med- James Swarbrick, PhD I Vice President for Research and De-
ical Health Care. velopment, Applied Analytical Industries, Inc. Coauthor of
Marian K Rippy, DVM, PhD, DACVD I Senior Principal Vet- Chapter 22, Coarse Dispersions.
erinary Pathologist, Guidant Corporation. Coauthor of Chap-
Anthony R Temple, MD / Executive Director, Medical Affairs,
ter 108, Surgical Supplies.
McNeil Consumer Products Co; Adjunct Associate Professor,
Jack Robbins, PhD/ Consultant, Pharmacy Affairs, Schering
Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School
Laboratories. Author of Chapter 5, Pharmacists in Industry.
Joseph R Robinson, PhD/ Professor of Pharmacy and Ophthal- of Medicine; Lecturer, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
mology, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin. Coauthor Coauthor of Chapter 99, Poison Control.
of Chapter 47, Controlled-Release Drug-Delivery Systems. Joseph Thomas III, PhD / Associate Professor of Pharmacy
Mark G Robson, PhD, MPH I Executive Director, Environmen- Administration, School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sci-
tal and Occupational Sciences Institute. Coauthor of Chapter ences, Purdue University. Author of Chapter 94, Community
107, Pesticides. Pharmacy Economics and l'v!anagement.
Douglas E Rollins, MD, PhD I Professor, Pharmacology and John P Tischio, PhD I Independent Consultant, Pharmaceuti-
Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah. Author cal Consulting Services, Manasquan, NJ. Author of Chapter
of Chapter 59, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, and Chapter 61, 62, Pharmacogenetics.
Adverse Drug Reactions. Keith G Tolman, MD/ Professor, Division of Gastroenterology,
Theodore J Roseman, PhD/ Vice President, Scientific Affairs, School of Medicine, University of Utah. Coauthor of Chapter
Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Round Lake, IL. Coauthor of 56, Diseases: Manifestations and Pathophysiology and Chap-
Chapter 54, Plastic Pachaging Materials. ter 66, Gastrointestinal and Liver Drugs.
Joseph T Rubino, PhD / Section Head, Chemical Biological Salvatore J Turco, PharmD, FASHP I Professor of Pharmacy,
Pharmaceutical Development, Wyeth-Ayerst Research. Co- Temple University School of Pharmacy. Author of Chapter
author of Chapter 22, Coarse Dispersions. 42, Intravenous Admixtures.
Orapin P Rubino, PhD/ Process Development Scientist, Glatt Air Elizabeth B Vadas / Senior Director, Pharmaceutical Research
Techniques, Inc. Coauthor of Chapter 22, Coarse Dispersions. and Development, Merck Frosst Canada, Inc, Point Claire,
Edward M Rudnic, PhD / Vice President, Pharmaceutical Darval, Quebec. Author Chapter 52, Stability of Pharmaceu-
Reasearch and Development, Pharmavene, Inc., Gaithers- tical Products.
burg, MD. Coauthor of Chapter 92, Oral Solid Dosage Forms. Ernestine Vanderveen, PhD / National Institute on Alcohol
Michael T Rupp, PhD/ Professor of Pharmacy Administration, Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Rock-
Midwestern University-Glendale. Author of Chapter 9:3,
ville, Maryland.
Documenting and Billing for Pharmaceutical Care Services.
John E Vandervenn, PhD I Center for Food Safety and
Hans Schott, PhD / Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutics and
Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, Wash-
Colloid Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Temple University.
Author of Chapter 21, Collodial Dispersions, and Chapter 23, ington, DC.
Rheology. Vincent S Venturella, PhD / Director, Pharmaceutical Con-
Christopher J Sciarra, PhD, MSc / Vice President, Sciarra sulting, Ventura Associates, Wayne, NJ~Author of Chapter-
Laboratories, Inc, Hicksville, NY. Coauthor of Chapter 50, 26, Natural Products.
Aerosols. Jesse C Vivian, PhD, JD/ Professor of Pharmacy Law, De-
John J Sciarra, PhD I Professor Emeritus and President, partment of Pharmacy Practice, Wayne State University.
Sciarra Laboratories, Inc, Hicksville, NY. Coauthor of Chap- Coauthor of Chapter 90, Laws Governing Pharmacy.
ter 50, Aerosols. Lane J Wallace, PhD/ Professor of Pharmacology, College of
Bruce E Scott, MS / Vice President, United Hospital-Allina Pharmacy, The Ohio State University. Author of Chapter 82,
Health System. Coauthor of Chapter 111, Institutional Pa- Psychopharmacologic Agents.
tient Care. Maria L Webb, PhD I Director, Biology, Pharmacopeia, Prince-
Steven A Scott, PharmD / Associate Professor of Clinical Phar- ton, NJ. Author of Chapter 10, Research.
macy, Purdue University. Author of Chapter 97, The Prescrip- Donna S West, PhD, FACA / University of Mississippi. Coau-
tion, and Coauthor of Chapter 111, Institutional Patient Care. thor of Chapter 4, The Practice of Community Pharmacy.
Stanley M Shaw, PhD/ Professor and Hea,d, Division of Nuclear Timothy S Wiedmann, PhD / Assistant Professor, College of
Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and Pharr'nacal Science, Purdue Pharmacy, University of Minnesota. Author of Chapter 15,
University. Coauthor Chapter 104, Nuclear Pharmacy Practice. Thermodynamics.
E Richard Shough, PhD I Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Rodney J Wigent, PhD / Associate Professor of Chemistry,
College of Pharmacy, The University of Oklahoma. Author of Research Associate, Professor of Pharmaceutics, University
Chapter 89, Immunizing Agents and Allergenic Extracts. of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Author of Chapter 19, Chem-
Thomas C Snader, PharmD / Consultant Pharmacist. Author ical Kinetics.
of Chapter 112, Long-Term Care Facilities. Olivia B Wood, RD, MPh / Associate Professor of Foods and
Gail G Snitkoff, PhD / Associate Professor, Division of Basic
Nutrition, School of Consumer and Family Sciences, Purdue
and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Albany College of Pharmacy.
University. Author of Chapter 100, Nutrition in Pharmacy
Author Chapter 31, Biological Testing.
Theodore D Sokolski, PhD I Professor Emeritus, Ohio State Practice.
University, Coauthor of Chapter 16, Solutions and Phase Alisa Wright, BS, MS / Business Affairs Manager, Cook Phar-
Equilibria. maceutical Solutions. Coauthor of Chapter 95, Product Re-
Patricia K Sonsalla, PhD / Associate Professor of Neurology, calls and Withdrawals.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Barbara J Zarowitz, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS / Vice President,
Wood Johnson Medical School. Author of Chapter 85, Gen- Pharmacy Care Manager, Henry Ford Health System. Coau-
eral Nervous System Stimulants. thor of Chapter 117, Health-Care Delivery Systems and In-
Edwin T Sugita, PhD I Professor and Chairman, Pharmaceutics terdisciplinary Care.
Department, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, University Gilbert L Zink, PhD / Associate Professor of Biology, Depart-
of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Coauthor of Chapter 11, ment of Biological Sciences, University of the Sciences
Pharmaceutical Calculations, and Chapter 18, Tonicity, Os- in Philadelphia. Author of Chapter 60, Principles of
moticity, Osmolality, and Osmolarity. Immunology.

Preface to the Twentieth Edition

At this writing, Remington, as it is commonly known in the of pharmacy practice, without sacrificing the scientific concepts.
profession, is at a point midway through the second decade of its The intention was to focus on the textbook features of the
second century. One hundred and fifteen years of service to publication. This is a departure from the traditional role of a
students and practitioners, Remington is now poised on the complete reference medium, to one that emphasizes teaching
brink of a new millenium. The 5 years that have elapsed since the and learning principles while still retaining essential source
publication of the previous edition have witnessed substantial material.
and far-reaching changes in practically every field of human A number of previous authors have gone on to other interests
endeavor. Pharmacy.-both the science and practice-perhaps and have transferred their tasks to new members of the team.
has enjoyed more than its share. It is not so peculiar that a This has exposed many areas to fresh ideas and alternative
comment quite similar to the previous sentence has been incor- perspectives. The 143 authors/editors, of which 52 are first-time
porated in the first paragraph of practically every Preface of the
contributors, represent 34 universities, 17 pharmaceutical finns,
previous 19 editions, including the fast.
16 private practices, and 3 associated government agencies.
The impact of current information-exchange technology, with
enormous quantities of data available at the touch of a key. Thus, practically every facet of the profession is encompassed.
engendered much consideration in the planning stages of this Several members of the Editorial Board, who have served for
publication. At one time, a book of 2000 pages could be created a number of editions-----Drs Hussar, Rippie, and Zink--have de-
using an all-inclusive approach: a tome with rather complete cided to relinquish their responsibilities. Their extensive contri-
coverage of a field, in which one could find a wealth of informa- bution of time and effort is duly appreciated. A new member, Dr
tion on practically every relevant subject. Without question, this NicholiL5 Popovich, assumed the onus of a greatly expanded Part.
approach is now beyond consideration. It was obvious that 8, l'harniacy Practice, and has completed the task superbly.
Remington 20 must address the newer concepts of information Mr John Hoover, associated with Remington for eight edi-
exchange. With modern technology, current information is pro- tions and currently as Managing Editor, has again done an ex-
cessed and updated so rapidly that it may quickly become stale emplary job of coordination, especially at the early stages of
and, sometimes, of questionable value. manuscript preparation when all seems a clutter and disarray of
A wholesale transfonnation of the book w,ts not. envisioned, paper (even in the "paperless" computer age!). Ms Bonnie
but rather a judicious and planned metamorphosis. Thus, a num- Packer, our inveterate reader, critic, and editorial assistant, has
ber of areas have been digested, reorganized, and pruned or untangled numerous word snarls, which are usually the product
amplified. Monographs for drugs have been culled, a11d most of of overzealous authors and editors who have become immersed
the dosing and dosage form information has been deleted from in their own disciplines and overlooked the fact that their words
individual drug monographs. This type of changeable inforrna- will also be read, and hopefully understood, by the novice.
tion is impossible to keep current considering a 5-year publica- It has been said that everything comes full circle or, in mod-
tion cycle and the availability of the Internet. The general state-
ern parlance, "What goes around comes around." In 1885, with
ments preceding individual classes of drugs have been expanded
the first edition of Remington, the publisher of this book was the
to provide comprehensive coverage of each class_ Thus, useful
information for the drug specialist is presented in an mqianded well-established Philadelphia firm of JB Lippincott Co. This ar-
format, rather than offered as overwhelming masses of data, rangement survived through eight editions, ending in 1936. With
--- which;--if simply -learned by rote, may easily be confused or t_t1ejnt_ervel_ltion of tbe Second World War, the ninth edition did
forgotten. not appear until 1948 under the banner of the Mack Publishing
The listing of names of manufacturers for each drug ( official Co, and this relationship has been sustained through the 19th
and/or generic) has been dropped. With the publication of the edition in 1995. Mack has foregone the publishing role but will
previous edition, it was evident that due to the dynamic situation continue to print the book. The new publisher is, in reality, not
in the drug industry, almost 25% of the pharmaceutical houses so new, as the book is now in the hands of Lippincott Williams
either had changed nan1es or merged during the interval between & Wilkins-the ring has been closed. ·
completion of the manuscript and the publication date. Thus, A volume of 2000 pages requires the cooperation of authors,
this information often was either of little value or misleading. editors, and the publisher and their associates in order to com-
One chapter (Calculus) has been deleted, and two chapters plete a tedious and time-consuming task. All who have contrib-
(Immunizing Agents and Diagnostic Skin Antigens [81] and Al- uted are to be commended for their efforts and time. However,
lergenic Extracts [82]) were consolidated into a single chapter having read the text at least twice in its entirety, the responsi-
[89] bearing the combined titles. Many chapters were trimmed in bility for errors, of any kind, ultimately resides with the editor.
order to recover space for 10 new chapters, all within the realm One can only work and strive to ensure that the book is free of
of Pharmacy Practice. Several areas (such as Alternative Medi- flaws, blunders, and errors, but if this were the case, it probably
cines and Treatment), which have enjoyed a resurgence of ac- would be a first.
tivity, have been expanded.
Essentially, the goal has been to reduce the clutter of exces- Philadelphia, January 2000
sive, easily attainable reference material and elaborate the area ARG


DEFI NV00006002
DEFI NV00006003
Preface to the first Edition

The rapid and substantial progress made in Pharmacy within type near the margin, and arranged so as to fit them for quick and
the last decade has created a necessity for a work treating of the accurate reference.
improved apparatus, the revised processes, and the recently Part Ill treats of Inorganic Chemical Substances.Precedence is
introduced preparations of the age. of course given to official preparation in these.The descriptions,
The vast advances made in theoretical and applied chemistry solubilities, and tests for identity and impurities of each substance
and physics have much to do with the development of pharma- are systematically tabulated under its proper title.It is confidently
ceutical science, and these have been reflected in all the revised believed that by this method of arrangement the valuable descrip-
editions of the Pharmacopoeias which have been recently pub- tive features of the Pharmacopoeia will be more prominently de-
lished. \Vhen the author was elected in 1874 to the chair of veloped, ready reference facilitated, arid close study of the details
Theory and Practice of Pharmacy in the Philadelphia College of rendered easy. Each chemical operation is accompanied by equa-
Pharmacy, the outlines of study which had been so carefully tions, whilst the reaction is, in addition, explained in words.
prepared for the classes by his eminent predecessors, Professor The Carbon Compounds, or Organic Chemical Substances,
William Proctor, Jr, and Professor Edward Parrish, were found are considered in Part IV.These are naturally grouped according
to be not strictly in accord, either in their arrangement or the to tlte physical and medical properties of their principal constit-
subjects or in their method of treatment.Desiring to preserve the uents, beginning with simple bodies like cellulin, gum, etc, arid
distinctive characteristics of each, an effort was at once made to progressing to the most highly organized alkaloids, etc.
frame a system which should embody their valuable features, Part V is devoted to Extemporarieous Pharmacy.Care has
embrace new subjects, and still retain that hamiony of plan and been taken to treat of the practice which would be best adapted
proper sequence which are absolutely essential to the success of for the needs of the many pharmacists who conduct operations
any system. upon a moderate scale, rather than for those of the few who
The strictly alphabetical classification of subjects which is manage very large establishments.In this, as well as in other
now universally adopted by pharmacopoeias and dispensatories, parts of the work, operations are illustrated which are conducted
although admirable in works of reference, presents an effectual by manufacturing pharmacists.
stumbling block to the acquisition of pharmaceutical knowledge Part VI contains a formulary of Pharmaceutical Preparations
through systematic study; the vast accumulation of facts col- which have not been recognized by the Pharmacopoeia.The ree-
lected under each head arranged lexically, they necessarily have ipes selected are chiefly those which have been heretofore rather
no connection with one another, and thus the saving of labor difficult of access to most pharmacists, yet such as are likely to
effected by considering similar groups together, ar1d the value of be in request.Many private formulas are embraced ln the collec-
t.he association of kindred subjects, are lost to the student.In the tion; and such of the preparations of the old Pharmacopoeias as
method of grouping the subjects which is herein adopted, the have not been included in the new edition, but are still in use,
constant aim has been to arrange the latter in such a manner that have been insertect.
the reader shall be gradually led from the consideration of ele- In conclusion, the author ventures to express the hope that
mentary subjects to those which involve more advanced know!- the work will prove an efficient help to the pharmaceutical
edge, whilst the groups themselves are so placed as to follow one student as well as to the pharmacist and the physician.
another in a natural sequence. Although the labor has been mainly performed amidst the ha-
The work is divided into six parts.Part I is devoted to detailed rassing cares of active professional duties, and perfection is
-- - --descriptions-of apparatus and definitions-and-commHi:tsoh-gen- -l<ncfwn to De-unattainaole; no pains have 6een spanid-todisco-ver
era! phannaceutical processes. and correct errors arid omissions in the text.The author's warm-
The Official Preparations alone are consictered in Part II. est acknowledgments, are tendered to Mr AB Taylor, Mr Joseph
Due weight arid prominence are thus given to the Pharma- McCreery, and Mr George M Smith for their valuable assistance
copoeia, the National authority, which is now so thoroughly in revising the proof sheets, and to the latter especially for his
recognized. work on the index.The outline illustrations, by Mr John Collins,
In order to suit the convenience of pharmacists who prefer to were drawn either from the actual objects or from photographs
weigh solids arid measure liqiiids, the official formulas are taken by the author.
expressed, in addition to parts by weight, in avoirdupois weight
and apothecaries' measure.These equivalents are printed in bold Philadelphia, October, 1885 JPR.


DEFI NV00006004
Table of Contents
Part 1 Orientation 49 [\iotechnology and Drugs . 944
50 Aerosols . 963
1 Scope of Pharmacy . J 980
51 Quality Assurance and Control
2 Evolution of Pharmacy . 7
52 Stability of Pharmaceutical Products. 986
J Ethics and Professionalism. 19
53 [\ioavailabiiiry and Gioequivalency Testing 995
4 The Practice of Community Pharmacy . 28
54 Plastic Pocl,aging Materials . 1005
5 Pharmacists in Industry . 33
55 Pharmaceutical Necessities 1015
6 Pharmacists in Government 38
7 Pharmacists and Public Health. 47 Port 6 Phormacodynomics
8 Information P.esources in Pharmacy and the
56 Diseases: Manifestations and Pothophysiology 1053
Pharmaceutical Sciences. 60
57 Drug Absorption, Action, and Disposition . 1098
9 Clinical Drug Literature . 70
58 [\asic Phormacol,inetics. 1127
10 11,esearch. . 81 1145
59 Clinical Phormocohinerics .
Part 2 Pharmaceutics 60 Principles of Immunology . 1156
61 Adverse Drug Reactions . 1165
11 Pharmaceutical Calculations . 91 62 Phormocogenerics . 1169
12 Statistics. 124 63 Pharmacological Aspects of Substance Abuse. 1175
13 Molecular Structure, Properties, and States of Morter. 159
14 Complex Formation. 183 Part 7 Phormoceuticol and Medicinal Agents
15 Thermodynamics. 198 64 Diagnostic Drugs and Reagents. 1185
16 Solutions and Phase Equilibria . 208 65 Topical Drugs. 1200
17 Ionic Solutions and Electrolytic Equilibria. 227 66 Gastrointestinal and Liver Drugs. 1219
18 Tonioty, Osmoticity, Osmololity, and Osmolority. 246 67 Glood, Fluids, Electrolytes, and Hematological Drugs. 1243
19 Chemical Kinetics 263 68 Cardiovascular Drugs . 1274
20 lnrerfocial Phenomena. 275 69 P.espiratory Drugs. 1297
21 Colloidal Dispersions. 288 70 Symparhomimetic Drugs 1305
22 Coarse Dispersions . 316 71 Cholinomimeric Drugs 1314
23 fl-heology . 335 72 Adrenergic ond Adrenergic Neuron [\loci-ling Drugs. 1322
73 Anrimuscarinic and Anrispasmodic Drugs .. 1328
Port 3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 74 S!,eletol Muscle fl.elaxanrs 1333
24 Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry 359 75 Diuretic Drugs 1344
-25--0rganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry --355 - -76 Uterine-and-Anrimigraine Drugs - --1354-
26 Natural Products. 409 77 Hormones and Hormone Antagonists 1358
27 Drug Nomenclature-United States Adopted 78 Generol Anestherics 1395
Names. 441 79 Local Anesrherics 1400
28 Structure-Activity Relationship and Drug Design. 458 80 Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs 1407
29 Fundamentals of Rodionuclides 469 81 Antiepileptic Drugs. 1421
82 Psychopharmacologic Agents . 1429
Part 4 Pharmaceutical Testing, Analysis and Control 83 Analgesic, Antipyretic, and Anti-Inflammatory
Drugs. 1444
JO Analysis of Medicinals. 485 84 Histamine and Antihistaminic Drugs .. 1464
31 [\iological Testing 540 85 Central Nervous Sysrem Stimulants .. 1471
32 Clinical Analysis .... 552 86 Antineoplastic ond lmmunoacrive Drugs 1477
33 Chromatography. 587 87 Anti-lnfectives 1507
34 Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 614 88 Parositicides. 1562
35 Dissolution. 654 89 Immunizing Agents and Allergenic Extracts 1567
Port 5 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Port 8 Pharmacy Practice
36 Separation 669 Port 8A Pharmacy Administration
37 Powders ... 681
38 Preformulation. 700
90 Laws Governing Pharmacy 1595
39 Solutions, Emulsions, Suspensions, and Extracts . 91 Pharmacoeconomics . 1625
40 Sterilization . 92 Marl,eting Pharmaceuricol Care Services 1634
41 Parenteral Preparations 93 Documenting and Gilling for Pharmaceurical Care
42 Intravenous Admixtures Services 1640
43 Ophthalmic Preparations . 94 Community Pharmacy Economics and
44 Medicared Topicals Management .. 1650
45 Oral Solid Dosage Forms . 95 Product Recalls and Withdrawals 1666
46 Coating of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms . 894 Port 8D Fundamentals of Pharmacy Practice
47 Controlled-fl-elease Drug-Delivery Systems. 903
48 The Introduction of New Drugs 930 96 Drug Education . 1677


DEFI NV00006005
97 The Prescription . 1687 113 The Patient: Oehoviorol Determinants 1948
98 Extemporaneous Prescription Compounding 1706 114 Patient Communication . 1957
99 Poison Control 1716 115 Patient Compliance 1966
100 Nutrition in Pharmacy Practice 1725 116 Pharmocoepidemiology 1980
101 Self-Core/Diagnostic Products. 1738 117 Integrated Health-Care Delivery Systems .. 1990
102 Drug Interactions 1746 118 Home Health Patient Care 2012
103 Complementary and Alternative Medical Health 119 Aseptic Technology for Home-Core
Core. 1762 Phormoceuricols 2020
104 Nuclear Pharmacy Practice 1781
105 Enzymes 1792
1796 Appendixes
106 Vitamins and Other Nutrients
107 Pesticides 1825 Dose Equivalents . 2033
108 Surgical Supplies 1846 Periodic Chan 2034
109 Health Accessories . 1857 Logarithms 2036
Part 8C Patient Care
Glossary and Index
110 Ambulorory Parient Core 1893
111 Jnsrirurional Patient Care 1911 Glossary . 2037
112 Long-Term Core Facilities . 1932 Index .. 2039


DEFI NV00006006

Howard Y Ando, PhD Galen W Radebaugh, PhD

Director, Discovery lead Optimization Vice President, Analytical Development
Pfizer Global R&D Schering-Plough Research Institute
Ann Arbor laboratories Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Pfizer, Inc
Ann Arbor, Ml 48105

the preformulation scientist because, with mechanism-based

PREFORMULATION CHALLENGES therapy, testing in humans is often the only means of evaluat-
ing the efficacy of a new therapeutic strategy.

Bridging Discovery and Development

Integrating Discovery and Development
Preformulation activities range from supporting discovery's
identification of new active agents to characterizing physical If unfavorable physical properties can be minimized before
properties necessary for the design of dosage forms. Critical extensive in vitro optimization occurs, it may be possible to
information provided during preformulation can enhance the reduce the time required to discover active and absorbable
rapid and successful introduction of new therapeutic entities NCEs that are poised for rapid development. Integrating dis-
for humans. For example, the selection of compounds that have covery and development, however, will require that preformu-
physical properties favorable for oral absorption early in dis- lation scientists develop a greater understanding of the molec-
covery can facilitate the rapid progress of these compounds at ular mechanisms of unfavorable physical properties such as
all stages of development. Similarly, the adaptation of technol- aqueous insolubility. This knowledge then will provide a ratio-
ogies that permit the rapid selection of a salt that is best suited nal basis for making structural modifications that can enhance
for development can facilitate the manufacturing of the final physical properties while in vitro activity also is being opti-
market-image dosage form. The broad range of activities in mized. Figure 38-2 shows the potential time delay in discover-
preformulation requires a continuing dialog between scientists ing an orally active NCE when only activity is optimized, com-
in many different disciplines, as shown in I<'igure 38-1. pared to the potential time savings when both activity and
aqueous solubility are balanced for oral absorption.
Assume that a company has a chemical library of thousands
of compounds that it wants to screen for a particular therapeu-
Discovery to Development tic target. It has isolated the appropriate receptor (protein) and
has developed a high-throughput mass screen for its in vitro
The introduction of mechanism-based mass screening of small activity. In addition, for every compound that is screened for
molecules in the late 1980s ushered in a new discovery era. activity, it can determine aqueous solubility using a high-
Previously, animal tissue and whole animal screens had been throughput method. Figure 38-2 shows a plot of activity versus
used to find new chemical entities (NCE) that had therapeutic solubility for the screened compounds. For simplicity, an ellipse
potential. Although the throughput was low, the final candi- is used to show regions that are possible for this hypothetical
dates for development had proven activity in animals. Today, receptor. The inverse relationship shown by the ellipse, with
recombinant enzymes and receptors are used in high-through- the major axis decreasing from left to right, is based on anec-
put in vitro screens that can evaluate quickly the hundreds of dotal observations that compounds that have high in vitro
thousands of compounds that are found in chemical libraries. activity often have poor aqueous solubility. A molecular expla-
Active compounds (mass screen hits) then are evaluated, and nation for why such a relationship might exist is given in the
some are used as the basis for further synthetic efforts. Be- section Aqueous Insolubility, page 716. The two-phase discov-
cause synthesis of new compounds can become rate limiting, ery of an orally active NCE will now be discussed.
combinatorial methods have been developed to synthesize rap- During Discovery Phase A, the company used in vitro activ-
idly new compounds using automated technologies. Today, ity as its only criterion for discovering the best compound to
even newer technologies are being used to increase speed and develop. Point O on the ellipse shows a compound that was
reduce material consumption. This is the attraction for using chosen for further synthetic optimization on the basis of mass
nanotechnologies in screening, synthesis, purification, and screening. This compound had the highest in vitro activity.
analysis. During optimization,, mass screens were used to provide feed-
All of these innovative changes have had a cascading impact back to direct the synthesis of more active analogs. Compound
on development. Unprecedented in vitro activity and specificity 1 was the most active NCE the discovery team found. However,
can now be found using recombinant proteins and automated this compound is also the most insoluble NCE on the ellipse.
mass screening, but aqueous solubility problems are masked by Enthusiasm for the compound diminished when in vivo animal
dimethyl sulfoxide, a universal solvent that is used to dissolve testing showed inadequate blood levels. A lack of absorption
chemical libraries for testing. As a result, although many ini- due to poor aqueous solubility was suspected as the cause
tially promising NCEs are extremely potent in the in vitro (other studies had shown that metabolism and permeability
enzyme assays, they are inactive in vivo because of their unfa- did not account for the low blood levels).
vorable solubility and dissolution characteristics in the aque- During Discovery Phase B, aqueous solubility and in vitro
ous media of the body. This provides a demanding challenge for activity were optimized simultaneously. The NCE shown at


DEFI NV00006702

PHARMACOLOGY is a critical milestone because all subsequent development will

be a~ect~d by this decision. For preformulation, physical char-
actenzations should be focused on making decisions that bal-
ance solid-state dissolution properties with material consis-
tency under manufacturing and storage conditions. The
advantages of having a rapidly dissolving amorphous state
have to be balanced against the potential conversion of this
state by time, moisture, and heat to a crystalline state that can
be less soluble. Similarly, the increased solubility that often
can occur with hydrochloride and sodium salts may have to be
balanced with a potential for physical or chemical instability
due to moisture and heat. These salts are attractive because
BIOCHEMISTRY , ·· .... ·j CLINICAL i-··· ·
they are simple to make and are relatively nontoxic. The salt
Figure 38-1. The wheels of product development. selection process must project its considerations of the "best"
properties to encompass dissolution, physical and chemical
stability, toxicology, market-image formulations, large scale
Point 2 was eventually recommended for development. Al- manufacturing, and product storage.
though this compound is less active than Compound 1, it rep- The following section will outline solid-state changes that
rese_nted a _b~tter compromise between aqueous solubility and might occur with varying moisture content, pH, and tempera-
in vitro activity. Such compromises may be necessary if formu-
ture. It will be illustrated that water (moisture) is one of the
lation techniques cannot be used to obtain good in vivo activity. most important environmental factors that influences solid-
The declaration of Compound 1 as a lead in the hope that state stability. The discussion will then focus on identifying the
formulation techniques might solve the absorption issue could solid-state properties of an NCE that will make it a viable APL
slow development. For this reason, it is essential that prefor- lfltimately, the best balance between absorption and material
mulation provide the discovery process with rapid feedback consistency is sought. Later, the discussion of engineering the
regarding the feasibility of formulation solutions that may solid state will explore why these requisite properties should be
compensate for poor physical properties and subsequent ab- designed into NCEs from the earliest stages of discovery.
sorption problems.
A strategy in which discovery and development work in con-
cert is also shown in Figure 38-2. In this scenario, both aqueous
solubility and in vitro activity were used simultaneously in the
search to improve Compound 0. By using dual feedback, the REQUIREMENTS OF THE SOLID STATE
company may have been able to progress more directly from
Compoun_d_ ~ to Compound 2. In addition, knowledge of the aque-
ous solubilities of all the mass screen hits also may have provided Challenges to the Solid State
alternative starting points. Instead of picking Compound Oas the
only starting point for synthetic optimization, Compound 3, whiclI Solids are a complex state of matter because intermolecular
was not as active but had much better aqueous solubility, could forces can arrange the molecules in a variety of different ways,
have been chosen. Dual activity and solubility feedback in the ~ach producing a different solid with potentially different phys-
co-optimization of both Compounds O and 3 would have been used ical properties. In this section, a symbolic nomenclature is
to guide further synthesis.
introduced to specifically address changes that can occur in the
The potential time saved using the concerted strategy could
solid state (Table 38-1). Application of this notation to the
be considerable. However, for the whole program to be in
effects of moisture, the major environmental factor influencing
synchrony, it will require that preformulation scientists de-
the solid state, will then be examined.
velop h_igh-throughput screening methodologies for physical
properties, analogous to discovery's biological screens; high-
throughput screening methods can predict the feasibility of a
formulation solution for poor absorption. Because technological
breakthroughs in the discovery process have increased the
~umber _of NC Es that will be candidates for development, it is Phase B
imperative that new candidates have the requisite physical 1
properties that are needed for rapid development. Otherwise,
development may become an unacceptable bottleneck.
Preformulation scientists will have to work proactively with
discovery scientists to design active NCEs that are active and
tra~sportable through biological tissues such as the gastroin-
testmal (GI) tract or the endothelial cells of the blood-brain
ba~er. New i_nsi~ht into the molecular basis of physical prop-
erties and rapid high-throughput physical property screens are
needed _to accomplish this goal. The section on Engineering in
the Solid State, page 714, will discuss briefly some of these Discovery
areas. In the following sections, characteristics of the solid
state are discussed. A fundamental understanding of this state Phase A
of matter is essential for making timely preformulation deci-
screen bit
Critical API Decisions
Aqueous. Solubility
Once a NCE is selected for development, choosing the molecu-
lar form that will be the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Figure 38-2. Search for an active and orally absorbable NCE.

DEFI NV00006703
702 CHAPTER 38

Table 38-1. List of Symbols where i as a plus sign ( +) represents the cationic form, or a
SYMBOL MEANING minus sign ( - ) the anionic form, of A. The protonation or
deprotonation of a weak basic or acidic group on A will simply
Amorphous solid state as left subscript designation be reflected in the charge change that occurs. The scheme is
Surface of solid state as right subscript designation
nonstoichiometric because counter ions and charge-balance
Defective region of solid state as left subscript
considerations have not been included.
p Density When a particular molecular organization or emphasis af
I, II, Ill Crystalline polymorphic forms of the solid state as left the solid state is needed, it will be denoted with the left sub-
subscript designation script}. A wide variety of different solid states, denoted by jA,
+ Positively charged, cationic species as superscript are possible. For example, amorphous solids that have ran-
designation domly packed molecules are denoted as aA in this chapter.
Negatively charged, anionic species as superscript Crystalline solids, on the other han.d, have regular packing
designation arrangements and are denoted in a number of ways. Two types
0 Uncharged, free species as superscript designation of crystalline phases, polymorphs and solvates, are possible for
A Active ingredient in the solid state a given molecule depending on the crystallization conditions.
a Dissolved form of the active ingredient Polymorphs are crystals that have the same molecule for-
Surface of active ingredient bf charge i and solid state j mula but have different crystal structures. The Roman numer-
Reactant of A in the solid state als I, II, III, ... are used to denote polymorphs; the most stable
Dissolved form of reactant polymorph under ambient conditions is usually designated
Saturation concentration with Roman numeral I. This solid-state form of A will be
Monohydrate as left subscript designation denoted as 1 A in this chapter.
Anhydrous as left subscript designation Solvates, on the other hand, are crystals in which a solvent
n-Hydrate as left subscript designation
is incorporated into the crystal structure (polymorphs of sol-
Reduced water content as left subscript designation
Increased water content as left subscript designation
vates could exist). The solvent may be highly bound in the
Mass crystal or it may be more loosely bound in channels within the
Negatively charged anionic counterion crystal. To simplify this discussion, only water of solvation will
Charge on the active ingredient as superscript be considered. Hydrated solids are denoted by nhA, where n is
designation a fraction or an integer. For example, 1,12 A denotes a hemihy-
j Solid state form of the active ingredient as left drate while % A denotes a trihydrate.
subscript designation In some situations, it will be useful to emphasize that a
Dissolution rate constant particular chemical reaction or physical change is occurring on
Recrystallization rate constant the surface of a particle. For these purposes, the right subscript
Permeability 1 will be used to emphasize the surface of the solid state. It
Positively charged cationic counterion should be noted that the right superscript i, used for charge
Surface area designation, and the left subscriptj, used for solid-state desig-
nation, are only general placeholders for more specific in-
stances that will be detailed below; on the other hand, the right
subscript 1 specifically denotes the surface of a solid particle
SOLID-STATE CHARACTER and not a more general entity. For most situations, the full
notation will not be used.
In this chapter, jA;:,: is a notation that will be used to indicate In actual APis, crystal defective regions A 0 are present.
solid-state changes. The A denotes the active drug entity. This These were formed during large-scale synthesis and milling
may be a weak acid, a weak base, or a nonelectrolyte. When A operations that reduced the API's particle size. In Figure 38-3,
dissolves, a denotes the presence of this entity in solution; thus, defective regions as well as crystalline and amorphous regions
dissolution of the solid A in water to form a will be shown are shown diagrammatically.
schematically as

The presence or absence of moisture is one of the most impor-

The charge of A is denoted by the usual placement of a right tant environmental factors that can affect solid-state stability.
superscript, i. The charge of A is assumed to be zero by default. The surface of an API particle can gain or lose water depending
For emphasis, a lack of charge may be shown explicitly as A 0 . on the relative humidity (RH). Figure 38-3 shows how water
For a weak acid, A O represents the protonated form (in other vapor can form regions of dissolved drug on the surface of the
notations this might be shown as HA). The ionized form of the API particle. The amorphous region would be expected to dis-
weak acid, A - , represents A O minus the weak acid proton. For solve the fastest, and the crystalline region the slowest; that is,
a weak base, A O denotes the uncharged base that can be pro- the rank order of dissolution would be A > A 0 > 1 A. In the
tonated to A 0 H +. Equations with A, shown with arrows, are not 0

Figure 38-3 diagram, this is indicated by the font size of the

stoichiometric. Instead, they only show essential changes, so saturated dissolved form of A, as, associated with each of these
the focus can be placed on the relevant chemical, ionic, and regions. This surface coating results in chemical and physical
solid-state alterations in the chemical entity. For example, in instability.
Equation 2, in which a chemical reaction changes the parent Chemical Instability: Water as a Molecular Mobilizer-In
entity A into a different molecular solid B, general, chemical reactivity is slow in solids because of the
(2) spacial separation of different reactive components. For exam-
ple, if a small amount of an impurity that can act as a catalyst
there is no attempt to show the specific details of the functional is distributed heterogeneously in an API or a dosage form, the
groups that were changed to bring about the formation of B. In overall rate of reaction is limited because the reaction only
a similar manner, consider a reversible acid-base reaction occurs in microenvironmental regions. However, in dosage
forms, most APis are usually in contact with moisture-bearing
(3) excipients and are stress-tested at elevated temperatures and
humidity. The presence of an adsorbed layer of moisture in-

DEFI NV00006704

Figure 38-3. Surface of a milled

API and dissolution of surface re-
gions due to adsorbed moisture.

creases the catalytic reactivity of the impurity because water,

acting as a molecular mobilizer, can transport different chem- (9)
ical species laterally over the surface of the API. 1 Equation 4
shows a chain of reactions from A to a degradant B,:
and a salt is transformed into a hemihydrate after passing
[H,Oj,_ fH,Oj ••...,. catalytk impurity [H,OJ••,.. through the amorphous form:
A-----+ a - - - - - - - > b -+ B (4)
H 10 H 30
uA . . ---+ 0
A + ---+ hnA + (10)
where b is the solubilized form of B. Moisture also induces
solid-state changes in A. (Further discussion of moisture-
induced chemical instability will be treated in the section Hy- Equations 7 to 10 emphasize solid-state changes. It is likely
drate Stability: Importance ofthe Critical Relative Humidity.) that most of these transformations may occur only after dis-
Microenvironmental pH: Moisture-Induced Sensitivity of solving and forming a or a species forming a+.
Acids/Bases-Acid-base reactivity in the solid-state change
will be enhanced by moisture. Equation 5 shows a moisture- DECISION-POINTS IN THE DISCOVERY AND
induced change of an anionic salt to its free acid on the surface
of a drug particle: DEVELOPMENT Of AN API

[H,OJ..,... The term active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), also known

A}:---+A~ (5) as drug substance and bulk pharmaceutical chemical (BPC),
highlights both a discovery and a development component. In
Conversely, Equation 6 shows a moisture-induced surface con- this section, discovery Steps 1 to 4 will be introduced briefly.
version of a cationic salt into its free base, The focus will then shift to a detailed discussion of the devel-
opmental Steps 5 to 9. Using this background, the section
111,01 ...... Engineering in the Solid State will outline how early parallel
A{----+A~ (6) integration of these activities can reduce the time from concept
to market.
The term expansion is used when choices are being en-
where A+ = HA+. Because the amount of solid drug is large larged, and selection is used when choices are reduced by
compared to the amount of moisture, Equations 5 and 6 have decision-making. Ultimately, the expansion and selection
been diagramed as irreversible reactions. Such solid-state phases of discovery lead to a single choice, the best candidate
changes can alter the physical properties of the APL For ex- for further development.
ample, if particles of the sodium salt of an insoluble acid form
a surface coating of the free acid as in Equation 5, the dissolu- l. Library expansion refers to additions to a company's chemical li-
brary. Established pharmaceutical companies have amassed hun-
tion rate of the surface will be retarded. Testing methods are
dreds of thousands of compounds through previous discovery ef-
needed during the salt selection stage to anticipate this type of forts. These collections are cataloged carefully and are used
solid-state change (see under Salt Selection). systematically in mass screens.
Solvent-Mediated Transformations of Polymorphs: Water as 2. Series selection is a decision-making process in which the most
a Transporter-If two polymorphic forms can exist at a given active chemicals in the library are identified using a high-through-
temperature, the metastable polymorph will be more soluble put biological assay. Typically, these assays are used to detect the
(see Salt Selection, page 704). When this form is put in contact ability of a small molecule to interact with a protein, in vitro. In the
with water, the following solvent-mediated transformation can past, decisions regarding which leads will be pursued further were
be promoted: made based on activity, chemical diversity, patentability, and ana-
log synthetic potential. Today, developmental potential increas-
n,o ingly is part of series selection decision-making.
nA--> ,A (7) 3. Analog expansion is the increase in the number of compounds
targeting a specific activity based on synthetic exploitation of the
most promising leads.
Water, in the vapor phase, has also been shown to be capable of 4. Analog selection is the decision-making process in which the best
mediating transformations between amorphous and crystalline new chemical entity is chosen for further development. In the past,
in vitro activity alone was the dominating decision:maker; today, a
forms in both directions.2
blend of developmental issues are surfacing earlier.
(8) Preformulation, as well as other areas of development such
as metabolism, toxicology, and pharmacokinetics, will play an
Finally, transformations can occur that incorporate water into increasingly important role in Steps 1 to 4. Because a funda-
the crystal structure. Here, an anhydrous crystalline form is mental understanding of the solid state is essential for design-
changed into the monohydrate, ing appropriate physical property methodologies for Steps 1 to

DEFI NV00006705
704 CHAPTER 38

(l) Library Expansion WhenA 0 is a weak base, the salt, (A 0 H)+ An-, is composed
(2) Series Selection of the protonated form of the base, (A0 H)+ and the ionized form
of the counter-acid HAn, An - . For salt formation, A O must be
(3) Analog Expansion sufficiently basic to remove the proton from HAn (see Salt-
(4) Analog Selection Forming Reactivity Potential, page 705).
Salts have different physical properties than their free
(5) Salt Expansion
forms. Salt selection explores whether a particular salt
(6) Salt Selection
might have properties that are more appropriate for an API
(7) AP! Specifications
(8) Compressibility &
than its parent form. Improving oral absorption by in-
Compactibility creasing the dissolution rate is often a goal of the salt ex-
(9) Excipient Selection
pansion step. Salts generally dissolve faster in water than
their free forms because dissolution is enhanced by the rapid
Figure 38-4. Typical API sequential decision-making: selection and hydration of the ionized salt species with water. Salts of
expansion cycles. weak bases generally lower the pH of water; salts of weak
acids elevate it. For the salt of a weak base in water, the
initial dissociation of the salt into the two ions, A 0 H+ and
4, the remainder of this section will deal with how solid-state An - is relatively complete. On the other hand, the deproto-
properties affect absorption and consistency, the two major nation of A 0 H+ depends on the pK. of A O, as shown by these
development issues for an API. Salt selection, which deter- reactions:
mines the character of 1 A;, is the first critical solid-state deci-
low pK,
sion for preformulation in the developmental arena. · A"H'An - -->A 0 H+ +An - and A 0 H' A0 + H+ (11)
high pK.

It is the release of then+ in the second reaction by the salt that

Salt Expansion: Exploring the Molecular lowers the pH and increases the solubility (see pH-Solubility
Possibilities of A; Profiles, page 717). Hydrochlorides are the most common salts
of weak bases.
The un-ionized (free) form of weak acids and bases,A 0 , may not When A 0 is a weak acid, the salt that forms from a
be the ideal molecular form for development. During the salt reaction with CnOH is A -en+ (A - represents A O minus a
expansion Step 5 of.Figure 38-4, salts are prepared to explore proton). The most common salts for weak acids are the
whether one of them would make a more suitable APL Salts are sodium salts.
formed by reacting A 0 with an appropriate counter-acid or Even though salts increase aqueous solubility, they only
counter-base. In this discussion, HAn is used to represent a alter the pH of the solution so that more of the ionized form is
counter-acid that forms an anion An - . Common counter-acids present in solution. Salts do not change the ionizable character
like HCI and maleic acid are listed in Table 38-2. Similarly, of the free form; this is an intrinsic property of the free acid or
CnOH is used to represent a mineral base of counter cation free base and their associated pK.,(s). pH-solubility profiles
Cn 4 • Common mineral bases like NaOH and KOH are also show the solubility relationship between salts and their free
shown in Table 38-2 along with organic counter-bases. forms.

Table 38-2. Molecular Forms Marketed Worldwide Between 1983-1996


No salt form 390 0

Hydrobromide 1 1 -8 0.45 80.91
Hydrochloride 102 1 -6.1 0.24 36.46
Sulfate 5 1 -3 -1.58 98.08
Nitrate 6 1 -1.44 2.09 63.01
Phosphate 2 1 2.15 -1.95 96.99
Glucuronate 1 1 3.22b -3.74 194.14
Acetate 8 1 4.76 --0.36 59.05
Maleate 3 2 1.92 -0.18 116.07
Fumarate 8 2 3.02 -0.18 116.07
Tartrate 1 2 3.03 -2.21 150.09
Citrate 1 2 3.13 -2.11 189.10
Succinate 2 2 4.21 -0.62 118.09
Mesylate 8 3 -1.20 -1.31 96.11
·Acistrate 1 3 4.91b 7.98 284.49
Besylate 2 4 -2.80b 0.23 157.17
Tosylate 3 4 -1.34 0.88 171.20
Xinafoate 1 4 2.66b 3.00 188.18
Potassium 1 1 16 39.10
Sodium 37 1 14.77 23.00
Tromethamine 2 1 8.07c -3.17 121.14
Bismuth 1 1 1.58 208.98
Bromide 6 5 79.90
Chloride 2 5 35.45
• Groups: 0 = No salt, 1 = Polar, 2 = Multifunctional, 3 = Flexible aliphatics, 4 = Planar aromatics. 5 = Quartenary.
b Calculated pK •.
< CRC Handbook of Basic Tables for Chemical Analysis, page 469.
Source: Serajuddin ATM, Sheen P. Augustine MA. To market, to market. In: Bristol J, ed. Annu Rep Med Chem. New York: Academic, 1983-1996.

DEFI NV00006706

pH-SOLUBILITY PROFILES such that a Bronsted-Lowry proton transfer from HAn to A 0

can take place. Table 38-2 gives potential counter-ions and
For a weak base, a plot of solubility versus pH will show the their pK,. values from a listing of all drugs approved worldwide
highest solubility at low pH and the lowest solubility at high from 1983 to 1996. An acid-base proton transfer should be
pH; for weak acids, the opposite is true. Such plots give a possible as long as the pK,. ofHAn is less than that of the weak
graphic view of the impact of ionization on solubility for an base A O (recall that the pKa of A O is referenced to its protonated
NCE. The pH range of the small intestine, where oral absorp- form A 0 H+; see Solid-State Character, page 702). If Lip~ is
tion generally occurs, is approximately 6.5 to 8. It is undesir- defined as
able to have a compound totally charged or uncharged in this
region. If it is entirely charged, there are no im-ionized species !ipK, = pK, (weak base) - pK, (HAn) (12)
that can be transported across the GI membrane. Ifit is totally
a salt-forming reaction should be possible as long as LipK,. is
uncharged, there are no charged species to enhance solubility.
positive. For example, a succinate salt (pK,. 4.2) with doxyl-
For a monoprotic NCE, the pK,. denotes the pH where the
amine (pK,. 4.4) is possible 6 where the LipK,. is 0.2. Neverthe-
number of charged and uncharged species in solution are equal.
less, the greater the LipK,., the greater the probability that a
On the ionized side of the pK,., the solubility of the salt limits
salt can be formed. Because the pK,. values in Table 38-2 are
the maximum solubility. The solubility decline at very low pHs
calculated for an aqueous environment, this rule must be used
is due to activity and solubility-product effects_ 3 - 5 On the un-
only as a guide for salt-forming reactivity in organic solvents.
ionized side, the solubility of A O (the intrinsic solubility) marks In an organic solvent in which the dielectric constant is lower
the lowest solubility. Salts promote a saturated solution to be
than water, the ionization equilibria would be shifted:
formed at a pH that is on the ionized side of the pK,.. They
cannot alter the pK,. or the intrinsic solubility. Using these low di,•lectnc solvoentll

parameters, a qualitative pH-solubility profile can be con- HAn + - - - - - - H' + An - (13)

structed. Figure 38-5 shows pH-solubility profiles for different

counter-acid salts. AH+ low dielectric solvents H 1 + A0
The synthesis of salts depends on
1. A proton-exchange reactivity between A O and the counter-acid/base For acridine bases, 50:50 ethanol:water weakens the aqueous
2. A long-range order that permits crystal formation. pK,. by 1.41 pH units. For the counter-acid, HAn, pK,. weaken-
The discussion that follows will focus on forming salts from ing is greater than for the protonated base, A 0 H+, because of
weak bases, because they comprise the majority of the new the greater solubility of HAn in the organic phase and the
drug candidates. Weak acids would be treated analogously. production of two charges upon ionization. The net effect of
organic solvent weakening is to reduce the pK,. difference be-
tween the counter-acid and the weak base. This lowers the
SALT-FORMING REACTIVITY POTENTIAL salt-forming reactive potential. Therefore, in a given organic
solvent, if salt formation fails to occur for a particular aqueous
In order for a salt to form, both the weak base, A 0 , and the LlpK,., it is unlikely that salts can be formed in this organic
counter-acid, HAn, must have sufficiently different pKa values
solvent with a smaller aqueous LlpK,..


4.5 For weak bases, salt-forming counter-acids can be used to alter
an API's solubility, dissolution, hygroscopicity, stability, and
processing. 6 Table 38-2 shows counter-acids organized into dif-
4.0 ferent functional groups. For each counter-acid, both the pKa
II and the log P is given where appropriate. A starting point for
salt expansion must begin with the properties of A O • If, for a
3.5 weak base, Llp~ = pl(,, A O - pK,. counter-acid. HAn > 0, then
aqueous salts may be possible. Use of this table and the influ-

Ju ence of different counter-acids are covered under Decision-Tree,

Goal-Oriented Approach, page 712.


!2.0 In general, crystalline solids, including salts, make the most

promising APis. The amorphous form of the solid state is usu-
ally not as stable as crystals, either physically or chemically.
Crystal formation is a special characteristic of a solid in which
u 3 the molecules self-organize into regular, repeating, molecular
patterns. Solvents play at least three roles in crystallization.
1.0 1. They provide some solubilizing capacity so that concentrated solu-
tions can be formed.
2. They promote the nucleation process. Nucleation may be from a
0.5 pure solution (homogeneous nucleation) or from a seed crystal (het-
erogeneous nucleation). If a solvent binds too strongly to the mo-
lecular organizing functionalities of the salt or seed crystal, crys-
.::::-=:....--.-----.----.--.;;.::::.:w.awp-.-+o tallization will be impeded. Finding appropriate solvents for crystal

• 7
• formation is a very important step in salt expansion. Failure to
adequately explore and find solvents that can crystallize salts could
mean that very usable salts would not be evaluated in the salt-
Figure 38-5. pH solubility profile of a weak base. 3 selection step because they were not synthesized.

DEFI NV00006707
706 CHAPTER 38

3. Solvents, temperature, and cooling rate can impact the crystal- Either dissolution of solid drug, Asolid• after the dosage form
packing pattern of crystals. Stable polymorphic forms usually are disintegrates in the GI tract, or the permeation of the dissolved
desired for APis. Metastable forms are normally avoided in an API drug, aGI tract, through the GI membrane could be the slowest
because they are prone to physical and chemical instability. Solvent process. The slower of these two steps determines the overall
conditions that promote metastable and stable crystal formations
will be explored under Metastable Polymorph Formation, page 710. rate of absorption and is thus rate-limiting.
Dissolution-limited absorption occurs when the rate of ap-
pearance in the GI tract by dissolution {aGI) is slower than the
rate of appearance in the systemic system (ab1ood); permeation-
Salt Selection: Choosing the "Best" API limited absorption occurs when the abtood appearance is the
slowest process. The impact of these two rate processes on in
vitr<>-in vivo (IVIV) correlations will be discussed in the section
Salt selection is the first important API decision from the de- Biopharmaceutical Classification of/2.Pl, page 714. Dissolution-
velopment perspective. Once a salt is chosen, time-consuming limited absorption will now be considered.
and lengthy toxicological studies are initiated that would have The rate of dissolution of a particle is given by the Noyes-
to be repeated if the salt form is changed. This decision involves Whitney equation,
choosing a solid-state phase, jA, which balances potentially
conflicting needs: increasing absorption versus maintaining an dA!dt = kdSa !Cs - c.,,,.J (non-sink conditions) (16)
API that is consistent and can be manufactured in a market-
image dosage form (see Compressibility and Compactibil- where
ity, page 712). Figure 38-6 shows some of the factors involved in
A is the amount of drug dissolved.
this decision. dAJdt is the rate of dissolution (Q sometimes is used for this rate).
Permeability, solubility (C8 ), and pl{,, are intrinsic proper- kd is the intrinsic dissolution constant for the drug.
ties of A O that have been already determined in the analog S 0 is the total surface area of the dissolving particle.
selection phase (see Fig 38-4). The major dependent variables, Cs is the saturation solubility of the drug at the surface of the particle.
absorption and consistency of the API, can be manipulated and Cbulk is the concentration of the drug in the bulk solution.

balanced in salt selection. In the following sections, the impact

of dissolution and particle size on absorption will be explored. Because the rate of dissolution depends on the concentration
In addition, the consistency of the API solid state under the difference between Cs and Cbulk• the maximum rate of disso-
influence of environmental destabilizing factors-such as expo- lution would occur if Cbulk = 0 (ie, if drug was removed from
sure time (t}, ultraviolet light (UV), pH, moisture (H 20), tem- solution as fast as it dissolved). This would be analogous to a
perature ( T), and pharmaceutical processing operations like sink that could drain the water coming out of a water faucet as
milling, compression, and compaction-will be considered. fast as it comes in so that the water level never built up. This
analogy is the basis for referring to Equation 16 as nonsink
conditions for dissolution, because drug does build up in the
ABSORPTION ASSESSMENT solution and the rate of dissolution is correspondingly reduced.
The expression for the maximum dissolution rate is found
Oral absorption is generally viewed as two-step, sequential by setting cbulk equal to 0: 7
process: dA/dt = kdSa Cs (sink conditions) (17)

dia,,alution permeation This initial rate of the Noyes-Whitney equation is termed sink
(15) conditions for the dissolution rate.
Particle-Size Effects-For a spherical drug particle ofradius
r, amount m, and of density p, Equation 17 can be rewritten as
dA/dt = (3kdmlp) (l!r) Cs (18)
This expression emphasizes the inverse relationship between
the dissolution rate, dAJdt, and the particle sizer, assuming no
dissolution rate-reducing factors are present such as adsorbed
Destabilizing Facton air bubbles or aggregated particles.
Smaller particles dissolve faster than larger particles. Thus
milling, a pharmaceutical unit-operation, increases dissolution
because the API particle size is reduced. On the other hand,
when drug particles are suspended in an aqueous solution,
particles can increase in size due to recrystallization growth 8
(Fig 38-7). Dosing such suspension orally would be expected to
reduce absorption because of a reduction in the dissolution
Reactive Media 1: Implications for Salts of Weak Acids and
Weak Bases-When a drug reacts with gastric fluids, its disso-
lution deviates from Equation 17. For dissolution in 0.1 N HC1,
acid-base reactivity is most important for salts of weak acids
and for free bases. It has been found that the low pH environ-
ment of the stomach dissolves a salt of a weak acid 10 to 100
times faster than the weak acid itself.9 On the other hand, it is
the free base, and not its HCI salt, that dissolves faster in this
Absorption Consistent API same environment. 10 These deviations from Equation 17 have

been shown to be due to differences between bulk-solution pHs
and the pH at the surface of the drug particle. Thus, Equation
17 becomes
Figure 38-6. API salt selection decision: a balance between absorp-
tion and consistency. d.A/dt = kdSa Cs.h. o (19)

-I ¼

DEFI NV00006708

nA > IA

Cs(n) dAufdt
p Cs(I)
l I I

y y

Absorption (II) Absorption (I)

Figure 38-8. Absorption changes due to aqueous-phase trans-

solubility due to surface pH and not the pH of the bulk is

considered, deviations from Equation 17 become understand-
able. For the HCl salt, the common-ion effect reduces its solu-
bility from the maximum solubility of the pH-solubility profile
at 3.45. Thus, the nonaggregated free base, in this situation,
has a surface pH that is optimized to give the highest dissolu-
tion rate because it has the highest surface solubility.
FORM I Reactive Media 2: Implications for Anhydrates and Metasta-
ble Polymorphs-Aqueous-phase transformations are solid-
INITIAL SUSPENSION state changes in which water acts as a mediator. During the
transition from one form to another, dissolution behavior will
reflect the switch from the dissolution rate of the initial solid
state to that of the more stable state. Two types of aqueous-
phase transformations were introduced in Equations 7 and 9:
(1) a transformation from Polymorph II to Polymorph I and (2)
a transformation from an anhydrous Form II to a hydrated
form h. 11 In Figure 38-8, the transformation of Equation 7 is
Because the permeability (P) of the dissolved drug is the
same for the different crystalline forms, the impact on absorp-
tion will be due to differences in their solubilities (C5 ) as
defined in Equation 17 and thus will be reflected in the disso-
lution rates, dA 1/dt and dA 11/dt, being different.
When a solvent-mediated transformation like that shown in
Equation 9 occurs, dissolution profiles become more complex.
Figure 38-9 shows the biphasic dissolution characteristics for
Equation 9. In this situation, an anhydrous substance, ohA,

ohA ( no phase change)

ohA (phase change)
Figure 38-7. Photomicrographs showing change in crystal size for a
suspension of Form I of an experimental drug.

where Cs.h _ 0 is the saturation solubility at the surface of ~ dA/dt = kdSaCSh

the APL b
For weak acid salts, the surface pH has been calculated to be b = kd (C511 - Csh)/kr
6.2 to 6.5 for sodium salicylate (p.K,. 3.0) and 10.3 for sodium
theophylline (p.K,. 8.4) in bulk solutions having pHs of 1.10 and
2.1, respectively. On the other hand, the weak base phenazo-
pyridine (pKa 5.2) sees a surface pH of 3.3 to 3.6, while its HCl Time
salt sees a surface pH of 1.2 for a bulk-solution pH of 1.10. If the Figure 38-9. Biphasic dissolution of anhydrous to hydrous forms. 11

DEFI NV00006709
708 CHAPTER 38

becomes hydrated as it dissolves and forms a surface layer of where k 0 is the absorption rate constant, X 0 is the administered
hA. It is this latter layer that controls subsequent dissolution. dose, Xd is the amount of drug dissolved in the GI tract at tr,
The concentration versus time plot for the net reaction is ohA and tr is the GI transit time. Further refinements to this model
(phase change). Note that initially the slope for ohA (phase include accounting for polydispersed spherical powders and
change) approaches that of the very steep slope Oh A (no phase comparing cylindrical with spherical shape factors, with and
change), and that the terminal slope approaches that of hA (no without time-dependent diffusion layer thickness.
phase change), the hydrated form. Modifications of Equation 17 Finally, for poorly soluble drugs, simulated dose absorption
to take into account surface recrystallization of h A on Oh A:;; give studies have been carried out over different ranges of solubil-
the biphasic dissolution behavior, ity, absorption rate constants, doses, and particle sizes. Table
38-3 shows the percent of drug absorbed for a drug that has a
dA/dt = kdS 0 {C 8 ,,e -•~ + C8 .[l - e'~]} (20) solubility of 10 µg/mL with a k 0 of0.01 min- 1 . Note that, even
where kr is the recrystallization rate constant for the second though particle-size reduction from lQO to 10 µm increases the
phase, kd is the intrinsic dissolution constant, C811 is the sat- percent absorbed, as the dose increases, the impact of this
uration concentration for the first phase, and C8 1, is the satu- reduction decreases dramatically.
ration concentration for the second hydrate phase. 12
Enhanced and Retarded Dissolution Due to Sinks and CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT
Plugs-The increase in dissolution due to the particle-size re-
duction of an uncharged API, A 0 , can be estimated from Equa- Polymorphic Stability: Importance of the Transition Point-
tion 18. Equation 21 shows the resulting surface area increase, Polymorphic systems, in which different crystalline forms of
1 f, and the corresponding dissolution enhancement. the same molecular composition can exist, vary in their ability
to interconvert at different temperatures. The enantiotropid
milling fa~ter monotropic classification is based on the observation that some
A r ~ ArO f --+ as0 (21)
systems can reversibly interconvert and some cannot. In enan-
tiotropic systems, reversible interconversion between the dif-
This enhancement, however, is assumed to be under sink con- ferent forms is possible. For monotropic polymorphic systems,
ditions and is driven by C 8 = ag in Equation 17. If the concen- interconversion is only possible in one direction, from a meta-
tration of drug does build up, dissolution is reduced by and is
stable form to a more stable form.
given by Equation 16. This slower dissolution is diagramed in
For enantiotropic systems, a critical temperature exists, the
Equation 22 where agulk j indicates the buildup of the drug in
transition point, Tp, at which the rate of conversion from one
the bulk solution.
form to another is equal. At temperatures below Tp, one form is
O ,ilow O more stable; at temperatures above T , another form is more
A ---,. a bulk l (22)
stable (see the section Solid-State Character, page 702; the
convention of designating Form I as the most stable polymorph
An ionizable drug, on the other hand, reduces a~u!k• which is breaks down for such systems because Form I cannot be the
indicated by t in Equation 23 because it is rapidly converted to most stable form both above and below TP).
a;u!k, the ionized form. Thus, the ionized form (a;u!k = at 1kH+) Figure 38-10 shows a solubility versus temperature dia-
acts as a sink to remove a~ulk and promotes the dissolution of gram for an enantiotropic polymorphic system. 13 · 14 For the
A 0 by driving the reaction to the right: enantiotropic system on the left, at constant pressure, there are
three solubility versus temperature curves: Form II is the
(sink) (23) lowest, Form I is the next higher, and the melting curve is M.
The. critical temperature, TP, occurs at the intersection of the
Reduction of dissolution, on the other hand, can occur for an Form II and I curves. At this point the solubilities of Form II
anhydrous API when the hydrated form recrystallizes on the and Form I are equal and the interconversion rate in any
surface as in Figure 38-9. This effect is the opposite of the sink direction is zero. 14 Below the Tp, Form I interconverts to Form
concept, hence the term plugging. Equation 24 show the species II; above the Tp, Form II converts to Form I. The melting point
involved in plugging. The subscript}; emphasizes that this is a of Form I occurs at the intersection of the Form I curve and the
surface phenomenon. melting curve M.
Because enantiotropic forms show a change in relative phys-
slow recryslallization slow,.r
ical stability as temperature is changed, it is important to
OhA~--+ a b u 1 k - - ~ JJAr--+ abulk ! (plug) (24)
anticipate the impact of temperature on stability. An early
warning sign that one is dealing with an enantiotropic system
Acceptance Criteria Guidance-A simple model to assess the can be found by relating solubilities with thermal parameters.
impact of particle size on dissolution and absorption of a non- The higher melting Form I has a smaller heat of fusion. Equa-
ionized drug considers the intestine as a single compartment. 12 tion 28 gives the relationship between the solubilities,
If the number of particles of uniform size at time t is
N(t) = Nr,e-Q,rv (25)
ln[S1(T)] = [t,,HnRT- lli,] [TmTm- T]
S 11 (T)

where N 0 is the initial number of particles, Q is the flow rate where S 1 and Sn are the solubilities and M/1 and M/11 are the
out of the intestine, and V is the intestinal volume, then the heats of fusion of Forms I and II, respectively. 15 The more
surface area for spherical particles of uniform size, r, as a
function of time can be given by Table 38-3. Reduced Absorption with Increasing Particle
Size for a Poorly Soluble Drug
S 0 = 41rr 2 (t)N(t) (26)
This expression can then be used in the non-sink dissolution DOSE 10µ.m 25 µ.m 50 µ.m 100µ.m
expression of Equation 16, with certain assumptions including
linear intestinal absorption, to approximate the fraction ab- 1 91.3 66.9 38.5 17.5
sorbed as 10 70.0 50.0 30.7 15.4
100 9.0 8.7 8.0 6.3
k Xdi, 0
250 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.1
Fc,,-- (27)
Xo Source: Johnson KC. Swindell AC. Pharm Res 1996; 13: 1795.


Enantiotropic System Monotropic System

n~1 n~,'------- figure 38-10. Thermal stability of polymorphic
Temperature Temperature systems. 13• 14

stable form at a given temperature will have lower solubility at form is most stable at low temperatures, and whether the
that temperature. system is enantiotropic.
Enantiotropicity exists only when the transition point is Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is another charac-
below the melting point of Form I (see Fig 38-10). However, if terization tool that is commonly used. It can measure heat
a transition point is not found below the melting point of Form changes that occur when a solid undergoes phase transitions.
I, it does not mean that the system is monotropic. 14 The tran- Melting of a solid into a fluid, for example, requires an influx of
sition point, for example, could be below the lowest tempera- heat into the crystal. Two techniques are useful for detecting
ture studied. polymorphic systems using DSC: scanning-rate variation and
For monotropic systems, interconversion is always from the temperature cycling.
metastable Form II to Form I. The solubility curve of Form II is Scanning-rate variation has been shown to detect some re-
always above that of Form I, and a transition point does not versible polymorphic systems. In Figure 38-11, crystallization
exist because a crystal cannot be heated above its melting point of the more stable polymorph shows up as exothermic depres-
{see Fig 38-10). Oswald's Law of Stages dictates that if a sions as the scanning-rate increases. 17 Hot-stage microscopy
system is supersaturated with respect to Form II at concentra- can be used to confirm these thermal changes.
tion C; and T;, the metastable Phase II will be the first solid
phase that appears. 16 As Form II continues to crystallize, the
supersaturation is reduced until it reaches its solubility. At this
point, although there is no longer a driving force to crystallize
more Form II, the solution continues to be supersaturated with
respect to Form I. Thus, crystallization of Form I occurs at the
expense of the dissolution of Form II.
Polymorphic Solubility: Difference Between Equilibrium
and Dissolution-Based Solubility-Assume Polymorphs I and
II are possible for an NCE. Oswald's Law of Stages tells us that
a supersaturated solution will first crystallize out as Form II
and then ultimately Form I. Thus, the thermodynamic equilib-
rium solubility will be limited by the solubility of Form I.
However, because the rate of nucleation of II and I is a function 5°/min
of a wide variety of variables, equilibrium solubility is not an
especially useful parameter in estimating the impact of a poly-

morph form on the absorption of drug from a dosage form. A
dissolution-based solubility definition is more useful in this
regard. How might such a solubility be defined? CJ
Because the metastable state Form II has a faster dissolu- e...
tion rate, dAJdtn > dAJdt 1, where it is assumed that dissolution Cl)
is carried out under sink conditions of Equation 17. Because 0
dAJdt = kdSaCs, we can conclude that C 8 (II) > C 8 (I) if we

assume that Sa and kd are the same for both polymorphs. Thus, w
Equation 17 provides a working definition for the solubility
differences between Polymorph II and Polymorph I, and it
provides a method for measuring them from dissolution exper- 20°/min
iments. More precisely, it provides the solubility at the surface
of the API, which is the solubility that is most relevant for
dissolution (see the section Reactive Media 1, page 706).
Polymorph Characterization Techniques-At a given tem-
perature, a fluid-phase transformation can cause a metastable
polymorph to change into a more stable, less soluble poly-
morph. Using a hot-stage microscope, fluid-phase transforma- 40°/min
tions as a function of temperature can be observed. 14 As the
temperature is varied, the more soluble polymorph dissolves
and the less soluble one grows. If a temperature can be found at 120 180
which both polymorphs have the same solubility, then the
system is enantiotropic, and the temperature is the transition Temperature (0 )
point, Tr Plots similar to Figure 38-10 can be constructed
qualitatively in which the intersection is the measured transi- figure 38-11. Detection of polymorphs by varying the DSC scanning
tion point. These plots are important because they tell which rate. 17

710 CHAPTER 38

Temperature cycling using DSC also can be used to study

the relative interconvertability of crystalline forms. A loss of
the metastable, lower melting point polymorph of metoclopra-
mide base was found after heating, cooling, and then reheat-
ing. 18 The more stable polymorph can often be observed as
exotherms due to crystallization after heat-cool cycles. 19 In
addition, storage of a metastable polymorph below the melting
point of either polymorph can result in the formation of the
more stable polymorph. For gepirone hydrochloride, this oc-
curred after a heat treatment of 3 hours at 150°. 17
Powder X-ray diffraction is the most powerful method for Stable
detecting polymorphs. Because different polymorphs have dif- figure 38-12. Formation of a metastable polymorph in a mono-
ferent crystal structures, the packing patterns of their atoms tropic system. 14
are different. Powder X-ray diffraction detects these packing
differences as differences in diffraction patterns. Comparisons
of diffraction scans between different polymorphs show char-
acteristic differences that can be used for identification {finger-
printing) purposes. cooling with alcohol or acetone is common for these purposes.
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction is the most definitive char- Once crystallization from the saturated solution phase, a,
acterization tool because the exact relative locations of atoms in has occurred, it is important to filter and dry the precipitate as
the molecular crystal can be determined. However, most often, quickly as possible to prevent a fluid-phase transformation to the
high-quality crystals for this type of analysis are not available stable polymorph. Alternatively, if 1A can be melted without deg-
from the bulk API (especially if the material was milled). Re- radation, complete melting and rapid cooling of the melt is an
crystallization of suitable crystals from saturated solutions another method of forming metastable forms. This avoids two
may be possible. If the single-crystal X-ray diffraction problem major problems of solution-phase metastable polymorph forma-
can be solved, programs are now available that can convert tion-filtration and drying, both of which can promote intercon-
single-crystal diffraction data to a powder X-ray diffraction version.
pattern. This is necessary to ensure that the recrystallization Hydrate Stability: Importance of the Critical Relative Hu-
process has not grown a new polymorph. midity -Relative humidity (RH) is the percentage of the
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is also a maximum amount of moisture that air can hold. A substance
powerful technique for studying polymorphic systems. In this is hygroscopic when it takes up this moisture from air. For a
technique, a powder sample must be rotated at a special angle drug substance, the RH that is in equilibrium with a satu-
{the magic angle) with respect to the magnetic field so that rated aqueous solution of a solute is termed the critical
preferential orientations of the powder particles are averaged. relative humidity (CRH). 21 It is a key parameter that can
Microcalorimetry also has been used to characterize the ther- influence the physical stability of solid-state hydrates. A
modynamic properties of different polymorphs. Finally, diffuse number of studies have shown that the gain or loss of water
reflectance infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopy recently from a hydrate can center on the CRH. Because water in
has been used to quantify binary mixtures ofpolymorphs using organic crystals is never a passive entity (see Hydrate For-
the partial least-squares method for spectral analysis. 20 mation, page 711), solid-state changes in the crystal are very
Metastable Polymorph Formation-Exploring the poten- likely to follow.
tial that a given salt has for polymorph formation is a very For the tetrahydrate sodium salt of a tetrazolate derivative,
important aspect of salt selection. It is important that the a number of different solid-state forms are possible. 22
choice of the final molecular form be based on as much above CRH
information as possible. Other factors being equal, a molec-
ular entity that forms polymorphs is generally not as desir- -H,O
able as one that does not, because of the potential intercon-
version of polymorphs and a change in an API's dissolution.
below CRH
This could cause consistency problems both in the API and in
the dosage forms. Special techniques are used to attempt to -H,O (29)
synthesize metastable polymorphs. Preparation of metasta-
ble polymorphs requires: The conversion of 4 hA to hA requires elevated temperature and
a RH above the CRH. Water's plasticizing action in reducing
l. Supersaturating conditions for the metastable form, uA. the intermolecular H-bonding between adjacent molecules is
2. Crystallization of the metastable state before the stable polymorph believed to be the mechanism that facilitates the solid-state
forms. transformation to the more.stable hA crystal form. 23 Similarly,
3. Stable conditions for the metastable polymorph so that conversion elevation of both temperature and RH were required to convert
to the stable ,A form is prevented.
the oh A form of paroxetine HCI to the A form. 24 Water also
These steps are shown in Figure 38-12. promoted a solid-state transformation of the A form to the oh A

For a monotropic system, the metastable state can only form of a d.isodium leukotriene antagonist. The amorphous
change to the stable state; for an enantiotropic system, the form initially picked up a small amount of water (2%) and then
transition point is critical for interconversion. Therefore, the slowly released this water as the anhydrous form was formed.
formation temperature should be as far above the transition Conversely, the humidity-mediated conversion from 11 A to "A
point as practical. has been observed for another leukotriene antagonist. 25 Diffi-
The ideal solution conditions to prevent 11 A from convert- cult hydrate situations have been dealt with by carefully de-
ing to 1A are such that the solution phase, a, should be fining the RH ranges of different species and setting specifica-
highly supersaturated, of a small volume, and in a relatively tions consistent with typical manufacturing environments. 26
poor solvent. Rapid cooling is the method of choice for main- In general, hydrates that are more closely packed tend to be
taining supersaturation with respect to 11 A. To help ensure more physically stable with respect to moisture loss. The ideal
that the rate of metastable crystallization is much greater solid state is one that is stable over a wide range of RH, such as
than the rate of thermodynamic equilibration, small volumes the o.shA form ofparoxetine HCl. 24 For the sodium salt of the
and poor solvents for 1A are used. The use of dry ice for rapid tetrazole derivative shown in Equations 29 and 30, the denser


;,A structure is physically more stable than the 4 ,.A structure. meclofenoxate HCI below the CRH to form amorphous dimethylami-
The latter loses four water molecules from crystal channels at noethanol HCI (see Eq 32) is a good example ofthis. 28 Next, the water
a significantly lower temperature than the one water molecule adsorbed to the surface due to the dissolved form of Bon the surface b,-
of the ,,A form, which is integrated into the crystal structure in promotes the dissolution of the surface ofA,A,., to form a surface co~ted
also with a~ . the dissolved form of A on -the surface, which then
a more cohesive manner. 22 In the sections H-Bonding Networks undergoes further decomposition to b,. This is sho"'-n in the horizontal
(page 717), and Hydrate Formation (page 717), hydrate forma- and final downward reactions of Equition 34.
tion is discussed from a molecular point of view. Crystal for-
mation involves two mutually opposing principles: (1) satisfy-
ing the molecule's intermolecular H-bonding needs and (2)
packing the atoms in the crystal as closely as possible. Hemi- J, +H 2 0
(h/2) and monohydrates (h) evidently satisfy both close packing
and H-bonding needs more efficiently than hydrates that con- b,

tain water in channels. Ac-,. ac + b,

Hysteresis is a general term that is used when a material's
response to a second exposure of a stress differs from a prior
response. This has been observed in the moisture uptake of an
API as a function of RH. A number of instruments are now (34)
available that can monitor a sample's weight as RH is cycled
from 0% to 95%. The noncoincidence of the weight as the In Equation 35, two possible solid-state changes for aA:,: are
sample is back cycled from 95% to 0% indicates hysteresis. One shown. First, the reactive amorphous surface can undergo a
explanation of this type of behavior is that surface-initiated degradation reaction to form C,-. Second, the surface can con-
changes occurred in the solid state below or above the sample's tinue to lose water below the CRH so that the subsurface ;,A
CRH. Dehydration of the surface below the CRH, as in Equa- undergoes a solid phase transformation to a crystalline phase,
tion 29, with the formation of an amorphous coat of 0 ,,,,,A::: 1 A. The dehydration changes for cefixime trihydrate are exam-
means that any subsequent water vapor will encounter a more ples of these reactions. 31 The partially dehydrated form of this
hygroscopic surface than 4 hA:,: and thus a different hydration compound was more unstable than the fully hydrated or the
kinetic behavior. On the other hand, conversion of 4 ,. A to h A completely dehydrated crystalline forms.
above the CRH, as in Equation 30, will produce a different
kinetic behavior upon rehydration. Thus, RH hysteresis may
result from changes in both the kinetic and equilibrium behav-
ior of the surface of the particle. (35)
Chemical Stability: Common Degradation Sequences-
Sorption/Desorption of Surface Water-If an anhydrous form of ABOVE CRH
A is exposed to an RH below the CRH, water molecules will slowly When water is adsorbed to the surface of the particle above the CRH,
adsorb onto the surface of the drug particle (denoted as >Oh). Adsorp- the drug particle becomes coated with a dissolved drug layer, a~, which
tion of up to a monolayer of water has been shown to provide partial is assumed to be saturated: 1
protection from oxidation. Dehydrated foods, for example, are more
stable when moisture coats reactive sites. For the anhydrous phenyl- <'1'C{'l!S I{,()

A~-a: (36)
butazone, the oxidation rate has been shown to be lower below the
CRH.2 7 For a hydrate, however, the loss of surface water of hydration
(denoted as <h) at RHs below the CRH has been shown to increase Degradation under these conditions is assumed to occur solely in the
reactivity. Equations 30 and 31 show both of these possibilities. dissolved layer. This situation has been extensively discussed. 1 For the
Maillard reaction, in which primary amines react with carbohydrates,
t ... !ow CRH
(partial oxidation protection) (30) adsorbed water initially increases the reaction rate to a maximum due
01iA~ ~ > .>OhA:::
•llif) to the enhancement of reactant mobility. Greater amounts of water
then decrease the reaction rate due to dilution of the reactive species.
twtow CRH
A~A (increased chemical reactivity) (31) Similarly, for free-radical auto-oxidation of unsaturated groups, reac-
tivity increases above the CRH because of accelerated reactant mobil-
ity. Below the CRH, oxidation decreases due to the immobilization of
Formation of an Amorphous (a) Surface--A water enriched/
hydrogen peroxides and trace metal catalysts and the protective effects
depleted surface, (>hl<h), is prone to further solid-state changes shown
of a mono!ayer of water that is insufficient to increase reactant mobility.
in Equations 32 and 33. For the water-<"nriched surface, a chemical
reaction is shown in which the crystalline form of A (j = l) reacts to Influence of Salt Form on Hygroscopicity -Table 38-2 shows
form the product B~, which is amorphous. This type of surface hydro-
that the non-salt forms, including free bases, free acids, and
lysis at RHs below the CRH was shown to occur for meclofenoxate HCl
decomposition 28 and for propantheline bromide hydrolysis. 29 For the nonelectrolytes, are the most popular molecular forms on the
latter, a lag time occurred that was attributed to the amount of time market. In general, these forms would be expected to be less
that was necessary to form a monolayer. For the water-depleted hy- hygroscopic than salt forms due to their un-ionized character.
drate (j = h ), the loss of water initiated the formation of an amorphous Although the sodium salt is the most popular weak acid form,
surface layer, A,. The consequences of these amorphous surfaces will
this form has a tendency to be hygroscopic. Alternative salts
now be explored. that have proven useful in overcoming hygroscopicity are hy-
drogen sulfate:i 2 and tromethamine. 33 •34
,A, - ,.,.,,A,-> ..Be (32) Hygroscopic tendencies for weak bases might be overcome
by using aromatic counter-ions. Ary! sulfonic acids were shown
-11,0 to provide moisture protection without decreasing dissolution
, A,--. <,Ac-> ,.A, (33) for the sparingly soluble weak base, Xiobam. 35 The free-base
form of this drug (pl{,. 6.1) was hydrolyzed at 40°C/80% RH. On
the other hand, one weak base (pl{,. 3.67) was chosen for de-
Transformation of Amorphous Surfaces-Because amorphous
velopment because it was less reactive to moisture exposure
layers are more prone to be hygroscopic than crystalline solids, the
chemical transformation of ,A~ to .. B~ in Equation 32 is significant than the HCl salt. The latter showed chemical instability with
because the latter can attract more water to the surface. Dissolution of moisture and heat and was the only salt that could be formed. 36
..B~ shown in the first downward reaction of Equation 34 will then form Stronger bases like pelrinone (pl{,. 4. 71) can form stable and
a surface coated with b~, as shown in Figure 38-3. The reaction of nonhygroscopic HCI salts.3°

712 CHAPTER 38

Grinding Impact-Processing of solids can have a major carried out. This is considered to be the most time-consuming
impact on dissolution due to solid-solid phase changes. Grind- step so the limiting of candidates saves time and effort. Se-
ing is one process that has been shown to cause changes in both lected excipient compatibility testing may also occur at this
polymorphs and hydrates. For the mA polymorph (Form C) of stage. If Tier 2 eliminates all of the candidates, additional salts
chloramphenicol palmitate, 37 or free acid/bases are considered before reevaluating any salt
that was dropped in an earlier tier.
grinding more grinding
Several comments can be made regarding this approach.
111A----> 11A----> ,A (37)
1. The HCI salt of ranitidine, due to its hygroscopicity,4 2 probably
would not have been a final candidate in the multi-tiered approach.
grinding causes a successive change to the uA polymorph Yet this is one of the most successful drugs ever marketed. This
(Form B) and finally to the 1 A polymorph (Form A). 38 Corre- emphasizes a need for prioritizing the salt selection process so that
spondingly, dissolution from the fastest to the slowest is in the as wide of a range of development issues are addressed as early as
order possible and that they all are put in perspective. If a hydrochloride
salt has much better absorption properties than the free base but is
groundnA > ground IA> nA > ,A (38) hygroscopic, it would be very prudent for development to see if it
can deal with this problem. Otherwise, bioavailability may be com-
For hydrates, similar solid-state changes have been observed. promised by a single-minded emphasis on API consistency.
When cefixime trihydrate is ground, a solid-phase transforma- 2. The free base is not considered in the multi-tiered approach unless
tion takes place: all alternatives have failed despite its potentially favorable disso-
lution in gastric fluids and its sensitivity to particle size reduction
grinding with a reactive sink.
,.A--~ a.oh A (39)
The decision-tree, goal-oriented approach discussed below ad-
dresses some of these issues.
Water in this situation plays an essential role in crystal forma-
tion. Its removal causes a collapse of the crystal lattice. 39 Other Decision-Tree, Goal-Oriented Approach-An alternative ap-
pharmaceutical processing operations and their impact on crys- proach to the multi-tiered go/no-go selection approach is one
tals have been reviewed. 40 based on a decision-tree using statistical probabilities and
functional grouping of counter-ions to seek prioritized physical
SALT SELECTION DECISION-MAKING properties. In Figure 38-13, prioritized problems are shown,
absorption being the highest priority.
The pressure to increase the productivity of the knowledge The decision-tree considers the free base, the HCl salt, as
worker is readily apparent at the salt-selection stage. Because well as other options. Although this approach uses statistical
of increased productivity in discovery, the cascading impact on probabilities for molecular form consideration, ideally, a high-
development to choose rapidly the best molecular form is throughput, automated methodology would be available that
readily apparent; toxicological and bioavailability studies can- could determine exhaustively which salts can form crystals and
not proceed until the salt is chosen. Once these studies are under which conditions. Feasible salts would then be synthe-
initiated, it becomes very costly to change the molecular form sized and placed under accelerated stability and stressing con-
because many of these biological studies would have to be ditions. This would allow for the maximum amount of exposure
repeated. More importantly, precious time and a competitive to the sample before a decision has to be made. Degradant
advantage will be lost. However, if an unanticipated, unaccept- evaluation need not be carried out on these stressed samples
able property emerges during the development of an API, the immediately; other issues may eliminate a particular candidate
sooner the change is made the better. It is for these reasons and make this unnecessary. However, evaluation for crystal-
that efficient paradigms are being sought for this stage of linity should be carried out early to ensure that this does not
development. Two approaches will be presented that attempt to impact physical or chemical stability. Physical property screens
optimize the probability of success with speed. Previous ap- and absorption-dominated prioritization would then force a
proaches were criticized for excessive characterization of poor pharmaceutical evaluation to be made regarding the possibility
candidates and for a lack of clear go/no-go decision-making. 41 of overcoming consistency and processing problems. 43 By using
As a practical consideration, it is essential that NCEs have functional groupings (see Table 38-2), salt forms would be
high purity, and that salts be crystallized. In the following considered that could address specific problems. 6
discussion, weak bases that are to be absorbed orally are used.
Similar approaches can be developed for intravenous NCEs
and for weak acids.
Multitiered Selection Approach-One approach in which dif-
Compressibility and Compactibility
ferent critical parameters are used to filter a salt candidate's
progression to the next stage has recently been proposed. 41 Because tablets remain the preferred oral dosage form due to
Crystalline salts are successively sorted by a three-tier system high-speed manufacturing, information obtained during pre-
in the following way: formulation studies on the ability of powdered drugs to be
compressed and compacted can be a valuable aid to market-
Tier 1. Hygroscopicity
Tier 2. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction image formulators. Compressibility and compactibility relate
Tier 3. Accelerated solid-state stability directly to tableting performance. Compressibility can be de-
fined as the ability of a powder to decrease in volume under
Tier 1 eliminates any form with excessive moisture sorption/ pressure; compactibility can be defined as the ability of a pow-
desorption characteristics. Only the survivors progress to Tier der to be compressed into a tablet of a certain strength or
2. In this second tier, changes in crystal structure are examined hardness. Even though powdered drugs usually are formulated
under extremes of moisture conditions by using thermal anal- with excipients to modify compression and compaction proper-
ysis and powder X-ray diffraction to detect desolvation and ties, the properties of the powdered drug alone may be the
aqueous-phase transformation problems. In addition, aqueous primary determinant of its ability to be manufactured into a
solubility is determined to address potential dissolution prob- tablet. Significant differences in compression and compaction
lems. The best candidates for formulation and manufacturing behavior often can be observed in different lots of the same
are considered here and survivors proceed onto Tier 3. In this drug. For example, changes in crystallization or milling proce-
third tier, accelerated thermal and photo-stability testing is dures may produce differences in behavior.


Route of Adm Prioritized Problems

t i i'
I. Absorption 2. Consistency 3. Processing

Cs dA/dt
T H 20 bv
+ i
1:1 Syn. Milling

I Indicators I
mp dA/dt
• ~ t ~
Polar FlexA MultiF PlanarA Bulky

ll~-------------------1 ~I-------~

Figure 38-13. Absorption-dominated decision-tree.

Compression and compaction most often are evaluated by Index is the ratio of tensile strength to indentation hardness. The
measuring the tensile strength and hardness of compacts. Tensile Brittle Fracture Index is obtained by comparing the tensile
strength commonly is measured by radial compression of round strengths of square compacts with and without a hole at their
tablets, where the analysis of strength accounts for the dimen- center. The indices themselves do not measure intrinsic proper-
sions of the tablets. Transverse compression of square compacts ties of a chemical compound, but rather the traits that influence
between platens narrower than the compact is reported to provide the tableting performances of a specific lot of chemical. It is nec-
more reproducible results on a wider variety of powders. essary to know the magnitude of all three indices to predict the
Hardness can be defined as the resistance of a solid to local variety of tableting properties that may be incurred. Such infor-
permanent deformation. Static impression or dynamic methods mation can act as a guide in selecting excipients to overcome
usually measure deformation hardness tests. The static problem properties of a drug ingredient.
method involves the formation of a permanent indentation on a
solid surface by a gradual and regularly increasing stress load.
Hardness is determined by the load and size of the indentation Excipient Selection:
and is expressed as force per unit area. In dynamic tests, the
solid surface is exposed to an abrupt impact such as a swinging formulation Compatibilities
pendulum or an indenter allowed to fall under gravity onto the
surface. Hardness then is determined from the rebound height Excipients serve many roles and are the backbone of a formu-
of the pendulum or the volume of the resulting indentation. lation. They may be needed to stabilize the API by providing
Hiestand has used adaptations of a compression test and a antioxidant, heavy-metal chelating, or light-protection proper-
hardness test to obtain measurements that are used to formulate ties. They also may be used to enhance bioavailability and to
three dimensionless parameters or indices. 44 The indices are used control the release from dosage forms. For solid dosage forms,
to characterize the relative tableting performance of individual they provide suitable properties for dispensing the API in ac-
components or mixtures. The Strain Index is the ratio of dynamic curate dosage units that have reproducible release proper-
indentation hardness to reduced Young's modulus. The Bonding ties. Diluents provide a flowable bulk, binders hold powders

. -·---··-· --·-----·--·-----,,--,,i'""

714 CHAPTER 38

together after wet granulation, lubricants provide punch- tropic polymorphic systems are especially important intrinsic
releasing properties, and disintegrants help to disperse dosage physical parameters that control solid-state consistency and
forms in the GI tract. On the other hand, judicious choices potential solid-state interconversion. Moisture and tempera-
must be made to prevent incompatibilities between the API ture, as we have discussed, are the major environmental vari-
and excipients. ables that can promote these changes. Rapid methods, there-
Screens to detect drug-excipient incompatibilities recently fore, are needed to characterize potential solid-state forms and
have been developed using elevated temperature and added their physical properties. The decision-tree on the right side of
water to accelerate potential interactions in ternary and more Figure 38-14 summarizes when specifications need to be set to
complex powder blends. 45 Such methods have been shown to be maintain API consistency. If the physical properties of the solid
capable ofrapidly detecting chemical incompatibilities and giv- states differ, assessments need to determine the impact this
ing good correlations with results using powder blends of drug will have on a formulated APL Specifications need to be set to
and excipients at elevated temperatures and humidity. ensure a consistent product.
Processing incompatibilities can be more difficult to trouble- PARTICLE-SIZE ACCEPTANCE CRITERION-Once
shoot than chemical incompatibilities. For example, tablet per- the solid state, jA, has been characterized, the potential impact
formance has been shown to vary for ketorolac tromethamine, of particle size on absorption can be assessed. Figure 38-15
depending upon the kind of starch that was used. Cornstarch shows a decision-tree approach, suggested by the International
showed a decreased disintegration time and dissolution rate as Committee on Harmonization, for determining whether a par-
a function of blending time whereas pregelatinized starch ticle-size acceptance criterion is needed. 50 Previous sections in
showed no such dependency. The difference between these two this chapter have discussed nearly every aspect of this tree.
excipients was attributed to the formation of drug/cornstarch Although dissolution-limited absorption is a major concern,
agglomerates with magnesium stearate. 46 Blending studies Figure 38-15 also includes dosage form issues such as content
have shown the potential benefits of using sodium lauryl sul- uniformity.
fate to offset these types of effects. 47 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF API-
Finally, manufacturing for a global market has forced a Although it is possible to alter the solid state, 1 A, such that
reevaluation of excipients that are used in formulations so that dissolution and absorption can be enhanced, solubility and
manufacturing can be carried out with internationally accept- passive permeability are, in general, intrinsic properties of the
able components. The European Economic Community has fo- NCE. Thus, even though the amorphous state, aA, in some
cused recently the pharmaceutical industry on eliminating ex- situations can be stabilized to enhance dissolution, the equilib-
cipients that have the potential for transmissible spongiform rium solubility will be determined by the least soluble solid
encephalopathies, replacing ingredients like stearic acid, mag- state. A classification has been proposed to segregate situations
nesium stearate, polysorbate 80, and simethicone with vegeta- when in vitro and in vivo correlations (IVIV) are expected. Such
ble grade sources. designations may be used as a guide for determining when
bioequivalent studies may need to be carried out. Table 38-4
shows the four major classes based on solubility and passive
API Specifications: Meeting Product permeability.
and Regulatory Requirements


SION TREES-A major portion of this chapter has been de-
voted to characterizing the solid state, jA. The left side of
Figure 38-14 48 •49 summarizes some of the potential solid states
Speed is essential for any preformulation innovation if it is to
be effective in influencing discovery decision-making. In Figure
38-4, the early discovery stages, Steps 1 to 4 were introduced.
that can exist for the un-ionized form of A; if a salt form was
chosen for the API, the same states also would be possible. The potential focal points of high-throughput physical screen-
Previous sections have discussed the impact on API consistency ing, predictions of physical properties, and artificial intelli-
and dissolution for the different solid states. The critical rela- gence are shown in an expanded version of these early steps in
tive humidity (CRH) and the transition point (TP) for enantio- Figure 38-16.

Decision Tree


Figure 38-14. Solid-state forms

setting. 48•49
and specification
INo Action!
ISet Specs. I


~ I No Action NHded

1 ofl'roduct
I Content Uniformity
of Product

Figure 38-15. Decision-tree for drug substance particle-size

distribution. 50

library Expansion find compounds that have high in vitro activity, this exclusive
focus tends to produce compounds with poor physical proper-
ties. Such compounds, either because of their conformational
The development of mass-screening technologies has
restriction or their H-bonding with receptors, have much
spawned a number of technologies that complement a com-
greater activity and selectivity than previous generations of
pany's in-house library. Besides the massive influx of com-
NCEs that were obtained from tissue screens and in vivo tests.
pounds that can be obtained from combinatorial synthesis,
These attributes have caused modern chemical libraries to
compu~er-based analyses can be used to assess the diversity
expand with compounds that have high melting points and low
of the m-house chemical library and identify areas of weak-
aqueous solubility. Chemists affectionately call such com-
ness. Negotiations with other companies then might take
pounds brick dust.
place to fill in deficiencies. In addition, a number of commer-
Although brick dust compounds may provide a point of
cial libraries, including natural products, are also available
departure for an in vitro activity search, most of them are
for mass screening. Figure 38-17 shows these aspects of
unacceptable for development because of their poor physical
library expansion.
properties, especially poor aqueous solubility. It would be un-
Modern mechanism-based screens, based on recombinant
desirable for chemical library expansion to be dominated ex-
p~oteins, have vastly increased the number and specificity of in
clusively by such compounds because of their poor development
vitro screens. However, because the goal of mass screening is to
potential. Selection of a good API, an active chemical with
acceptable pharmaceutical properties, could be delayed. For
this reason, there is an urgent need to integrate pharmaceuti-
Table 38-4. In Vitro/In Vivo Correlation Expectations cal properties into the chemical library expansion and the
for Immediate-Release Products Based mass-screening paradigm.
on Biopharmaceutics Class for Passive Absorption However, a greater mechanistic understanding is needed of
CLASS SOLUBILITY PERMEABILITY IVIV CORRELATION EXPECTATION those factors that promote desirable physical properties and
High High IVIV correlation if dissolution good absorption. In lieu of this understanding, computed pa-
rate is slower than gastric rameters based on marketed drugs have been used to direct
emptying rate. Otherwise immediate library expansion based on the assumption that
limited or no correlation. these drugs have physical and chemical properties that are
II Low High IVIV correlation expected if desirable. 51 The potential future role pharmaceutics can play
in vitro dissolution rate is in influencing the rational direction oflibrary expansions based
similar to in vivo on a more fundamental, more molecular-based understanding
dissolution rate (unless of physical properties will now be discussed.
dose is very high).
Ill High Low Absorption (permeability) is
limited or no IVIV
correlation with Although aqueous solubility is a major factor that affects drug
dissolution rate. absorption, better methods of understanding the molecular
IV Low Low Limited or no IVIV mechanisms and predicting this parameter are needed. Aque-
correlation expected. ous insolubility occurs when the attraction between molecules
Source: Amidon GL, et al. Pharm Res 1995; 12: 413. is greater than the ability of water to solvate the molecule and

7.16 CHAPTER 38

(I) Library Expansion

• Aqueous Insolubility and Molecular Mechanisms
• Drug Delivery and Molecular Mechanisms

(2) Series Selection

• Physical Property Screens
• pH-Solubility Profiles

(3) Analog Expansion

• Absorption Engineering
• Solid-State Engineering
• Stability Engineering

(4) Analog Selection

Figure 38-16. Proactive pharmaceutical API decision-
rnaking: potential opportunities for high-through-
put physical innovations.
ISalt Selection j
dislodge it from its solid phase. Generally speaking, most phar- 3. H-bonding networks
maceutical solids are manufactured in the form of crystals as 4. Hydrate formation
opposed to amorphous solids because crystals are more stable. 5. Zwitterion formation
Crystals are arrays of molecules that pack in a regular pattern
and thus have long-range order, ie, packing patterns that ex- Hydrophobicity needs no explanation; this brief focus will con-
tend in space over large numbers of molecules. Single-crystal centrate on the cohesive aspects of the latter factors.
X-ray diffraction can be used to visualize the conformation of Conformational Restriction-Using biotechnology, very spe-
molecules in the crystal, the interactions between molecules, cific biological targets can be synthesized from genes. For ex-
and exactly how repeating units of molecules are arranged in ample, pure dopamine receptor subtypes, Di-D 5 , have been
three-dimensional space. When the forces that form crystals used as mechanistic targets for schizophrenia; cycloxygen-
are sufficiently strong, either because the forces are sufficiently ase1 and cycloxygenase 2 similarly are now available for anti-
strong in themselves or because there are a large number of inflammatory screening. Developing a drug specifically for cy-
forces on a given molecule, insolubility results. These forces are cloxygenase2 inhibition promises to minimize the side effects of
termed intermolecular forces (between molecules) as opposed to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory inhibitors like aspirin.
intramolecular forces (within a molecule). Such molecular specificity is now possible because screening-
In the past, most of the predictive methods for solubility feedback enables chemists to rigidify drug molecules such that
have been either thermodynamically or statistically based. In- interactions with the target protein are restricted to only a few
sight into the molecular basis of insolubility is now possible. By conformations. However, this rigidity has a physical impact. Ri-
using single crystal X-ray diffraction, correlations between mo- gidified molecules appear to pack better because they can be
lecular packing motifs and solubility can be carried out. The arranged in fewer ways than flexible molecules. Consequently,
major intermolecular factors that have been identified to date such molecules have increased dispersion force interactions (very
are short ranged). This increased intermolecular interaction leads to
1. Hydrophobicity a conformationally based insolubility that has been observed es-
2. Conformational restriction pecially in molecules that are planar or linear.


Figure 38-17. Expansion of mass-screenable chemicals.


H-Bonding Networks-Polar groups generally impart water DRUG DELIVERY: MOLECULAR MECHANISMS
solubility to a flexible molecule. Functional groups that have an
H-bond donor and an acceptor group can help the molecule to Membrane-Active Sites-The rich interaction of drugs with
form a hydration shell around itself and increase solubility. membrane receptors is modulated partially by their complex
However, in more rigid molecules, these same groups can bind lipid matrix. For drugs that partition into membranes, lateral
one molecule to another in the crystalline state through inter- diffusion provides a rapid surface-dispersion mechanism for
molecular H-bonding. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies transporting drug to any integral membrane receptor. Func-
of crystals provide a detailed picture of how H-bonds form tional groups on a molecule that help position it within the
between such molecules. Insolubility due to H-bonding in con- membrane help explain why some drugs act superficially or
formationally restricted molecules appears to increase as the more deeply on integral membrane proteins.
number of H-bonds per molecule and between molecules in- Finally, intrinsic membrane curvature, with its concomitant
creases. Predicting exactly how such molecules arrange in a asymmetric distribution of phospholipids, provides a rich po-
crystal is difficult because there are two mutually opposing tential for specific and allosteric interactions. Drugs, depending
tendencies in crystal formation: (1) packing molecules as on their amphipathic nature, may insert themselves preferen-
closely as possible, and (2) maximizing the number of H-bond- tially into the phosphatidylcholine-rich outer leaflet or the
phosphatidylserine inner negative leaflet. Protein crystallo-
ing interactions. Crystals often achieve a balance between
graphic studies have confirmed the relationship between mem-
these opposing tendencies in unexpected ways. brane localization and duration of action of a number of drugs.
Conformational restriction also seems to increase the effi- Membrane Permeability-Computational approaches have
ciency of H-bonding in crystals by increasing molecular rigid- been used to develop molecular models for passive membrane
ity. This may be because rigid molecules can form more uni- permeability. Exploration of a number of models, including
form, consistent H-bonds that are needed for long-ranged homogeneous solubility-diffusion, defect, and free volume, have
crystal order. Intramolecular H-bonding often adds to this shown an inability to completely explain the permeability of
rigidity. simple molecules like water and ethanol. Recent progress has
The forces directing initial crystal formation would be ex- been made in this area by dividing the membrane into zones in
pected to be dominated by H-bonds due to their electrostatic which the mechanisms of diffusion differ. The preferential im-
nature. These are the longest-ranged intermolecular forces in a pact of different zones on diffusion and the dynamic simulation
nonelectrolyte. Packing and dispersion interactions would then of spontaneously occurring membrane conformational alter-
be expected to dominate the final crystal form. For some mol- ations can then be used to simulate and average diffusion
ecules, the H-bonding of water can be very important in crystal trajectories to estimate permeation rates.
formation. When the number of H-bonding acceptor groups is
large compared to the number of donor groups, hydrates are
more probable. Water, due to its high H-bonding capacity, often Series Selection
strongly binds molecules together in crystals by making up for
molecular deficiencies. This can increase aqueous insolubility.
It is generally observed that hemihydrates and monohydrates PHYSICAL PROPERTY SCREENS
are more insoluble than the anhydrous forms.
Hydrate Formation-Hydrate formation in organic crystals Until computational methods for predicting physical properties
increases the number of molecular options for satisfying the reach an advanced state of reliability, high-throughput screens
dual crystal maximization constraints of H-bonding and dense for physical properties will play a major role in understanding
packing. Water, because of its small size and di-donor and how molecules can be designed for better absorption. New
di-acceptor capacity for H-bonding, often acts as an interstitial instrumentation makes this task more feasible than it was in
H-bonding cement and spacer. 52 Crystal surveys have found the past. Rapid advances in analytical detection sensitivity,
that water is a very weak donor, but the water oxygen is the especially in powder X-ray diffraction and chromatography-
strongest acceptor. On the other hand, water almost always mass spectrometry, have helped reduce material consumption
donates two H-bonds but usually accepts one, not two, H-bonds. and analytical development time. Robots, and specialized au-
Because of its unique characteristics and flexibility, predicting tomated dispensers and spectrophotometers that have been
how water will interact with an H-bonding NCE is not possible. developed for mass screens can be used creatively for develop-
The earlier presumption of linear and single acceptor H-bonds mental purposes. In short, the more rapidly and reliably phys-
has been shown to be wrong. Nevertheless, although the exact ical properties can be assessed, the more impact these mea-
structure of water interactions with NCEs cannot be predicted, surements will have on the flow of new leads for development.
generalizations can be drawn regarding the type of structure However, the greatest advantage of automation is not physical
that is most likely to be hydrated. Water with its di-donor/ evaluations on a grand scale, but rather the ability to custom-
mono-acceptor role tends to reduce proton deficiencies of the ize determinations to solve particular problems rapidly.
parent molecule. Molecules that have donor/acceptor ratios of
less that 0.5 are most likely to be hydrate candidates. pH-SOLUBILITY PROFILES
Zwitterion Formation-Zwitterions are molecules that at a
given pH have both a positive and negative charge. If they are High-throughput determinations of A 0 and k solubilities and
conformationally restricted, they tend to be very insoluble. pK,, values provide the basis for pH-solubility profiles. Series
Evidently the localization of opposite charges at different re- selection can then focus on the feasibility of modifying the pK,,
gions in the same rigid molecule provide scaffolding that en- for a given series as part of an optimization strategy to enhance
ables very efficient salt-bridge dimers to form. Sometimes absorption. Ideally, a pK,, that allows for ionization to enhance
a zwitterion not only forms dimers, but also has ample H- solubility while still providing some un-ionized form for absorp-
bonding groups to form II-bonding networks in addition to tion is ideal. Consider Equation 40.
the dimers. Occasionally, zwitterion insolubility is caused by
metabolism, for example by aromatic hydroxylation and subse- rapid e11u1lihration Ii:~

quent sulfation of a strong basic drug. Such metabolites have A; (ionizing reservoir)-+-------+ A O J. _,. GI membrane -
the potential to precipitate in the kidneys as urine becomes
concentrated in the renal tubules. systemic circulation (sink) (40)

718 CHAPTER 38

If 99% of the drug in the GI tract is in the ionized form A', and pears to be important for efficient membrane permeability.
1% in the un-ionized form A O (eg, 99%), Ai provides a reservoir Ultimately, such insight may be possible from molecular mod-
of dissolved drug while the systemic circulation provides a sink eling studies of membranes.
for A 0 • These conditions should allow for good absorption as Intrinsic Dissolution Engineering--Correlating molecular
long as km is not rate limiting. Modifying the pH solubility orientation with morphology in crystals has provided insight
profile to approach this situation is one way to optimize absorp- into molecular mechanisms of dissolution. In one study, it was
tion. The impact of this type of optimization cannot be overes- shown that the relatively strong binding of a solvent at one
timated, because pK,, values and intrinsic solubilities are mo- subset of surface sites and repulsion at others provided a relay
lecular parameters that neither salt selection nor formulation type of dissolution that favored erosion from particular faces of
can alter. Further techniques to enhance absorption will be the crystal. Such a mechanism also perpetuates the natural
discussed in the next section. corrugation of the surface at the molecular level and helps
define the factors that may limit dissolution in the bulk phase.
In this regard, some progress has been made in predicting the
Analog Expansion intrinsic dissolution rate of an API from considerations of the
surface pH of the API. Modifications of the classic Noyes-
Whitney relationship have to be made for weak acids, bases,
ABSORPTION ENGINEERING and their salts. The impact of dissolution in a reactive media
was discussed under Preformulation Challenges, page 700. Pre-
Absorption-enhancement engineering of analogs can be ad- dictions using such considerations are possible for NCEs when
dressed after the rate-limiting mechanism for poor absorption the pH of the medium, the solubility of the un-ionized form of
has been identified. Like the pK,,, absorption-enhanced prop- the drug in water, and the pK,, of the NCE are known. 53
erties must be designed into the NCE before it is passed on to
development. For this reason, it is important for preformula- SOLID-STATE ENGINEERING
tion to integrate physical property design into the molecule as
early as possible. The computational ability to link molecular structure with
Crystal Engineering-If aqueous solubility and dissolution crystal packing has advanced to the point that polymorphic
are the problem, crystal engineering might be possible. In this predictions are becoming more reliable for small molecules.
case, it is important to identify the mechanism of insolubility as This has a number of implications.
discussed above. Each mechanism will require a different ap-
proach. Hydrophobic problems are usually the simplest and 1. Exploring the polymorphic possibilities of a given molecular struc-
can often be handled using formulation approaches. The more ture should allow evaluations to be made regarding which struc-
tures have more elaborate polymorphic possibilities. In some in-
difficult problems require a molecular understanding of the stances, it may be desirable to avoid such structures; in others,
intermolecular forces in the crystal. For H-bonding problems, it these structures may provide the means for improving physical
may be possible to adjust the mix ofH-bond donor and acceptor properties, assuming adequate conditions can be found to ensure
groups to reduce the number and strength of H-bonds. It has physical and chemical stability.
been found that simple changes can alter H-bonding networks 2. As our molecular understanding of the dissolution process increases
and solubility in a dramatic way. The substitution, for example, (see Intrinsic Dissolution Engineering, above), it will eventually be
of a t-butyl group for a phenyl group for one insoluble com- possible to predict molecular structures that can enhance dissolu-
pound increased the intrinsic solubility 4-fold, and the solubil- tion for a particular analog series and to predict the solvents that
ity at pH 5 increased it 10,000-fold, despite the fact that will be necessary to obtain the most advantageous crystal habit.
Hydrate predictions are also within the realm of possibility as the
the resulting compound had the exact ionization potential molecular study of existing hydrates yields rules that can be used
of the original compound. These enhancements were due to by expert systems and molecular-modeling programs. Finally, an
changes in H-bonding network structure that released a water- increased understanding of the molecular conditions necessary for
solubilizing group for ionization. Other modifications would be the homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation process of crystal-
directed at minimizing conformational restriction to reduce lization will aid in the practical synthesis of industrial APis.
crystal-packing efficiency, such as by introducing an acyl chain
in a compact heterocyclic system. Practical applications of STABILITY ENGINEERING
these design suggestions can be difficult because they often
reduce activity. However, as preformulation scientists work The ability to predict the products of chemical reactions means
more closely with synthetic chemists, crystal-packing disrup- that evaluations of potential NCEs that are being considered
tion strategies that are compatible with ease of synthesis and at the analog-expansion stage can be considered on the basis of
in vitro activity will become commonplace. In addition, as com- their presumptive chemical stability and degradation
puter predictions of crystal-packing structure and H- pathways before they are even synthesized. Although poor
bonding networks from molecular structure become more prac- predictions have the potential to inhibit the synthesis of poten,
tical (see Engineering The Solid State, page 714), these types of tially valuable compounds, with future advances in computer-
design considerations will be made as a matter of course as generated molecular diversity such considerations may become
activity is being optimized. less important as predictions become more accurate. The pre-
Permeability Enhancement-This is another intrinsic pa- formulation implications for such predictions are also evident.
rameter of an API that, in general, is not enhanced in oral Anticipation of potential degradants and their characterization
formulations. Recently, increased knowledge has helped to de- can be used to identify proactively unknown chromatography
sign drugs that will passively penetrate membrane barriers peaks and predict pharmaceutical excipient incompatibilities.
more easily. There has been a great emphasis in the past on the
partitioning of a solute out of the aqueous phase into a li-
pophilic membrane and not enough emphasis on the need for a
drug molecule to desolvate from the aqueous phase. Molecules Analog Selection
have been designed successfully to enhance permeability by
reducing the desolvating step. One way this has been accom- Physical properties that are oriented toward in vivo conditions
plished is by reducing a molecule's solvation through the pro- are most useful at this stage. Solubility and dissolution deter-
motion of intramolecular H-bonding in the molecule. In addi- minations in media and pHs that mimic physiological pHs can
tion, the ability of a membrane-bound drug to flip-flop from the be used as an early indicator of how well an in vitro/in vivo
outer leaflet of the bilayer membrane to the inner leaflet ap- correlation can be drawn. At this stage, a number of other

DEFI NV00006720

studies from different divisions will be carried out. In vitro and knowledge that they can be applied to entirely new situations.
in vivo metabolism studies, bioavailability studies in different Knowledge differs from information in that information is ran-
animals, as well as possible selective toxicological studies can dom and miscellaneous, and it tends to expand too rapidly and
be used to determine the best analog. Degradant predictions of overwhelm us. 56 Knowledge, on the other hand, requires that
the different analogs at this stage may also help to differentiate the structure of a subject be understood in a way that permits
and minimize problems that can occur later in development. In other things to be related to it in a meaningful way; it permits
addition, high-throughput methods to determine the best salt intuitive heuristic procedures to be developed to solve problems
form for a particular analog would mean that therapeutic test- when no algorithms are available. 57 Such applications of arti-
ing could be carried out on the salt form that will be eventually ficial intelligence, however, are still in the early-stage knowl-
used in development. edge revolution, in which knowledge is applied to produce
results. In the postcapitalist society, knowledge will be applied
toward systematic innovation: "It will be applied systemati-
cally and purposefully to define what new knowledge is needed,
Conclusion: Application of Knowledge whether it is feasible, and what has to be done to make knowl-
edge more effective." 54
"The actual product of the pharmaceutical industry is knowl- Knowledge and the productive application of knowledge are
edge; pills and prescriptions ointments are no more than pack- anticipated to be the sole factors that will drive the postcapi-
aging for knowledge." 54 The introduction of methods to probe talist society into the 21st century. In the pharmaceutical in-
and exploit human and animal genomics has had a cascading dustry, massive diffusion of innovations from discovery into
impact on the industry. These new concepts had a number of development will pose an accelerating challenge for preformu-
qualities that ensured adaptation. 55 The systematic use of lation. To meet this challenge, preformulation, through a better
mechanism-based reagents was a tangibly better solution for understanding of the solid state, must seek to design improved
finding new therapeutic entities than the more serendipitous characteristics into APis at the earliest stages of discovery.
methods of the past. Such high-throughput screens were com- This will be the edge that any company will need to facilitate
patible with increasing use of robotics whose advantages could the rapid movement of new therapeutics entries to market-
easily be understood by all in the pharmaceutical industry. place. The patient is waiting!
Each company was able to hold trial runs to test the utility
of such screens and in the end obtain observable results. To-
day, the recombinant DNA innovations of the 1980s still pro- REFERENCES
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