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Dogs are predatory and scavenger animals, having sharp teeth and strong jaws for attacking,
biting and tearing food. The characteristics of the wolf ancestor still survive in dogs, although
selective breeding has succeeded in changing the physical form of various types of dog breeds.
The general nature of this dog is very patient, cheerful, friendly with the owner and brings joy to
the owner, very suitable to be a companion animal for the family, guarding the house and
getting to know children
The most famous disease of dogs is rabies. Usually, the rabies virus can be administered by
injection, which is available at the Animal Husbandry Service in each city. However, it is
possible that the dog food that you care for contains salmonella bacteria so that it can poison
human food.
Another disease that comes from dogs comes from roundworms that grow in feces. These
worms can live in the human body, located behind the eyeball and cause blindness. These
worms can also live in the liver and lungs. The good news is that these infections are rare and
can be prevented by washing your hands after touching dogs
Dogs have sharper hearing than humans. Their hearing can be up to 4 times sharper than
humans. Although at first, puppies are born deaf, but their hearing ability is honed more than a
few months into maturity.
With this keen hearing ability, a dog can detect frequencies from 67 to 45 thousand hertz, while
a human is only 64 to 23 thousand hertz. One of the similarities between dog and human
hearing is that they both decline with age
It's not a super power or anything, a dog's whiskers can detect subtle changes in air currents.
The whiskers will tell your dog what is in front of him by sending information on size, shape and
speed. This factor allows dogs to be able to sense when there is danger or other animals that
are approaching
Dream like a human If you've ever noticed a pet dog moving around in its sleep, this might
mean that it's dreaming. The researchers found that dogs have sleep patterns and brain activity
similar to humans. Small breed dogs tend to dream more than big ones. Psychology Today
points out that dogs may imagine familiar activities like playing outside or chasing their tails.

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