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Keywords Audit Instructions

The Keywords Quality Program is a program with the following goals:

Maintain high bar on advertiser-facing keyword translations

Ensure that there are mechanisms for continuous improvement in the translation


Please consider each piece of text as something you type into a search engine, e.g. Google,
Amazon, to find a product you’d like to buy. For example, if you spoke English and wanted to
buy Nike running shoes for kids, you might type “Nike running shoes kids”. If you must search
for the same product in another language, you would type a similar text in a different language.
The similar text in the other language should then be considered the right translation for “Nike
running shoes kids”.

A couple things to keep in mind:

 Good translations might not be grammatically correct, e.g. “kids Nike runners blue” can
be a good translation even though if is not grammatically correct
 Some errors are more acceptable than others, e.g. someone wanting to buy Nike
running shoes for kids would probably not find them using “Adidas shoes kids” or “Nike
running adults”, but might be successful using “Nike running kids” or “running shoes
 Some texts are better left untranslated, e.g. “apple iphone” and “the minions” do not
need to be translated as they are brands that don’t change names in different
 There may be a lot of segments with abbreviations, serial codes, or model ids. In those
cases please just make sure that the target copy has reproduced the same information
as the source, so the correct products can populate in the search.

Types of Audits
 Keyword evaluations

Keyword Evaluations

One target keyword per segment

The Scoring Instructions

The scoring is evaluated first by error severity (“output_severity”)
1 Error Description
2 Critical Translation has nothing to do with source and / or meaning is
error not understandable
3 Major error Meaning essentially preserved, but there are errors / missing
information which could confuse the reader
4 Minor error Meaning preserved but has errors which do not affect the
overall comprehension
5 No errors Meaning fully preserved without errors
6 Source error Source keyword is in the incorrect language, is not
understandable, or contains serious spelling errors that are
considerably misleading

The error severity is then labelled based on the error type and corresponding error code
(“output_error_type”. “output_error_code”):

1 Error Type Error Code Description
2 Accuracy wrong_target_word Used the wrong word or word sense in
the translation, or included a word that
has nothing to do with the source
3 Accuracy wrong_target_language Failed to translate part or all of the source
keyword, just kept it in the source
language (does not include cases where
words should not be translated such as
brand names), or translated into wrong
4 Accuracy should_not_have_translated Translated some or all of the words that
should not have been translated
5 Accuracy missing_information parts of the original keyword got
deleted/lost in the translation
6 Accuracy extra_information the opposite of missing_information,
included unnecessary specification or
extra information
7 Terminolog translated_brand_name Translated brand name in error
8 Verity culture_specific_reference The translation or part of the translation
is not used in the target local
9 Source- wrong_source_language source keywords are not in the said
defect language
10 Source- not_understandable_source source keywords are not understandable
defect or nonsensical (maybe it's just a list of
keywords for broad match)
Please note:
The Error Code must correspond to the Error Type.

Please apply the source-defect error type only under the "Source error" severity category.

A “source error” is the case where the source keyword is completely not understandable or is
entirely in the incorrect language, and therefore it would be impossible for the machine
translation to produce the correct target keyword. Minor spelling errors and grammatical errors
should not be counted as “source error”.

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