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1. What is the importance of taking vital signs?

The importance of taking vital signs lies in their ability to provide critical information about a person's
health status, helping healthcare providers to assess, diagnose, and monitor various medical conditions.

Vital signs helps to identify potential medical problems, to monitor the progress of treatment, to
evaluate the effectiveness of medications, to detect medical emergencies.

2. What are the do’s and don’ts in taking vital signs?


 Ensure that the equipment used for measuring vital signs is clean and in good working condition.
 Explain the procedure to the patient, and obtain their consent.
 Use the correct technique for measuring each vital sign.
 Record the vital signs accurately, including the time and date of measurement.
 Monitor the patient’s response during the procedure and take appropriate action if necessary.


 Don't take vital signs immediately after the patient has engaged in physical activity, as this can
affect the accuracy of the readings.
 Don't take vital signs over clothing, as this can interfere with the accuracy of the readings.
 Don't use equipment that is outdated, damaged, or not properly calibrated.
 Don't ignore abnormal vital sign readings, as they may indicate a serious medical condition.
 Don’t perform vital sign measurements in a noisy or distracting environment, as this can
interfere with the accuracy of the readings.

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