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—— Refrigerated Cargoes Handing 0 a ‘Different commodities require varying conditions [ee hep emmy gainer ep ambient condition, t means spaces to be ai tight ‘and insulated. The cargo hold of a reefer ship refrigerated to maintain the required temperature the cargo. Different cargoes require different temperate, + Handling 0 A refrigerated container maybe used for small ‘quantities of produce which wil be loaded to diffrent ships other than the reefer. However, containers have ‘ts own freezer or chiller that requires external power supply. Monitoring of temperature all throughout the voyage must be maintained. =e - Handling of Dang = Measures should be taken not t0 over dry certain commodities in storage which can result in lost of weight, shrivelling “or reduced by treating the ‘commodity (glazing) or to introduce a small amount ‘of moisture to circulating air by venting dry air and {introducing proportion of humid ambient ait. Gases in the cargo compartment 4 Introduced to aid storage, 2. Produced by cargoes-(detrimental to cargoes) 24/0 = Commodity Groups 1. Living cargoes: fish fruits vegetables exes flour bulbs cheese ‘These produce will continue ther pening process while in storage and require oxygen during the proces and gs of COs canbe slowed own By Teducng the temperate to prolong storage ie, but the temperate shoud not reach products actual freeringtmperstre ori wl ot — the VoyaE (COs in controlled percentage introduced to inhibit ‘mould growth, It can also used as a direct method of refrigeration in some insulated containers though ‘many produce can not survive this treatment. Nitrogen can also be used in this manner. (Of the gases produced by living cargoes, CO2 is abundant and will build up to harmful concentrations if not removed ‘These goods produce COs so ventilation is necessary. (up to 2% may help prolong storage life and inhibit mould) Cold air should be delivered near freezing temperature. ‘Constant temperature is required for good storage, fluctuations is harmful to the product therefore return temperature should be monitored. the product's ‘© Ripening fruit will produce ethylene which speeds up the ripening process. These gases must be removed or the cargo wil be damaged. «+ Reauval of these ywoes can be done by cineatin of fresh ait. Undesirable gases can be drawn out and be replaced by cooled fiesh air suitable dried. It is ‘important to make sue that incoming air is fresh not ‘contaminated by other impurities. j= * Handing of Living Commodities + Humidity i important wo storage but temperature and {COs control is mach important. COs meter will indicate the concentrations carbon dicxide which will be kept ony to about 2% by blowing to fresh air from atmosphere. This process will also remove enzymes ‘produced by fruits during ripening process. ‘+ Temperature range for this cargoes are o°C to 15°C. #13°Cis necessary for bananas to control ripening * Shippers will provide specific details for the carriage of | such cargoes eee ee 2. Non-living Organic Cargoes meat fish 2 ‘ poultry ese eaoes do not generate eat, do not require nen nor carbon dix To prolongs stay Kes to reduce its temperature fo inhib the pom sad tetotyemicrengans The mere el and condition, The general caryng temperatures or ard frowen cargos range fom stow which the most economia dere of ehigertion 2409/2023 3. Inert Commodities Includes: confectionery (candies) / film pharmaceuticals x-ray These sequins closely controlled conditions carriage instructions must be followed specially 0 ‘obnoxious and inflammable in nature. Cooling maybe necessary in tropical condition and if the ‘compartment i very cold it is necessary to warm it. * Codex Alimentarius states. that lower temperature is are required to allow for permissible rise in temperature to occur during handling. and transport after discharging, ‘Temperature may vary but normally in chilled condition. Some cargoes have low flash point which reeds constant refrigeration to prevent the production of fumes taint other cargoes or flammable and ‘explosive gases. Spark proof equipment for handling and refrigeration is necessary and IMDG code must be consulted However, catiage temperatures at -20°C lowers the microorganisms Thus, prolonging the storage lie. Deep freezing is very quick freezing , 0 ice crystal formation does not have time to gyow large and rupture the cell walls (los of essential juice) Very quick freezing, is applicable to al types of produce specially for sides of beef which are best catied under chilled conditions. Some pre-butchered small joins, steak, etc, may be frozen rapidly this needs individually sealed polythane ‘wrapped to prevent dehydration which happen at very low temperatures, Receiving Cargoes Ideally, pre-ooling ofthe cargoes is necessary It must be at its corrector ideal temperature when receiving. Spear thermometers are available to determine ths. It may even necessary to drill holes into frozen meat to ascertain the actual bone temperature. If thin flanks of carcass meat are soft then it must be re-frozen before storage and badly distorted carcasses epee eee * Chilled capes av of lets concen. Packaged fre and vegetables mus be precolel and xine the odd warm orifkis reap wlchosl bento General oadionst the pote mst ote Te cage pace wl be sealed and he sone tec ius be reached arson a pone ile ing trate awe ie appeared seo ne tmp temper ~ Preparation Prior Loading - Tainting + Odors, cither pleasant or obnoxious, is closely associated with taste. Even plesant smell can override the other spoiled food stl. Therefore, tainting of food stuffs must be avoided. Separation of odious and Sensitive cargoes into separate airtight compartments wil solve the problem. Odious cargoes may lave a tainted atmosphere ater discharge, Therefore, sensitive cargoes must not be loaded in the same Compartment until odour i completly removed. Preparation of Spaces to Receive Cargo ‘+ fefhigerated cargoes are sensitive in nature which require very careful preparation of the space. Cleanliness is very obvious specially to food stuf Space must be fee of odors and microorganisms, and may require fumigation. Ozone can be used to remove airbome smells but lingering ones which have been absorbed by insulation of dunnage may require removal or renewal of affected portions. Fans should beruning in both directions to clear smells and dost + Ozone oxygen gas enriched gas may be introduced t0 eliminate odours by oxidizing, It may be produced by electrically operated apparatus placed spaces and circulated to the areas affected. Ozone only deals with airboe odours. Before entry to the space, ozone must ‘ Bilges and scuppers must be cleaned, tested and U- bend vapour traps sealed with brine to prevent cross tainting between compartments. * Thermometers, gas sampling points, fire detection and ‘extinguishing ‘equipments must be checked and inspected. * Closing arrangements, locker doors and hatch plugs ‘ust be checked. ‘= Compartments must be cooled down below its ‘carrying temperature fora least 24 floors ——— | Metals with Refrigerated Cargoes + Mts Effect to Cargo and Seaworthiness * Quite apart from ffeightearning consideration, the stowage of pig copper, lad, tin, etc. under frozen cargo in lowers holds has its advantages in that it gives increased stability which, in the case of most vessels. ‘carrying full cargoes of refigerated goods, is desirable and also tends to stabilise the temperature of the ‘compartment throughout the voyage. Metals with Refrigerated Cargoes * Its Effect to Cargo and Seaworthiness The metal should be spread over the entire Compartment to facilitate the cooling down; the {peration of cooling a deep compact block of metal ing a slow one, a greater depth than 1200 mm of metal should, if possible, be avoided 24/09/2023 and in cases where the external sheathing pierced, Insulation must be examined with paula reference to the Ingsess of water, Internally the succes Cartage reigned. cago depends on ait Sicultion, All aways and battens should, be Inspected for damage, particulary floor extrusions whore fiued. and fans texted, Cleanliness of paramount importance and should be dale with previously. outlined. Doors and. thelr fastenings Including hinges should receive spec attention and anairght sel ensred when endosed. a Reefer Containers * Unlike permanent cold stores or refrigerated ships, ‘where robust equipment is under constant care by ‘qualified personnel, the ISO refrigerated container ‘may travel by many different modes and be in the care ‘of many and varied people. Prior to being dispatched to load refigerated cargo (usually at. shipper's premises), the container and its machinery should be subjected to a rigorous examination, External damage received during previous handling must be noted and if necessary repaired

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