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At young age, it puzzles me about doing what is good and evil. During my childhood, I asked
these questions to myself, “What is the essence of doing good?”, “Does good person really goes in
heaven?”. At this point, I even think about, what if I commit evil doings. What do I get? What would be
my punishment?

When I was in junior high school, wherein I’m in a hurry because our exam is on very that day. In
my way to school, I passed by an old man carrying heavy material, particularly big wood, which I can tell
that he is agonizing in pain, in the reason of, he’s depending on his mini-bicycle instead of wheel chair.
He can’t even pedal that bike, only utilizing his one foot to move from place to another with the help of
his bike. On that day, my heart somehow touched because it’s even impossible for me to ride in that way
while carrying heavy object. I ca do nothing but to watch him ride away.

But then, I must hurry because I’m almost late. I even tried to recall what I have reviewed the
past few days. As I opened my notebooks, the image that I saw earlier that time is showing in front of
me. It’s like it’s already fixed in my mind which I can’t focus to review.

Afterwards, as I take my quarter examination, my conscience chases me. One question arose in
my head, “What if I asked somebody to help the old man so that I can somehow help other, even in
small things?”. With that, everything that I have reviewed shuffled in my mind. I do not know what exact
answer I have write. Even for multiple choices in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) subject, I cant
determine the right answer because all of the choices looks like the same. And so, I got low scores in
every subject that day.

Another instance is when I tried to cheat during the exam because I am not fully prepared
enough. What I did is I placed my notes in front of me and my seatmates, rapidly writing down the
answers. But someone yelled to the teacher that we are cheating. Suddenly, the teacher came in front of
us, took our answer sheets and teared it up, which means we got zero (0).

It is my fault that I neglected my duty and responsibility as a student. That’s why, I deserve to
face the consequences of my evil doings because we are conscious of what we do.

Therefore, as I come forth into my challenging journey, I will apply good things in decision-
making as well as in action. I will guide and teach to my future children to be an ethical individuals
because God is real. Moreover, in the book of Plato, Socrates stated that it is easier to become human
rather that to act as human. Being alive is sufficient to qualify one as a human, but acting in a civilized
manner is challenging because not everyone had an education or guidance from the family they were
born into.

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