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Subject/Team: Completed By: Academic Year: Meeting with SLT: yes no

Achievement of pupils Key Question: Do the overall standards and trends in the subject/ in the team compare favourably with the national picture?
I know this I need to find out

1. Are we in line with, above or below national average, in terms of standards of attainment and pupil progress? 2. What does the trend over the last 3 years /last 5 years indicate and how will this years expected outcomes affect this trend? 3. How well do all pupils, including those who have disabilities and those who have special educational needs, progress in the subject since joining the school? 4. How well do those pupils who have joined the school in the last 2 years progress? 5. Are the gaps between different groups narrowing and how does the performance of different groups compare with all pupils nationally? 6. Are there particular groups who achieve well or who are underachieving? 7. Are there any classes or year groups, key stages where achievement is good/ poor? 8. Are there any particular strengths or weaknesses? (e.g. in calculations, comprehension, inference and deduction, application of skills) 9. How well does your subject contribute towards raising standards in reading, writing and maths? 10. Are intervention programmes effective and how do you know? 11. Does your subject have a positive profile in your school? (e.g. celebration of pupils work, displays, visiting speakers, out of school visits) 12. Are pupils attitudes towards your subject positive? (e.g. confidence, motivation, excitement, independence, choice of clubs etc.) Commentary

Learning, Skills and Education ASPIRE 2011

Teaching and Learning Key Question: Is the quality of teaching and learning strengthening outcomes for all pupils and improving pupils engagement in and enjoyment of learning?
I know this I need to find out

1. Does planning indicate that all teachers have high expectations of all pupils and set challenging tasks to improve learning? 2. Are pupils clear about what they are learning and how they can be successful learners? 3. How well is AfL used in your subject and used to inform next steps in learning? 4. How effectively are children involved in self assessment and peer assessment? 5. How well is the learning matched to the needs of all pupils, including those who have disabilities and those who have special educational needs.? 6. Does the work in pupils books indicate about standards, progress and how well the needs of all children are being met? 7. How well do teachers enthuse, engage and motivate pupils so that they enjoy learning in your subject? How do you know this? 8. Does the marking create a dialogue with the child and inform the child (and other adults) in the next steps/ how to improve? Is time given to read and respond to marking? 9. How does the quality of teaching in your subject match the Ofsted descriptors for teaching and learning? Where are the strengths and weaknesses? Can you show that the quality is improving over time? 10. How strong is teacher subject knowledge? Where are the strengths and weaknesses? 11. How effective is additional classroom support in raising standards in your subject and how do you know? 12. How well are the opportunities to develop skills in reading, writing and maths embedded in your subject? 13. How well are the classrooms managed? (clear routines, confident and autonomous independent work, purposeful atmosphere, good behaviour) 14. How effectively does provision in your subject contribute to work in other subjects, especially to the development of skills in reading writing and mathematics? How do you know? Commentary

Learning, Skills and Education ASPIRE 2011

Leadership and Management Key Question: How secure is the schools capacity to sustain improvements leading to high outcomes for all pupils?
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1. What is the ambitious is the vision for the school and how does your subject contribute to that vision? 2. Are our expectations high enough? How is data used to ensure standards are raised and progress is improved for all pupils? 3. Are high expectations a visible priority for staff, pupils, parents and governors i.e. Does the learning environment promote high expectations and support a learning culture? 4. What are the priorities for improving teaching and learning, how is this supported and what strategies do you/can you as subject leader employ to support these developments in your subject area? 5. How are outcomes in your subject monitored and evaluated and how does this inform and make a positive contribution to school improvement priorities? 6. Do pupil progress meetings contribute to the raising of standards in your subject? 7. Is the quality of teaching and learning triangulated with book, planning and tracking scrutiny? 8. How can school improvement priorities be supported through your subject? 9. How are subject leaders supported to improve in their role? 10. Are there systems for sustaining subject leadership capacity in school? e.g. teams of subject leaders, shadow subject leaders, partnerships with other school etc. 11. Are there systems for ensuring that the work you carry out as a subject leader is being effective in raising standards? 12. Is your subject reviewed to ensure any changes in the curriculum ensure that there is still coverage of the National Curriculum? 13. How is attainment and progress in your subject assessed and recorded? 14. How are parents informed of outcomes in your subject and how are they involved in supporting their childrens learning? 15. Does documentation exist that sets out clear expectations, practices and responsibilities? (e.g. policy) 16. How involved are governors and how do they monitor the standards and achievement in school and hold the school to account? Commentary

Learning, Skills and Education ASPIRE 2011

Behaviour and safety Key Question: Do children show good attitudes to learning with positive outcomes?
I know this I need to know this

1. Is behaviour in lessons well managed in line with school policy? 2. Do all staff in class manage behaviour consistently well? 3. Are there any behaviour /pupil attitude issues associated with the teaching and learning of your subject? 4. Are relevant risk assessments carried out in your subject as necessary? 5. Are pupils trained and given responsibility in lessons to be able to work safely in practical situations? 6. Can children talk about how to be safe and how to conduct themselves in your subject area? 7. Are there classes where behaviour and safety are issues and if so what is being done to address them? 8. Is attendance or punctuality (including arriving at lessons on time) affecting outcomes in your subject? Commentary

Learning, Skills and Education ASPIRE 2011

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