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Cooperation and competition play an important role in the lives of each of us in modern society.

While some
people believe that children should be encouraged to have a sense of competition, others believe that instead
of competing, children can be taught to cooperate, which helps them become productive adults. effective
work. Personally, I agree with both opinions above.

On the one hand, competition makes children stand out more and brings confidence in favorable conditions,
which is the motivation for them to try to rise and develop themselves. To set an example, a competitor
wishes to stand out; So children need to be proactive; Therefore, leadership characteristics are upgraded to a
better level. Furthermore, competition and confrontation help children focus on time management and have
specific plans. To illustrate, in competitions and confrontations where parents organize children to win,
children must focus on the work at hand, not being negligent or leaving things unfinished. Also in this
process, children determine their specific plan to get the best results. So, this makes children try to perform
many actions to improve and compete with other individuals.

On the other hand, Cooperation is also a very important factor in life for success. Working together makes
difficult situations seem easier. A typical case is proactively solving difficulties together because teamwork
helps solve problems better because there are many perspectives and ways to solve problems. Besides, it
teaches them different characteristics such as adaptability, flexibility, and social integration, which can be
considered survival skills in today's world. For example, good parenting will result from mom and dad
playing as a team; When they share responsibilities and cooperate equally, the child can be well cared for. In
addition, unlike competition, teamwork does not cause stress for individuals because it requires solidarity,
working towards a noble goal for a better society.

In summary, both competition and cooperation have advantages and disadvantages. Children need to be
made aware of the positive and negative aspects of both, equipping them to navigate a world that requires a
balance of competitive and cooperative skills. Ultimately, nurturing both of these qualities can contribute to
the development of well-rounded individuals.

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